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Voyage of Vengeance

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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:16 pm

Benndito scampered up the hill at the center of the island, following closely behind the loose band of refugees as they sought safety at the hiding place. He was out of breath, loose underbrush pieces stuck to his sweat-moistened skin. The smell of his singed clothes chased him upwards, redoubling his pace with every whiff of it. At every snap of a twig from a distance, every rustle of ferns, his head snapped around as he steeled himself to fend off a pirate with his bare hands.

In front of him, the forest subtly thinned - no longer did huge, twisted sapodilla trunks litter his view. He was almost there, he could see the red flowers that marked the entrance to the tunnels ahead of them. It was funny what you remembered under stress; he'd learned about this place when he was just a boy, but never again, thinking he'd never have to actually use it. Sure, he'd heard all the stories of the pirates from travelers, how they'd come with red sails unfurled, how they'd obliterated whole villages in a morning with cannon fire, and carried off the survivors to some unknown fate... As usual, he just didn't think it could ever happen here.

He found himself at the door of the hideouts, a well-covered fake rock, painted in brown, rusty stripes against the glimmering, dappled green of the jungle. He staggered to it, did the secret knock, another thing about the plan he'd thought that he had forgotten. "How do the mangroves grow?" a muffled voice from below spoke. "With spreading roots, reaching through the seas below," Benndito called back. The door swung open; Roberto was inside, shielding his eyes against the morning sun.

"Oh. It's you," Roberto said dispassionately. "Get in here, make it quick." he said, grabbing Benndito by the arm and dragging him down into the cool chamber. Torches on either side of the wall flickered and sparked, as the tunnel declined into the earth. Villagers gave him a glance as he passed - they didn't seem like they were doing much, they were waiting for something, a signal? Or were they just mourning, coming to terms with what had just happened to them? Benndito racked his brains, trying to remember what should have been happening after they reached the shelters; there had to be something they could do. "They," being someone else besides him. It sounded like it might take effort, because all of a sudden he felt very tired and overwhelmed.

Roberto kept pulling, dragging him to an empty hollow in the main chamber. "Stay here," he said; Benndito plopped to the floor and stretched out. "You're pretty good at that, aren't you?" Roberto said with a wry smile. "We'll put you to work soon enough. A strong buck like you, we need more of that youthful spirit to rebuilt. Surely you've got some in you somewhere."

"Not bloody likely," Benndito muttered as Roberto went back to his post. Benn's eyes were adjusting to the dim lighting, and he could see the wood and crates salvaged from the town; he tried to get a count of the people in the room, but gave up after around forty.

A murmur came down the passages. "They just gave the all-clear," he heard someone say.

"We've still got to take a census, see who's missing," another replied. Benndito just curled up, placing his hands under his head and closing his eyes. It had been a rough day, and he needed some rest...
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:43 pm

Renaiah continued looking around the village.

"I'm glad we've at least got that on our side as well. Tell me if your head gets worse, okay?" Brett said.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Sun Feb 03, 2013 10:55 pm

Mara strolls around to see if there are any more survivors; "Benndito." She murmers. 'I hope he is alright." Mara doesn't resent him at all, she considers him and her friends sorta, she say's hello occasionally, but that's it. She wanders off to go find him. "Benndito!" She hollers loudly.
"Benndito, are you there?!".

Lorelei smiles "Alright." She wonders how many pirates they would have to fight, so many things run through her head. It has gotten sickeningly quiet down in the chamber of the boat, she could feel the depressing silence.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:38 am

Noise. No good, sleep-interrupting noise. Ambrosia's closed eyes flinched at the faint sounds of talking. There was a swaying motion rocking her, adding to the effects of her dreaming, which she was coming out of. The sound of crashing waves awoke her, and she became even more aware of the talking that was assaulting her eardrums. She forced herself to open her eyes groggily, vision doubling and dancing all over the place. As she began to heighten all of her senses, the memories came flooding back to her in jumbled waves. She remembered fighting the pirates... The blasted, no good, gruel-eating pirates. They deserved to be tortured. She remembered the fires, the pirates destroying the village, and recalled feeling a swift, sharp swipe to her back-- she guessed it must have been a sword or knife of some sort-- as well as a conk to the back of her head, then darkness.

