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Of Nations and States: Reborn

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Arrival Quest IV

Postby Dante » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:08 pm

Baptista laughed as quickly as the Vesari stopped talking. His laughter, no less creepy than his smile. Lasted a good 15 seconds, and was of an interesting enough tone to make it justified. He then talked in a rather joyful tone. [color="LightBlue"]"I see we are living in two very, very different worlds. I like you. In fact, I envy you. Yet, it is not about what I like or dislike, it is what the world needs. And, since you have no knowledge of the great war on chaos. You will not be able to comprehend what it needs. It is... beyond, materialistic comparisons. Even then, it would require no less than a miracle. Vivian, my dear friend, if not a mutual feeling, at least trust me on the practical part when I name our enemies. They are not easily won over, and they desire nothing less than to see your innermost sufferings, repeat them again and again and make them worse, then, and just then, at your very worst. End you, completely, or worse. This, is a very simple way of describing part of our enemies. If I was to tell you how you defeat them, well, I can assure you, you'd like me even less. Even so, some things need to be done if there is to be anything remotely close to a sustained and safe world."[/color]

Vicelin interrupted Baptista raising his right hand. [color="LightBlue"]"That is enough Baptista. I do not wish to antagonize our relations any more than they already are. Be it to the Vesari or any of you other good leaders. I know my word in military matters may not matter much, but, I think it is a fair assumption to say we bought some time for more continents than just the European during the great chaos war. Unlike now, they were organized and directed. They slaughtered millions and razed cities wholesale. They were not an enemy to be compromised with. I had to resort to measures I did not enjoy taking. Baiting them with civilians was only one of the less desirable routes, I take no pride in my victory, but by anyone's calculation Europe would have been no more without it. It is also, by these same calculations, I expand, and intend to become an emperor worthy of protecting his people. Baptista here may come off as a tad jingoistic, but he is the most practical and resourceful man I've ever known."[/color]

Baptista bowed gently and kissed one of his crosses. [color="LightBlue"]"You do me far too much credit sir."[/color]

Vicelin continued. [color="LightBlue"]"I do not dispute your ill feelings, Vivian, honored Vesari. They are not unfounded. I've been haunted by them for a long time as well, yet, unless executed perfectly, I do not think we will be able to survive. Hopefully, future generations will have the liberty of being more kind than our current one. However, patience is one virtue I cannot afford."[/color]

Fredrick, in a very unorthodox move took the word just as Vicelin finished.

[color="LightBlue"]"My lord, forgive me, but I must stress the this tear of relations will do none here any good. Vivian, it is true what he says, the great war of Chaos was something unlike any other war in the brutal history of the humans. It was not a war of gains or conquest, it was of survival and sacrifice. I was not active in it for long, but I did witness a part of the great final battle. It was... unlike anything."

Vicelin interupted here again. [color="LightBlue"]"Fredrick, my good friend. You will have plenty of time to make your point with Vivian. With all due respect, I see that Baptista cannot have helped his already strained mood. I have no intentions of seeing it pushed further. There were no heroics in the Chaos war, only necessities. The heroes are dead, villains like me remain. Yet, the world needs a villain now. One willing to make moral sacrifices, so that the world will not be ruined, or worse, subjugated to this great terror."[/color]

Fredrick bowed down, he was clearly exhausted from the stress of nearly interrupting his emperor in the middle of a heated diplomatic conflict. [color="LightBlue"]"I am honored by your trust, and indeed, am unworthy of it Vivian. I am only a subject of my emperor, and thus, I can only go where he tells me to g....."[/color]

Vicelin interrupted quite abruptly. [color="LightBlue"]"You will stay. I wish you to be our main ambassador here, with Vivian's blessing of course. I understand I am ill equipped in person to deal with him."[/color]

Fredrick looked quite relived. A smile was visible even. [color="LightBlue"]"Oh, thank you Holy Saint Emperor!"[/color]

Baptista started to chuckle once again. [color="LightBlue"]"I think we have a good agreement here- Yet, the dealings do seem fair for the time. Very, provided we do not attack militarily in the African regions, and you never go to war on European soil, we should be in agreement. It is weird. I do not think I've made so many new... friends. In quite a while."[/color]

Charles replied with a sight. [color="LightBlue"]"Baptista....."[/color]

Baptista continued. [color="LightBlue"]"No, really. I mean. We got some extraordinary gentlemen here. Both from matters of wisdom, war and........ Vivian, with his extraordinary feelings and a heart of gold no less counting."[/color]

Charles said a bit more irritated. [color="LightBlue"]"Stop it."[/color]

Baptista could not help himself. [color="LightBlue"]"So unaware of the threat, so... impulsive. I do wonder, how will he react to the threat should it show itself? He will likely shoulder the burden to the Urnak. Or perhaps, would killing beings of chaos be too much as well? Even if the ones he love are being flayed alive right in front of his eyes. I envy his naive nature, and his pacifistic state of mind. Yet like it or not, a bond, with reality, must be formed."[/color]

Vicelin slammed his fist into the side of the throne [color="LightBlue"]"THAT is quite enough Baptista. You've said your fair peace. Now it is time for Vivian to respond. I cannot speak for Vivian, but Baptista, for whatever is said now, I wish you to keep your peace."[/color]

Fredrick looked desperately at Vivian after seeing what Baptista said. His body was trembling. [color="LightBlue"]"Oh Vivian, you must not..."[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"Ha ha haa"[/color] Triumvir Gildas laughed heartily, [color="LightBlue"]"It would be unwise to think that the Vesari are incapable of making war Vicelin - it's on account of both their good hearts and willingness to defend those they love that we Oniru are here today. We wouldn't have survived the War of Kings on our own, the ancient battle in which our three species fought until the Vesari showed us that we were better off as friends then enemies."
Gildas paused for a moment, [color="LightBlue"]"They would be terrible opponents for the Chaos, both nimble and skilled with their hands. I'm sure Fredrick here has seen any number of them running the roof-tops around here. I think you misunderstand them though. They are very deeply pacifist in nature, and it was only Oniru that invested in your campaigns to be sure. But in the same stroke they will defend those they love with their dying breath. And their skill at falling in love with others bests the rest of us in ZODEAC."
Vivian cut in at this point, much calmer after taking a moment to regain his composure and coming to at least have a little pity on those on screen, [color="LightBlue"]"What he means to say is that we do not fight unless we are threatened with losing something dear, and as soon as the threat is removed we may as well leave let alone be. I will make it clear that neither I, nor any other Vesari harbor any hatred for you for the killing of Chaos. They tortured our village often before the unification in the Magi accord - they are not a natural evil. They do not even eat their kill, lest we would simply accept them as part of the cycle of life that envelops all creatures. But when you kill another not so they are used for meat, or take part in the abomination of killing another of your kind or kindred species without threat to those you care about, that is not a "normal" evil either."[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"I do not make the statements I have for reasons. Sparrows do not kill sparrows for power, even the reviled cobra will not kill it's own without good reason. I do not hate the war you bring because you kill chaos, that I accept and even appreciate. I hate the war you bring because you kill Hume and many other sentient beings in this land, and do so neither for meat nor to defend those you cherish. I hate it because when I hear you have taken part in it, reminds me of the chaos, like the dispicable Urnak who are-"[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"Enough."[/color] This time the break came from Gildas, the old Oniru twitching his ears. [color="LightBlue"]"I doubt we'll have the energy to get much else accomplished today and we have a big week ahead of us."[/color] Turning back towards the camera, [color="LightBlue"]"We're putting some communications satellites in orbit this week, one of our more advanced technologies you may be interested in is our ability to achieve orbit in space. Among it's other purposes, it will allow international communication, which has been limited until recently. This will allow you to communicate with us as you desire and if you would like we can patch you into the main server allowing you to use us as a router to connect and discuss matters of politics and international growth with every other leader around the globe - we're certain that we can't be the only two civilizations. With growth there will be much prosperity for all."[/color]
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Arrival Quest V

Postby Dante » Thu Dec 30, 2010 3:25 pm

[color="LightBlue"]We'll also be broadcasting Radio signals with regional cultural music and if you build some broadcast towers, you too can broadcast music around the globe. It's an excellent way to allow others to appreciate your culture instead of"[/color] He nodded his head towards the Visari Triumviri, [color="LightBlue"]"having them focus on your more militaristic ambitions. We'll be producing a vast number of radios that will allow for everyone rich and poor to be able to pick up these stations and so we'll have a shipment on the way soon as part of our investment in your nation. Some air-time can even be granted to commercials allowing us an avenue for economic growth. Nothing will be censored on our systems so long as you're not trying to plug people's ears up with propaganda - as we don't wish to use this service for that means either."[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"Anyways."[/color] He had a smile on his face. [color="LightBlue"]"All in favor of NAP 3002?"


Echoed their three distinct voices, each for different reasons.

[color="LightBlue"]"Then if our guests wish to conclude this matter and agree truely and surely agree to this matter as well, we shall both be in agreement and can retire to a well deserved break from this meeting on a positive note."
All eyes turned on the screen and awaited a formal response.

Baptista, looking a bit more devious than normal did a light chuckle and looked towards the screen of Charles Vicelin. [color="LightBlue"]"They have not seen it yet!"[/color]

Charles held up his right hand.[color="LightBlue"] "That is enough Baptista. At least, in essence, we share a common enemy. Vivian has made his point and it is not without merit. To whatever degree of chaos they have encountered, they are certainly still standing strong. Fredrick, you've studied the Alpha beast yourself. I am sure your research will come to be of much greater interest than the recollections of a veteran of war."[/color]

Fredrick looked rather displeased due to current developments. It was clear, he had hoped things would go better on both sides. [color="LightBlue"]"Yes, mylord."[/color]

Vicelin stood up from his throne.[color="LightBlue"] "No more than a 40% stock market ownership on either sides. Full naval access in the Mediterranean, red sea and Suez channel. A message of peace and comradeship will be displayed to both our peoples."[/color]

Baptista nodded and smiled. [color="LightBlue"]"We will not attack Africa either, provided you did not attack Europe or any of the regions under the imperial control."[/color]

Fredrick looked rather out of it at the moment. It was clear that his balance was poor during this time. Vicelin noticed this and said the following.

[color="LightBlue"]"I think that concludes our formal response. It would be best to end our negotiations here, resting assured that we have found mutually profitable grounds for peace."[/color]

Fredrick, who was more or less lost in time replied only with a short sentence. [color="LightBlue"]"It has begun." [/color]

Apparently, this sentence made the Emperor look relatively stressed, and the adviser all the more happy and rested. Vicelin stressed the following. [color="LightBlue"]" Are you certain, now of all times?"

Fredrick said with a weak tone.[color="LightBlue"] "You must not.... delay..."[/color] He collapsed just after this.

Vicelin suddenly looked at the Vesari. [color="LightBlue"]"This man requires immediate medical assistance. It will be nothing more than a concussion for now, but unless properly rested and sedated, it will grow worse."[/color]

Baptista chuckled mildly. [color="LightBlue"]"Poor Fredrick, a man with a heart of gold and no spine at all."[/color]

Vicelin looked at Baptista rather annoyed. [color="LightBlue"]"We have more pressing issues at hand." [/color]

Baptista nodded. [color="LightBlue"]"Indeed, this much we do agree on. I've already made preparations on my side."

