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What Manga are you reading?

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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Wed May 13, 2015 5:45 pm

Liar Game chapter 151

How can the stakes be raised when they're already so high?! ._.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby artisticDreamer » Thu May 14, 2015 5:28 pm

Puella Magi Madoka Magica vol. 1
I think that the manga is too fast paced; I preferred the anime's pace. But maybe that's because of how fast I read. Still very cure.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Mouse2010 » Sat May 16, 2015 7:48 pm

Just started Victorian Romance Emma -- found the first two volumes at the local library. I liked it, but I have to say that I know a lot about the Victorian period, and there were a few things I felt the story got wrong. The main thing is that I'm not entirely sure that Kaoru Mori quite gets the distinctions between the ranks in terms of status. For example, Kelly the former governess is supposed to have been life long friends with Al, who seems pretty working class. But governesses typically came from more genteel backgrounds: they typically had middle class backgrounds, or higher. But these are quibbles that I only notice because I know so much about the Victorian era. Apart from that, I'm enjoying the story. The artwork is good, of course, although it doesn't amaze me quite the way the details of A Bride's Story did.

Speaking of which, does anyone know when Volume 7 of Bride's Story is coming out? I haven't found a release date yet.

And speaking of both brides and manga set in Great Britain . . . I also read volume 1 of The Ancient Magus' Bride. I was intrigued by the way it draws from European, rather than Japanese, folklore for its fantasy setting. The first volume had enough promise for me to want to keep reading.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby artisticDreamer » Sun May 17, 2015 5:52 pm

Cardcaptor Sakura vols. 1-3
LoZ: A Link to The Past (by Ishinomori Shotaro) Compairing this to the manga by Himekawa-sensei, I am even more confused as to what the actual plot is than ever.
Pandora Hearts vol. 4 CHESHIRE
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Mouse2010 » Thu May 21, 2015 1:38 pm

Volume 9 of Until Death Do Us Part. This manga is really hit or miss for me. The last volume dragged a bit, but I felt like there was finally a payoff in this volume. My real problem with this manga is that I like the premise (blind swordsman protects precognitive teenage girl from baddies), but not being a huge action fan, I always find myself wishing they'd taken the premise in a different direction. I'm more interested in character development than in exploring all these different sci-fi type weapons.

That said, in this volume, I felt like the story arc finally started doing something interesting. AND there was a game-changing character revolution in episode 138. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: All along it seemed that Mamoru was ignorant of Haruka's prediction that they would someday marry. In this issue, he finally reveals that he knows about that prediction . . . and he's cool with it. On the one hand, this is a move that certainly has the potential to alter character relationships in important ways. On the other hand, I kind of liked it better when I thought that Mamoru was protected Haruka for disinterested reasons. And while I don't mind large age gaps in my romances, Haruka is still only 13, so it's a bit early to be trying to advance the romance between the two! I'll have to see where they go with this.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri May 22, 2015 10:16 am

Aaaaand once again I haven't posted in this thread in *way* too long, LOL... :sweat:

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime chapters 64-65: This research is getting pretty interesting. (LOL at the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "YOU'RE ANNOYING." message from the researcher they were trying to find, though. :lol: ) And aw, Ryuu... <3 And then in the next chapter: LOL, Shirayuki and Obi sneaking up on the trio (with Kiki helping to provide a distraction! :thumb: ) to play that good-natured prank was so cute. <3 :grin: And ROTFL, so they actually SPOILER: Highlight text to read: got the drop on that researcher, bwahahahaha! :thumb: :lol:

Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun chapters 62-63: LOL, Hori figured it out. :lol: :lol: (Not his *own,* of course, but Seo and Waka's. :grin: ) And ROTFL, "I'm sure it'll write itself"! :lol: As for the second chapter: Bwahaha, Yukari's friends (and Yukari's very Nozaki-like imagining of/trying to use their conversations and interactions as manga ideas-- *especially* once she {accidentally} got drunk) were hysterical! :lol: :lol: (Poor Ryousuke. :lol: :lol: :lol: ) On another note, this series has now been licensed by the ever-amazing Yen Press :jump: , so I look forward to getting caught up with the volumes once they're released! :thumb:

The Heroic Legend Of Arslan chapters 22-23: I loved how handily they... well... handled the situation, LOL. :grin: It's also interesting how the slaves reacted here, in contrast to the ones in the capital... although the explanation was, of course, quite accurate. It was also nice to see Arslan learning from that experience, and discussing what kind of social system/skills training the slaves will need before they can be properly freed in the future. :thumb:

