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Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K General Discussion

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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K General Discussion

Postby Peanut » Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:31 am

Well...I may have actually found the rules online for free already...or at least enough of them to kind of know how Imperial Knights work. Anyway, if the 11th company guys actually go through with their plan to scratch build an Imperial Knight and post it on their blog, I may do that since its sort of neat. Though all of this may be pointless if the Forgeworld models end up changing the codex they just released...

So now that Tyranid Onslaught has been announced I do have some thoughts on it. There hasn't been much which has come out about it yet in the rumor mill except (surprise) there is the whole Subterranean Swarm thing. I've also heard a rumor of some sort of formation with Warriors guiding a wall of moving flesh with bio-cannons (so 1 Warrior brood and probably 2-3 Tfexes). That could be pretty good since one of the lesser talked about stars in the last Dataslate was the Bio-Artillery formation and lists built around it that put out a ridiculous number of monstrous creatures. So as long as these dataslates give a way for Nid players to take like 7-8 Monstrous creatures in their lists, I will be pretty happy.
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K General Discussion

Postby mechana2015 » Sun Mar 23, 2014 3:16 pm

Peanut wrote:Well...I may have actually found the rules online for free already...or at least enough of them to kind of know how Imperial Knights work. Anyway, if the 11th company guys actually go through with their plan to scratch build an Imperial Knight and post it on their blog, I may do that since its sort of neat. Though all of this may be pointless if the Forgeworld models end up changing the codex they just released...
Yeah, it is big enough to easily scratch build actually, and make look more appealing... A mini war hound would be cool, or starting with a decent gundam model and making a free blade that works for Tau and got upgrades from them could be pretty awesome. The book itself could become hilariously irrelevant if Forge World does what they usually do, and release the free 'experimental' PDF stat line, since one of the rumored knight builds is a dual gun, which everyone seems to want. You'd still need the super heavy walker rules though.

Peanut wrote:So now that Tyranid Onslaught has been announced I do have some thoughts on it. There hasn't been much which has come out about it yet in the rumor mill except (surprise) there is the whole Subterranean Swarm thing. I've also heard a rumor of some sort of formation with Warriors guiding a wall of moving flesh with bio-cannons (so 1 Warrior brood and probably 2-3 Tfexes). That could be pretty good since one of the lesser talked about stars in the last Dataslate was the Bio-Artillery formation and lists built around it that put out a ridiculous number of monstrous creatures. So as long as these dataslates give a way for Nid players to take like 7-8 Monstrous creatures in their lists, I will be pretty happy.

7-8 seems conservative, since the subterranean swarm has 3 in it, all trygon/mawloc, and you accessment of the bioblast makes sense. I see an MC HQ, haruspex elites, troop choice tervigon, FMC fast attack Harpy or crone, and heavy support being full of MCs. Points being the only limit, I could see people bringing heavy beasts using the normal FOC and the formation, and kitting out with the tervigon for a troops slot, carnifex HQ. No clue what the cost is on that but, there's 8 right there, and possibly points left over for more. Mmm nidzilla returns, time to build an all poison dEldar army.

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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K General Discussion

Postby Peanut » Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:49 am

mechana2015 wrote:7-8 seems conservative, since the subterranean swarm has 3 in it, all trygon/mawloc, and you accessment of the bioblast makes sense. I see an MC HQ, haruspex elites, troop choice tervigon, FMC fast attack Harpy or crone, and heavy support being full of MCs. Points being the only limit, I could see people bringing heavy beasts using the normal FOC and the formation, and kitting out with the tervigon for a troops slot, carnifex HQ. No clue what the cost is on that but, there's 8 right there, and possibly points left over for more. Mmm nidzilla returns, time to build an all poison dEldar army.

Your right, I was miscounting the Skyblight Swarm builds which really have closer to like 10-12 MCs at 1850. This book is the book of Nidzilla since most of the Monstrous Creatures can ignore the really bad Instinctive behavior stuff. DE are still a difficult matchup I think but I'm less sure now since most Nid builds are leaning heavily on FMCs and Mawlocs. All of which have ways of minimizing the effect of poison shooting (Mawlocs with Burrow, FMCs with swooping and Venomthorpes). The formations are really making Nids a more formidable force now and it looks like we may get at least one other really good one from this new Dataslate so thats exciting.
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K General Discussion

Postby mechana2015 » Tue Mar 25, 2014 1:39 am

I was actually thinking poison melee... And then saw that almost the entire army can only manage one of those per unit. I was pretty sure they had access to more when I said that :(

Side note, nearly 500 points if tau done, painting wise. Pictures to follow.

Edit: found this, thought some people might get a kick out if it.

Makes those 500 points seem reeeaaal small.

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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K General Discussion

Postby Peanut » Fri Mar 28, 2014 10:35 pm

mechana2015 wrote:I was actually thinking poison melee... And then saw that almost the entire army can only manage one of those per unit. I was pretty sure they had access to more when I said that :(

Side note, nearly 500 points if tau done, painting wise. Pictures to follow.

Edit: found this, thought some people might get a kick out if it.

Makes those 500 points seem reeeaaal small.

Even if you could take poison on every melee unit I would still go with the poison shooting of DE. A lot of Nid lists are relying on a 30 man blob of Termagants to get a Tervigon as a troop choice so bubble wrapping the big guys isn't all that difficult. You may be able to assault grounded FMCs but to do that you would need to force a grounding check so shooting just seems like it would be better all around.

And wow thats a big army...I may be getting close to that size somewhat...

Edit: Oh and the third Tyranid Dataslate just came out and its incredibly bland. They basically did two decent formations that are basically the same with slight differences, a useless HQ formation with a terrible special rule, a cool formation that doesn't fix the problem with Subterranean assault (namely not being able to assault after Deep Strike), and a massive formation made of a ton of different formations that you can't run in a game of 40k under 3000 points (so its basically for Apocalypse). All in all, its another disappointment and there are still units without formations (no Feeder beast formations comprising of Haruspex's, Pyrovores and Rippers?). The good news is I do have the models to run at least one of these formations so I can sort of check it out and its one of the two decent ones.
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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K General Discussion

Postby mechana2015 » Sat Mar 29, 2014 1:55 am

That's good to hear, about being able to easily test it. Unfortunate that it's so bland. I wondered when I saw the breakdown earlier today, showing the... Practically one word difference between two of the rules. The last formation seems like a joke as well, similar to the complete ultramarines company... Something for the millionaire collector.

I'll probably keep with my ideas for what I want to build for dark eldar... It's a very small force I've got planned already, mostly about painting, not any actual function. Mostly lylyth, venom, scourges and reavers. Harlequins,if I could get them in a non fine cast material, as well. Not sure what I'd do for troops, probably something that matches with lylyth.
Unfortunately I mostly like the fast attack section of their army.

More Tau painting will occur soon, I'm working on a squad of gunmages for warmachine first. I did finish painting my first 40k HQ finally, Darkstrider.

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Re: Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40K General Discussion

Postby Peanut » Sat Mar 29, 2014 8:48 pm

mechana2015 wrote:That's good to hear, about being able to easily test it. Unfortunate that it's so bland. I wondered when I saw the breakdown earlier today, showing the... Practically one word difference between two of the rules. The last formation seems like a joke as well, similar to the complete ultramarines company... Something for the millionaire collector.

I also think there may be a mistake on the smaller one. It says both the Warriors and Carnifexes have to have the bio-cannons even though its rules are Melee based. The last formation is just depressing because the rules for it are very good and very Tyranidy. Its just unfortunate that it can really only be used in super deep wallet games or as some sort of scenario big boss army.
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