Postby StarMasayume » Thu Jan 01, 2004 9:17 pm
Thanks for the comments and suggestion! And I feel like a dope now. I forgot about my topic for my art, it's been awhile. I finished inking the drawing and scanned it in, I'll find my art thread somewhere and post the ink version there.
Hana is really pretty... either that or Spirit of Nature--which do you think is better fitting for it? And yes, I believe I have free use of the CGed version. Part of the prize, besides the CGing of it is another person will make it into wallpaper, avator, banner or any other graphic type I want. It'll just be a collaborative work, and now I also have a fully inked version that is my own. ^__^
"So these three things continue; Faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these which is love." - 1 Corinthians 13:13