uc pseudonym wrote:
With that aside, on to my personal opinion. I myself have not read it (excepting the on-site preview), though I will the next time I am in a large enough bookstore. Hence, I reserve the right to complete change my opinion at any time.
As to its status as manga or an American imitation, the line is blurred (which bothers me not in the slightest). It reads left to right and is in color, but it uses eastern paneling and the artist is Min Kwon. Ultimately, I would call it neither if I had to classify it.
Based purely upon the reviews, the synopsis and preview, I... (how to put it?) have yet to be impressed. My impressions may be biased due to the considerable negative connotations with marketing schemes that say "tween girls" and " 'tude." On the other hand, it could have been much worse. Whether the main character is actually believable will largely depend on how she develops. Though by large I found the dialogue a bit weak, I did like this bit:
"My life's a joke that I'm not in on. Nobody cares!"
"God cares."
"That's the biggest joke of all."
I am not a big art critic, so my only comment in that regard is that more (and stranger) "unrealistic" art was used than I typically want in my manga.
Heart of Sword wrote:Hmm...with me, manga means black and white. And judging from the name of the "mangaka," I think it's Korean, so would it be mangwha?
Mave wrote:I have to admit that what bothered me the most was how everyone was looking at the main character so disapprovingly upon initial impression and spouting biblical verses all the way.
I sincerely hope that someone takes the time to get to know the main character more personally and demonstrate true love.
Another similar thing, involving these lines:
"My parents are divorced and I'm okay!"
uc pseudonym wrote:That is definitely part of it. But on the other hand, it is possible that the story will actually be two levels higher than we're looking at it: what if it addresses the self-righteous and simplistic attitudes of the Christians, and makes these things something they have to overcome? That is the type of thing that would impress me but that I don't know from just this preview (though I have my suspicions).
Another similar thing, involving these lines:
"My parents are divorced and I'm okay!"
heero yuy 95 wrote:Yeah, that kinda' bugged me. It looked like they were snickering at her. does the author think that's funny?! I have a good friend whose parents nearly got divorced and there's nothing funny about it.
Pshycho Ann wrote:Regardless of the weaknesses in Serenity, I'm giving it my full support because at this stage any project needs that extra push.
Zar wrote:Praise God for all things awesome. Life ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hmmm The artist had the ability to do better.... Why didn't she??
When Is steelblood coming out?
Does Real BUzz have any other christian mangas?
Wow...this post was kind of pointless, as I see I really know nothing. *is humbled* lol
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