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need help remembering a story i heard

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need help remembering a story i heard

Postby justaservent » Sat Apr 22, 2006 7:44 pm

Hello, thank you ahead of time for reading this thread

Im teaching my youth group this wednesday,
and I really want to use this story I heard awhile ago for the lesson that im teaching.

However I dont know the name of the person it happend to,so I cant look it up.

The story is about someone (I believe a girl) who survived World War 2 (i believe the holocaust), and met
the nazi who hurt her (I cant remeber that well). When she met him she prayed to GOD for strenth to forgive him, and was finally able to.

Obviously the lesson im teaching is about forgivness.

Im sorry that I dont remeber much about the story, and the description I gave is pretty vague.

I understand if nobody knows of it.
Thank you for your time.
GOD bless
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Sat Apr 22, 2006 8:05 pm

That's part of Corrie Ten Boom's story. :D She was a Dutch woman who was sent to a German Nazi concentration camp for making fake ration cards (she and her family were hiding Jews. The Jews; however, were not found). Anyways, she stayed in the camp with her sister for several years (I forget the exact number), and she was later released (her sister died in the camp). She later met one of the German soldiers and forgave him. She's got an awesome story of faith and forgiveness, though! *is named after her* :grin:
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Postby Slater » Sat Apr 22, 2006 10:37 pm

yep, Corrie Ten Boom was the first word that came to my head as soon as I read the word Nazi. She was put in a concentration camp and her sister died while they were there due to the abuse they recieved. She escaped and years later saw one of the ex-soldats at church who asked her for forgiveness for what he did to her and her sister.
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Postby justaservent » Sun Apr 23, 2006 6:26 pm

Alright! Thank you both very much.
I rember hearing of the story awhile ago when I first joined the site.
I couldn't remeber the name or anything. Thanks for the help it means alot to me.

praise GOD!!!
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