KhakiBlueSocks wrote:"I'm going to make you a prayer request you can't refuse..." Cue the violins.
ChristianRonin wrote:He then went on to critisize the Bible slightly, about how he didn't believe in "Noah and the Whale." Ok, by this time.. I am CRACKING up. Seriously. I hate to admit it, but. I really didn't know if he was talking about, "Jonah and the BIG FISH." OR "Noah's Ark."
There came a point in the passage where it talked about.. How at First the Hebrews could have believed in "Polytheism." OR the belief in MANY gods.
Seriously, why the idol worship of the Golden Cow and Sinai?
But after the 10 commandments were issued they pretty much turned from worshiping gods and turned to THE God.
Mave wrote:Boy am I curious now. XD
Did he ever mention why he doesn't he believe in that?
Which verse is that? Don't mind me, I'm just double-checking. ^^
For example, Genesis records two different creation sequences in its opening chapters. How do we reconcile this? Perhaps what was created on what day was not considered important by the original story teller. Rather, it depended on the audience. One is a version that would resonate with a farmer, the other appeals to nomadic herders.
The story of the Garden of Eden also, at one point, refers to God in the plural (you'll have to get a modern translation to see this in the notes).
That, plus all of the places that the Hebrews "backslide" and begin worshiping other, local gods (baal, asherah, etc.) and the fact that the name of God changes in the old testament a couple of times is probably where your history of "polytheism" comes from.
Talame wrote:From my understanding, that is because it is referring to the tri-aspect of God (Father, the Word/Son and the Spirit)
yah That is the reason.. Or at least what I have read...*looks around..*I'm not sure about this one... are you referring to the different names of God (eg Jehovah Jireh)?
no he is correct...during teh time of Elijah there were some Hebrews who turned to other gods, but NOT ALL of them... And Elijah and God did an awesome job in proving the false god wrong..Edit:
Btw, please keep us updated about the situation CR. I'll also pray that you get some Christian support in there
Talame wrote:Just a point here... In Genesis 1 it shows the creation in its chronological order. Genesis 2 isn't the order it went in, rather it shows man's place in everything. (eg
Genesis 2: 15 "The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it."
and Genesis 2: 19 "Now the LORD God had (note... past tense) formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field and all the birds of the air. He brought them to the man to see what he would name them]
Could be. Of course, this might be a Christian reading. I don't think the ancient Jews thought of God this way. Point taken on the Genesis 1/2 discussion. I had this explained to me once as a result of two priestly classes (agrarian and nomadic) in the developing Jewish nation. The result of a "team effort" so to speak.Talame wrote:I'm not sure about this one... are you referring to the different names of God (eg Jehovah Jireh)?
ChristianRonin wrote:He then went on to critisize the Bible slightly, about how he didn't believe in "Noah and the Whale." Ok, by this time.. I am CRACKING up. Seriously. I hate to admit it, but. I really didn't know if he was talking about, "Jonah and the BIG FISH." OR "Noah's Ark."
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