Sound of Light

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Sound of Light

Postby SnoringFrog » Sat Oct 24, 2009 8:23 pm

Does anyone here listen to this radio program? Saturday nights from 8-11 CST, I believe is the timeframe. I was mentioned 5 times tonight by the names SnoringFrog and/or Ethan. ^_^ I won a CD and got a request in via Twitter and a couple other mentions. It was awesome lol.

I really love this show though, they play good music and it's where I here what little Christian rap I get around to listen to (still not sure why I don't get some more myself, since I like it alot now).
UC Pseudonym wrote:For a while I wasn't sure how to answer this, and then I thought "What would Batman do?" Excuse me while I find a warehouse with a skylight...
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