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Sailor Moon

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Sailor Moon

Postby OutoftheAshes » Wed Mar 25, 2015 7:42 pm

So hi....I'm really new here. I'm not exactly sure where this post should go.

But I was wondering what you all thought of Sailor Moon? I just started watching the dubbed version and I was thinking that it was totally fine, but then I looked up "Christian Reviews" of it and they were bombing the show as satanic and the homosexuality (granted, that was the subbed version)

Anywho, after I read that I started feeling really really guilty, and now I feel like I want to give up the show. This is not the first time something like this has happened, I feel guilty watching shows like Gravity falls and stuff because of things I've read on the internet.

UGH, sometimes I just want to be a hermit in a hole in the ground with my Bible and just give up on the media all together. I don't want to sin against God, and I don't want to watch anything that is against him but, man. Its really hard sometimes. My dad is 1000% against anime, he calls it the gateway into sin and the cult, and frankly I'm sorta terrified to watch it, but I started Sailor moon and it seemed alright. I dunno.

Sorry I got off the point :P Mainly, I guess, I'm wondering your thoughts on anime, and if you think that SM is a harmful show, and the content of the show in the later dubbed episodes (primarily the Homosexuality)
P.S. If any of you have watched the new Sailor Moon Crystal I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on that too
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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby skreyola » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:13 pm

The thing to keep in mind about Internet reviews is this: People on the Internet are wrong as often as they are right about any given subject. You should examine the things you do and say and watch in the light of Scripture, not someone else's opinions. That's not to say that someone else can't be right about a thing, but you need to make sure that you are basing your decisions on the leading of the Holy Spirit through the word, not on the teachings of men.
That said, here are my thoughts on anime in general and on problematic content:
Anime is not inherently anything. It's a genre based more on the art style (technically the country of origin, but in terms of content, we're talking about the art style) than on the actual content of the stories; which content is as varied as what you'd find in your local library. The fact that it comes from a nation with a culture that some people might find objectionable in terms of spiritual worldview does have some influence, but there are roughly the same number of shows that have no emphasis on those cultural facets as those that do.
There are certain anime I choose not to watch because they involve the occult (not the same as "magic") or excessive fanservice or glorification of violence, but that's my choice and my standards, in keeping with my understanding of what the Spirit doesn't want me to watch and things I don't wish to have in my mind anyway.
But your standards may be different. I have problems with nudity. Other people are not bothered by it at all.
I think it's a matter of personal boundaries more than objective sinfulness for probably at least 3/4 of the shows out there. Be convinced in your own heart, and don't let one who does not eat meat condemn you for eating meat, if it doesn't seem to you like a problem and the Bible and the Spirit don't specifically proscribe it.
It is probably not profitable to watch a show that, for example (I havent seen more than one or two anime that do), glorifies evil practices as good, but on the other hand, it's not profitable to insulate yourself in a bubble and pretend that cultures other than your own don't exist and ignore the possibility that understanding cultures other than your own may help you to reach someone some day for the Kingdom.
So, take what you see on the Internet with a grain of salt (some opinions may require more salt), make your own decisions, and don't feel guilty for things you've seen in the past and don't believe are harmful, but be open to the leading of the Holy Spirit and avoid things the Spirit says you should avoid. But remember that what is harmful for you may not be harmful for the guy next to you. Everyone has different experiences of even the same events. By all means, avoid evil, but be careful of those who see evil behind every corner and in every shadow.
Your dad probably doesn't have much actual experience with anime. Sailor Moon may not be the best introduction to it, since he holds that opinion, but I've watched hundreds of shows, and very few of them have any serious occultic content. There is often an episode about the occult, but it is usually played for laughs and occurs no more often than in western sitcoms and dramas, where it receives similar treatment. Actual occultic practice is rarely a significant part of the plot in anime shows. The CAA review section often has information to help you avoid those that do. If he were to watch some of the shows I've seen, he might have a higher opinion of anime. There are some great shows out there, like Chance Pop Session, Emma: A Victorian Romance, and One Week Friends.
The bottom line is that anime is an art form, and you will likely find examples of shows that contain anything the artistic world, or society in general, is contemplating, but to dismiss the whole marketplace because you can find roaches in one of the alleys is not using the intellect God gave us. It is like anything else in life. There are places you should hang out, and places you should exit as quickly as possible. Anyone who says all anime is one way or another is misinformed and should be ignored (except your dad; informed or not, he deserves your respect). Tari Tari is a different type of anime from Red Data Girl, which is different from Gunslinger Girl, which is different from many titles I won't mention here because of their raunchy content. Just like western media, there's a wide variety to the content and tone of anime shows.
Don't become a hermit. We don't exist for the purpose of having perfect, solitary communion with God. We exist to extend God's grace to people who haven't accepted it.
Listen to God. He's the only one you have to please.
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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby OutoftheAshes » Thu Mar 26, 2015 8:57 pm

:) Thank you sooooo much, your advice helped a lot.
I think, for right now, I might wait on SM for a little bit. Think it over and pray about it, then decide. Thanks for your insight :) I'll try not to become a hermit XD
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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby skreyola » Fri Mar 27, 2015 8:18 pm

I'm happy when I can be helpful.
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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby Nate » Sat Mar 28, 2015 5:35 pm

In a bit of bizarreness I'd say the dubbed version is actually worse than the subbed version in the case of Uranus/Neptune because the dub had the bright idea to make Haruka and Michiru cousins, so now all the scenes with them have weird incest undertones that don't exist in the sub.

