Rzerox21xx wrote:God give me my dream of marrying a Japanese wife.
Rzerox21xx wrote:God give me my dream of marrying a Japanese wife.
Rzerox21xx wrote:oriental
Nate wrote:Are you fifty years old or something because I'm finding it hard to believe that anyone under the age of 50 would use the term "oriental" in TYOOL Two-Thousand and Fourteen unless they're talking about ramen noodle flavors.
Rzerox21xx, Nate, Xeno, and Mr. SmartyPants wrote:oriental
Rzerox21xx wrote:ummm okay I'm sorry if I said anything to offend anyone.
Rzerox21xx wrote:Anyone here considering giving their child a Japanese or similar sounding name?
DaughterOfZion wrote:Chemistry
John_Smith wrote:I only discovered that this word was ‘offensive’ only a year ago. I was shocked and quickly did research on it. Most of what I found were a bunch of people writing, ‘I’m Asian, have called myself Oriental all my life, and only found out that it’s offensive today.’ My take is that it’s safer not to use the word, but more power to the people who do. (unless they’re using it to purposely be offensive, which is another deal entirely) And I’m three decades short of fifty, Nate.
Rzerox21xx wrote:I read this in the crunchyroll forum and I wonder, it would be really nice to put some Japanese culture into you like if God give me my dream of marrying a Japanese wife. It can be a touchy subject, your kid might get made fun of but when you think about it, he/she will get made fun of by something else anyway. It might offend people from that culture snice I read the Japanese is very prideful of their culture. Well I figure this would be a interesting debate. I would probably give my child a name that can be Japanese but can be English like Ken or Saya.
Since you seem to be innocent in your words, I'll help you out a bit in understanding why everyone is being a little "eeeeeh" towards you concerning you wanting to marry a Japanese woman.Rzerox21xx wrote:ummm okay I'm sorry if I said anything to offend anyone.
DaughterOfZion wrote:Really quick, on the orient/oriental thing, here's a pretty good article that talks about the usage of oriental: http://journalism.nyu.edu/publishing/archives/livewire/archived/oriental_rugs_or_people/
The main thing is, some people feel it is a term "westerners" use to classify Asians as the racial "others".
Back on topic, it isn't Japanese per say, but if I ever had two children and they were both boys I would totally name one Dio and the other Jonathan and see what happens. Or maybe Jotaro and Kakyoin if it had to be Japanese for some weird reason.
But I don't plan to have children ever, so I'll have to settle for naming my horde of cats after Jojo characters, whenever I become a crazy cat lady.
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