Pan Chan wrote:and Isaia had underwear on I know because I've read that verse too.
Incase you don't know it destroys sexual pruity and it can cause addictions too.
But what I mean by nude as a sin I'm talking about pronography and showing it off in comix, shows and magazines.
You know I've seen scuptures and drawn pictures of naked men before and it's ruined my life and you can call me weak or whatever. You can make fun of me and just shut me out but it's true and now i have to live with it just because some people thought it wasn't wrong.
Pan Chan wrote:Drinking acohol is a sin but that's not the point.
Ok so what? your version says he was naked
but showing of nudity in comix is rong this is all I'm trying to say. It should not be used. I don't care if you don't think it's sinning or not because I know the truth!
Showing off a naked person is pronography!
Raiden no Kishi (post: 1218170) wrote:Also, I hope never to hear "Nate" and "prance" in the same sentence again . . .
Bianca wrote:Its part of the Japanese culture to use sex as humor and media, so you shouldn't be bothered by that sort of thing
Raiden no Kishi (post: 1218170) wrote:Also, I hope never to hear "Nate" and "prance" in the same sentence again . . .
Pan Chan wrote:Well lets see.... hmmmm... did anyone else see Adam and Eve? No they didn't.
OtakuX wrote:No but they would have. The only reason that humans clothe themselves is that sin came into the world and Adam and Eve were thrown out into the cold and ashamed of what they saw in themsleves. God had originally created the human body with no intention of covering them at all:
Genesis 2:25
The man and his wife were both naked, and they felt no shame.
Notice it says the man and his wife, this man and wife is a character reference, not a relational reference. God never intended that the naked body be something to be ashamed of.
Still, granted that we have made a comlpete mess up of everything and now that sin is in the world we have the problem fo lust. This meas that somepeople can have problems with nudity and I respect that you make your choices and you should stick by them, it is just that this is not an absolute.
I grew up in a country were clothes were what in the tribal areas (about 75% of the population mind) the rich wore becasue they can afford to, and the not so rich do when its cold to keep warm. As such I find it poosible to view a fully naked women with out being aroused, I can still be dragged into lust if I am not careful yet, because of my upbringing, I have naturally enbedded saftey guards that mean I don't see the nakes women as a sexual odject. Just a women who happens to be wearing no clothes.
Again, this does not excuse things such as hentai and eichii, they are vile art mediums. Just to say that the all manga containining nudity is hentai.
Mave wrote:I have a hard time imagining a good reason a christian manga would have nudity. Not that I have anything against that but I'm pretty skeptical that there's a justification that overexcedes the stumbling block risk factor. Still, if you're ready to take the responsibility and answer for it before God during judgement, at least warn readers about such content with some label or something.
There are ways of conveying SC to readers without having to be graphic and over-stimulating their minds unnecessarily. Of course, having the SC should substantially contribute to the storyplot.
Puritan wrote:I have, in fact, seen good Christian authors add sexual content to a story to try to prove a moral point, but I have to say that I have never seen it added in a manner that I think is appropriate. Saying or insinuating that people had a sexual encounter is generally fine if you leave out all detail, but if people begin to add detail it can easily become a problem for others even if you are trying to make a good and acceptable moral point. In my opinion, while talking about these things isn't always wrong the addition of detail is more of a problem than it is worth because it can (and very likely will) spurn people to sin.
Shao Feng-Li wrote:Do NOT fallow your heart, for it is a deceitful thing.
creed4 wrote:Sometime it would be better to just imply SC instead of showing it
Pan Chan wrote:The reason I said that was because it's in the Bible.
That's all..... ok....
But ypou're right the heart can be deceitful but I think it was talking about disiers...
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