The dub usually does a pretty decent job of scrubbing away everything else potentially offensive though. Zoisite was of course made a woman in the dub, and he was girly looking enough that they could pull it off. Likewise Fish Eye in SuperS was dubbed as a woman for very obvious reasons. They also (sort of) managed to scrub out that Tiger Eye was kind of a pedo in the original Japanese.

The dub for SuperS is still really bad though. The dub for S is passable but nothing special, they did change "Messiah" to "Sovereign" which just sounds clunky and weird but the odds of a show for kids in the US using the term Messiah was pretty much zero so they had to use something. Same with them changing the Holy Grail to the Purity Chalice.

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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby TsubasaKamen » Sat Aug 22, 2015 12:07 am

Hi OutoftheAshes, this is coming from a guy who has watched the classic Sailor Moon (all 200 episodes, with the movies and specials) 2 times... the manga completely through once, and Sailor Moon Crystal twice. But I will not praise the series for the sake of being a ginormous fan of it. I will be completely honest. Yes, Sailor Moon does have Satanic Symbolism in it, such as the Moon Crystal Star Compact (Season 2 R Compact). The Star Symbol represents a Pentagram, which is also referred to as a Magic Circle that is used to foundation magic spells. We all know that the Bible condemns sorcery, witchcraft, dark arts, spiritism, etc. so naturally these symbols with the addition of magic and sorcery is a no-no in God's eyes. Some have said that when Sailor Moon says "In the Name of the Moon I will Punish you!" She is representing Islamic radicals who worship the Moon God (which is in the same crescent moon shape on their Mosque(s) as it is in the Sailor Moon anime.) Basically that is what radical Muslims want to do. In the Name of their Moon God... Allah... they want to punish and kill all who oppose their religion. In addition, the Sailor Guardians all represent Planets that symbolize gods and goddesses. Sailor Venus for instance represents the Planet Venus which is the Planet of Ishtar.

In addition to all of that there are scenes that are totally inappropriate in the Uncut Version of Sailor Moon, such as Chibi Usagi wetting the bed, and being seen bare chested on several occasions.

So you may be wondering why I've formally commentated the first 70 episodes of Sailor Moon? Have watched and own everything Sailor Moon including the Spin off Sailor V manga, and virtually talk the ear off to people about the series every chance I get, and also own various other merchandises pertaining to the series. The reason is because NOTHING IN ITSELF IS SIN UNLESS ONE MAKES IT SIN. Let me explain what I mean... if Sailor Moon in some way causes you to practice occult religions... practice divination... or just lust perverted over little girls... then yes, Sailor Moon is a bad influence on you, and it should not be entertained. But if you can go into it maturely, and not let the series have a overwhelming and controlling influence on you, then you can watch it without your heart being condemned. When I was a teenager I let anime influence me to a high extreme, which is why it was not healthy for me to watch back then. Now that I am older... I can watch it for just being anime, without evil influence... without temptation to do something I shouldn't. It does not take away from my true self an identity; so therefore, to the mature viewer and fan of the series, it is not harmful.

If you have anymore questions feel free to PM me. I am more than happy to give you any advice you may be seeking.
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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby Nate » Sun Aug 23, 2015 5:09 am

TsubasaKamen wrote:The Star Symbol represents a Pentagram, which is also referred to as a Magic Circle that is used to foundation magic spells.

No, it doesn't. That's not a pentagram. A pentagram is a star drawn with five straight lines. The Star Compact just has a regular star on it. Regular stars are not pentagrams.

Some have said that when Sailor Moon says "In the Name of the Moon I will Punish you!" She is representing Islamic radicals who worship the Moon God

This is not the dumbest thing I've ever read but man is it in the top ten. Possibly even top five.

In the Name of their Moon God... Allah...


In addition, the Sailor Guardians all represent Planets that symbolize gods and goddesses.

Being named after something is not the same as symbolizing something. When I name my cat Oreo I am not saying that my cat symbolizes a cookie.

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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby shooraijin » Sun Aug 23, 2015 7:58 am

TsubasaKamen, although you're free to maintain whatever opinion you like, of course, I'd prefer that your other thread not spill over here.
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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby Peanut » Thu Aug 27, 2015 11:23 pm

TsubasaKamen wrote:The reason is because NOTHING IN ITSELF IS SIN UNLESS ONE MAKES IT SIN. Let me explain what I mean... if Sailor Moon in some way causes you to practice occult religions... practice divination... or just lust perverted over little girls... then yes, Sailor Moon is a bad influence on you, and it should not be entertained. But if you can go into it maturely, and not let the series have a overwhelming and controlling influence on you, then you can watch it without your heart being condemned. When I was a teenager I let anime influence me to a high extreme, which is why it was not healthy for me to watch back then. Now that I am older... I can watch it for just being anime, without evil influence... without temptation to do something I shouldn't. It does not take away from my true self an identity; so therefore, to the mature viewer and fan of the series, it is not harmful.

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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby shooraijin » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:37 am

Thanks, we're done with that, please.

Any replies to the earlier posts in the thread are of course welcome.
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Re: Sailor Moon

Postby TsubasaKamen » Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:16 pm

I am not arguing my points. I stand firm on what I believe, and I am entitled to that, but I am not going to try to change other peoples' minds with what they personally believe.

And to shooraijin, you don't have to worry about this thread getting flooded over. I am in no wise entertaining these trolls anymore. :P If they wish to debate everything I say, that is their own prerogative, and they are entitled to do what makes them happy. But ever since I seen the spiritual weakness of a friend tonight who needed edification in the Spirit, I felt it was expedient to do a little bit of transforming of my character. Namely, knock off the pride and selfishness and stubbornness, and presume a more less argumentative approach at answering back to questions.
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