Vicelin replied. [color="LightBlue"]"As have I on mine. You will have to excuse us for now, as this just signaled a rather important turn of events. I entrust this man to your care, should his condition grow worse, to not hesitate to use the communication cube to contact me."[/color]

Baptista kissed his cross and nodded. [color="LightBlue"]"Or you Vivian, if you just need someone to talk with."

Baptista's communication cube was turned off at this point.

Vicelin looked at his small, wooden cross. [color="LightBlue"]"You have the blessings of the emperor. Go in peace."[/color]

His inter cube was shut off at this point. Fredrick this time was barely conscious, yet, it was clear, that what he said somehow provoked Vicelin and Baptista who seemed in a hurry to go elsewhere.

Back at the council room and emergency evac was called to the roof-top which immediately flew Fredrick to the nearest hospital (which was one of the best in ZODEAC do to it's proximity to the capital). Here, Fredrick would be observed and treated by Oniru doctors, some of which had over a 100 years of medical experience and whose agile hands could perform the finest of surgeries if need be. Despite a Hume minority, there was an extensive collection of information on treating Hume and every possible source know would be examined for the cause.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Thu Dec 30, 2010 4:22 pm

*** Kali ***

Charles Vicelin had made preparations around the coast which separated Europe from Asia, all traffic was for the time blocked in this region. It had been a surprisingly quick clean-up of an otherwise trafficked region, it did however offer quick access to the capital as well as the best logistical place within the empire to pick up supplies. Charles Vicelin had gotten a rough estimate of the size which was far larger than what he would have expected, but would easily find some landing place on the cleared region. Vicelin then made direct contact once again when the preparations were completed.

" Honored guests. We have prepared landing co-ordinates for a water berth. We understand you come for repair and would be honored to assist. We also understand that your technology is a matter of privacy and will allow your own crew to utilize the materials required to make the repairs in private. Or assisted if manpower is a problem, regardless, I would also be honored if I could speak to anyone of significant rank within your ship. We have recently encountered..... a strange type of chaos. A quite subtle one as well. It may also be of interest to you. Regardless, if you wish to land, you will be considered a most honored guest in our region."

Charles Vicelin did his salute and the transmission ended.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Jingo Jaden » Fri Dec 31, 2010 12:15 pm

*Ebil double post*

Charles Vicelin had been a rather busy man in recent days. Aside from the major attention drawn his way after the his conquests, he had to constantly angel his reasons as, well, what it indeed was in substance. A last bastion against Chaos. Contacted by delegates from minor nations to major faction leaders, he had managed to get overall good replies from the European spectrum, but, to the south, there was a race driven by it's love which was mildly put it not impressed. Charles had managed to present himself as quite direct and not dismissive of their merit, however, also stressed the importance of the upcoming events.

Yet, it brought into play one thing which he had stressed above nearly all else. The imperial cultrual unification. Unlike most empires with a theocratic edge, this one had a love for foreign aesthetics, architecture and history if not their faith. Constantinople, Rome and recently New Jerusalem had undergone major cultural makeovers during a short time. Monuments had been created symbolizing the central culture as Vicelin liked to phrase it. Infrastructure had been steadily improving and his popularity was higher than ever, and with the new found awareness in Europe about his ability and ambitions, he found himself with an excellent opportunity propagate his appearance. In the Germanic regions he was presented as the new Bismarck, in France he was considered the new Napoleon. In Byzantium he was considered the new Constantine, in Russia the new Alexander Nevsky. Indeed, among humans in particular he was as popular as could be. Yet, the corrupted aside, he had also spent much time trying to unify other races to work alongside humans in comradeship against Chaos. The new industrial standard proved it easy to make money without strict regulations on all other aspects, than the cultural which would be filtered through the government, yet, even then, entire cities were remodeled to make everything seem like a cultural adventure, the only pattern remaining in all would be the central culture, a prideful aspect which ensured a new imperialistic standard of appreciation for its processions. Not a welfare state by any standards, it had managed to create a culture of charity in the wealthy classes which would be vital to their prestige. In lavish parties across the nation, a nod from the emperor could make or break ones fortune just by the prestige itself.

Yet, in no other aspects had there been quite as much investment as the military. The military was considered to be the overall most cherished part of it's civilization. For most, it would be unthinkable not to praise this display of courage and culture, as once again, heroic stories from conquests in the past and in the present had reached legendary status among the population as Charles was seen to accomplish the impossible time and time again. He was not seen as distant and royal, but a man which would give his life for the short and long term success for the nation. Enjoying his short term popularity, Charles realized that the only way to keep things like this would be to mastermind the culture and it's development. Not to mention, prove his worth beyond any doubt".

He had recently heard from his ally to the east. The nation of Ark wished to send Acela to meet with the emperor in person. Constantinople had created a massive street leading towards a very open ground of marble. With a giant statue of Christ on the end. This was were most of the military parades were to be held. Charles had readied a prestigious display of friendship for this occasion. One that would surely be noticed by the rest of the world. Once the arrival would be official it would start.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby goldenspines » Fri Dec 31, 2010 9:15 pm

Once plans were set into motion, Acela found the time to strengthen the newly gained relations with The New Holy Roman Empire.
She had trusted her General when he made the main arrangements between their two nations, but now it was time for her to meet this mighty human emperor face to face. All the humans she had ever know were like spineless rats who cowered in the darkness when they caught sight of a Nekojin. Yet, if the rumors General Flyn told her were true, perhaps this emperor, while in the form of a human, was something more.

Acela's thoughts were interrupted when her plane touched down in Constantinople. She peered out the window at the new scenery around her. She had never been to Europe. It was much different from her desert view in Asia.
When her plane came to a stop on the tarmac, she rose from her seat and strode towards the exit, her five guards following close behind her. She opened the door and went out into the warm air.
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A Dark and Rainy Night

Postby Dante » Sat Jan 01, 2011 6:47 pm

Several nights after the enactment of NAP 3002. ZODEAC was abuzz with news traffic and conversation, the Urnak were calling for the right to make military war, trading speculation and thought was rampant and a new mysterious space shuttle was about to launch a radio AESOP COM SATELLITE SYSTEM into orbit. Fredrick's condition had even stabilized thanks to some excellent care by the local hospital, but he had not yet acquired a full recovery. Good tidings were in the air, but one Vesari could not sleep well; his night haunted by nightmares and visions. So, on a whim, he requested a personal escort whom he and the other Triumviri had well known over the years and headed out in a rainy night. He would eventually arrive, wet and cold, at the door-step of Ragnarok Heavy Industries - Experimental Engineering Division. At 2AM in the morning, just about everyone had gone home except for staffed military guards. But one light was still on within the highest room of the building, as Triumvir Vivian Androcles had come to expect of his dear friend Dr. Cipher Bladeborne.

Within the private office of Dr. Bladeborne, the room was covered in printed documents and books, scanned and sent from across ZODEAC, ancient writ, scientific theories and schematics great and small. So many were there number that the mahogany desk beneath them was all but lost from sight. The Doctor, a rare Hume, was himself completely absorbed in his computer screen, reviewing the details of various projects he was working on - a full pot of coffee coming to a boil nearby. Combing the hair on his scalp back with his hand, he wrinkled his nose at the screen and it's addling results as he attempted to conjure up yet another engineering solution.

His thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a series of three light knocks on the door, [color="LightBlue"]"You can go home James, I'll be down here for a little while longer!"[/color] He presumed as he ordered about another graduate student, [color="LightBlue"]"Sorry to bother you, just an old friend."[/color] answered the replier.

Dr. Bladeborne jumped from his seat, ever surprised, as he opened the door to his water-drowned friend, [color="LightBlue"]"Vivian! What on Earth brings you to this place? You look terrible, let me grab you some coffee."[/color] he said as he rushed over to fill a foam cup with his "mana of thought" which released a wondrous fragrance through the rest of the room.

[color="LightBlue"]"For once in my life I'm actually glad to know where I could turn in the middle of the night Cipher, instead of worrying about you staying up too late. It's very selfish of me I know,"[/color] Vivian shivered as he hunched over for warmth and took the warm brew in hand, [color="LightBlue"]"Thank you. I hate to bother you, but I just didn't know where to turn. Ever since the meeting several days ago, I've been haunted nightly by visions of destruction and violence. I nearly collapsed yesterday during the meeting from exhaustion. Everyone seems to think this is joyous; that the Oniru have both gained us an economic boon and secured our nation through economic and diplomatic ties. But I-"[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"Feel that their promises are no more then empty ink on paper."[/color] Cipher concluded, completing the Vesari's thoughts to a point. His ears lifted from their downcast position, at least relieved that someone else considered his concerns.

[color="LightBlue"]"It's not that we'd ever have trouble with such a treaty,"[/color] Vivian went on, [color="LightBlue"]"it just seems odd that they would attempt to procure such an agreement when we've shown no interest in aggression in the past. And then there were his eyes and the stories and video I've been seeing within Europe and Arabia. Arabia already being a part of Africa to some extent.. and then the nightmares followed."[/color]

Cipher looked down, saddened that Vivian hadn't talked to him sooner.

[color="LightBlue"]"So for lack of sleep you turn to your friends for aid. For which I must say I am long over-due the joy of repaying you for all you've done. If I may, if words do not settle well with you and the economic repercussions either, then what would you suggest?"[/color] Cipher prodded, realizing that the Vesari would have to conclude this aspect on his own.

[color="LightBlue"]"I can't say. I don't want to say. Not a war, I don't want to make war on the NHRE, my word in that document is as true on paper as it is in my heart. I simply want fate to spare us from their sword, I want the power to hold them from all that we hold dear."[/color] He grabbed as his heart as his eyes pleaded the case for his words, [color="LightBlue"]"I suppose. I want to have a sword that can pary any that they might bring to bare - but in a short while, they will have majority of the worlds power in their hands.[/color]

Cipher nodded, memories flooding his mind from the reservoir of his youth, [color="LightBlue"]"I too remember the pain of feeling helpless, of the terror of nightmares that threatened to come true. I was perhaps just a bit younger then you in fact. Well, in solar years. I don't know how we'd compare in a conversion between Hume years and Vesari years."[/color] Raking his silver-red hair back, he let the light reflect from his glasses as his mind was bright with thought, of questions of concerns. After several moments of contemplation, his shoulders released and a smile crossed his face.

