Kokoro Daisuke wrote:If you find some use of religious symbolism to be offensive, then you might be bothered by it, but the "bad religious content" is definitely a far cry from the titles on the Do Not Discuss list.
Kawaiikneko wrote:death note? I resent that.. XD (yes I realize some things in DN can be found offensive. I personally treat it the way I read Greek mythology)
jon_jinn wrote:yep. now i understand how akuma from street fighter got his name.
Joshua Christopher wrote:because none of you have a concept of what the symbolism means, since I'm sure most of you haven't even seen it.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:But some people have, and there is a reason why it is on the DnD list.
MorwenLaicoriel wrote:I think part of it is Christian symbolism. People get more offended when they feel that the Bible's words are being twisted, rather than just witchcraft being twisted.
Joshua Christopher wrote:No one has a problem with all of the occultic stuff in Fullmetal Alchemist, or whatever else, do they?
Joshua Christopher wrote:I guess human resurrection and occult sciences are fine, but a tiny bit of silly shounen supernatural powers isn't.
Joshua Christopher wrote:Wait, what? Did you ever even read D. Gray Man? I hope you aren't referring to Eva, but anyway...there's no religious symbolism aside from the use of an image of a cross and the word "exorcist". There are no aspects of the Bible getting twisted. Hoshino Katsura already makes it clear that the story takes place in a "make-believe end of the 1800's". It's fictional people.
Tom Dincht wrote:With the obvious exception of hentai.
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