Hibi Chouchou chapters 57-58: ...Well, at first I was going to complain about nothing really happening in the first of these two chapters besides the seating placement (which Suiren herself even pointed out :P ), but then that secret note SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (festival invitation) + smile (!) happened, and... aw. :) And as for the second chapter: ...Finally! You see? It doesn't matter how shy/reserved you are, you have to actually *talk* with each other about these things!! What a relief this chapter was after the last few. <3 (Also: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Suiren's happy dance was adorable and amusing {as was Kawasumi's reaction to it :grin: }; Kawasumi's explanation that all she has to do is call and he'll be there, no matter what, was <3 <3 ; and OH MY GOODNESS that completely out-of-the-blue surprise-princess-carry where everyone could see FTW!! <3 ) So yeah, basically, the latter of these chapters made up for the previous few quite nicely. :)

Kimi to Boku. vol. 7 extra: ROTFL, this was hilarious!! :lol: :lol: It's actually one of my favorite chapters from this series so far. <3 :lol: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: First the glasses prank, then the (accidentally-aired) skit, then Koichi-sensei and Akira... :lol: :lol: I just couldn't stop laughing throughout the entire first bit. :lol: And the second bit (with the flashback + the little sweet scene afterwards) was just adorable. <3 (And then of course that just-as-expected skit #2 at the end, LOL...! :grin: ) It was just great. :jump:

Orange chapter 18: Oh man, this chapter was somehow equal parts dead serious, squee-inducing adorable, funny, and tense. :pikka: I was (quite literally) on the edge of my seat through every page. HOW DOES THIS MANGAKA DO IT. :pikka: Actually, this chapter, combined with the announcement that this series will finish sometime this year, is making me slightly terrified of the outcome of a certain character... :pikka: (But I mean that in a good way. ...Okay, wait, that didn't sound right, LOL. :sweat: What I meant is, it's good in that there's a surprising amount of suspense here regarding that character's fate; I honestly think it could go either way at this point. :pikka: NEXT CHAPTER WHEN.)

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii chapter 28: Welp, that arc ended pretty much exactly as expected. :P On to the next... :)

Spirit Circle chapter 34: And here we are, the start of the (presumable) final arc! And wow... it had quite a start. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: At first, I was wondering how on earth Fortuna could've become the 'evil' person that he supposedly became; I mean, sure, he was arrogant and abrasive, but hardly evil. However, by the time it got to the point where he was 'healed' and mellowed by the others, I knew what had to be coming... and, sure enough, that kicker of a chapter ending delivered just the right blow to him to set off whatever chain of events is going to lead up to whatever he did that made him (supposedly) evil. Oh man, I cannot wait for the next chapter!

Taiyou no Ie, vol. 11 extra: Oh my gosh, poor Oda... :lol: :forehead: He sure wasn't kidding about his sisters. :sweat: No wonder the poor guy was confused! :sweat: :grin: (And LOL at poor Daiki's face when Oda said he was trying to figure out why people fall in love. :lol: :lol: ) I also liked that even though Oda was making Chihiro misunderstand (simply due to his own confusion), they worked it out quickly SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (and even got some kisses in there <3 ). :) This was a nice extra.

Zetsuen no Tempest chapter 36: PLOT TWIST! :jump: (Actually, more than one! :thumb: ) Plus, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: that whole conversation between the two girls was just so interesting. And oh man, that reveal about who the REAL Magician of Exodus is, and also the reveals about the REAL purpose of both Trees (etc.)... This is only making me love the series even more. <3

