kaemmerite wrote:Well, the anime added Konohamaru, who contributes nothing to the storyline and is irritating, so I do slightly prefer the manga because of the lack of the useless annoying kid.
And what's wrong with the dub?
kaemmerite wrote:Geez, another dub basher? I hate to get on my standard soap box again, but you leave me no choice.
1) They did an EXCELLENT job in the dubbing. All the voice actors pronounced all the words correctly, which is commendable (aside from the guy who does the Toonami robot's voice, but since he isn't in the show, he doesn't count). The voices were well-cast too. The only one that is slightly irritating is Sakura, but since I thought her Japanese voice was annoying too, that hardly counts. She's supposed to be annoying.
2) Yes, they edited out the violence, because Naruto is a CHILDREN'S SHOW. The thing you don't understand is that Naruto is a show for KIDS in Japan. This is why it did not get on Adult Swim, because Adult Swim is for ADULT shows and Naruto is a KIDS' show. There IS a difference between what is deemed acceptable content in Japan and America, forcing them to tone down the violence. But you know what? The amount of violence that was left in was actually above what I would have expected. They use the words "kill" and "die" instead of "destroy" or "take down." They leave in blood, though not a LOT, it IS in there. What, so you're complaining Ebisu didn't have a huge geyser of blood when he saw Naruto's jutsu? That hardly constitutes "butchering."
3) Apparently you don't know ANYTHING about how licensing works. In order to keep the same opening and ending songs to the anime, they would have had to pay royalties to the bands that made those songs. That costs MONEY. And not a tiny amount of money either, a sizable sum of money. It's far easier to make their own opening and ending songs than to pay huge sums of money to people. Hey, they kept in ALL the original music other than the opening and ending, so why are you complaining anyway? If they replaced the entire soundtrack, yeah, I could see complaints, but they didn't.
It COULD get worse. Look at One Piece, which is an example of horrible editing, lousy changes, etc. If 4Kids had gotten their hands on Naruto, it would have been disastrous.
Viz treated Naruto like it was GOLD. They gave it the BEST treatment, the BEST voice actors, kept in practically EVERYTHING, and edited VERY little. It is the BEST dub a person could ask for. I'm sick and tired of people bashing the dub JUST because it's in English. If anime companies see people complaining over one of the best dubs on the market, know what they're going to say? "Fans are complaining no matter how well we treat anime, so why bother licensing it? They're just going to whine no matter how good a job we do, so it isn't worth it." Then, anime stops getting licensed, and it becomes a niche market again, impossible to find. I don't want that to happen, and it makes me sick when anime fans bash a dub JUST because it's a dub.
I would much rather it be called Dopplegangers than Clones. it just urks me to hear that.
everdred12a wrote:I don't dislike the manga or the anime, but the only thing about the dub that bothers me is when Naruto says, "Believe it!" I don't know, but just something about the combination of the phrase and the voice bothers me. I don't dislike the VA either, it's just that one thing...
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
Wise Dragon wrote:I would much rather it be called Dopplegangers than Clones.
KhakiBlueSocks wrote:Does Naruto really say "Believe it" in the original version? I know they did the same with Rurouni Kenshin with his "that it is" or "That you should" terminology, but is it the same with Naruto?
uc pseudonym wrote:I don't know Japanese, but I did see a fair number of the subbed episodes. If the "Believe it" phrase is really "dattebayo" I can assure you that this is said a ridiculous number of times. Even in Japanese I got sick of it (and I was assuming it was a basic part of sentence structure that in Japanese ends up at the end of sentences).
" wrote:RustyClaymore 11:27 - Ah yes, Socks is the single raindrop responsible for the flood. XD
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