[color="LightBlue"]"It's been so many years my dark shadow."[/color] He whispered before looking back at Vivian in the eye, [color="LightBlue"]"I've some private research notes that may be of some important use - it concerns a weapon of incredible power, but it would require a Vesari pilot. No other species would work from the letters I've gathered. I've been meaning to go there, but never thought the day would come when it would come out of necessity. I can retrieve the craft personally, but from there-"[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"From there you'd what?!"[/color] An old voice clamored from the hallway, as Triumvir Alexander Gildas walked around the doorway to spoil our surprise, [color="LightBlue"]"So it's true that you felt concerned of possible invasion Androcles?"[/color] The Oniru paused, taking a slight sniffle from the cold, [color="LightBlue"]"But I suppose your insights on such matters would be better then ours - I've always viewed the soul as private property; but leave it to a creature who doesn't believe in private property, even in his own fridge, to pry into everyone else's heart. I admit that our conversation several days ago was rough, I even noticed that you seemed out of it on a quite a number of topics. But I had no idea that the two were connected until I chanced to find out that my escort could not arrive as they were taking you to Ragnarok Heavy Industries."[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"Listen. I know that this seems very uncertain and I don't like it in the least either; Oniru dislike the taste of war, at least when we're in the midst of it. But our economic investments are hardly worthless. If we sold all of our stocks, it currently would cost them a hefty price. Enough to possibly throw them into anarchy in fact. On the plus side, the money would only benefit us as we are well aware that war above all things is expensive - at this juncture we could hire an army of nearly 100,000 men. But if we never invested to begin with, we'd be making a terrible mistake, and to scoff at their offer of peace would be to invite war. We're not looking to make war here, only peace."
[color="LightBlue"]"I never suggested anything of the sort."[/color] Vivian went back.

[color="LightBlue"]"Exactly, but a Vesari full scale amping up of military activity along the border, even for defense, would only exacerbate things. Your intuitions are incredible, but some times careful thought is prudent medicine... All I'm asking for is that you include me in your discussions as well, we're not on different sides Vivian. There is no need to go scurrying about at 2 in the morning in secret - and you don't have only one friend that would happily share a cup of tea or coffee with you to abate your fears."[/color] The Oniru's ears lowered a bit in humbleness as he smiled, [color="LightBlue"]"As your friend and your fellow Triumvir, I will simply ask what you had in mind and that you consider my thoughts as well."[/color]

Over the next several hours, the trio talked in depth about what needed to be done, till morning light covered the water dappled landscape and the trees and grass leaned towards the sun, eager to convert the rains into a bright green bloom. As morning approached, Dr. Bladeborne took leave for rest at home and left his sleeping Vesari friend to a more peaceful rest beneath a blanket he pulled out from his closet.

In the new Proposition 3017, which would later fully be ratified in secret. A new military reorganization was fully implemented under an, albeit true, measure that these updates were "necessary". Contingency plans were drawn up for multiple scenarios of an NHRE invasion of Africa, and forcing a surrender in the event of a military attack. All three branches of the military reorganized their design and mission to match this goal, with future growth created to match this design. Economic means were also secured to help produce a valid flow of material and supplies should war break out - including the new military force.
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New Horizons, New Challenges

Postby Dante » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:05 pm

In the days that followed, a flurry of activity would take place, most of it not directly related to the military, but all of it was by consequence indirectly connected.

A while back, when Triumvir Gildas was awoken by a "black market salesman" named Perseus, he thought the whole thing a joke. However, he vastly underestimated the Hume when he dismissed his claims as impossible - this was proven wrong in no uncertain terms when Gildas was brought to see a fantastical shuttle system, straight from legend. Few people were actually aware of what ZODEAC had come to posses, however, it would soon start to provide very useful work at a bargain rate - and so Gildas decided that it would be wise to treat Perseus' other claims with quite a bit more respect.

Now, with the AESOP COM satellite up and running, global communication became a viable reality, celebrated with the transfer of new ideas and greetings. Broad-spectrum wave-band scans revealed a total of four separate major nations outside of ZODEAC. And a couple shared similar ethics with that of the ZODEAC, particularly The Nation of Ark which seemed to be inhabited mostly by Neko-Jin, much to the excitement of many Vesari. Two in the east, Nation of Ark and The Banker Clan of Chimrajh would be contacted on the basis of similar values. In a private video broadcast to the government, Vesari Triumvir, Vivian Androcles, cheerfully greeted the peoples of Ark and the Banker Clan of Chimrajh from the Triumvirate Council Room, overlooking the vast city of Edean.

[Quote="ZODEAC"]"Greetings stranger:

I am Triumvir Vivian of the nation of ZODEAC, located half-way around the world. I wanted to contact you with the hopes of forming fast and deep friendships with you and your people. As a Vesari, I am deeply appreciative of the cultures, feelings and peaceful growth that you have both exhibited. I would like to contact and even meet with you about the different ways our two cultures could get to know one another and enjoy each other's company. To start, I'd love to be able to jam to some of your tunes.

Gildas knows the details better then I do. But this message is currently being bounced off an AESOP communication satellite. To describe it in capabilities, it allows us to broadcast and receive signals from around the world. If you'd like to talk with us, please feel free to send us a signal via channel and we'll set up an encryption code so we can discuss everything from building our economy to building our friendship and security.

But for me to be able to dance to some of your music, all you have to do is bounce a radio station off of the satellite and it will retransmit it on that frequency band around the world, including remote areas of your own nation. In return, we'll be transmitting some of our own music, in case you wanted to dance with us over in Africa.

Please be in touch, as I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Vivian signing off beep beep"

The Triumvirate, Vivian especially, believed that a positive strong diplomatic and economic friendship could be formed with both of these nations.

To the west though, was The Rozinhelm Empire, which appeared unchecked across two whole continents. Taking a hint from their interactions with the NHRE, Triumvir Gildas approached the situation here with great caution and thoughtful consideration.

Meanwhile, Vivian was also sent around to the various tribes and populations scattered across Africa - calling for an urgent regional security meeting of great importance. The conference was to take place within Edean, within a private meeting hall of the shining towers and Vivian, took great pains to invite all relevant individuals and to stress the importance that this meeting would have on the future of their people. ZODEAC typically had a strong track record with it's neighbors, restricting it's personal attempts at expansion and respecting the freedom of all creatures both within and without it's "borders". Thus, most government officials expected a very good turnout for the negotiations - negotiations the Triumvirate felt effected them all.

Gildas was working on an economic structure in the meantime that would make all of the plan work. He had some of his head-hunters search out Vesari matching characteristics provided by Dr. Blaze, meanwhile, he worked diligently to master the economic machine and help provide additional security. It was a couple of mornings later, when he was finally struck with a brilliant idea - but it would require some liquid funds and he was aware from NAP 3002, that the NHRE wanted some of their stocks back and not in one giant release. So he decided that a win-win compromise was in order - communicating the idea at once over the AESOP COM satellite.

As he suspected, they seemed as enthused about the idea as he was, and immediately brought the request before Emperor Vicelin. Several hours later, Gildas recieved an answer, that the agreement would be completed, but that Vicelin and Baptista also wished to see Vivian. Gildas' heart sank - fearful of just what this would do. Ultimately though, like a good little Oniru, he put his mind before his heart. Taking a ride over to the Vesari that evening, he attempted to lighten the bad news.

[color="LightBlue"]"Vivian"[/color] Gildas spoke as he knocked on the door, [color="LightBlue"]"It's Gildas, is this a good time?"
[color="LightBlue"]"It's always a good time Gildas,"[/color] came a cheerful reply from the window as Vivian slid it open and scaled down the wall in a hurry.[color="LightBlue"]"What brings you by?"
[color="LightBlue"]"Its..."[/color] Gildas choked, his heart interrupting his thoughts, [color="LightBlue"]"It's a terrible thing that I must unfortunately ask of you."[/color]

Vivian looked back stumped, wondering what his friend could possibly ask for?

Fidgeting with his glasses, Gildas looked back up at Vivian with a smile. [color="LightBlue"]"I've developed an excellent means that will both grant us a wonderful opportunity for growth and at the same time a potential to lessen tensions in the region... While it shouldn't involve you in any ways, I'm afraid it has come to it."[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"You're not charging me with tax evasion are you?"[/color] Vivian smiled, as he tried to let the steam off of his friend's worries. But the Oniru went straight for the point.

[color="LightBlue"]"No Vivian. They are asking to meet with you, in the NHRE. A meeting with the Vicelin and others. I... You know I would turn them down if it wasn't very important, but it is important. They have actually asked that you only stay a short while, so I am guessing that this will be quick event, and- Oh Vivian, I can't believe that I am placed in this situation. But if you truly fear what you do, then this is the best way you can protect those you love. It will let them know that we are not afraid to meet them where they are, and that we are willing to work towards peaceful resolutions if they will. On top of it all, what ever becomes of this, I am sure that the end result will ultimately have a great benefit for ZODEAC. So please.[/color]

Vivian stared out for a moment, letting the fear settle and for his veins to cool. Sometimes, he thought, one must travel through hell to achieve the world of one's desires. Remembering the old Triumvir before him, he had to let fate choose for him on this matter, for Gildas had impressed upon him that this was a far larger event then he alone. Flipping a coin in the air he watched fate spin it round and round until it landed with what he would endure.

[color="LightBlue"]"I will take the trip."[/color] He said with a smile, [color="LightBlue"]"It will provide me with an opportunity to learn about the people there and understand their struggles. Perhaps if these men still have Hume souls, they too can see that violence against one another aids no one."[/color]

The next day, he was sent off with a personal entourage, an Oniru economic advisor and three other Vesari companions. As a whole, they were unarmed, but each of the three Vesari were well adept at martial arts. All three utilized formal wear with optional adaptive cloaking capabilities. Additionally, (because of the high profile of the case) they were each provided discreet kevlar protection and SCU visor-style sunglasses.

The AESOP system was also utilized for transmitting video and audio data from Edean, where Gildas would be a temporary host of the regional African talks. The mission would also serve a second purpose as well, as the leader of Ark was supposedly also visiting in the NHRE.

Landing in New Jerusalem a few hours later, Vivian prepared himself psychologically to meet and attempt to form better relations with those that had kept him up many a night just a short while ago. Of course, if true evil was to be found here, this would confirm it to him and the rest of ZODEAC as a whole. Three aspects interested him particularly. 1) His meeting with the NHRE, 2) A possible meeting with Acela of the Nation of Ark. If the meeting was joint, he felt he had little to fear, Vesari had always had a wonderful past with Nekojin and he hoped that she would grant him the opportunity to meet her. 3) Finally, he was interested in the daily life, toils, triumphs and happiness of the people here - or search for ways that the nation of ZODEAC could reduce any suffering. This last part would require him some free time, which he asked for an opportunity to have at the airport before a night flight back home to ZODEAC. After all, the roof-tops of New Jerusalem would be an interesting new experience to the feet he thought.
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Raised Fur on the Shoulders of Giants

Postby Dante » Sat Jan 01, 2011 7:15 pm

At the same time as these events were occuring. ZODEAC was also displaying the presence of military capabilities. Mostly ensuring that their current nation was more secure and monitoring the situation abroad. If asked, diplomatic officials would quote the need for security for Triumvir Vivian (in case of an unsuspected chaos attack), or the need for security against pirates by providing a regional naval force to assist naval vessels in distress (a viable target given increased local trade), or to discover any chaos forces attempting to make their way into ZODEAC given that they were attacked in the NHRE. While these were all true, it served a far more important purpose on a symbolic level - a display that ZODEAC was not militarily lame and that they could prove to be a potent ally or a terrible foe.

Along the coast of ZODEAC, Gorshkov Cruisers patrolled the waters, their PVLS systems armed with RIM-174 Standard ERAM, Harpoon and Arclight missiles with conventional and HARM based warheads. Meanwhile, given that super-cavitation and rapid deployment was unnecessary in shallower waters of the Red Sea, Mark 84 torpedoes were readied to be loaded for firing in the torpedo tubes.

