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I was wondering

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I was wondering

Postby Wind » Thu Jul 13, 2006 11:20 pm

I was wondering if anyone has heard of a manga called Serenity

I saw the first two volumes for sell in my christian bookstore today and Iwas just curious
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Postby KBMaster » Fri Jul 14, 2006 5:08 am

I've heard of it, but I've never read it. There's been a couple of threads on it, so if you wanted to you could just put "Serenity" into the search and find them.
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Postby dyzzispell » Fri Jul 14, 2006 6:33 am

Yes, I just found out about it a week ago. I bought the first two volumes and read them in about an hour or so. It's pretty good so far, but not incredible. I will probably pick up the rest of the volumes that are out. To me, it is worth that much.
It doesn't really read like a manga to me, but then, the only real manga exposure I've had is Rurouni Kenshin, Fushigi Yugi, and Kare Kano. It reads more like a Focus on the Family cartoon or something. Each one has one major incident in it, as the focal point of the volume, that teaches the main character something about responsibility.
The main character is not a Christian, but the books are telling the story of how the Christians around her loving her, make her become one. She doesn't get along with her mother, she's been in jail before, she loves to cause trouble, steal, lie, cheat, everything. She especially loves annoying the Christians. But they are trying really hard to love her in spite of all that. The truth is, she really thinks no one loves her or ever could.
It's really not a bad story at all, it's just, like I said, nothing incredible.
I actually bought it originally for research purposes, as I am working on a Christian manga of my own. Wanted to make sure my story wasn't the same, and see how someone else made a Christian manga.
Hope that tells you a little something about Serenity. The web address is :)

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Postby uc pseudonym » Fri Jul 14, 2006 8:18 am

I've been reading it so far, though not enjoying it greatly. The reason I'm reading it are for some pretty extensive reviews, which can be found online if you really want. Unfortunately, what I've written for 3 and 4 still isn't up...

So if you have any specific questions or topics, I can probably answer/participate. There have been several Serenity threads in the past, but all of them are currently dead, so there isn't a need to close this one.
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