And Are You Alice? chapters 1-43 (so far): I'd had this on my to-read list for a while, and recently I'd really been feeling in the mood to watch/read something Alice In Wonderland-based, so I dove in. And now I'm hooked. :thumb: Indeed, this is one of the more interesting takes on the story I've seen (in any medium). For one thing, there's the gender differences-- (the 'current') Alice and the Queen Of Hearts are male; the Caterpillar and all of the Queen's Cards minus one are female; etc.-- however, it makes perfect sense in-story, since those people are simply the most-fitting for each of their respective 'roles' (gender regardless), as chosen by the White Rabbit. For another thing, there's the series' interconnected story-within-a-story premise-- Lewis Carroll is SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (or, rather, was) an actual character in the 'real world' (and seemingly rather mad himself, to boot, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: even before he wrote himself into Wonderland), and he wrote the original Alice In Wonderland tale for the sake of the real (original) Alice Liddell. I tend to really love story-within-a-story stuff, so that whole aspect is right up my alley. :thumb: Thirdly, the in-story 'game' (to SPOILER: Highlight text to read: kill the White Rabbit-- which was set up by the Rabbit himself!), along with Wonderland's rather complex rules of who-can-do-what-to-whom-and-how, actually feel very fitting, and provide another interesting element to the story. And fourthly, it's surprisingly dark. I mean, there's certainly a fair share of humor sprinkled throughout (mostly courtesy of the MC :grin: )-- in particular, the whole bit where SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Jack 'captures' him was hilarious :lol: -- however, it can also get more than a tad disturbing at times. :pikka: (For example: While the Queen Of Hearts both is and is not quite as psychopathic as expected {it's complicated... :sweat: }, not even young children are immune to his scythe; the Duke is a monster both literally and figuratively, and what he routinely does to the Duchess is disturbing in more ways than one; if a character SPOILER: Highlight text to read: is truly sweet and wholly pure-hearted {of which there are actually very few in the series, although to be fair there are enough likeable and/or just generally interesting gray-area characters to make up for it}, they are nearly guaranteed to be slain without mercy {and sometimes without even a warning} :pikka:; even aside from the Queen Of Hearts' judgments, there is a good deal more than one rather... lingering stabbing {by knife and sword}; and while many of the characters are more on the 'eccentric' end of the scale of 'mad,' there are several who are very definitely insane-- violently so.) Of course, YMMV on whether you think that last one's a point in its favor or not, LOL, but while I certainly wasn't expecting this to be as dark as it is, I have to admit that I personally kinda like it's even-more-twisted take on the story, since AIW adaptations are rarely this intense. (And it certainly keeps you on your toes as you're reading it, too. :thumb: ) All that said, the series does begin rather confusingly (until things are explained), and you do have to pay attention to know what is from the 'real world,' what is from the *original* Alice In Wonderland world, and what is from the *current* AIW one, but the series quickly becomes addicting, and as I said above, I'm quite hooked now. :thumb: Can't wait for more!
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Tue May 26, 2015 10:54 am

Yesterday I got the second vol. of I Am Here! in the mail. (weird the mail came on Memorial Day...) Of course, I finished reading it like in an hour. XD I was pleasantly surprised by the size of this volume, it's bigger than the first.

So: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I'm glad she chose Hinata, I always liked him better for her. He was nice and likable, without being annoyingly "perfect". (like Masaya from TMM; can't stand that guy) I was hoping that he wouldn't be bad somehow (was a little suspicious cuz of the whole black rabbit thing). Also, I was and wasn't surprised about Teru being Black Rabbit. I figured it would be WAY too obvious if Hinata was him, but I thought it would hardly make sense for it to be Teru, since they act, like, WAY different. XD I thought Teru would be Mega Pig (just cuz). But all that was way off with him being Black Rabbit and Hinata being... the sun? Yeah, no username for him XD So I knew it couldn't be Hinata, but at the same time it was hard to believe it was Teru, even though it may have been predictable from the beginning. And regarding Mega Pig... I liked the extra chapter about him, and I think I like him best, he's reallly good-looking. XD (but it was hilarious how he described himself to Hikage XDD) And I don't care what happened, I still hate Aya. She was more evil than the bully-type girl in Kitchen Princess. -_-

Overall, enjoyed it, and it's nice to own a full manga series, even if it is only 2 volumes. XD I also own all of Mega Man Megamix, but I still need to get the last two volumes of Gigamix. So I dunno if that counts as having a full series. XD
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Wed Jun 03, 2015 5:43 pm

Got the first volume of Let's Dance a Waltz (or Waltz no Ojikan) today, so cute. ;w; I love shoujo I guess, can't seem to escape it. :'D One of the reasons I decided to buy it (though my dear brother paid for it, I couldn't stop him...) is it's by Natsumi Ando, who was one of the two names on Kitchen Princess, which I read through and enjoyed. I actually like the art style better in Let's Dance a Waltz, it seems like the mangaka has improved, and it just feels less Tokyo Mew Mew style, more normal but still cute. :3 (some time the overly-big and sparkly eyes can bug me in stuff like TMM) Anyway, I plan to get the rest since there's only three volumes. ^^

Also, me and my brother made a note to check out something which looked rather interesting, it's Rurouni Kenshin, is the manga very clean? We saw Restoration vol 1 in store, but do you have to read the original to understand that version? Man, there's a lot for this series, I'm getting confused by all MAL is showing... but it looks awesome, so yeah, is it clean?

