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need suggestions!!!

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need suggestions!!!

Postby carneman » Thu Apr 27, 2006 9:17 am

i have been following rurouni kenshin for a while and i heard that its gonna end soon! please give me suggestions on mangas that have a decent number out.
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Postby KBMaster » Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:17 pm

Well, it would help to know what kind of manga you like and have read. That'll make it easier for people to suggest things. :thumb:
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Postby Sai » Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:01 pm

And do you mean out in the U.S. or worldwide?????
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Postby Myoti » Thu Apr 27, 2006 1:16 pm

One Piece. It's just as/even more awesome than Kenshin.
PLUS, Eiichiro Oda, the creator, was an assistant on the Rurouni Kenshin manga (just a cool fact ;D ).

But it's great, so check it out!

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Postby jon_jinn » Thu Apr 27, 2006 3:05 pm

well, if you like action mangas, then try bleach, black cat, or naruto. one piece is also a good manga so i second Myoti's suggestion there.
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Postby Sai » Thu Apr 27, 2006 4:59 pm

I second Jon_jinn's vote for Naruto. Inu Yasha is really long too. The Manga-ka has drawn 453+ chapters for that series now.-_- Tsubasa looks like it might get to be sort of long but I am not for sure on that.
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Apr 30, 2006 8:40 am

I'd suggest you wait until August. That's when Viz starts releasing another one of Nobuhiro Watsuki's manga, Busou Renkin. It has a lead character who looks kind of like Yahiko, but older.
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Postby Sai » Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:16 pm

hey rocklobster, how long is Busou Renkin?
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Postby rocklobster » Sun Apr 30, 2006 1:17 pm

According to the article I read, it's ten volumes. Also, Viz is going to release the Kenshin novels in October. The first one anyway.
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Postby Kawaiikneko » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:27 pm

One Piece, Naruto, and DEATH NOTE.

I'd also suggest Inuyasha, but Viz butchered it =_=;; They started it back when they still flipped their manga and changed translations.
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Postby MasterDias » Sun Apr 30, 2006 2:29 pm

Busou Renkin was ended last year at around 9 or 10 volumes despite sometimes winding up on the top 10 charts. I don't know if the Jump editors allowed Watsuki to finish up the story or not.

Some people on the internet seem to like to bash it a lot, but I didn't think it was that bad. The bit I read was alright enough.
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Postby Monkey J. Luffy » Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:54 pm

Define "big"
Hubnter X Hunter is awesome if you like actiion. There are only 8 volumes out htough
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Postby jon_jinn » Sun Apr 30, 2006 4:14 pm

i read the japanese graphic novels for busou renkin and didn't seem to take much liking to it. although i couldn't understand what they were saying, it wasn't one of the mangas that stood out a lot to me. your average action manga.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon May 01, 2006 8:12 pm

I'll have to second InuYasha, if you're looking for length. Though I've never read it myself, it is rediculously long. XD

Also, check Trigun and Trigun Maximum. Trigun is 2 volumes, but Trigun Maximum continues for a bit (what is it now, 13? 14?) *stops talking about series she hasn't read* XD

While this is a little off-topic, does anyone know if Yahiko no Sakabatou will be released in America? I remember reading scans for it a long time ago, but I never heard anything about it since then. Anyone know anything regarding this 29th volume?
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Postby MasterDias » Tue May 02, 2006 12:26 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:While this is a little off-topic, does anyone know if Yahiko no Sakabatou will be released in America? I remember reading scans for it a long time ago, but I never heard anything about it since then. Anyone know anything regarding this 29th volume?

Well, Viz is releasing Busou Renkin to attempt to ride the coat tails of Kenshin's popularity so I suppose that they might release Yahiko no Sakabatou sometime in the future.
But they haven't officially announced any plans for it currently.
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Postby creed4 » Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:54 am

Ranma 1/2 very funny, some fan service
Inu Yasha very funny as well
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri Jun 16, 2006 1:00 pm

I think Yahiko no Sakabatou is being realesed in Rurouni Kenshin #28.
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Postby jon_jinn » Fri Jun 16, 2006 3:42 pm

if you like action mangas, then try: Bleach, Hunter x Hunter, and Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.
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Postby blue elf » Tue Jul 11, 2006 8:25 am

Well, if you like long action series, I'd recommend Bleach. It has 13 volumes out in English, but there are over 20 volumes out in Japan right now, so it definitely counts as long.
I'd also recommend Chrono Crusade. It's 8 volumes long, with 7 of them out in English right now.
I second the Black Cat recommendation, even though it only has 3 English volumes out so far. I know the series is finished in Japan, but I don't know what the total volume count is, but I'm sure it's fairly lengthy.
If you like more psychological stuff, then I'd recommend Death Note and Monster, which have 6 and 4 English volumes out respectively. Both series are finished in Japan, and though I can't remember the exact number of volumes they have, I know they each have more than 10.

I'm not sure of your personal tastes in manga, but all of the series I recommended, with the exception of Monster, lean more towards the fantasy genre, especially Bleach, Death Note, and Chrono Crusade. Bleach and Death Note both deal with shinigami(gods of death), while Chrono Crusade deals with demons. The main reason I say Black Cat is more in the fantasy genre is because some of the characters have Tao powers.
Monster, on the other hand, fits firmly in the psychological thriller category.
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Postby Raiden no Kishi » Tue Jul 11, 2006 12:33 pm

Shao Feng-Li wrote:I think Yahiko no Sakabatou is being realesed in Rurouni Kenshin #28.

Having read Kenshin vol. 28, I have to say . . . I don't think so.

[spoiler]There is a neat scene where Kenshin and Yahiko have a brief duel and Kenshin passes his sakabatou to Yahiko, but I don't know if that is actually Yahiko no Sakabatou. It didn't identify it as such.[/spoiler]

I would heartily recommend Bleach, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle, DNAngel, and possibly One Piece.

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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Jul 11, 2006 2:52 pm

Raiden no Kishi wrote:Having read Kenshin vol. 28, I have to say . . . I don't think so.

Yes that was disapointing.

I suggest Peace Maker and Peace Maker Kurogane. Though Peace Maker isn't here yet, but ADV has Kurogane.
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