Sangoku wrote:I plan to tackle a different strategy to other words, script based. I find that it might work better for me to create a story that could be converted into a comic or whatnot...I'm hoping. But that didn't answer your question, lol, well, I'm planning to incorporate some of my own "heart" into the story as well. Perhaps I will learn something about myself from my own writings, it's as much for me as it is for y'all.
uc pseudonym wrote:She speaks truth (on many issues, but I'm speaking about this one): the jump kick is far overused. It really isn't a very good technique, anyway. I try to avoid them whenever possible in my fight scenes (unless someone else is capitalizing on them...).
uc pseudonym wrote:Ah, I see this has a Christian element now as well. I'll sit and wait to see how that turns out.
Meanwhile: we're not going to jump on your back about it, but lay off the edgy language. I'm not even going to edit your post, as it wasn't that bad, I'm just telling you.
Ronin of Kirai wrote:..miss sleped words CRAP I check it twice on the spell checker CRRRAAAAAPPPPP
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