Oh, and while I was looking at manga, I also saw Millenium Snow and freaked out, because I saw it was by Bisco Hatori and IT LOOKED LIKE HARUHI ON THE COVER. AND TAMAKI. I do NOT like vampire stuff at all personally, but I found myself staring at the cover just because the girl's face looked like Haruhi and one of the guys looked like Tamaki... I love Ouran.
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Wed Jun 03, 2015 6:07 pm

Oh, also, is Otomen clean? I started reading it at the store, it's pretty funny. XD But it had the Teen rating too, so I dunno...
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Panda4christ:3 » Fri Jun 05, 2015 10:07 am

NekoNinja16 wrote:Also, me and my brother made a note to check out something which looked rather interesting, it's Rurouni Kenshin, is the manga very clean? We saw Restoration vol 1 in store, but do you have to read the original to understand that version? Man, there's a lot for this series, I'm getting confused by all MAL is showing... but it looks awesome, so yeah, is it clean?

Edit: Oh, you already got an answer, my bad lol.

Anyways, I've been reading Chibi Vampire Karin because I picked up the first volume at a thrift store. It's cute, just really cute.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Wolfsong » Fri Jun 05, 2015 6:58 pm

Dawn of the Arcana: up to book 6 so far, quite interesting this one is. I look forward to seeing where this leads us.

Skip beat volume 6: ...gods and fishes...such insanity...brilliant! I am in love with this series and these characters.

Millenium Snow: While not a fan of vampires, I found myself drawn in to the deep feelings conveyed by the protagonists. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: The mixed feelings: The fear of an unending future, and the fear of an uncertain one. Both I understand so well, but Toya's who I sympathized most with, as I too feel nervous of the distant future. Not a favorite, but I remember it with fondness. Much more than Twilight, certainly.

Oresama Teacher volume 1: What. The. Heck. Have I stumbled into? Holy crow, this should be a ridiculous mess. Can't wait to read the next one.

Kingdom Hearts II volume 3 is finally here! And it too is another great read! I hope the next one comes out soon!

Vampire Knight volume 12: well, the drama's growing. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Will Zero eventually kill Yuki? Or will he steal her away from Kaname? What an adorable drama XD

Kamisama Kiss volume 17: Still quite good. A really cite series that has taken a slightly more serious turn, but its a good one. Looking forward to the next volume too.

Fate/Stay Night volume 3: wow. This is getting interesting so far.

Ever have that feeling you picked up one too many books at the library? Doesn't help either when you've a lot of requests sudeenly come in as everything is released at once.
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"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
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Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Fri Jun 05, 2015 7:21 pm

Silver Spoon chapters 111-112

Hilarious as always, and I'm looking forward to seeing what this year will look like for them.
You can find out things about the past that you never knew. And from what you've learned, you may see some things differently in the present. You're the one that changes. Not the past.
- Ellone, Final Fantasy VIII


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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Thu Jun 11, 2015 11:59 pm

Read some great new stuff this time (along with the usual continuations of series I've already been reading, of course :) )-- this is therefore going to be a massive post (I mean, a little more massive than usual, LOL :grin: ), but I'll separate out the new stuff at the end for easier reading. :thumb:

The Heroic Legend Of Arslan chapter 24: ......Um, wow. :pikka: Let's just say that I was not *at all* displeased when that sicko got some extremely unpleasant comeuppance... :pikka: (Of course, the *head* sicko is still there, but one thing at a time. :P )

Kamisama Hajimemashita, a.k.a. Kamisama Kiss, chapter 128: At first this was rather touching <3 , then came the "oh crap" moment when SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Tomoe learned about Nanami's life essence, and then it got ridiculously funny with the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: dressing up (ROTFL!! :lol: ) and Ookuninushi (LOOOOOL, oh man... :forehead: :grin: ).