Her vision cleared somewhat, though it was still doubled, and she inhaled deeply through her nose. The musky scent of mold and slightly rotted wood made her cough, and the stuffy, cooking temperature didn't help. She flexed her abdominal muscles slightly, pulling herself up so that she was sitting and ignoring the ripping pain in her back. "A ship..." She murmured dazedly, still groggy from being forced awake. Her hands were bound together, and her legs were bound together as well. Ambrosia scowled as she half-heartedly tried to yank her hands and legs free, but they were bound with rope; no amount of pulling would free her tied-up limbs. As her mind began to wake, Ambrosia could feel herself growing angrier and angrier, and slightly panicked. Looking around the chamber of the ship, Ambrosia saw that there were others that were taken as well, though there weren't many. Ambrosia's bright blue eyes flashed with vigorous anger, and she could've sworn she felt the waves grow more violent from her emotion. The first pirate she saw was going to get a neck-wringing, bound hands or free hands.

"What the devil happened?" She growled to no one in particular, eyes darting around the chamber for a means to escape. She lowered her voice to dark, barely-audible mutterings, clenching her fists so tight that her palms began to bleed. "Those blasted, lousy, no-good, boot-licking, sons of the devil. I am so gonna give them what for... The first frickin' one I see is gonna to get his scurvy-laden eyes gouged out, then his neck wrung, then..."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:37 pm

"Ambrosia. Please calm down." Lorelei looks a Ambrosia with a small smile "I really have no idea, I was hit on the head.." She looks down, sighing.
"Are you injured?" She stares at Ambrosia with concern.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Feb 04, 2013 2:53 pm

Ambrosia halted her muttering and breathed deeply, her glare softening slightly as she looked away, and she became more aware of the sharp ache in her back and head. "Pfft- me? Injured? It's not a big deal," she replied, suddenly masking her pain with a confident tone and cocky side-grin. "Just a little scratch and a small bump on the head. I'm fine." It was probably worse than what Ambrosia led on; she could feel fresh blood seeping through her torn clothes on her back, and she guessed she had a decently-long cut running across her back. Probably from the pirate's blade, no doubt. Her vision was still doubled slightly, and she felt a bit out of it, but she would never show weakness to anyone willingly; the cut would heal eventually, and normal vision would probably return. She looked around the cabin at everyone else, then back to Lorelei. "Is everyone else alright? Are we seriously on a ship?" She asked, her voice stronger. She paused before adding, "How are we supposed to kick the pirates' pathetic butts if we're bound like this? They'll be sorry if they let me get a hold of any water."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 3:08 pm

Lorelei wriggled around again to get lose of her bonds, no use. She groans. "Everyone seems okay." Lorelei gets a bit closer to Ambrosia to look at her back; to see that she was right, blood. "Ambrosia.. You need that healed by someone, that's a big cut. I would bandage you up but." She gestures to the ropes tied around her hands. "Yes, we are in their prisoner chambers, I think." She gave up on breaking her rope by herself. "I have no idea.. But when we escape these chambers, we all need to either stick together or if everyone stayed in pairs or something; I was never any good at attack plans.." She chuckles lightly.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 5:23 pm

Erin had stayed mostly quiet and still, listening to his fellow islanders-turned-prisoner start to get around and talk to each other. Particularly hard to miss was Ambrosia's tirade about what she would do to the first pirate she saw, and then the other girl -who's name escaped him- talking about injuries and wounds. Erin had ascertained that he was bruised and battered, he guessed from being roughly dragged and probably thrown in here, but there wasn't anything worse, no broken bones or cuts that needed immediate attention.
"Maybe the first thing we should do is try an untie each other's hands and feet?" He suggested in his typical quiet tone of voice, though he tried to speak loudly enough to be heard. Nobody was going to be tending to anyone else, or even so much as get comfortable to discuss things, until they could move freely.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:11 pm

Renaiah heard Mara and came out, "Mara, You should be resting.But I guess you can come too. Here, Benndito is right over here." She showed the way.

Bret was concerned, "Ambrosia, let me take a look at your head, when we get untied, will you?"
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:25 pm

Lorelei looked over to Erin, startled by his sudden voice. "Oh, Erin." She grinned. " Good idea. Here um.. Who's untying whom first?" 'I'll just go untie him real quick' She scoots over to Erin, careful not to touch any bruises on his arms or anything, swiftly unties his hands and feet. "Feel better?" She sat back down for a sudden second, head woozy and achy from the hit before, a bit disoriented. Her eyelids start fluttering closed. "Ah, my head.. S-slight concussion maybe. But I'll be fine, I have to relax." She took a big shaky breath. " When, E-Erin unties you, Bret, see t-to Ambrosia's..head.." She drifted into unconsciousness.

