Slater wrote:the pill causes the woman's body to do a number of things. Of course, it depends on which form of the pill is being used. Sometimes it kills the eg or stops ovulation before it happens. Other times, the pill merely poisons the zygote after conception, which IMO is the worst thing that one can do and is on par with murder since a zygote is an unborn human being.
Momo-P wrote:I also worry about pleasing my husband. We're suppose to do that too, but what if he wants me to do something that God really doesn't talk about in the Bible? I mean...the Bible talks about how sex is suppose to "give it all" deal, but you're also suppose to take care of your body and stuff and...oi. I just worry.
And I'll be praying. These are all things that I've considered and lost a notable amount of sleep over, so I know it's not easy for you.
Slater wrote:Of course, there are times when such surgeries that prevent pregnancy need to be done. A friend of mine needed to a hysterectomy in order to save her own life. In such a case, it would be better to take such a course, but it would be wrong for anyone to mistreat that which God has entrusted to us (our earthly bodies) just so that we may have fun and not have to worry about children.
The Pill - Forget what it does to the baby, just take ANY birth control pill and look at the list of SIDE EFFECTS that it MAY have. Isn't that alone reason enough to NOT take it?
And it pains me to hear you women talking about not wanting children! I understand that not everyone's meant to be a parent for one reason or another; but think about this...
You don't own your body. You're renting it from God.
ShiroiHikari wrote:Plenty of other meds have adverse side effects too, even simple things like Advil...what makes this one so much worse?
Yeah, but what about free will?
Having a baby you KNOW you're not ready for is worse, to me. You can't take that baby back to the baby store-- you're stuck with it for the rest of your life.
I know that I'm not good with children and I don't want to be responsible for bringing someone into this world and ruining its life because I wasn't ready to raise them.
starfire wrote:Isn't that too convenient, that it's acceptable when it's a medical emergency, but wrong for every other reason?
It seems to me just as wrong to have a child you don't even want, (talking about contraceptives, not abortion) and aren't going to be ready for. Yes, God is amazing and he can work all things out for the greater good. But, I believe that not everyone is called to be a parent. And even those who are, at certain times. I can't imagine him wanting you to have children when you don't feel called to. How would that be beneficial?
In my opinion, birth control, in marriage, isn't wrong more than any other medical treatment out there. I've seen girls even younger than myself become mothers.
Parenthood outside of God's will just doesn't go well. I respect those who feel differently about it and stick to their convictions. This is merely mine.
ShiroiHikari wrote:Yeah, but what about free will?
Having a baby you KNOW you're not ready for is worse, to me. You can't take that baby back to the baby store-- you're stuck with it for the rest of your life.
I know that I'm not good with children and I don't want to be responsible for bringing someone into this world and ruining its life because I wasn't ready to raise them.
If I may... if one is not responsible enough to have children, what makes you think they're responsible enough to get married? One in two marriages end in divorce. I think that one must be ready to have children in marriage... In contraception, we put the pleasure of the act as the main intention. Procreation is the natural outcome for the sexual act. But we are treating it like a disease. Selfishness replaces the mutual love intended in marriage. If one is not called to have children, I strongly doubt that person is called to marriage which requires giving of ones self to another selflessly.
Parenthood outside of God's will just doesn't go well. I respect those who feel differently about it and stick to their convictions. This is merely mine.
AnimeHeretic wrote:<EDIT>
Starfire: What you say evades the issue: The sexual act is one that needs to be treated responsibly. Those who cannot care for a child have no business engaging in sexual activity, because no contraception is 100% effective. Sometime it will fail. So if one relies on contraception, and is sexually active, they will have to deal with pregnancy eventually. If this person cannot care for a child, then this person has behaved irresponsibly
starfire wrote:and, adoption is not quite as much of a cut and dry issue as some seem to believe. It can be very confusing, and should not be approached so lightly.
starfire wrote:I was commenting on a part of Sonic Rose's post. I made my opinion on the other pretty clear already. It's an issue that people will never agree on, and truly a matter of personal conviction.
edit: one more thing. By driving in a car, there's more of a chance you will get into an accident than of your getting pregnant by having protected sex. Does that mean that you don't drive safely, you just walk everywhere? no. You accept the possibilities and use wisdom.
and, adoption is not quite as much of a cut and dry issue as some seem to believe. It can be very confusing, and should not be approached so lightly.
starfire wrote:I don't necessarily agree. If one is not called to be celibate, it's a bad idea. Watch the news to see examples of that. However, I think there are some people who are called to be married but not have children. Not having children is not a sin. Children are a blessing, but so is the mission field. Not everyone is called to that. Each person has to listen to God, and not their own personal agenda.
And Sonic Rose, basically what you're saying is that rather than take the pill or have an outpatient procedure, you should have a child you do not want or love and give him/her up? Believe it or not, that's psychologically damaging. I would know. My biological "father" wrote the book on leaving when something gets too hard. I'm glad my parents had me, but it was only by God's grace that things worked out. Not because of any wisdom on his part.
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