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"You dont understand. That's not how it works at this level."

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"You dont understand. That's not how it works at this level."

Postby ClosetOtaku » Sat Dec 15, 2007 6:02 am

I supervise a staff of systems analysts, computer programmers, engineers, and others who are responsible for building and deploying databases to support Department of Defense medical operations.

Frequently, these engineers and programmers must interact with other people in the DoD who know little to nothing about how automation functions. They patiently try to explain the ground rules and some basic principles, but often have to disappoint them by informing them on the limits of technology and policy. "We can't scan in your handwritten note and guarantee we'll get computable data out of it." "We aren't allowed to put that capability in, it is not a validated requirement." "I understand that's the way the Navy does it, but this is a tri-service system."

You can hear them saying, over and over: "You don't understand. That's not how it works at this level."

Often, I ask these same engineers and programmers to prepare reports for senior leadership - my bosses, executives within the military medical field. I usually get back papers filled with intricate details. Sometimes there are snide remarks about other agencies we work with. I go back to them and tell them to edit them. "Executives don't have time for this amount of detail - I have 15 minutes to explain a system that most PhDs would have difficulty grasping." "We can't burn bridges with the execs at this other agency, we need their cooperation to get support for the next project."

You can hear my frustration: "You don't understand. That's not how it works at this level."

Very recently, I submitted a draft presentation (to my boss and his boss) to be delivered at a national conference in Orlando this February. Admittedly, I had a bit of an axe to grind against some previous administrations and their short-sighted decisions that landed us in more than one quandry. The draft was returned to me, disapproved, with a number of comments. "This is a national forum with a lot of media presence." "We have a number of people out there who want to reduce our funding (which runs in the billions of dollars), and all this does is give them ammunition."

They were telling me: "You don't understand. That's not how it works at this level."

I've been in the room with these same bosses when they've been briefing staff members from the House and Senate Armed Services Committee. They are trying to persuade Congress not to put language in Defense authorization and appropriation legislation that would force adoption of certain capabilities that aren't consistent with what we're trying to accomplish. The staff members are sympathetic, but won't be persuaded. "The train has already left, and you weren't on it." "Congress was promised movement on this initiative, but all we see is finger-pointing between you and the VA." "The House and Senate operate under very different budgeting rules."

They were being told: "You don't understand. That's not how it works at this level."

I imagine that God exists at some plane that is at least 20 times removed from our earthly hierarchy. Just as I do not completely (or even closely) understand the complexities of getting 435 members of the House to agree on what to fund or cancel, if you multiply that mystery by a couple dozen times, you approximate just the sort of unthinkable thoughts that must be going on in the heavenly realms.

What of those who have never heard the Word? What fate awaits them? How is divine justice being demonstrated to the unborn, to the child victims of war, to the dedicated missionaries who were tortured and killed? Why are we, who are without a say in our existence, placed into a grossly imperfect world and then told, "Be ye perfect"? Why are blessings answered with curses? Why does sin seem to be triumphant everywhere, and why can't I get it out of my own life?

I pray, and get answers to my prayers that puzzle and vex me. And yet, I can almost hear the Creator gently telling me:

"You don't understand. That's not how it works at this level."
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Postby termyt » Tue Dec 18, 2007 10:45 am

I have no specific comment. I just wanted to you to know I read and am pondering what you wrote.
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:33 pm

Likewise. While I find this answer to difficult questions helpful on a technical level, it isn't very comforting. Not that I'm into religion for comfort.
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Postby Mave » Tue Dec 18, 2007 5:38 pm

Annoying to hear it from other men.

Strangely comforting when it's heard from God.
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Postby RidleyofZebes » Tue Dec 18, 2007 8:24 pm

That was... Deep... o_o
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Postby Etoh*the*Greato » Wed Dec 19, 2007 12:10 am

Man, I just love reading stuff that gets the gears in my head turning!
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Postby Tyrel » Thu Jan 03, 2008 12:22 am

mixed feelings. Half of me feels like this is a potential excuse to endorse the anti-intellectual faith of Tertullian and modern Fundamentalists. I Agree Faith transcends reason, but Faith always agrees and is supported by Reason. I can't stand the notion that having faith is viewed by many as the answer to really tough questions like the plausibility of God in the Trinity. The new Testament term "Mystery" is one which doesn't mean puzzle, or unsolved thing. It means deep teaching, and a mystery to the philosophies of man which are void of the influence of revelation.

That said, I really do like what you actually wrote. I would never ever ever give that as an answer in a debate at all. Ever.... But I do appreciate what you said.

Good post :thumbsup:
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