Steeltemplar wrote:One thing I found odd in the manga was the way that they translated the stereotypical Osakan catchphrase ("Nandeyane"). In the manga they said "fuggedaboutit" in the New York style. The anime subtitle was "What the heck?". Not that either made that much sense to me, but the anime version seemed less incongruous as it was not taken from American culture.
The localization in volume 1 is very noticable, but the remaining volumes were pretty consistent. I was a bit surprised at some of the swearing in this volume; I am pretty certain that it was a translation decision to include those, and not Mr. Azuma's.AnimeHeretic wrote:Approximately half way through volume 1, the quality improves though.
termyt wrote:There were many instances in the manga that physically forced me to stop reading the book for several minutes while I stopped laughing and wiped the tears from my eyes so I could read again. It's that good.
Mr. SmartyPants wrote:I feel ya there buddy! Same applies with Yotsubato!
AnimeHeretic wrote:"Well, in some of the panels it depended on how the translation was handled. The Japanese word itself is not allowed on CAA (or so a mod once told me), but that word in the manga is one of the translations of it.
My guess is that you're referring to the Japanese word that sounds sort of similiar to "lie" in Japanese?AnimeHeretic wrote:"Well, in some of the panels it depended on how the translation was handled. The Japanese word itself is not allowed on CAA (or so a mod once told me), but that word in the manga is one of the translations of it.
Tenshi no Ai wrote:I know that manga's made by the same author and all... can someone maybe give me a short summary on what it's about? ^^ Oh and who is it licensed by (cause I'm pretty sure it is...)
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