Orange chapter 19: Wow. It was pretty amazing to have a chapter entirely dedicated to Kakeru's perspective. There was a tiny bit of humor near the beginning (I almost did a spit-take at SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Hagita in a skirt :pikka: , ROTFL!! :lol: ); after that, though, as you'd expect from a chapter using his viewpoint, almost all of it was deeply SPOILER: Highlight text to read: depressing (although I definitely do not mean that in a bad way; it was showing Kakeru's state of mind, after all). And oh man-- once I realized that it was not only from his perspective, but SPOILER: Highlight text to read: from his perspective in the original timeline, my stomach sank right through the floor and my heart started breaking, because I then knew SPOILER: Highlight text to read: precisely how the chapter had to end. :sniffle: This chapter got inside Kakeru's SPOILER: Highlight text to read: suicidally depressed head so vividly and so tragically... just, wow.

Spirit Circle chapter 35: Oh man... this chapter. It was so fascinating-- between seeing Fortuna as a youngster, and also all his research-- and, by the end, also rather chilling SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (yep, I think he just went a bit insane... :sweat: :pikka: ). So looking forward to the rest of this! :thumb:

Zetsuen no Tempest chapter 37: :wow!: ...My only reaction to the revelation in this chapter: Oh, wow. :wow!: This chapter was epic, and I cannot wait for more! :thumb:

Dengeki Daisy vol. 16 (end): What a great wrap-up to this series. <3 (And the epilogue chapters in particular were just perfect! <3 <3 ) This was an excellent series ended equally well, and I'm definitely going to keep on reading Motomi-sensei's works. :thumb:

Skip Beat! vol. 34: This volume was excellent. :jump: Firstly, everyone's inner thoughts (and expressions :grin: ) were priceless. :lol: And secondly, the character development here for SPOILER: Highlight text to read: both Kyoko and Ren-- Kyoko in particular-- was pretty satisfying. As for said development with Kyoko, it covered everything from the reason for her current fear, to using even her darkest feelings for her acting (actually, to use *everything*), to the realization that everything in her life-- every circumstance, every choice-- led her to this path, to finally accepting herself and her own feelings-- both the good and the bad. As for Ren, first (off-topic) I have to mention that I loved the hilarious little detail that the people in the background were staring at his hotness even as Kuon, ROTFL. :lol: *Ahem*-- back on track, though, him just letting go and (quietly) playing in the sea was adorable. <3 (As were all of his and Kyoko's interactions with him as 'Corn.' :grin: :grin: ) And then, to top it all off, for Ren to finally, finally be starting to think that, one day, he might be able to accept himself, too... <3 <3 Gah, so beautiful. <3 Can't wait for the next volume!

Aaaaand now for the brand-new stuff! :)

Haru x Kiyo chapters 1-8 (so far): OH MY GOSH. <3 :hug: I just randomly happened to run across this series somewhere (don't even remember how), but I am so glad I did, because it is so darn cute! <3 :jump: The MC's of this adorable romance are a towering, impulsive girl (Koharu Miyamoto), and a short, studious, extremely blunt boy (Kiyoshiro Mineta). Koharu's imagination/expressions/actions/reactions are very amusing, as is Kiyoshiro's bluntness. It's also fairly amusing how quickly both of the main characters' respective first crushes were... well... crushed, LOL, and even more amusing (and refreshing) is how (so far, at least) they've 'skipped' (or at least put an ever-so-slightly different twist on) a number of the typical shoujo steps in their own romance-- for example, going from a half-confession pretty much straight into dating, wanting to keep it a secret but instead it literally gets found out within like 5 minutes, the friends at first going ballistic but then one of them nearly-instantly gets a boyfriend herself, etc. etc. :grin: There are also pretty much no misunderstandings on Kiyoshiro's part, since he's so perceptive (in an analytical sort of way)-- he usually either directly points out whatever is necessary to resolve the situation (bluntness FTW! :grin: :thumb: ) or prods the person to think of/say it themselves; and on the rare occasion that he *isn't* perceptive, it's because he's so surprised that he can't think straight, but even then it gets worked out quite quickly-- and Koharu's worries are also usually dealt with in the same efficient manner. <3 (Oh, and speaking of Koharu, ROTFL at her enormous{ly tall} family, including her 'little' {*ahem* :grin: } brother, her {hilariously awesome} mom, and a dad who is wary but actually very quiet and shy for once instead of going down the stereotypical intimidating route. <3 :grin: ) So, yeah, this series has been a great little find so far, and I'm quite looking forward to reading more! :hug:

