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The Law of Humanity

This is where all in character roleplaying occurs. Please note that posts in this forum do not count toward your post count, and that old threads are subject to periodic prunination!

The Law of Humanity

Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Fri Mar 19, 2010 6:09 pm

Humans have it easy. They have boundaries to keep them safe. They have sit up rules to keep others in their place and places for their younger selves to learn and act under these rules. Humans live in a reality preset and unchanging. Or maybe not.

Welcome to Cornet, a city like every other except one day a month ago everyone woke up somewhere (some in odd places) to find four things have happened to Cornet

1. No one can enter or exit the city.
2. Their are only a few hundred people and ages only range from 13 to 21
3. No one remembers who they were or what they were doing prier to one month ago except their name and age.
4. Everyone has some strange power.

This is my experiment to you, the RPer, to see what humanity is outside their comfort zone. Think of it as some survival story with sort of a Scifi Fantasy twist. Based off a story I'm writing. Please, no zombies.

Rules and regulations: because even in a lawless game their still has to be rules.
1. You must follow the four preset oddities. This means no one from outside the city, out of the age range(but if they grew older at this time it's okay), or remembering who they were before one month ago.

2. No GODmoding or the like as well as no overwhelming mega ultra superpower (EX. are but are not limited to.: The power to deny reality, create anything you wish without hard work, to kill [in any way] someone just by looking at them, or bring the dead back to life.) Please limit yourselves. If you can limit one of previous well enough I might let you use it.

3. A lot has happened in a month. The characters can but are not limited to: being alone or in a group trying to solve the mystery, control the city through force or hospitality, just trying to save others, or doing their own thing.

4. Please be original in character design. Do not use some other persons drawing for your characters full profile. You can use it for an example of similar hair or clothing both not both. It really ticks me off when people do that.

5. The city is somewhere in America. It is okay to be foreign, in fact I wish most to be, but not every single one being Japanese or something.

6. Have fun. If you need to ask something or if something has not been answered to a good degree, please ask.

Character Mold: (Please erase the things after the colon if there are any)
-Age: (13-21)
-Appearance: (Eyes, Hair, Clothing type. In different groups or all at once)
-(Alternate Appearance: Optional. If your character shape shifts or controls some minion or familiar)
-Personal Info: (What your character has done in the past month and their personality)
-Other: (Anything else who wish us to know)

I'll post my own if people start liking this. May the game begin.
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Postby Ella Edric » Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:01 pm

Oh, hey! Tis sounds kinda cool!^^
-Name: Alexis Meyer
-Age: 16
-Gender: Female
-Appearance: Blue eyes and short blond hair. Dark wash jeans with boots over them. She wears a Maroon leather jacket over a white tank.
-Power: Reads minds
-Personal Info: She has a very strong heart, and has a good sense of right and wrong. She is a born leader. The first thing she can remember is waking up on the sidewalk in the middle of the city. Through the chaos, she helped the people to the best of her abilities.
-Other: nothin maaan...
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:49 pm

Well its had a few looks and one person post and I'm not doing anything to stop me so, yeah, I'll put up my characters.

-Name: Matthew Kremb or "Matt"
-Age: 19
-Gender: Male
-Appearance: Dark blue eyes and medium, messy, black hair. Is normally wearing pale blue jeans and a T-shirt(changes, I hope) with some kind of shirt jacket and a cross shaped earring on his right ear and sunglasses.
-Power: Force Field. Normally slightly covering his whole body but is not perfect. Self named: "Rule Breaker"
-Personal Info: First memories are stumbling out of a passenger seat into a chaotic(powers were being used) street but exiting unharmed. Doesn't really care what has or will happen to the city but has made a one member(at the moment) help group in which the only pay is shelter and food, but it's mainly to hit on women.
-Other: Very perverted so watch out ladies.

-Name: Alaquesha "Ali" Oundu
-Age: 14
-Gender: female
-Appearance: a brown eyed African American girl with long black hair put in a braided twin tail fashion. Is first wearing rolled to the knee skinny jeans with a loose fit mini skirt over them and a plain yellow t-shirt and a watch on her left arm.
-Power: The creation and controlling of Golems made from what's around her
-Golems' Appearances: Depends on what they're made from but have a humanoid form about 5"7' in height.(that's still taller than her.)
-Personal Info: Has a strong driving force behind her but can loss her temper easily. At the moment is trying to get Matt to help her bet up some high powered goons.
-Other: Can not move when she's controlling her Golem and can only form one at a time.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:24 pm

Name: Sasaria Koorasean

Age: 21

Gender: female

Appearance: long wavy super light (almost white) ash blonde hair, shimmering light sky blue eyes, wears a sparkly white spagetti strap tank top with dark blue demin jeans and black motorcycle boots, and is 5'7''.