The Aegis class cruisers stayed well within ZODEAC waters, fully compliant with the treaty guidelines. But their onboard ESM systems would continue to closely monitor and analyze any radio chatter in Arabia and actively track NHRE movements with careful attention while it's powerful 34 MW AN/SPY-3 RADAR tracked every air-borne threat within 375 kilometers and the broad-range sonar system would reveal just about anything moving under the water.

On land, additional AN/FPS-117 stations provided continuous tracking along the northern border of Sudan with a total of five setup stations validated by ZODEAC MILCOM. To supplement these larger RADAR systems however, each region will have 39 AN/FPS-124 short range RADAR stations located throughout ZODEAC.

Along Northern Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia, 70 RFX-4 flights were scheduled for continual application of an air-presence for security purposes. But excessive flights were unnecessary as there was no desire to draw attention to ZODEAC, the goal was simply to provide a more active defense and to actively track NHRE movements near ZODEAC's border. These aircraft did fairly straight CAP patrols for any unauthorized air-craft with speeds limited to super-cruise capabilities and low turning action unless a hostile situation arose. 30 RSRCH helicopters also flew along the mountains and shores of these regions providing active selective ECM jamming against any unauthorized radio chatter in the region, reducing the NHRE's capability to track targets in the mountains, and patrolling the areas for any suspicious looking units.

ZODEAC MILCOM also moved 80 War-Tzar Tanks into the region, 5 of each were armed with each SEN package (total of 15) while 45 took up AAC01 configurations and 20 were armed with ARTC01 capabilities for regional fire-support. These units continuously scanned the skies and ground for IR, or RADAR signatures not validated by the MILCOM integrated network.. IRIS-TL missiles were set for 20% IR-tracking and 65% active RADAR tracking and 15% optical. These units were sent in with approximately 3000 standard combat units which moved into the mountainous regions, and began to familiarize themselves with the local terrain and construct hardened defense points throughout the region. These points, discovered by the squads and locals who knew the mountains well, were painted on internal maps located on their "HMDS" visor.

The idea of this network was to provide multiple pre-defended, hard-points that could easily be rebuilt from hidden local supplies. As any failed military attack or attempt to "roll with the punches" meant a retreat into a previously unknown territory, such situational awareness and easily set up local defenses would provide them with the capability to keep any attacking forces in a constant state of imbalance as they entered new terrain without defense setups, while the SCU units would be provided with an a vast number of fall-back points that were easily set up to continue another layer of extremely powerful defensive capabilities. Furthermore, on a counter-attack, these regions would already be the most likely held by enemy forces (or else they would be very easy to recapture) so the usage of air-strikes from coordinated angles could quickly disperse them.

Most of all however, these units took caution to minimize their presence in the region, keeping a low profile and not actively making themselves visible from shore or air-patrols that might be able to see over the border. These measures were provided by camouflage nets and the use of local materials to construct these micro-defense points (which were typically well hidden from air-anyways within the mountainous terrain). This would avoid the necessity of heavy transport trucks and other activities that might suggest an even larger presence then was actually really there to begin with. This was improved by the units use of typical civilian style clothing for most of their day to day work. All of the operations of course were hardly meant to cause offense, they were simply there to provide a valid strategic defense and to a lesser degree to remind the NHRE that they were there.


Meanwhile within the Deserts of Niger, Dr. Cipher Bladeborne and his expeditionary crew set down in on an old runway at Agadez. Gathering local tribal permission, he traveled east from there by jeep with a small military escort until he reached an ancient, oddly familiar face from his childhood, a monolithic ship in a sea of sand. Walking through the corridors, he made his way into the bowels of the ship then to a large vast complex hidden beneath the Earth - foreshadowed by the mark on the walls of TENSOR INDUSTRIES.

Suddenly his face was struck with an eerie nostalgia, filled with awe and worry at what he saw before him. A massive face with eyes that pierced ones soul stood in front of him, a creature of incredible power that the world could not quite fathom. The smoky beam of his flashlight then swooped the room for a moment before he mounted a pair of night-vision goggles, and walked over to the ancient reset switches, bringing the graveyards of fusion reactors online as the facility lit up with an array of computer terminals and equipment. Jolts of sound and light banished the shadows from the floor in one panel after another and the air-conditioning ducts coughed up a dessert sand, dust and scorpions into the room. Then, taking in a deep breath to brave his fears, Dr. Bladeborne walked up to the computer panel next to the Titan. Herein, the sphinx of the computer queried who dared to stand before the great TEMMII, and Cipher replied with his hand.

Code: Select all
Please place your palm on the screen for a complete biometric security scan.

Scanning Biometric Data......Success!

Welcome back Dr. Blaze.
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Postby goldenspines » Sat Jan 01, 2011 9:13 pm

Just as Acela first tasted the European air, one of her guards tapped her shoulder and motioned her back inside the plane.
"Please excuse me, my Lady Acela, but General Flyn Hei has an urgent message for you via video." the guard whispered in her ear. Acela sighed and decided to take the call from her General, but she was determined to not waste much more time. Acela slide into a seat in front of a video screen with General Flyn's face looking at her on it.
"This had better be important." she growled slightly.
"Forgive me, Lady Ace, but I believe it is important. Recently, we were transmitted a video broadcast from the leader of a nation calling themselves ZODEAC. We recorded it and I will play it for you now:
ZODEAC wrote: "Greetings stranger:

I am Triumvir Vivian of the nation of ZODEAC, located half-way around the world. I wanted to contact you with the hopes of forming fast and deep friendships with you and your people. As a Vesari, I am deeply appreciative of the cultures, feelings and peaceful growth that you have both exhibited. I would like to contact and even meet with you about the different ways our two cultures could get to know one another and enjoy each other's company. To start, I'd love to be able to jam to some of your tunes.

Gildas knows the details better then I do. But this message is currently being bounced off an AESOP communication satellite. To describe it in capabilities, it allows us to broadcast and receive signals from around the world. If you'd like to talk with us, please feel free to send us a signal via channel and we'll set up an encryption code so we can discuss everything from building our economy to building our friendship and security.

But for me to be able to dance to some of your music, all you have to do is bounce a radio station off of the satellite and it will retransmit it on that frequency band around the world, including remote areas of your own nation. In return, we'll be transmitting some of our own music, in case you wanted to dance with us over in Africa.

Please be in touch, as I'm looking forward to hearing from you.
Vivian signing off beep beep"

Acela stared at the screen unblinkingly, even after the broadcast had ended. After a minute, she leaned back into her chair and a small smile came across her face, her tail flicking back and forth as if powering her thoughts.
"Send them a message back, Flyn. Tell them we are thankful for their message and I will be contacting them in the very near future. But, for now, I have a previous engagement to attend to, I send my apologies. I also wish to send them my best regards as well as some of The Nation of Ark's music."
"It will be done as you say, Lady Ace." General Flyn bowed and the screen switched off.
Acela sprang up again and headed towards the plane door once again. This recent event had certainly given her much to think about.
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Postby Dante » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:21 pm


As Vivian was about to leave the plane in New Jerusalem a message came in over the AESOP COMSAT. After several moments, Vivian's face suddenly unveiled the full totality of relief and bafflement at the same time. [color="LightBlue"]"What do you mean they canceled!"[/color]

And indeed they had. What was called a mis-communication on one side, was called a mis-communication my tail on the other. Whatever it was, it seemed at first like it would be effective at ruining Triumvir Vivian's day. Already worn out from the mere thought of these discussions, and with no discussions left to discuss, Vivian considered just leaving for home. But was already tired of sitting in the crammed seat. Juggling his options he calmed himself down for a moment and listened to his inner voice.

It said he was hungry.

A surprising answer to be certain, but ZODEAC fine dining was hours away and normal while New Jerusalem offered a vast new cuisine he had never before tasted. The new opportunity was just far too much to pass up, and now that he thought about it, it was part three of his journey that he really was interested in. It was part 3 that required free time, and he wasn't going to do anything else with this day anyways - it's not like he could go back and head up the African talks.

Thusforth he decided to set out for the city, to see it's sights, hear it's sounds and taste some of it's food and drink. Stepping from the air-craft, he moved his way through the city, into the midst of crowded streets and strange faces. For that matter, it was incredibly crowded, so on on a busy road, he decided to take to the more natural Vesari route of travel and quickly scalled a local pillar to a nearby crevice that he jump to get to the roof-tops. There he expected to find others running around, a new world to run along and see the city from the sky (the way a city should be enjoyed).

But he was left with an eerie calm as he reachd the roof-tops, as others below gave him odd looks. For one thing, no one was "running" these roof-tops, there weren't even boards or other tools for improving his path across the city - nor were their foot or paw-prints. It was a clean dead world, a beautifully serene layer above the bubbling crowds below and a skyline of architecture all around, with various observation towers scattered about. He took the opportunity to enjoy the scenery and sat himself down on the ledge, watching the people pass below, taking in their faces and emotions as they went along with their daily business.

How was life in their world? Did any of their family or friends get hurt... or worse in the war? How did they feel about being watched by the towers - and why did people not run the roofs in this city, like they did across all of ZODEAC. His three other Vesari companions seemed equally compelled, looking about in a silent awe that was rare for them. But a moment later, one of them posed a rather interesting question. [color="LightBlue"]"Do you think we ought to go down?"[/color]

Vivian considered this with a bit of thought. His companion was right, there didn't seem to be anyone else up here and either there was a good reason for that or it was considered odd in this culture. And while he desired very much to enjoy himself here, he could stand to walked the crowded streets a bit more if it would allow him to fit in... although Vesari didn't exactly fit in already in these parts.


Given that the NHRE felt that it's pocket-books were just a tad bit too tight, ZODEAC decided to offer the deal to the outside world instead. They were going to try their hand at "speculation" to drive the market prices higher.

" wrote:Due to popular demand, the nation of ZODEAC is offering a short term offer to sell 10 shares of it's NHRE stock (sold in bulk, no partial purchases) for the price of 22 economic units (based on our current going estimate for the price of these stocks - due to limited supply).

Because of this nations immense economic engine, the price of these stocks is expected to grow quickly, and when it breaks 3 economic units shortly it could provide an instant boost to your national economy if sold (and our current sources tell us that expansion is occurring and expected to be very fruitful). Otherwise, this investment will provide an impressive economic return for a very long time.

ZODEAC is interested in making this sale because we believe that we can use the money personally to make a significant positive growth to our own economy. As proof of our confidence in this action, who-ever purchases these stocks will be granted 10% off any purchases in ZODEAC during the next economic cycle.

Any individuals, nations or groups of nations interested in making this purchase should send their inquiries to the ZODEAC economic office at the nearest possible opportunity (via PM to me and then to me and Peanut). This is only a 10% increase in cost over the current listed free-sale value of 20 units (the cost of the stock if you were to simply buy it off the open market, which is impossible at the current time because of a lack of supply).