The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past (Shoutarou Ishinomori version) vol. 1 (complete): Hmm... I'd heard this was kind-of a classic, but I didn't really enjoy it all that much. :sweat: I'm a fan of The Legend Of Zelda series of games, but while this adaptation was kinda cute, it was short and just rather forgettable overall (so I'd much rather just play one of the games, LOL). *shrug*

On the other hand, though, I also read another classic which (IMO) truly lived up to that title-- To Terra..., a.k.a. Toward the Terra... / Terra e..., vol.'s 1-3 (complete): "In space, no one can hear you cry." This is an absolutely beautiful space opera that I cannot believe I didn't read sooner. <3 The art is amazing in a classic, stylized way (those character designs; those epic spreads!), and the story is deeply emotional. My only minor caveat to this otherwise rave review is that the ending was rather more... interpretive than I would've preferred it to be (...I had to read the end of the last chapter + epilogue like three times in a row to get what I *think* was going on with certain things... but I'm still not *entirely* sure, LOL :sweat: ; and there are still plenty of questions left open at the end about SPOILER: Highlight text to read: a whole lot of characters' fates, although to be fair there are hints, which you can take in several different ways. However, I will also note that the ending was actually a hopeful one despite that, so it's not like I thought it was bad or anything {far from it!}). That said, this series was just so darn amazing as a whole that I can't help but wholeheartedly consider it a masterpiece. And it's one I'll definitely read again. :jump:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:32 pm

I've just started reading the No.6 manga, which so far seems to be exactly like the manga, which is a relief. We'll see how it goes.

I've also read the first couple of chapters of Q.E.D., a fairly old mystery manga. I wasn't expecting it to be quite as light-hearted as it's proving to be, but it's enjoyable so far.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby WorldsTraveler » Sat Jun 20, 2015 4:36 pm

the_wolfs_howl wrote:I've just started reading the No.6 manga, which so far seems to be exactly like the manga, which is a relief. We'll see how it goes.

I’ve heard the manga follows the novels, rather than being super-condensed like the anime was. Most No. 6 fans agree that the manga is the second-best experience behind the original novels. Hope you enjoy them! The art is quite lovely.

I'm currently reading Corseltel no Ryuujitsushi. It's about a mage who babysits baby dragons. Really cute! And I've started Natsume Yuujinchou, because I miss the anime. The art style is very unique and is taking some time to get used to.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:38 pm

Liar Game chapters 152-153

Still amazed at how consistently Akiyama manages to twist everything in his favor.

I've also just started Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer - so bizarre, yet so funny! - and Bakuman, which should be an interesting look into the industry.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby artisticDreamer » Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:18 pm

Cardcaptor Sakura vols. 4-6 Because everybody needs some form of shoujo romance drama in their life. I, fortunately, don't have one of those.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Jun 30, 2015 6:22 pm

Dawn of the Arcana Vol. 9 - well, its moving along for sure, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: but frankly I'm getting a little bored...hope something actually happens soon.

Skip Beat! Vol 18- ...I...freakin....LOVE THIS SERIES! I can't wait for more!

Vampire Knight vol 17 - SPOILER: Highlight text to read: So, at this point, I have completely little to none caring for this now...ever since it turned out Yuki was a vampire, I just kinda lost all ability to care. Even with all the stuff happening I just don't care. Also, Kaname is in the right, but they think he's wrong? I don't get it at all...

Fate/Stay Night vol 4 - huh. Stuff happening. YAY!!! A hero has a backbone.
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Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Jul 02, 2015 5:00 pm

Q.E.D. chapters 3-5

There were a few leaps of logic that I wasn't sure held water. (Especially, "You're a woman, therefore you don't have the strength to stab someone in the heart." No. The conclusion is correct, but it should have been more like, "You, personally, don't have the strength to stab someone in the heart." :shake: ) But I'm enjoying this.

No.6 chapter 3

Ah, I can see now how this version is closer to the novels. An understandable halfway point that they could adapt the anime from. I also loved the omake at the end - a much-needed touch of humor in this dark dystopia.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:38 pm

Finally got around to reading Akagami no Shirayukihime chapter 66 and 66.5. y computer's kind of weak, so it couldn't handle the site I've been reading it at. Very cute chapters and stuff. -w-
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby nillapoet » Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:22 am

Naruto ch 245
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sat Jul 11, 2015 11:24 am

Liar Game chapters 154-156

It's always amazing to me to look back and see how much Nao has grown over the course of this story. The gullible, naive girl from Chapter 1 has become so devious!