Power: can control light and dark energy

Personal Info: She woke up in a dark alley with no memories of herself except her name. She discovered her powers soon after and from then on has tried to recover her past and information about herself. She DOES help other people from time to time, but most of her time is spent away from them.

Other: Her light and dark energy manipulation uses up a lot of her phyiscal strength and can kill her if she uses it too frequently.
Name: Hane Koorasean

Age: 15

Gender: female

Appearance: short sunny blonde hair, amber-brown eyes, wears a pink puff-sleeved shirt and light blue demin capris and brown pennyloafers. She is 5'2''.

Powers: can manipulate wind, allowing her to fly and create powerful tornados.

Personal Info: She woke up on the rooftop of a 10 story skyscraper and can only remember her name and that she has an older sibling. It's only minutes later that she discovers her powers and is currently on a quest to find her sibling.

Other: She is strongly allergic to trail mix.
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Mar 20, 2010 5:28 am

Name: Josephine Vince
-Age: 16
-Gender: Female
-Appearance: Josephine has brown eyes and brown hair with blue streaks. She has a scar over her left eyebrow because she fell off a building when the incident causing everyone to have powers occurred. She does not know how she survived.
-Power: She can regenerate injured body parts in herself or others. She's kind of like Claire on Heroes.
-Personal Info: Josephine has been trying to figure out how much pain her body can now take. She often tries "death-defying" stunts and attempts to kill herself, but is surprised that her body is able to snap itself into shape as if nothing has happened. She is very kind and believes that there is some greater purpose for those with powers.
-Other: Her powers have limits. If a person has been dead for more than three hours, she cannot help them. She's also been learning how to fend for herself and is a decent cook. She has a Calico cat named Patches who has also been affected. Patches can actually talk!
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:11 am

Ella Edric: Simple yet still unique. I can't wait to see her in action.

AnimeFoxGirl: Interesting character designs, and sisters too, I'd like to see were this goes. Though I do have some peeves. Could you describe Sasaria's powers a little more? I don't fully understand it. For Hane, a full out tornado may be a little too strong, a mini tornado would be okay. lol on the trail mix.

rocklobster: I was wondering if anyone was going to do this power, thanks. I really love the talking cat. Mind giving him a bio? My only problem is the time limit. Three hours seems too long, may be thirty minutes or so would be better.
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Postby Ella Edric » Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:22 am

Thanks!^^ Am I allowed to have more than one charactor in this RPG?
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:30 am

Yes, but only up to about four.
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:33 am

PAtches is a she and will be the story's resident deadpan snarker. (for the record, most calicos are female) If you don't know what that means, then you probably aren't familiar with Garfield. He's a great example of a deadpan snarker. OK, I'll change it to half an hour. Besides, then Josephine won't have to worry about stenches. I'll create a villain for you later if you like.
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Postby Ella Edric » Sat Mar 20, 2010 11:33 am

-Name: Hawk Leonard
-Age: 18
-Gender: Male
-Appearance: Dark brown eyes, almost black. Black, spikey hair. Always wears black and/or dark colors. He has scars all over his body and a hawk tatoo on his back.
-Power: Hawk can look at you and make you feel scared. He can make you see darkness, or your worst fears. Whatever he wants to make you see. When he touches you he can cause intense pain. It doesnt kill.
-Personal Info: He is a very dark person. He is very quiet, and mysterious. He first awoke in the middle of the night in a burning house. He bairly got out alive.
-Other: Inspite of his darkness, he can be kind.
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Mar 20, 2010 12:25 pm

and here's a possible villain:
Name: Carlo Mare
-Age: 21
-Gender: Male
-Appearance: Has Hazel eyes and blonde hair. He tends to wear 60's style clothes.
-Power: Can take over people and make them do his bidding
-Personal Info: Carlo discovered his abilities and has been fine-tuning them. He enjoys turning people into his mindless puppets.
Other: It is possible to resist his commands to a point. However, one must have exceptional will power to pull it off.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:02 pm

Ella Edric: Again, very good character. Note to self: get him on matt's side if possible.

rocklobster: I was just thinking of making a character like this, drat. Mind control is a good idea, the only down side is you can't force someone to do something they don't want to do already, just place the idea in their head. I'd love to see him in action.