Thank you,
ZODEAC Finances
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sat Jan 01, 2011 10:53 pm


As soon as Acela stepped outside into the giant square of open space which was prepared for her. A grand number of soldiers, dressed in a dark uniforms with red lines following the edges came into view. They were all standing completely still, but, the very moment Acela set foot on the grounds of Constantinople, a set of drums could be heard from all sides playing at a synchronized rate. Then suddenly, a great orchestra of sound approached as the national Anthem of the New Holy Roman Empire was playing loud and proud. In front of her, several soldiers approached, all bowing down at the red carpet prepared for her. It was revealed that on the other side of this carpet another figure stood. It was Charles Vicelin in his imperial uniform, and, both started walking towards each other. Thus, greeting each other in the middle of the massive ground, which was for the most filled with disciplined soldiers and cheers from a massive crowd outside the official grounds themselves. Charles Vicelin thus lead Acela into the nearby tower which would offer a grand view of both Constaninople the nearby street. Which, upon her arrival displayed an awesome arsenal of a military machine yet to be rivaled in recent history. Not only this, but the grand theaters had an open display in the courts, which detailed epic scenes of legendary battles fought in recent time. However, by the time Charles Vicelin and Lady Acela reached the balcony of the tower, all that could be seen would be millions of humans and other beings cheering wildly at their arrival. This noise only became ever intensified when Charles took the initiative to shake Lady Acela's paws as the eyes of the world was watching. The balcony had been constructed so it would show both Acela and Vicelin at the same height in front of the masses. Fireworks was shot up into the sky, showing the national emblems of both The Nation Of Ark and The NHRE. The navy nearby also added too the celebrations by firing empty rounds into the sky. It did not seem as a nation that had been in recent conflict. There was no real display of suffering to be seen on this momentous occasion.

Charles said to Acela in a calm voice. " It is quite extraordinary is it not. It is as if the war against chaos never struck this place".

Charles Vicelin greeted the people by saluting them and, once again, shaking the paws of Acela before escorting her back into the main hall. It was a lavishly prepared palace ground which detailed a lot of art collected through the ages, but all seamlessly blending in to the design. Charles had prepared a good chair for him and a good chair for Acela. He took a seat and said the following.

" I wished to make your appearance, and our friendship quite known among my subjects. I cannot express how joyful I am to have you as a visitor. I've heard you too are expanding quite noticeably, allow me to offer you my most sincere congratulations. I've done my best to prepare for your arrival. I wished you to feel that this is indeed a nation growing not just in size, but in unity and confidence. As I wish our alliance will grow. However, all such formalities aside, I am Charles Vicelin. Emperor of the New Holy Roman Empire. Your faithful ally."
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Jan 02, 2011 2:34 pm

*New Jerusalem*

As Vivian observed both the citizens and pilgrims in new Jerusalem, there was some faces that one would expect to see in every city. People rushing and generally going about their buisness was probably the most common, yet, it was clear that many that lived here had the expression of a fading sadness, that, if it was some time ago would have been much greater. However, although joy was not in adequate terms on this recently conquered city, security was. If there was one thing that had been drastically transformed in New Jerusalem, as well as any major city in the NHRE. It would be order.

Soldiers could often be caught walking in the street, these were always greeted with the utmost of respect. Strangely enough, a short while after the conquest, Charles Vicelin himself was said to have talked to many of strongest, surviving enemies and given them, as well as common folk caught on the wrong side of the struggle a second chance. Charles had sympathy for those that openly opposed him during his conquest, and, while this was bound to damage him somewhat collaterally, his influence, and even his popularity in his generous displays both during and after the war had given him respect. However, for those that opposed him a second time, their end was swift. To those that refused to swear an oath to him, well, they were either dead or still in jail.

There could be no doubting the quick cultural reunification of this region, as new Jerusalem itself had been remodeled top too bottom. The city itself had 3 sections, ranging from the imperial inner section, the affluent middle section and the pilgrimage section, which was were most of the general population lived. The cities and all sections were surronded by a marble wall. Indeed, nearly all buildings were made of marble with gold and silver edges. Yet, it was not the Byzantium/Gothic/German architecture that made it outstanding. It was the light, carefully placed stained glass which allowed for beautiful caustics even at night. As well as filters and warm water which created volumetric light, which was often refereed too as Godrays. The city was indeed sparkling and clean, yet, the Imperial wing, with a cross modeled after the NHRE banner itself was truly what stole the show. On the top of it stood a massive statue dedicated to Jesus. However, it was not like that of Rio, the statue itself was modeled from the very simple, yet powerful passage. "Jesus wept."

However, observing these things on a high ground suddenly provoked some of the local guards. There was a thin and tall guard, a broad guard and a rather chubby one which directed their strong flashlights in the direction of Vivian. The tall one then said the following. " Well, who may this fellow be? Can it be a theif, a dissident or perhaps...... unt spy".

The broad one hearing this pointed his weapon directly at Vivian. The tall officer then rested his hand upon his gun which lowered it somewhat. He then said in his most authoritative, yet laughably light and comical tone. " By ze order of his most imperial emperor I command that you come down here unt once"!
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Free Time PtII

Postby Dante » Sun Jan 02, 2011 4:37 pm

As the one fellow aimed a weapon in Vivian's general direction, one of his three escorts stepped in front to make sure that no one fired. But after a moment, Vivian became aware that running was unnecessary.

[color="LightBlue"]"It'll be fine."[/color] He said as he lead the others down, making his way slowly down the wall to avoid spooking the security forces. Laughing a bit as he got his feat back in the earth, he decided that an introduction was in order, [color="LightBlue"]"First he invites me to New Jerusalem for an international agreement, then he cancels it and now he's ordering me about. Charles certainly seems to be getting me to jump through hoops these days isn't he?"[/color] Vivian politely said while taking a short bow.

[color="LightBlue"]"I am Triumvir Vivian Androcles, of the nation of ZODEAC. - it is my pleasure to meet you. We were unaware that running the roof-tops wasn't a part of local culture, it seems there are many differences between ZODEAC and the NHRE. For one, the threat of insurgents must be rather high for officers to move about needing weapons in public. I probably should have considered this before spooking you."[/color] Vivian turned around with his hands where the officers could see them. [color="LightBlue"]"If you check in my back pocket though, you'll find my papers that I received from the air-port, the same could be said of my companions as well. Given that I had spent several hours to get here and was rather famished, I thought I might take a bit of NHRE culture in. See the people, learn their customs. If you would be so kind though, would you know of any banks nearby that are trading ZODEAC gilder for the NHRE coin?"[/color]
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Jan 02, 2011 6:41 pm

The officers were looking at each other in amusement. " Yah, unt I am the ruler of ze Rhine. If you were as you say, then you would be in ze Imperial Wing eating der finest Kreppels in ze world. Let us zee ze papers".

*The rather bulky soldier retried said papers. It was highly likely he could not read, so he handed the papers over to the chubby guard. Who, for a good second or two, was not sure what to think of this. He used his intercube and requested authorization from a few members of higher ranks, until on screen came a rather young character. No older than 13, but wearing a robe which certainly classified him on the imperial level. All 3 of the guards bowed before their intercube. The young man in question, who was rather displeased of seeing the officers. Said the following.*

???: Speak, I do not have all day.

All three guards at the same time: Forgive us your imperial highness! ** On a side note, the bulky one could barely mumble anything.*

The thin guard then showed the papers. The boy, looking surprised, and seeing how one of the guards had his weapons presented burst into a fury. " YOU MORONS! These are honored guests of the Empire! I do not wish to hear any more from you, it is very likely you will face a court martial for this"!

*At this moment he exited the screen as if he was in a hurry. Dread could be seen on the face of the nearby officers. They seemed unsure how to react, but the bulky one was crying. A few minutes later, the young lad with his entire escort of elite soldiers, blocking off the street came into view. The young, unknown character did not look best pleased as his first message went to the officers.*

"Officers, you have disgraced your reputation, land and ruler. I find it within my power to see you executed on the spot, however, if the prints from the wall does not fool me I would imagine you found these honored guests on high ground, which is illegal for anything other than the military. Thus, I will see it in my infinite mercy to pardon you. However, if I see any of you taking as much as a two second break, I will see your head separated from your body. Now, be off with you."

*As the soldiers were dismissed the boy then turned towards Vivian. His smile seemed merely formal*

???: I've yet to introduce myself. I am Charles Vicelin II, the current heir to the throne. You may however call me Charlie as my father does. If I do read the situation correctly, you are confused on why the deal was canceled on such short notice. I am happy to announce I have the answer, but, it must be given in some place with a bit less exposure too the common rabble in the street.

*Almost forcefully Vivian would be escorted into the imperial wing. Now, the insides were even more lavish than the outsides, but unlike the outsides, the inside had much painted art covering the ceilings and walls. Vivian was lead alongside with Charlie, who, seemed reluctant to even lay eyes on anything else to a room that was nearly pitch black. Yet, once Charlie stepped inside, it lit up a room which was made of marble stained black and had several statues of historical greats, both human and other species in the room. He sat down, turned towards Vivian which were surrounded by the elite guards who now finally gave him some space. Gave a serious look and said the following. *

Charlie: It is because my father is a fool. He could not tell the content from the signature of a deal, much less understand global economics or military matters. He is only capable of leading, but his lack of a brain between his ears is likely to lead everyone into a fiery doom. Oh well, at least he keeps the population content. My plans so far are the true reason for our recent military success. My father with his limited understanding may see how the bullet can kill an enemy, but he cannot grasp what makes men fight to their deaths, or for that reason, break and scatter".

Charlie held out his hand, with more than just merely a formal smile this time around. Eagerly expecting to shake the hand of Vivian."
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby goldenspines » Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:29 pm

Acela tried to keep her composure as she was greeted so magnificently when she set foot in Constantinople. The friendliness of everyone reminded her of her kind Nekojins back in the Nation of Ark. It was almost unbelievable that the emperor Charles Vicelin went through all the trouble to make everything perfect, down to the very last detail. His organization and planning was beyond any human she had ever met. She now understood why rumors of The New Holy Roman Empire had reached the far Eastern parts of Asia. Emperor Charles Vicelin the first was no ordinary leader.

When Acela and Charles finally sat down, Charles said, "I wished to make your appearance, and our friendship quite known among my subjects. I cannot express how joyful I am to have you as a visitor. I've heard you too are expanding quite noticeably, allow me to offer you my most sincere congratulations. I've done my best to prepare for your arrival. I wished you to feel that this is indeed a nation growing not just in size, but in unity and confidence. As I wish our alliance will grow. However, all such formalities aside, I am Charles Vicelin. Emperor of the New Holy Roman Empire. Your faithful ally."

Acela bowed her head politely as a response, but went on to say the following: "And I, Lady Acela Mar, leader of The Nation of Ark am your ardent ally. Your hospitality is graciously accepted, Emperor. The results of your hard work in unifying your empire are apparent; I am honored to be so happily received. I thank you for your congratulations, but my nation's expansion is not by far anything too special, it's just smart business." Acela's ears twitched slightly as she smiled at Charles Vicelin, "I do also hope both our nations will grow and prosper with this alliance. And, you will always be welcome to visit The Nation of Ark's capital, Fuchoso, any time you wish. But, as you say, enough with the formalities. I can only stay away from my nation for so long and I would like to enjoy my stay in your beautiful city as much as I can." Acela nodded her head again and looked back at the emperor. She sincerely hoped this alliance would be the best.
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Postby Peanut » Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:46 pm

(GM: All right, tonight I've got a few things for all of you too keep in mind. First, the leniency period for this update is quickly decreasing. If you want to make some financial and/or military moves for this turn, now is the time. I may be pming some of you just to remind you since I don't want anybody falling behind for silly reasons.