Bakuman chapters 3-4

I'm really liking this manga already. The characters are just wacky enough to be interesting, and I really sympathize with their desire to chase a crazy dream like this, even though all logic and practicality says they should give up now. I'm beginning to get an inkling of what kind of story they might go for.... We'll see if I'm right ;)

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer chapters 5-7

Still weird, still bizarre, still don't quite know what to make of it. But I really like the imagery of the chains holding him back. It's rare to see imagery like that come into play so vividly.
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby EventualDay » Sat Jul 11, 2015 1:38 pm

So about 2 weeks ago now I finished Otomen--my library had all the volumes and it's been on my wish list for a few years now. Anyways, I have... well, so many feelings about this series that I need to express but no one has read it, haha! It's so cute and innocent in some ways, but in the background there's all this painful psychological stuff. I feel like I'm not supposed to be taking it seriously, just by the way that the series is written (almost parody-like in a lot of ways), but still....

Now I'm about to start Dengeki Daisy. Used to be my favorite manga ever, and I own about the first six volumes or so. But I stopped reading it once I caught up to the most recently published volume and haven't touched it in a few years at least.... Excited to start it again. :) Glad my library has that series too!!
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby MangaRocks! » Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:34 pm

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime chapter 66: LOL, Obi. :grin: (And the entire sequence with Forenzo, too, bwahaha! :grin: )

Are You Alice? chapter 44: Bwahaha, Alice's reactions to both the White Knight's 'kindness' and the Hatter's deviousness... :grin:

Haru x Kiyo chapter 9: HAHAHA Koharu's little brother wearing her ribbon! :lol: :lol: ("Didn't go in," indeed... :grin: And then the two just sitting there with those expressions, and their mom's expression in return... :grin: :grin: ) Also LOL at Koharu's mental images of Kiyoshiro, her expression when she finally did turn around :lol: , and him purposefully teasing her just a little bit. <3 :grin: And then the look Kiyoshiro gave that dumb kid when he didn't realize who the girl in his picture was... :lol: And then Koharu's request of Kiyoshiro at the end, and the dumb kid's reaction to it... :lol: :lol: Uh, yeah, basically just everyone's reactions and expressions in this chapter were absolutely priceless. <3 <3 :grin: :grin: :grin:

Hibi Chouchou chapters 59-60: Wow, what's up with Kawasumi's older brother? :sweat: Anyway, it's so nice to see Kawasumi and Suiren actually making the effort to learn more about each other now (and LOL at his surprisingly blunt assessment that they don't have anything in common at all, bwaha :grin: -- he even had to tell her he didn't really like what she made, poor guy! :forehead: -- but even so, all of that still didn't faze them <3 ). Afterwards: LOL at Yuri's request. :grin: That 'double date' was way too adorable. <3 :grin: (And showed the character growth on Suiren's part, in that she firmly stepped forward and talked to a guy she didn't know in defense of her friend even though it was uncomfortable for her. :thumb: )

Kamisama Hajimemashita, a.k.a. Kamisama Kiss, chapter 129: Okay, so obviously the mythology on where humans go/reincarnation/etc. here is wrong, LOL, but I did like the whole bit about encouraging SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Tomoe to become human (and why-- within the series' mythology, of course). <3 Also: Wow... I am now seriously thinking that this series might actually end up with a bittersweet ending after all... :pikka:

Karneval chapter 87: LOL! That page with the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Niji-turning-into-a-sheep mental image + Gareki laughing about it was so cute and hilariously perfect all at once. :hug: :grin: :grin: As for the rest of the chapter :) , it's so nice to see Gareki so determined and with a course now... <3

One Week Friends, a.k.a. Isshuukan Friends., chapters 27-31: Finally (!), more new chapters! <3 :jump: (And they contained lots of stuff that wasn't in the anime, too! <3 ) Firstly: LOL, the chapter of bro-ness (or whatever) was awesome. :grin: (Shougo continues to be the absolute best. <3 <3 ) Secondly: ROTFL at Saki's devious little dig at the boys when Kaori said that she wanted a party :grin: , her saying Shougo would be coming to the party by default ;) , and her description of Kujo. :lol: <3 Thirdly: Ahhh, little Yuuki and Shougo (and how Yuuki wormed his way into becoming friends with him, hee)! <3 <3 :) (Also: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "I'm amazing," ROTFL!! :lol: ) That chapter was extremely (and hilariously) adorable. <3 <3 <3 :hug: :lol: And finally: Wow, that development with Kujo... :pikka:

Orange chapter 20: Oh man, the physical dread that the beginning of this chapter induced... :pikka: And then the urgency, and then the temporary (slight) relief, and then the dread again... :pikka: Holy crap, this mangaka is really something else! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (...One thing to note though: The end of this chapter was both funny and urgent, however I kinda wish the mangaka hadn't tried to 'explain' the time-travel, because it's a rather silly explanation. :sweat: That said, though, even that little bit of {unintentional?} silliness couldn't bring this series down in the slightest. :thumb: )

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii chapter 29: Yikes... Livi went a tad overboard, there. :sweat: The make-up (once they finally got around to it :P ) was quite nice, though <3 ; and ROTFL at poor Bard at the end... :lol:

Spirit Circle chapter 36: Ohhhhh man... I knew it had to be something like this. :pikka: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: He really did become a sociopath. :pikka: (That scene of the exploding city... :pikka: :pikka: ) On another note, his thoughts on what 'Spacifica' really was/is were quite interesting...

And Taiyou no Ie's volume 12 extra: Aww... Hina's goodbye... :( :)
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Jonathan » Wed Jul 15, 2015 4:28 am

I've been reading Watamote Chapters 1-4 and much like the Anime I think it's okay but I'm not a big fan of how Tomoko treats other people in the Manga. (And the Anime as well.)
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:59 am

No. 6 chapter 4

I really do like how they're adapting the novels ^_^

Bakuman chapter 5

Sometimes I really wish I could throw aside everything in pursuit of my dreams like these characters are doing. I guess I'm too practical when it comes to thinks like that DX But this is a very fun scenario to follow.

Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer chapter 8

I laughed so hard at the introduction of this new knight character (already forgot his name, sorry! DX). It was perfect in every way, and I like him already :laugh:
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Mave » Wed Jul 22, 2015 11:11 am

Hmmm...I follow Detective Conan, Bartender, Zettai Karen Children, Ao no Exorcist and the occasional Fairy Tale.

I do drop by to see what's going on with the new Naruto and Bleach but I can't believe how long those keep going.

I thought Liar Game has concluded?
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby NekoNinja16 » Thu Jul 23, 2015 9:53 am

I got 5 manga books in the mail a couple days ago. ^^ Volume 3 of My Neighbor Seki, volume 2 of Let's Dance a Waltz, and volumes 7-9 of MegaMan NT Warrior.

Seki-kun was great as usual, though it's still repeating some of the episodes of the anime at this point. (which is normal, it's only vol 3) I did have to cut out a portion again, Seki was using a palm-reading book (among other fortune-telling books) and that don't fly here, especially with my mom. XD

Enjoyed Let's Dance a Waltz as well, but now I have to wait for the third one. Cliffies. ;w;

And MegaMan NT Warrior, epic of course. (at least to me, I'll always luv MegaMan.EXE) One major reason I bought these was SearchMan finally appears in vol. 8, and I love him. X3 These are great drawing references too, I like Ryo Takamisaki's style. .3.
Just gonna stick a couple favorite quotes here.

"You can die at anytime. But living takes true courage. I'm living too, that I am. To repent for all the lives I took." -Kenshin Himura

"I would rather die as Blues than live forever as someone else." -Proto Man

Weird, they seem to be about dying. XD
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby the_wolfs_howl » Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:53 pm

Mave wrote:I thought Liar Game has concluded?

Yes, it has. There are 203 chapters; I'm on chapter 157 now.

I also read Q.E.D. chapter 7. Obligatory swimsuit episode, lol. And a new mystery, yay!
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Re: What Manga are you reading?

Postby Mave » Fri Jul 24, 2015 10:58 pm

the_wolfs_howl wrote:
Mave wrote:I thought Liar Game has concluded?

Yes, it has. There are 203 chapters; I'm on chapter 157 now.

Ah ok, I've concluded reading it so I was wondering. It's an excellent read for those who love to pick their brains with a heart. Carry on, enjoy!

I just got confused between Witch Hunt and Witch Hunter. When are people going to get more creative with their comic titles? Hmm?

*cough*....says the clown who named her webcomic KingdomCome. Never mind...(T_T)
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