the recent characters with mind powers has made me realize something with Matt's powers and personality I don't think I stated, think of this as an update. His shield can block only physical attacks. Mental and concentrated force(on one spot) are the only things that can get through but it has made his ego grow to the point he thinks he's invincible and nearly fearless. His only fears are dying slowly and a world without women. He is a pacifist but will fight if only to make it quiet.
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Postby Ella Edric » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:09 pm

I cant wait for this to start! <3333
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Postby Vega » Sat Mar 20, 2010 1:20 pm

Name:Cole Henderson
Appearance:Dark Brown eyes and Black hair.He wears dark clothing and usually wears his sunglasses despite the amount of daylight.
Power:He can go through most surfaces.(Like Shadowcat!)
Personal Info:Cole fears his ability.He tries to use it as little as possible.Hes very paranoid and anxious.He feels that everyones condition is punishment for something they must have done in their unknown pasts.
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Postby AnimeFoxGirl » Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:01 pm

Kung_Fu_Master (post: 1382463) wrote:AnimeFoxGirl: Interesting character designs, and sisters too, I'd like to see were this goes. Though I do have some peeves. Could you describe Sasaria's powers a little more? I don't fully understand it. For Hane, a full out tornado may be a little too strong, a mini tornado would be okay. lol on the trail mix.

Well, with Sasaria, her light and dark powers involve being able to shoot light and dark energy beams from the absorbtion of light from anything that's bioluminesecent (like light bulbs and such) and the absorbtion of darkness from shadows from dark corners, alleys, and corridors. (no KH puns intended :P)

As for Hane, I meant that she can potentially create powerful tornados, but doesn't really put out that much energy to do so as, like Sasaria, Hane's powers require her physical strength and if she were to actually create a powerful tornado, that would basically kill her or at least have her close to dying, and in fact, miniature tornados are what she normally uses to defend herself anyway.

I hope that clears things up. ^_^
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:06 pm

Vega: Yeah, a ghost-er. A fitting personality, I may even let him pass through matt's shield.

AFG: Okay thanks. That makes sense.

I'll wait for a few more players that look into it before I ask to start this so ask around for more people please.
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Postby rocklobster » Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:20 pm

kfm, is my villain too powerful for you?
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Sat Mar 20, 2010 2:32 pm

rocklobster: No. As long as you remember you can't force someone to do something they don't want to do he should be finely limited.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Sun Mar 21, 2010 8:23 pm

'bout time I got involved with another RP. This can be practice for the next one I GM. Lol Btw, this RP reminds me a lot of Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Survivor. I love that. I'm sure I'll have more ideas later. For now, though, I'll start with one character.

-Name: Timothy Wade (Tim) McLane
-Age: 17
-Gender: Male
-Appearance: Jet black hair, green eyes, thin build. Usually wears a t-shirt and jeans occasionally with a black hoodie over the shirt, regardless of weather. Rarely seen without headphones.
-Power: Tim is capable of creating doppelgängers of himself. He doesn't know how or when he does it. They are exact replicas of himself, but they never talk, and he's never seen one wearing his hoodie. They also avoid being seen by him. Tim has only seen them as shadows and reflections, but he knows they're there. These phantoms are usually triggered by emotions, he's come to find out, but Tim hasn't figured how to consciously create them yet even after a month of experimenting. He's getting close though.
-Personal Info: After waking up lying next to a dumpster a month ago with no memories from before, Tim has had little trouble existing in the lock-down of Cornet. He set himself up in an abandoned motel room and has been using it as a sort of base. The doppelgangers are causing him to become paranoid, though...
-Other: Loves music, sometimes turns it up to drown out all other noise.


Also, I have a few questions about the barrier-thing. is it transparent? Could you, say, see an airplane flying overhead to remind you that there was a civilization still out there, somewhere? Or is this like one of Haruhi's closed spaces?
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Postby Davidizer13 » Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:17 pm

Lemme make a couple:

-Name: Stephania Andersson
-Age: 17
-Gender: Female
-Appearance: Short (about 5'), but solidly built. Has light skin, straight, shoulder-length dark-brown hair and dark blue eyes. She wears dark (not black), muted colors, in the form of jeans and jackets, as well as a polished malachite pendant.
-Power: She can fire bursts of compressed air, which can push around objects or people with tremendous force.
-Personal Info: She woke up on a bed in a suburban house, which, as far as she can tell, is owned by her family: pictures of her, a couple in their forties (her parents?), and a younger, teenaged boy (a brother?) adorn its walls. From there, she was able to wait out the initial period of anarchy that wracked the city.
-Personality: Calm, quiet, cautious, level-headed; some might call her shy.
-Other: Sister to Max Andersson. She prefers not to fight, instead choosing to run away when given the choice. Her goals are to survive, find out what happened, and possibly to escape the city, not necessarily in that order.

