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Here Be Dragons

Unleash your creative writing skills here.

Postby Mimichan » Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:05 pm

EireWolf wrote:Aw, I saw it at the top and thought Iesu had updated... :(

I guess I'll have to wait! *makes herself comfortable*

Hi again..*hugs*

Okay, still don't have computer. Sorry it's taking so long, but will hopefully be up and running again within the next day or so. I promise to have more story for you as soon as my PC is useable. I am starting to worry that my talent may be fizzling, so I'll just apologize now in case the next story post is lacking in any way. It might take me a post or two to get back into the swing of things. *sigh*...Pc problems, writers block...LIFE= AAAAAARGH! ;)


"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby Razgriz » Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:25 pm

And we'll be waiting. :thumb: :hug:
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Nov 20, 2003 1:52 pm

Yes we will! If you have computer problems that you think we might be able to help with, be sure to post them in the 'computer' forum.
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Thu Nov 20, 2003 2:28 pm

Iesu, :hug: I'm glad you came by to let us know you're still thinking of us and we'll hopefully see you soon. I look forward to your next section no matter what shape it's in, I know you'll get better, you always do. :)

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby Lochaber Axe » Thu Nov 20, 2003 8:20 pm

I can't wait for your next one myself. Your story is just so whimsical that it revives my own creative skills. Thanks.

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Postby EireWolf » Fri Nov 21, 2003 12:09 am

Iesu_no_Senshi wrote:I am starting to worry that my talent may be fizzling, so I'll just apologize now in case the next story post is lacking in any way.

Ah, I'm not worried. You're too good to be bad. :lol:

Seriously, I know that even the best of writers have their bad days. But don't let that stop you! Remember that THE DRAGONS NEED YOU, Iesu! They need you to breathe life into them! Don't give up! DON'T GIVE UP!!!

:sweat: I feel better now. :sweat:
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Postby Icarus » Sun Nov 23, 2003 6:17 pm

My first post in this thread, and thanks to Chloe for recommending it. Iesu, we await your next effort with bated breath. (Hmm. Salmon ;) ) I love this story! :thumb: (
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Postby Mimichan » Mon Nov 24, 2003 7:28 pm

Okay..I finally got my PC back. Expect an update in the next day or so. I have the next 3 days off work, so that should be plenty of time to get something posted. And thank you all so much for your encouragement. It's very much appreciated.

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby Razgriz » Mon Nov 24, 2003 7:33 pm

Yay! Welcome back! ^_^ :hug:
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Postby Lochaber Axe » Mon Nov 24, 2003 7:46 pm

Its great to know your back Iesu. The only problem is that I forgot what has recently happened in your story :( . Ill just reread the most recent update. Well since your updating this holiday, I guess I will update Chapter 3 also.
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Postby Icarus » Mon Nov 24, 2003 7:51 pm

Good to hear you're back!
glomp?:eyebrow: grin? :thumb:

[SPOILER=glomp?]yes! :hug: [/SPOILER]
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Mon Nov 24, 2003 8:29 pm

I can hardly wait to see your next section. ^-^ Yay! *hugs*

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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Postby EireWolf » Mon Nov 24, 2003 10:27 pm

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Here Be Dragons (cont'd)

Postby Mimichan » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:14 pm

* I am not happy with this at all and am posting it against my better judgment. Hopefully it's not as bad as I think it is.*

Fannie slept fitfully through the pre-dawn hours. Not once, in all of her planning and preparation, had she considered the possibility that she'd end up here--in the dungeons of Aiken'yar. At first she had been too busy countering the verbal assaults of her childhood nemesis to really take stock of her situation; but, eventually, Goanuth had been relieved of his post and she'd found herself alone with nothing but an overactive imagination to keep her company.

The guard currently keeping watch barely disdained to look at her and had abruptly ordered her to "Keep Silent!" when she'd inquired about the attack on the Clan. Odd as it was, Fannie wished Goanuth hadn't left. At least she could feign bravado and focus on something other than her circumstances when he was around. In fact, there was a part of her that enjoyed their quarrels. Goanuth was so petty and so very fun to tease. And Fannie knew, deep in her heart, that he really didn't wish her harm, not truly. Oh, they would never be friends, that was certain. Goanuth was too selfish and vain. Yet, Fannie discovered something within herself that admired him. At least he knew what he wanted from life---even it never became a reality...and least he had a purpose. His desires were leading him down a path that should have been considered admirable, if not ambitious, for a male. But what did she have? A desire to be what she was not and the disdain of everyone in the Clan. She had the possibility of exile or even death and the fear of not knowing what to expect from the future. Funny that she'd always considered herself to be the more intelligent dragon , yet Goanuth was not the one who'd been locked away.

She shook her head in disgust. Here she was, possibly living out the last few hours of her life, mentally extolling the virtues of Goanuth! Had she gone mad? Perhaps the closeness of the dungeon air or the cold stone floor had addled her wits. Fannie felt a cloud of depression descend upon her like a dark shroud. She didn't fight it. She didn't see the point. Whatever was going to happen, Fannie was certain it wouldn't be pleasant. Thinking about it left a knot in her stomach and a bad taste in her mouth. If only she wasn't so powerless!

They were certainly keeping her in the dark. All inquiries about her fate had gone unanswered. The current attacks probably had something to do with that too, she admitted silently, but it didn't stop her mind from wandering nor her fears from escalating in a sea of vague, but impending , doom. Goanuth had been very accomodating in conjuring up possible scenarios for her to chew on, of course; but, it was all speculation and scare tactics. She had nothing concrete to fix her mind to. She had no way to prepare for the fate that awaited her. She had no way of knowing what to expect. Thus, her imagination flitted about upon the murky waters of uncertain disaster and mocked her with visions of eternal suffering.