Second, I've added some new rules for buying regions and have added a new nation ability to. You can find them posted here.)
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Postby USSRGirl » Sun Jan 02, 2011 7:54 pm

*Back in Chimrahj*

Constantine returns to his office after a long day of work. He opens several letters, one of which catches his eye. Cackling a bit to himself, the chimera picks out his favorite Easter Bunny stationary and sends a reply. His secretary brings him a cup of coffee, accented by a human eyeball floating in the brew - his favorite relish. Sipping the drink in contentment, Constantine makes several notes on his accounting sheet and turns over one particular contract. It looks to be an ordinary document though several words seem... odd and out of place. On the back a half finished sketch of some sort of creature surrounds some hiroglyphics characters. Constantine smiles slightly and draws spots on the creature. Things were going quite well with his enterprise, quite well indeed.
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Postby Jingo Jaden » Sun Jan 02, 2011 9:26 pm

Notice - Might be gone for a day or two. Enjoy your rping.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Free Time PtIII

Postby Dante » Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:06 am


[color="LightBlue"]"That is not so difficult a thing to percieve. Hume like all other life, fight to protect that which keeps it alive and wholly well, but to preserve these things for those they cherish, their young, their companions, their family, for that alone will they die. I trust that you are not wholly well?"[/color]

He said this while he lowered his head in a slight bow, lowering his ears and closing his eyes. Then upon re-opening, looked at the out-stretched hand oddly.

[color="LightBlue"]"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know the NHRE Hume culture up here too well, please forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm supposed to clasp your hand with my-" [/color]Vivian wondered how he was supposed to clasp the boys hand with his own - given that he was left handed. Taking a moment, he realized that he would have to use his right hand, [color="LightBlue"]"With my right hand."[/color]

As the Vesari's hand clutched that of the young Charles the 2nd, the boy would feel the pads of his paw-hand, they were warm, rough and covered in dust and rocks from climbing the building here and many others in ZODEAC. Then there was the fur, which was soft to the touch, adapted less for protection and more for building companionship and warmth between Vesari and the nails were dull, not sharp, but extended to provide extra grip on any surface to which they would cling.

Vivian then looked him completely in the eye, [color="LightBlue"]"Then you go up"[/color] he said lifting his arm up followed by a pause, [color="LightBlue"]"then down"[/color] he followed, gently moving their two hands down, [color="LightBlue"]"then up, then down and up and down and- that's too much isn't it?"
Vivian released the boys hand, [color="LightBlue"]"I did that right didn't I? Or is my mind making up things again? Oh, and just in case you ever come by ZODEAC, I'll show you how to do our greeting. First, you lower your head making a slight bow like this,"[/color] Vivian said while doing just as he had before, but continuing to make eye contact with the boy, [color="LightBlue"]"Then you close you're eyes,"[/color] he said while he let his fuzzy eyelids close, [color="LightBlue"]"And lower your ears!" [/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"Well, if you were a Vesari. But Hume have immobile ears... so when I meet a Hume friend, we do the same thing, except they put both of their hands next to their ears as such," [/color]Vivian said sticking both of his thumbs on their respective sides of his head, fingers outretched up, [color="LightBlue"]"Then you bring them down!"[/color], he finished, bringing his fingers to make a 90 degree angle.

[color="LightBlue"]"Of course, being young, or if you just want to play around when you're older, you can additionally smile while sticking your tongue out at your friend! That would say that you were inviting them to play!"[/color] Vivian said, doing just as he said before rising back to a smile. [color="LightBlue"]"Also, please forgive your guards. We had no idea that nobody ran the roofs around here, it seemed so eerie to see no one up there but us while people were crushed like sardines in places on the streets. We were unfamiliar with your culture and so it was unfortunately our mistake. For that matter, given how I am dressed, where I was and what I was doing, for it must have seemed odd to them, there was no reason for them to imagine who I was, nor would there be any other reason to treat me any differently then any other tourist. Given the threat of insurgency that would come from national expansion, I am certain that we could both see that they were afraid that I would harm them or others there. As soon as we presented that we were of no harm however, they treated us gently and with respect and I was honored to have met them. I believe they were working to the best of their abilities to what do what they believed was in the best interest for the people of the NHRE. "[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"So is there anything in particular you'd like to discuss?"[/color]
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Postby Kaligraphic » Mon Jan 03, 2011 1:08 am


*A replay came to Triumvir Gildas' message to the incoming spacecraft.*
Code: Select all
/* To: Triumvir Gildas, ZODEAC                                           */
/* From: Captain Scaramouche, Whisperer in the Dark                      */
/* Subject: Re: Your invitation                                          */
/* Body: Thank you for your kind invitation. We shall certainly visit as */
/* soon as our schedule permits. At present, however, we are pretty      */
/* committed to the Constantinopolitan Pinball League tournament. Still, */
/* we are certain that your empire is nice, too.                         */
/*                                                                       */
/* With the most heartfelt of greetings,                                 */
/*                         Scaramouche, Mad Captain of Angnor!           */


*At the time scheduled for the landing of the foreign spaceship, a large shadow approached from the East. As it approached, it grew, until one could clearly see a huge, imposing warship hanging in the sky. It had clearly taken a great deal of damage and been patched up under combat conditions - some of the patches were themselves melted, warped, and splintered. The entire hull, patches included, seemed to be made primarily of some unadorned purple-black substance. For all its damage, though, it was unquestionably a warship. Its turrets and weapon emplacements tracked anything that moved near it with impossible speed, and several squadrons of small fighters escorted the wounded behemoth to its resting place in Constantinople's harbor.*
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Postby Althaia » Tue Jan 04, 2011 12:20 pm

Deep in the bowels of the temple she was plotting things things that needed time to be executed she looked up as a letter arrived and she grinned soon she would have enough to begin her plan as she laughed evilly as she stalked out into her private room muttering to herself of how grand this plan will be.
[color=cyan]† [size=84]smile Jesus loves you[/SIZE][/color]

procastinators unite.......................tommorrow

[color=palegreen]So in times when all your hope is gone
And you go through life afraid
In your heart there lies a hopeful song
That is there to guide the way
And all the hurt and all the pain
You soon will learn was not in vain
For all your prayers, they will be heard
They'll come to pass through faith [/color]

[color=palegreen]~When you Believe from Prince of Egypt

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Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:31 pm

Pascal (post: 1448434) wrote:((OOC))

[color="LightBlue"]"That is not so difficult a thing to percieve. Hume like all other life, fight to protect that which keeps it alive and wholly well, but to preserve these things for those they cherish, their young, their companions, their family, for that alone will they die. I trust that you are not wholly well?"[/color]

He said this while he lowered his head in a slight bow, lowering his ears and closing his eyes. Then upon re-opening, looked at the out-stretched hand oddly.

[color="LightBlue"]"Oh, I'm sorry. I don't know the NHRE Hume culture up here too well, please forgive me if I'm wrong, but I'm supposed to clasp your hand with my-" [/color]Vivian wondered how he was supposed to clasp the boys hand with his own - given that he was left handed. Taking a moment, he realized that he would have to use his right hand, [color="LightBlue"]"With my right hand."[/color]

As the Vesari's hand clutched that of the young Charles the 2nd, the boy would feel the pads of his paw-hand, they were warm, rough and covered in dust and rocks from climbing the building here and many others in ZODEAC. Then there was the fur, which was soft to the touch, adapted less for protection and more for building companionship and warmth between Vesari and the nails were dull, not sharp, but extended to provide extra grip on any surface to which they would cling.

Vivian then looked him completely in the eye, [color="LightBlue"]"Then you go up"[/color] he said lifting his arm up followed by a pause, [color="LightBlue"]"then down"[/color] he followed, gently moving their two hands down, [color="LightBlue"]"then up, then down and up and down and- that's too much isn't it?"
Vivian released the boys hand, [color="LightBlue"]"I did that right didn't I? Or is my mind making up things again? Oh, and just in case you ever come by ZODEAC, I'll show you how to do our greeting. First, you lower your head making a slight bow like this,"[/color] Vivian said while doing just as he had before, but continuing to make eye contact with the boy, [color="LightBlue"]"Then you close you're eyes,"[/color] he said while he let his fuzzy eyelids close, [color="LightBlue"]"And lower your ears!" [/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"Well, if you were a Vesari. But Hume have immobile ears... so when I meet a Hume friend, we do the same thing, except they put both of their hands next to their ears as such," [/color]Vivian said sticking both of his thumbs on their respective sides of his head, fingers outretched up, [color="LightBlue"]"Then you bring them down!"[/color], he finished, bringing his fingers to make a 90 degree angle.

[color="LightBlue"]"Of course, being young, or if you just want to play around when you're older, you can additionally smile while sticking your tongue out at your friend! That would say that you were inviting them to play!"[/color] Vivian said, doing just as he said before rising back to a smile. [color="LightBlue"]"Also, please forgive your guards. We had no idea that nobody ran the roofs around here, it seemed so eerie to see no one up there but us while people were crushed like sardines in places on the streets. We were unfamiliar with your culture and so it was unfortunately our mistake. For that matter, given how I am dressed, where I was and what I was doing, for it must have seemed odd to them, there was no reason for them to imagine who I was, nor would there be any other reason to treat me any differently then any other tourist. Given the threat of insurgency that would come from national expansion, I am certain that we could both see that they were afraid that I would harm them or others there. As soon as we presented that we were of no harm however, they treated us gently and with respect and I was honored to have met them. I believe they were working to the best of their abilities to what do what they believed was in the best interest for the people of the NHRE. "[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"So is there anything in particular you'd like to discuss?"[/color]

Charlie followed Vivian's lead as far as his way of greeting was concerned. He seemed to be generally enjoying himself despite his previous display. He put his hands up near his ears just as told, and lowered them trying to mimic it to the best of his ability. At the end he let out a short laughter, although he did not let out his tongue during this, it was clear he was amused as he said the following.

"Haha, I've never really been out of Europe, but I remember once my Dad campaigned in Italy I got to see all kinda new cultures and species. My dad rarely sees me, but that's alright. He knows that I hate his guts and I am pretty sure he hates mine too. I don't know, all the time I see him, which is not often. He just looks..... tired. They say he is a hero fighting chaos, but I know the truth. He cares for no one other than himself. If you have seen him before, then you'll know exactly what it is I speak of".

Charlie rested back, took a deep breath and said the following in a much more calm mood. " Yes, I agree that the officers are not at fault, but they endanger all kinds of relations when they do not follow proper procedure. A funny bunch I will admit, I bet you did not know that the profile of the larger, more bulky officer says he has written a pretty good overall story in Russian. I suppose we just found ourselves at a bad situation with no one knowing the norms, I will let the officers off the hook this once".