-Name: Max Andersson
-Age: 14
-Gender: Male
-Appearance: Dark brown hair, brown eyes, light skin. A bit on the tall side for his age. He wears brightly-colored shirts, some with annoying/overused, supposedly-sarcastic sayings on them.
-Power: Electricity. He can shunt high voltages through any convenient conductor. For this purpose, he carries a conductive aluminum pole, which he wields like a sword.
-Personal Info: He woke up in a locked car, in the driveway of a large house. Fortunately, he was able to unlock the doors from the inside, and then decided to head downtown, to hide out and to carry out his goals. Along the way, he found his weapon of choice.
-Personality: Brash, quick to anger, and impulsive, he is everything his sister is not.
-Other: Brother of Stephania Andersson. In the absence of any rule of law, he has decided to take on that role, by force if necessary. If someone's going to run things, he'd rather put himself in charge and use his powers to hold that role. What he hasn't realized, however, is that everyone else in the city also has powers...
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:16 pm

RidleyofZebes: Nice idea for a power. As for the barrier...thing. Let me come up with something right quick. Yes, there is a barrier and it is transparent but it's more like at the edge everything just stops. The road and even some buildings just stop, everything past it look like a long, flat, drawn out desert. The sky is still there and does change from day to night and back but that's about it. Many have tried at getting through but all have failed.

I can't believe I forgot that part.

Davidizer13: Very nicely done character designs. There is just one problem. In the personal info it sounds like they remember their past and that can not happen. I have a certain reason(that I hope to reveal in this RP) for this so if you can, please change it.

Everyone: We seem to have a good amount so I'm either going to wait for two or three more people or Friday to ask to start, which ever one comes first. In the mean time I want to throw this at you. A CHERRY PIE!!!!!

But in all seriousness. I'm planning on doing this in a sort of Arch system. There will be a short introduction arch followed by some story arches. The only problem is I have no story ideas and am thus asking you, the RPers, on my knees for help. Just run some ideas and maybe even titles by me and we'll see where it goes from that. The person who's arch I choose well be the Co-GM for that arch but don't let that discourage the rest of you for I well go back for some past ideas and choose one of them. So let them fly (not the pies) and let's have some fun.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:46 pm

KFM: I fixed my characters; how do they look now?

As for story arcs, you could do something about the lack of electricity, food, etc.
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Mon Mar 22, 2010 4:13 pm

Divadizer13: Much better. For your story I might wait to much later or right near the end but that does sound like a good idea.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:47 pm

lol I wanna ask one more question. Cornet... You describe it as a city, but what kind of city? How big is it? Are we talking something big meant for lots of people like Akihabara/Times Square? Or a more of an urban sprawl/little dusty town? Or a nice comfortable medium?
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Mon Mar 22, 2010 5:57 pm

Ridley: It's a fairly large city. Think of Birmingham(and side towns) but a little more compact and with more trees. For the rest of you, think of Manhattan, NY but not as compact and more spread out trees and living places.

Edit: I was planning on describing it in some what better detail in my first post so if you can wait till then.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Tue Mar 23, 2010 11:48 am

Ah, okay. That'll be fine. :) I'm done with the questions for now. Sorry for rushing you! >_<;;
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Postby acgifford » Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:09 pm

-Name:Layla Hawk
-Age: 19
-Appearance: short, lightly built, bright green eyes, A-line hair cut, black hair with bright green streaks. Wear's darkwash skinny jeans, a short leather coat, long green and black striped shirt. She wear's large hoop earings.

-Power: She can weild the power of fire.
-Personal Info: She is sassy, a little unapproachable, and can be quite cold towards others.
-Other: She happens to be a loner.

Lemme' know what you think of my character KFM.^^
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Tue Mar 23, 2010 1:38 pm

Ridley: No problem man.

acgifford: It's good to see some other people are still interested, not bad.
Edit: She took care of the problem.

Everyone: Come on. We need some story ideas before we can really start.
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Postby rocklobster » Tue Mar 23, 2010 5:36 pm

Maybe we could have my puppet-master villain leading a troup like some pied piper.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Tue Mar 23, 2010 10:26 pm

Somebody gets a foolhardy idea that he can break through the barrier. Obviously, it won't just not work, but will get himself killed and others, too.

In a delivery gone awry, an important something ends up in the wrong hands (high-powered guns falling into the hands of a street gang?) and must be recovered before said item is used for the wrong reasons.

haha I'm just throwin' random crap out there. I prolly will have some more when I'm not so tired. lol
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Location: Redneck Country, USA


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