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manga sale at b. dalton

Post about anime's sister, manga in here. Manga reviews accepted in here as well.

manga sale at b. dalton

Postby Lynx » Tue Mar 21, 2006 10:49 am

Just thought i'd mention that i got some manga at b. dalton a few days ago that was 30% off, and if you have a discount card, it's an additional 10% off that. Only a few titles were discounted, but they were good titles! I got monster volume 1 ^_^

I'm not sure when the deal expires, but it might be worth your while to check it out, for those of you with a b. dalton in your area.
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Tue Mar 21, 2006 11:46 am

::is now holding his credit card in his trembling hands::

Must...Fight...Temptation...must stay on budget...

Thanks for the information!
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