Charlie leaned forward, looking eager to hear more about Vesari culture. He said sounding quite excited. " I must hear more about your culture! You've already pretty much seen what is to offer around here. Big, dull structures with an even duller population. In the middle east, New Jerusalem is the cultural pearl. Medina is the most populated region, Damascus is were most of the trade takes place, but they are building a huge city near the Suez Channel. Oh, and Acre is a great place to go. It's been modeled into an impenetrable fortress where much of the arms research and development is currently undergoing. They speak of all kinds of cool, yet scary things with that fortress. However, civilians are not allowed, and Imperial members can barely get limited access. I've yet to try, but, I know that when they invaded this region, whatever living chaos that was taken alive was put into a holding cell within this fortress. Still, enough about this hunk of junk, tell me, how is your homeland"?
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Postby Jingo Jaden » Tue Jan 04, 2011 4:48 pm

***Goldy and Kali***

Charles Vicelin nodded. " Understood, you will have the imperial escort at your command should you ever need it. I've also appropriated a parting gift, but it is something you will have to see to believe. All I will ask in return is that my people, the humans, will be able to practice their faith as our holy tome is now once again available. Yet, as you can see outside, we have another visitor I must attend too. If you wish to stick around then consider all accommodations to be open to you. When you leave, your gift shall be made known".

Charles stood up, saluted Acela once more, then, a hopper landed on the rooftop which Charles thus entered. It took him too the harbor, were, the flagship of the Imperial Navy was to be found. It was a grand ship designed in a rather old fashion, yet, it was by far the most significant battleship in the fleet. Able to tear entire cities apart within minutes over a significant range. This ship was thus navigated, along side a few wave units and a great deal of heavy transports filled with various material over too the massive spaceship which had landed. Even a prideful vessel such as the HMS Unconquerable was left dwarfed by this design. It did however, move in range of one of the entrances and Charles Vicelin himself was found to be on the ships deck in his imperial uniform. He thus sent a greetings to the command station itself, giving them a notice that he was nearby and that the heavy transports, along side with whatever extra materials they may need will be made available too them".
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Update 2

Postby Peanut » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:30 pm

(GM: Before I begin, I'm just announcing that I'm going to be making some tweaks to the rules in the next few days. Nothing major likely but I will be explaining how I've been doing combat more clearly and will be fixing a major flaw within the military system. Anyway, here's that long awaited update.)

*New Holy Roman Empire*

*The New Holy Roman Empire, fresh from their recent conquests, continued to expand again. With some quick offers, they managed to buy regions 35, 43, and 46 accepted there offers while the rest which were contacted refused claiming the amount offered was too low. The New Holy Roman Empire responded by invading those regions to use them as an example for others. Confident that they would be successful, what followed was a time of glory and insult.*

*As the armies moved out and forces shifted to reinforce, night fell over the land of the New Holy Roman Empire. There, on the horizon in regions 44 and their capital, Region 42, lights were seen on the horizon at many of the villages and outskirts of the various cities. They moved like they were attached to some sort of moving device and then, suddenly, gunfire! Those men who could fight scrambled to grab their weapons, knowing all to well what was happening, but they were unable to prepare in enough time as the bandits swept through, with little resistance. Everywhere, it was the same, and when the day was done, the Bandits road off as quickly as they had come, they left, with their vehicles filled with riches. In the end, Region 42 had experienced minor economic damage while Region 44 was devastated, finding itself almost completely sacked. The inhabitants of Region 42 and 44 were dumbfounded by the military's response time. Reinforcements were being sent but they had not arrived yet and the military that was already stationed there took too long to respond and hammer the speedy bandits. It was a major black eye to a powerful military nation and was called an embarrassment by many of the local Newspapers. Fortunately, there was one positive thing, a single Bandit was captured. He had apparently fallen off from one of the vehicles and was seized before he could get away. Surely, the New Holy Roman Empire would be thrilled to interrogate and/or make an example of this individual.*

(OOC: Jaden, if you want to interrogate the bandit, PM me.)

*While the raids were an embarrassment, the New Holy Roman Empire quickly covered for it with its next two major conquests. Area 40 fell quickly to Nox Chaotica and the support units sent to aid it in its mission. It's performance continued to be impressive and Baptista was able to add another victory to his belt.*

*Area 41 was a region that was personally targeted by Charles Vicelin and he was once again victorious in a brilliant manner. Using his superior Navy, he blockaded the Scandinavian coast and then proceeded with his land force to quickly divide and conquer the entire region. With each major control point taken, the entire region fell quickly and without much of a struggle. Charles Vicelin was once again hailed for his heroics and brilliance as a commander and as he paraded through the streets of New Oslo to the cheers of his recently conquered people. But, he knew the joy he felt at this moment would be nothing compared to the joy he would feel when he heard that his son was victorious. But, that was not too be...*

*As Charles Vicelin's son, Charles Vicelin II had lived in his shadow and had yet shined brilliantly from it. At the Charles Vicelin Military Academy, Charlie graduated at the top of his class and was hailed by his teachers as being the most brilliant military mind of his generation. There were those who doubted him and his abilities but given the success of that military academy in creating leaders, no one suspected what was to come. Charlie choose to go with a lighter more mobile force to traverse the mountains and hills of the area. This choice proved to be very successful and his force's mobility gave him early victories. But then, his pride led to a mistake. Ignoring the advice of some older commanders beneath him, Charlie ordered his army to use fire to provoke the chaotic beasts in the region to attack its inhabitants. This proved to be disastrous in more ways then Charlie could ever imagine as the beasts of that region retaliated not just against that Regions inhabitants, but against the New Holy Roman Forces as well. Things got worse when a weird, crystal like device exploded in his meeting tent, causing all of his military officers to either die or become corrupted and a part of the very force he now had to contend with. Charlie himself, was lucky to survive, thanks to the heroism of one of his closest advisers, who shoved him out of the tent before the device went off. With his staff gone, and beasts more terrifying then his own nightmare's, Charlie's force fell apart, as around 60% of it deserted. 20% of those deserters were either shot by Charlie's own forces or were devoured by the chaotic beasts. The rest of Charlie's force was completely shattered, leaving Charlie to scramble to try and recover some for of honor and military force. Fortunately, the rest of the deserters had stayed in that region and, once Charlie found them, he was able to rally them around what seemed like a hopeless cause. To fight to save their honor even if it cost them their lives. Fortunately for them, Chaos had done their job for them, and had eliminated the region's force, allowing Charlie to seize the region for the NHRE. Charlie was victorious, but it was a hollow victory that taught him just how deadly those creatures were and left him wondering if he hadn't just stirred a hornets nest. He rested uneasily, wondering if he would live to see another day or if the overwhelming force around him would crush him once again and living with the terrifying image of his advisor, who sacrificed his life to save him, smirking as a new member of those beasts.*


*ZODEAC continued its pursuit for financial excellence by selling some of its stocks in the New Holy Roman Empire and buying stocks in the Rozinhelm Empire. Its strong economy allowed it to perform a bold move and buy the rest of Africa in a landmark agreement. ZODEAC, in the blink of an eye, had moved from being a rather weak nation to becoming a major world player and seemed positioned to become the economic Juggernaut. One thing was clear, ZODEAC would have to be taken very seriously from this day forward.*

*The Rozinhelm Empire*

*The Rozinhelm Empire continued its own conquests. Thanks to Rozinhelm and the rest of the Rozinhelm military, The Rozinhelm Empire expanded to take Regions 1, 2, and 6. They also had a major victory in Region 7 but were unable to bring the region under their control. Still, the future continues to look brighter and brighter for this growing nation.*

*The Nation of Ark*

*Insulted by the actions of Region 48, the Nation of Ark sent its Kamen Rider to deal with them appropriately. Following a rather epic fight, the Kamen Rider told the leader of Region 48 that it had caused the Nation of Ark to cry for the last time and then proceeded to Rider Kick the entire nation! The earthquake it caused was felt around the world and was quite possibly the most epic thing that has ever been witnessed on the face of the planet. Needless to say, Region 48 surrendered shortly after that. Beyond this, the Nation of Ark purchased region 49, further expanding its boundaries ever further.*

*The Banker Clan of Chimrajh*

*The Banker Clan of Chimrajh also had some success, seizing region 50 and having a major victory in region 54. It was clear that this fledgling nation was now starting to spread its wings in preparation to soar.*

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Update 2: Part 2

Postby Peanut » Wed Jan 05, 2011 8:31 pm


*On the shores of Australia, Perseus stood and stared out upon the waves. As they lapped against the beaches, his face took up a stoic expression, his thoughts focused on something else. Something happening...*

*Deep beneath the waves of the Pacific advisor meets with an ancient leader*

Adviser: My lord and Emperor, have you made a decision yet. *silence* I know that this must be difficult but we have no more time. We've fought well but with these losses...there's just no way.*silence* If you don't...

???: Do you know what its like to have your friends and family killed before your eyes dear advisor?

Adviser: I...well no sir you know I'm too youn...

???: It's awful. It's something that never leaves you. But there is something much worse. Something that lives in more then your memories but your own nightmares. Corruption.

Adviser: Sir what...what does this have to do with our situation?!

???: Knowing that they are still alive but destined to live as puppets. Controlled by a will that isn't there own and cursed. Cursed to be hated and tormented for all of their lives. There is a reason that Chaos tends to scream more then any other creature, even when you aren't cutting them down.

Adviser: But the message?! What about the message?!

???: *the Emperor sighed* Fighting these things has worn on us all and its left us with no time for anything else. It saddens me that you don't see that.

*The room became silent as the Adviser realized that his Emperor was telling him something else. That now was the time for mourning, not action. And yet...they could not. The dawning of this revelation struck him and left him standing there, with tears forming in his eyes. This war had left them with no time to mourn. No time to remember those who had fallen or joined Chaos.*

???: *the Emperor sighed* Send the message. Our Intel has already reported that new nations have formed. Perhaps they can aid us in this fight.

*Quickly, a message was sent to all the leaders of the world. It's writing represented the first shift in the Reborn Earth's history. With its weary and desperate words, the world changed...*

To the leaders of the New World,

I'm sure we haven't met before and if it were up to me, I would keep it that we. My people have become very secretive for our safety as well as yours but now, events have conspired that have forced my hand. The beasts that have lived around you for all these years, are not what they seem. They are a remnant of something we fought long ago called Chaos. They have taken something from me and my people namely, the lives of our friends and families and they have desecrated our cities which are sacred to us. They have existed since before your civilizations or the civilizations that existed before them. This is a sight which we cannot stand and yet, we are exhausted from the fight we have been fighting. So, we ask you to help us drive these creatures from these Oceans and free us from their grasp. Please, help us if you can.


The Illustrious Emperor of Pacifica
Zarn Ishtare

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Postby Jingo Jaden » Thu Jan 06, 2011 3:00 am

*OOC: Pascal, we may continue our Charlie convo in pm. Consider their current meeting over as the young heir would be requested into battle, and, as it seems, gone for the moment.

IC: In Berlin, there was erected a new fortress unlike anything the world had ever seen as Europe was considered to be recon quested. For now, the empire would have to adapt an anti-chaos set of development, even though unknown tensions had been raised, the empire seemed confident that the rebel caught would spill the beans on who, or what ordered the raids. Yet, there was a private, and more disturbing case of developments that had occur. On being transported back to the empire, the young heir had gone missing. If this was in relation to the bandits and their attacks was yet to be known. However, Vicelin was displeased overall. Financial setbacks had hindered a greater tone of expansion, and the leaders of various regions would be bound to pay dearly for their denial of his good will.

