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Does anyone know anything of the Cross manga

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Does anyone know anything of the Cross manga

Postby Cross » Mon Jul 03, 2006 5:50 pm

Simply because I share the same name with this manga, I am incredibly insterested in it.. I just know it revolves around exorcism and I was hoping someone could tell me if it's good or if it's not worth my time/money.

Thanks in advance.
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Postby Kumagoro » Mon Jul 03, 2006 6:36 pm

It's a BIG rip-off of Kaori Yuki manga, so if you like her works I wouldn't suggest reading it. The art style is a cheap imitation of Yuki-sensei's art, and the artist is probably a big Kaori Yuki fanboy who thought, "Oh, this is just like something my idol would write! She'll be so proud of me for honoring her in my art!" I was more irritated with Cross than anything. I got a feeling form it like the author was trying way, way to hard to impress people, but the story is ends up just being your average, run-of-the-mill exorcism story with nothing particularly new or interesting to it.
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Jul 03, 2006 7:50 pm

Considering your previous posts... you'd absolutely hate this manga.

First off... a summary from ANN:
A young Catholic priest, named Amakusa Takara, uses his gift of holy powers to exorcise demons and on occasion the Devil himself. He is blessed and cursed with the ability to produce the "sign of the cross" on his forehead to banish demons back to Hell. Yet, the process brings him close to the brink of insanity and physical pain. A woman called Shizuha is capable of producing the ancient writings of the "Scripture" on her body, therefore she is targeted by demons and cults alike. She asks Takara for assistance when her parents become part of a cult out to obtain her. Shizuha becomes attracted to the young priest and wishes to protect him in return.

if I was reviewing this on CAA, based ONLY on this summary (I would read it if I actually reviewed it obviously) I'd give it a 5-7 for bad religeon due to the "Scripture on body" content. Also after reading the Tokyo Pop volume summaries I'd say the spiritual content of this series is pretty skewed throughout...

Considering your dislike of portrayal of christian imagery, and the fact that there is a large cross portrayed, being carried on the cover of volume 2, as well as one on the priests clothing and written or tattooed into his forhead (which I would assume is visible in most pages of the manga as its part of his robes and his face) on the cover of every volume...

I'd say this isn't the series for you.

In other notes, the plot sounds cheesy and the art looks mundane.

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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:55 pm

I casually read a few volumes of this in a bookstore. Basically, all I'm doing is adding my opinion as someone who has read some of this manga to the chorus of those that say it isn't worth reading.

The manga barely relates to Christianity at all, really. Though the author uses that imagery and seems to have researched obscure and random details to utilize in storylines (accurately, to my knowledge) she doesn't seem to understand even the basic principles of Christianity.
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Postby Cross » Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:32 pm

Considering your dislike of portrayal of christian imagery,

I did come off strong in that post. I do not "dislike" Christian imagery. I am against it being used in the church... it has no place in it, just to clarify.

Just because it has a sign of a cross, I am not going to run down the street condemning it to hell heh. I appreciate you letting me know though.

Thank you all for the responses. I think I am going to just stay away from it since it doesn't sound as interesting as I had hoped, meh oh well.
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