Mara came into the chamber. "I'm glad there are more surviviors." She breathed out a sigh of relief, her eyes widened for a second. "I-is my grandma alive?" she stuttered, voice full of concern.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:37 pm

Bret was alarmed, "Erin! Untie me now!" He inched that direction as fast as he could.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:44 pm

Erin's eyes widened in alarm as the girl went down unconscious, "O-ok." He said to Bret, moving toward him, using his now freed hands to move faster. Erin had never been good with ropes, and this was a well-tied knot, but a bit of looking closely and taking it as slow as he dared managed to work, and Bret's hands were soon untied. Erin turned back around to look at the unconscious woman, "Do we have water?" He asked anyone who could answer.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 6:50 pm

Brett rushed to Lorelei and checked her head, "You, too? If we can't find water we are going to have to find a way to get some!" He ripped one sleeve from his shirt and tied it around Lorelei's head, then went to Ambrosia.
"Little scratch?" He ripped his other sleeve and tied it around her head as well. "Don't move. Lean against the ship. I can't believe you didn't tell us. Erin, please check for water. Are there any healers here?"

OCC I think you're a natural Koneko-Chan!
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:01 pm

OOC: Thank you! C: Likewise, AdriTan! ^v^
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:12 pm

OOC: Indeed, you're better than I was at your age. Man, I feel old saying that...

Erin tried standing up, but his feet were still tied so it proved a challenge. After a second he sat back down and set about untying them. Once that was finished, he carefully walked around the room, cautiously, so as not to be knocked over by the ship's rocking. "I can't find any water." He said, "Do you think someone will come soon with some?"
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:18 pm

OOC: :D Thank chu guys! >u<

Lorelei suddenly starts breathing hard in her unconscious state.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:29 pm

Ambrosia's eyes widened when Lorelei fainted. The red-head winced slightly when the cloth was wrapped around her head quickly, but she brushed it off quickly. "Thanks, doc."

"Don't move. Lean against the ship. I can't believe you didn't tell us. Erin, please check for water. Are there any healers here?" Brett ordered. Ambrosia quirked an eyebrow slightly as she did what she was told, leaning against one of the wooden beams of the ship. Rather than staying seated on the wooden floor, however, she had something else in mind. Putting in quite an effort and leaning her back against the beam firmly-- which sent flames of burning pain coursing through her back, as well as fresh blood-- Ambrosia was able to maneuver her bound legs so that she was standing, though still leaning against the beam. Luckily, her hands were bound in the front, and she used this to her advantage by taking her hands and brushing her fingers carefully across the beam and supporting boards of the ship.

"There's got to be a small leak here..." She mumbled, knowing that even if a leak was small, she could drag the water out from the source. Ambrosia craned her neck towards Erin, and she spoke quietly yet firmly. "Oi, Erin, feel around the floorboards, beams, and supporting boards. We're in the chamber of a wooden ship; there's bound to be a small leak or damp area somewhere. I'll be able to draw out water from the source." Upon hearing Lorelei's heavy breathing, Ambrosia's brows knitted together with slight concern as she continued to feel the boards of the ship with her bound hands. "Please tell me she's having a bad dream and not going into shock," Ambrosia droned out.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:40 pm

"Ah! Ambrosia! You won't be able to do anything if you pass out. Sit down. We'll check for leaks," Brett couldn't believe her tenacity, then he remembered she was a red-head. He felt odd though, giving orders to anyone. He wasn't usually one to take charge of anything. He just knew how to help when someone was injured because of his uncle had been one of the village healers. Until he died earlier that day. He went again to Lorelei's side hearing her breathing, then started checking himself for a leak of any kind. Looking up he saw some water drip from above. It must have been from someone scrubbing floors. "Up there," he pointed.

OCC I'm not really a natural, I just have some practice. :P
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 7:44 pm

OOC: Your still good though. C:
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:03 pm

OCC: aw, thanks :3
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:17 pm

Lorelei's labored breathing immediately stopped, and you could hear nothing for a few minutes. But she is breathing.

OOC: No prob! ^^ *Glomp* Btw your Kyo avatar is adorable!
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:24 pm

Brett again moved to Lorelei's side. He couldn't hear her breathing so he double checked. Still alive! Good. "Ambrosia, do you sense enough water up there to get to Lorelei and yourself?"

OCC: :3 thanks! I love Kyo ^.^ one of my favorite characters.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:41 pm

Lorelei groaned softly and her eyes cracked open, her head felt strangely tingly but it didn't ache or throb anymore. "Brett?" She said as she shook her head. She tries hard to stay awake but slips back into her unconsciousness.