Later on, he was contacted by Fredrick who's condition had improved as the nation of ZODEAC had aided him. However, aside from the distressing news of his son's disappearance, the message given to the world leaders by the former emperor himself made Charles feel uneasy. Seeing how he officially rebelled against him and thought of him to be the key to nearly all the suffering the world had seen, it was clear that there would be much more required to make Charles acknowledge, much less aid the former ruler.

Fredrick had been establishing himself a nice little embassy in ZODEAC. Aside from the turbulent start, it seemed as if the people in the NHRE had started to prosper greatly on an individual level. There was a entirely different level of industrialization that had been implemented which supplied both the government and it's subjects with wast quantities of goods. This in turn was leading into a re-modernization of much the same proportions as the culture itself was being transformed. Yet, Fredrick was a rather simple man when it came to such developments. He much more enjoyed helping those in need on a personal level. His embassy was not only open to subjects of the NHRE, it was also a site were he tried to engage cultural explorations on both sides to encourage bonding and friendship. The success in this would not be possible to include in statistics, but he was a respected man both inside and outside his nation. Even though in improvement health-wise, it was clear Fredrick was still pretty ill, and his aliments were unknown for the time being. However, it was a certainty that it was connected with Chaos, and on this point, Fredrick had been playing his cards rather close to his chest.

Baptista had however been a very busy man due to various findings in the holy land. Aside from dealing with raiders, he had acquired something much more valuable than all things lost during this time. Something that pleased him immensely and which he had not expected.
Of two evils, choose neither - Charles Spurgeon.

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Free Time Pt IV

Postby Dante » Thu Jan 06, 2011 1:25 pm

Vivian's ears leaned forward as though they were stretching to understand all that was happening. His companions had since gone off to the side to start their own chatter given that they felt left out - Vivian absentmindedly had come to enjoy his stay far more then he had originally intended. Scooting inward as he sat down and sighing as he realized the formal chairs in the room seemed to lack a place for his tail, he swooped it to the side and re-focused his attention on Charlie.

[color="LightBlue"]"As far as culture goes, I suppose it depends upon the family you're brought up in and where. Central Edean for instance, is dominated by the Oniru culture; it's very lax and easy going with lots of stone-work roads, glistening towers, trees and grass lawns for laying out in the sun. The central government buildings are located here, as well as the universities and their libraries. I think the architects who built these were rather self-absorbed in their work, it is really impressive to walk through, if you're on the ground. They are designed to appear larger then life itself... that's how almost all Oniru see them of course. But if you're a Vesari, they just look like an expensive over-sized jungle gym from above."[/color]

As Vivian's eyes filled with excitement from recent memories, he was suddenly beset by a memory of adventure below the earth.

[color="LightBlue"] Speaking of the libraries; their lower levels, which sometimes require a trick or hidden latch to access, are built like mazes, and being dark and musty, they make a great place to play a game of hide-and-seek, tag, or just explore, given that few people know how to access the hidden ones. To be honest, some of the libraries are so old that we are certain that they contain hidden texts that no one knows exist - central Edean after all, was a former Oniru major city that predates the creation of ZODEAC. Some of those old Oniru were less interested in economics then they were science, so they could have some rather odd labs down there with their research on everything from molds to alchemy... or worse. I mean. It's only a rumor, but I've heard from some of my Vesari friends that they stumbled upon a library or two with Chaos creatures in them. So I'd be careful before jumping into anything too ancient - let alone the structural integrity."[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"However, most of the cultural life takes place on the outer edges of the city though; the roofs are free to run - there aren't laws against it nor towers watching you, and you'd see tons of creatures moving about in their daily lives. Most people work a 5 hour day to get necessities and some spend gil for fun - Oniru typically work longer though, either in education or in labor to make higher salaries or to get higher positions in their companies or social structure. As to what you do with the other 10 hours of day? It depends on what you enjoy - there are often expeditions into the countryside to explore, some even visit the ancient ruins of the ancient world. Others take an afternoon nap or liesure time in expectation for the nights. This all takes place on the outer city and within the forests to the north and west."
[color="LightBlue"]"On the far outskirts of town, the walls are painted in a glowing rune paint formed out of lunatic crystal, a light purple crystal that can be grown to glow from energy taken from the moon. On the outskirts, where-ever there is the sound of music, there is a party, so pick and choose according to the nature of your whims. Oniru don't have loud parties, so typically they're run by a Vesari, Hume or a Nekojin. As private property is kind of a foreign idea to Vesari by tradition, you can run into any of these parties that you please and jump into the festivities. It's a great way to make friends and have fun."[/color]

[color="LightBlue"]"But you should be careful if you visit in the future, unless you're directly harming someone else's freedom, your allowed to try just about anything. So it's not as safe in ZODEAC as it would likely be here. There are lots of beautiful and fun things that taken carefully can lead to a million miles of fun, but you should probably keep my mothers advice and avoid anything that fizzes the mind or looks like it could knock off a limb. Most of these things are traditional creations, so they've survived years of being safe, but others are just the creation of Vesari on a whim. You have to generally be very responsible for yourself there. With luck though, if you take a few risks, the worst you'll end up with are some embarrassing stories. Or if your caught doing something too dangerous, someone might step in to hold you from jumping off a cliff."[/color]

Suddenly, a vibrating com device could be heard and Vivian looked rather embarrassed as he took it out with the intention of shutting it off. [color="LightBlue"]"You're needed home for the AUA? That's odd, I didn't expect Gildas to get done that fast."[/color] Vivian sighed as he closed the phone, and began to get up reaching out his hand, ears lowered in a slight sense of sadness and frustration,[color="LightBlue"]"I hate to leave at such a juncture as this, I was really enjoying our conversation. I've half the heart to ignore him, but even I know how much that would hurt others, so I'm afraid that you'll have to either hear more about ZODEAC later on, or come by to experience it yourself. I'll also have my hide skinned if I don't go. Also, never try to hurt anyone else, because its trust that makes such great levels of fun possible, and brings friends around like light gathers moths."[/color]

After slowly reiterating the handshake movement, he bid Charlie farewell with the traditional Vesari greeting as well... and waved good-bye. [color="LightBlue"]"I hope to meet again soon!"[/color] Vivian finished before heading back to the air-port where he boarded a flight back to ZODEAC.
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Stock Market 2

Postby Peanut » Thu Jan 06, 2011 4:33 pm

Tom Cramer: I'm Tom Cramer and welcome to Insane Income and its time for the Lightning round *lightning sound effects go off*. All right, first caller you are on the air.

First Caller: Hey Tom Cramer, a big Booyah from the great state of Oklahoma. I'm wondering what you think about our new overlords, the Rozinhelm Empire.

Cramer: Let me tell you *Cramer throws several Bulls...though since this is a radio show you can't see it* the Rozinhelm Empire is now the most Bullish stock on the market. With its major gains in territory and a limited amount of stocks left to buy, this is a Stock where the sky is still the limit.

[color="Blue"]Rozinhelm Empire[/color]

Stocks for Sale: 20

Stock Price: 2.2

Stock Trend: +.7 and rising

Cramer: Next caller.

Next Caller: Booyah Cramer from the Nation of Ark!

Cramer: Oh that is a wonderful nation with a deep, rich history that I know nothing about...but I'm sure it is both deep and rich.

Next Caller: Right...I was thinking about buying some stock in ZODEAC, what do you think about that?

Cramer: Well, in this last turn, ZODEAC had the biggest growth of all nations with its quick expansion and the investing prowess of their leaders has created a very stable and strong economy that is growing. This is one nation's stock which shouldn't jump the same way again but should be safe and should continue to grow so buy now before its too late.


Stocks for Sale: 68

Stock Price: 1.8

Stock Trend: +1.1 but stable

Cramer: This is Insane Income next caller you are on the air.

Next Next Caller: Hi, I'm wondering what you think about the Nation of Ark in terms of its stocks.

Cramer: The Nation of Ark is on the rise and now is the time to buy *a buy buy buy sound effect plays*. This nation keeps growing steadily and so does its stock.
The Nation of Ark[/color]

Stock's for Sale:40

Stock Price:1.6

Stock Trend:.4

Cramer: Next caller you're on the air.

Next Next Next Caller: Mega Booyah to you Cramer. Can you tell me what the latest opinion is on the New Holy Roman Empire.

Cramer: Well this is a stock that dropped but only because one of the principle investors sold half of what he owned. So while the stock has dropped, this just means that there are more opportunities for buyers to get in on what is still a hot deal. The New Holy Roman Empire should still have some room to grow for at least one more turn.


Stock's for Sale:20

Stock Price: 1.5

Stock Trend: -.5

Cramer: Booyah to the next caller!

Next Next Next Next Caller: Hi, I heard what you said about the Banker Clan of Chimrajh, what is the current opinion on them.

Cramer: Well, as expected, they've expanded out and should continue to expand unless something unseen happens. This is not a great stock but its decent.

[color="SlateGray"]The Clan of Chimrahj[/color]

Stock's for Sale: 40

Stock Price: 1.2

Stock Trend: +.2

Cramer: Final caller, your on Insane Income.

Final Caller: Hi Cramer, I'm looking for a stock that's new and exciting, do you have any on the radar.

Cramer: There is one which is both new and old and in need of any help it can get. That's the nation of Pacifica. Their war under the seas is going to generate some income for people and hey, you can't beat the price.


Stock's for Sale: 40

Stock Price: 1

Stock Trend: 0
CAA's Resident Starcraft Expert

goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
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Postby goldenspines » Thu Jan 06, 2011 7:39 pm

Acela had almost completed her visit to The New Holy Roman Empire when startling news made its way to her furry ears. There had been recent raids on NHRE. She pried further in an attempt to find out who was behind the raids, but to no avail. Lady Acela had been planning a small detour before her trip home to The Nation of Ark, but things seemed to be getting rather heated in this corner of the world. Yet, despite her peaceful tendencies, she was never one to run away if things seemed a bit dangerous. But, her nation's stability came first before everything; even before negotiations at times. And she had just received a message from General Flyn Hei, calling her back to Ark (I'm going to call it this because it's easier to type and say) as soon as she could manage. She had to decide her near future actions quickly.
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Postby USSRGirl » Thu Jan 06, 2011 8:18 pm

Recent conquests over the border lands of Chimrahj had gone accordingly. Constantine should've been satisfied, happy even, and yet something seemed to niggle at the edges of his mind, eating away at his sanity. He wanted more - like eating a bag of gummy worms. He began to spend all of his waking hours locked away in his office, muttering to himself and bent over a stake of papers - not financial papers by any means, but more of his strange runes and hiroglyphs. When he slept it was not a restful repose, but a fitful sleep riddled with dreams and much tossing and turning. The human woman appeared to him again and again, all dressed in red. She whispered evil in his ear and turned his mind to mush save for the small ember of conquest that still drove him to a purpose. A purpose Cadbury Constantine hoped to see come to pass in the days that would follow.
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