Tom Dincht wrote:I have never heard of Juvenille Orion though. Can yo uexplain why you disliked it?
Radical Dreamer wrote:Well, mostly it was for the religious mumbo-jumbo it seemed to have. I think it was like, there were angels and demons (the Judeo-Christian kind), but not all the demons were bad, and not all the angles were good...Plus, there were some artistic proportion issues that just couldn't be ignored. XD It just didn't strike me as something I would have enjoyed the rest of, that's all.
Shadowchild wrote:Jon, you're comment about Furuba is about to make me cry. T_T
Fav to anime: Furuba - the manga in my favorite and I wish to someday be able to draw as well.
Least fav: DBZ- Taking 2-3 seasons to defeat a pink dude and still not really beat him just kinda bores me... Otherwise I have no complaints.
jon_jinn wrote:Getbackers - now this is one of the most underrated mangas i've ever encountered. out of all the people i know, only one person likes getbackers. this is a great manga that contains an intriguing storyline that appears more than it would seem at first glance. the characters all have their own personalities and abilities and their pasts make them even more interesting and the fighting scenes are simply breathtaking. an excellent manga that features much action as well as a bit of comedy here and there.
Radical Dreamer wrote:Well, mostly it was for the religious mumbo-jumbo it seemed to have. I think it was like, there were angels and demons (the Judeo-Christian kind), but not all the demons were bad, and not all the angles were good...Plus, there were some artistic proportion issues that just couldn't be ignored. XD It just didn't strike me as something I would have enjoyed the rest of, that's all.
Kokoro Daisuke wrote:While I prefer the anime since it's cleaner, the GetBackers manga is definitely seven different shades of awesome.Thumbs up to a fellow fan! <3
Tom Dincht wrote:How about One Piece DUB? XD
Myoti wrote:But that's anime, not manga. The only problem with the American manga is their use of the forbidden name, Zolo. :p
Tom Dincht wrote:You expect One Piece to go by the laws of real life...wait, who says Arr or Matey?
ree namuras wrote:(Favorites: )
(D.N.Angel: The second manga that I stayed with. I normally dislike romances because I just don't get them - it doesn't make any sense. This one, however, is just so deep. And real. It's not some random story. I love it for the story, characters, and the art.)
ree namuras wrote: I just love how Fai teases Kurogane. And how Kurogane reacts, of course.)
Tenshi no Ai wrote:...c'mon is that really supposed to be funny still? (Sometime there crosses the line when enough really IS enough) :/ ...and that's all I'm saying.
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