OOC: My sister's too! ^^
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 8:50 pm

Brett heard his name, "Lorelei, are you al-" he stopped mid-sentence when she passed out again. "Ambrosia?" he asked urgently.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Davidizer13 » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:09 pm

"Benndito! Are you there?"

With a long, languorous stretch, Benndito turned to face his assailant - some neighborhood girl, name started with an M? Maybe an N? Either way, she would have been too young for him if he had considered romance worth the effort. "Oh. It's you. What do you want? Can't you see I'm in the middle of something?" But by the time he had gained control of his senses, she had gone, blending into the crowd. He spotted her across the room, and with a grunt and a shrug, pulled himself to his feet, taking his time to work the kinks out of his back. Whatever it was, it had to be important; everyone knew him as the village layabout, and that was a fact. Nobody challenged it; whoever did, though, must have some special reason behind it. "Hey, Nora," he called out, bumping through the people standing in the foyer. "No, wait, Mara! What'd you need from me?" he said, mustering up some pitiable voice so that he'd be left alone even sooner.
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:10 pm

When Brett gestured toward the ceiling of the ship, Ambrosia's face brightened. "Yeah, that's all I need!" She exclaimed. She suddenly looked at her bound hands and legs and sighed slightly. "Could someone untie m--"

"Ambrosia?" Interrupted Brett's urgent voice. Ambrosia bit her lip as she began to focus on the energy of the water.

"Right, right, injuries first, then the ropes. I got it," Ambrosia muttered. She held her hands out towards the ceiling, willing the water to flow from the cracks in a stream. "Sweet, there's plenty here!" She continued to stream the water through the cracks in the wood, until she had a decent sized bunch of it. It was now in a spherical shape, about two gallons full, levitating just above the palms of her hands, her focused will the only thing keeping the large blob of water floating in mid-air. "I need someone to untie my legs," Ambrosia instructed, her eyes trained on the sphere of liquid.. "If I try to waddle over, I could fall and lose focus and drop all this. That'll waste time."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:13 pm

Brett quickly untied Ambrosia, "Get some to her injury then her mouth. Then the same for you, you don't looks so good yourself."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Ally-Ann » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:24 pm

OOC: Last post of the night for me. It's really late where I live. <w< G'night everyone!

Ambrosia rolled her eyes slightly. "Really, you don't give me enough credit," Amrbosia stated as she seperated the blob of water into four seperate spheres. It was a relief to have the ropes gone from her wrists and legs, but she couldn't relish the feeling right now; Lorelei needed tending to, desperately. She willed three spheres to stay back behind her, while she willed one to levitate just above her palm. Kneeling next to Lorelei, Ambrosia slipped her free hand underneath her neck, lifting her head slightly. "'Ey, Lor," Ambrosia addressed softly, but confidently, streaming the water gently to Lorelei's lips. "Try to drink this, but not too fast."

With one glob of water satisfying Lorelei's thirst, Ambrosia, using sheer will-power, brought another glob of water toward the girl's head. This glob engulfed the injured area of Lorelei's head, cleaning away dried blood and dirt. "It won't be enough to sanitize completely, since it's only water," Ambrosia stated, talking more to Brett. "But it'll suffice for now."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby AdriTan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:30 pm

OCC: goodnight! :3 sleep well

Brett nodded, "I hope she comes around. It wouldn't do her any good to be comatose."
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Re: Voyage of Vengeance

Postby Koneko-chan » Mon Feb 04, 2013 9:36 pm

Mara glanced at Benndito. "I..I was seeing if you were alright." Mara mumbled, arms crossed. "I was worried that you had been killed or taken."
She sighs, looking him over, "Well, it looks like your okay." She bit her lip and turned around "Now if you'll excuse me, Benn, I'm going find my grandma." She walks over to the entrance, slows until she comes to a stop to the chamber entrance, 'I'll be alone..Once again..I hate being alone.' She shakes her head.

Lorelei kept mumbling strange things in her sleep, some things unintelligible, some things you could barely hear. "Water..Fighting..Blood.....Tears.." she whispered, sleepy. Then out of nowhere, she must have beem dreaming of something absolutely terrible, se thrashed around a bit. She drank the water Ambrosia had given her, responding by breathing normally. It seems like she is just asleep now. Still whispering, strange, unfinished sentences. She sat up slowly, and stared at everyone, blinked, then asked "Wh-what happened to me?" Is there something wrong with me?" She still looked a little pale but alive.

OOC: Night! ^^
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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