Eventually, her troubled thoughts gave way to exhaustion and Fannie slipped into a dream-filled sleep. Somewhere outside, the brave warriors of Aiken'yar protected the only home she'd ever known.


"Right, then" said the Guardian. "Let's think about what we know of the Dai'og Thehyl."
She leaned against one of the many large boulders that served as a barricade and began to formulate a plan to rid Aiken'yar of it's unwelcome visitors. "This tribe is highly intelligent and seems to excel in the art of sabotage and treachery. They are cunning and quite adept at plotting the downfall of anything from a Naming Day celebration to an entire kingdom if given enough time and resources. Those who are not called into the service of the priesthood usually clamor for such positions as spy or assassin. Of course, some are able to handle both positions..but it is rare. The most honored within the Dai'og Thehyl are the Sorcerers or Priests of Dagoth, who are always present in battle and use their dark magick to strengthen their clan members and drive fear into the hearts of their enemies. The power they wield is generally focused through an instrument such as a staff, especially when the spell they are casting involves a great amount of concentration or must be maintained for a long period of time. This seems to be what we are dealing with here."

Tegaeya nodded. "The priest has made no effort to hide himself, to be sure. No doubt, he feels secure in his current position, and I can't say I blame him. It must take alot of ability to control a Rockbiter and keep a shield around himself at the same time."

"That is true, but you are forgetting one of the key reasons why that clan never reached its greatest potential." the Guardian reminded her. "Think, Tegaeya, how do you best a dragon of Dai'og Thehyl?"

The Captain Commander thought for a moment. " To best a dragon of Dai'og Thehyl, even a powerful sorcerer, one must cause him to lose his temper..." Her eyes widened. " Ah, I think I am beginning to understand. Once we have succeeded in distracting the priest in this manner, he will lose control of his thoughts and the spell he's cast on the Rockbiter will be broken."

"Not entirely. The spell will not be broken completely until the staff is destroyed or until a new spell is channeled through it. Since I doubt that we can a find a priest of Dai'og Theyhl to do this and I certainly know of no one within our own clan, the staff will need to be done away with. Now then, if we can manage to distract the priest, he probably won't be able to keep his shield up. Once it is down, it will be necessary to distract him further until one of the warriors can get close enough to wrest away the staff." She looked at her childhood friend. "You will need at least four Thaiyli masks."

Tegaeya nodded. Unlike clan Aiken'yar, the Dai'og Theyhl did not have the ability to breathe fire. Their particular specialty was in exhaling a toxic and malodorous gas. The effects of breathing it in differed from dragon to dragon, but the results were never pleasant. Some dragons suffocated from the noxious fumes, while others lost the use of their vision or some other vital sense. Paralysis and even death was common. It was possible to live through such an attack, but the dragons who had were usually only a half of their former self and spent the rest of their days as invalids.

The only defense against the poisonous gases that a Dai'og Theyhl emitted came from the fibres of a small and unassuming plant called Thaiyli. Thaiyli only grew during the winter months and had to be handled with great care until it went through the drying process. The plants were then meticulously woven into water-tight masks that were custom-fit to whichever dragon was wearing it. Since the gases could enter in not only by inhalation, but through the eyeducts and ear canals as well, a Thaiyli mask covered the entire head and blocked any possible entryway.
The masks were only good for one use and had to be diposed of immediately afterwards, so Tegaeya knew that they didn't have any available at present. She would have to find a weaver quickly to get the task done, and though she disliked the delays it might cause, she knew it was a necessity. Also, it would give her time to assemble some warriors who could handle fighting in a Thaiyli mask. Since wearing the mask impeded vision, sound, and also affected the intake of oxygen into one's lungs-- it took a warrior a good amount of training and experience to use one. All of her warriors knew how to use the mask, but only a few of them had mastered it.

"All right," said Tegaeya, " we know what we have to do. The question is, Mithaya, how do we do it?"

The Guardian sighed. "First, we summon a weaver and hope there is enough Thaiyli in reserve to make the masks. You need to assemble capable warriors, naturally. And then, well, then we go digging for rotted Pela roots." She smiled broadly. "Do you remember the pranks we use to play with them when we were young, Tegaeya?"

The Captain Commander laughed. " I think I know what you have in mind, Mithaya. How very mischevious! And how very splendid!" She said with great approval. "So then, let's get to it. I will have one my warriors find a weaver..and I will send a few out to begin digging for Pela now to save us time." The long-time friends continued to work out the finer details of the plan, unaware of the hooded figure that hid itself nearby.

The young acolyte of the Dagoth priesthood quietly backed away. Originally she'd been planted in Aiken'yar as a spy, but it appeared as though her purpose was being turned to a new direction now. Moving with the shadows, she made her way back into the lair. Her destination was the temple and she felt the urgency of getting there as quickly as possible. There was little time to waste. She only hoped that this would prove her worthiness to serve Dagoth as a true sorcerer. She hurried along the empty corridors and allowed herself to think of home for the first time in months.

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby Razgriz » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:21 pm

Nice. I like dialogue very much, you're doing great. :thumb:
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Postby Mithrandir » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:32 pm

Woohoo! I'm guessing it is no where near as bad as you think it is. You are VERY talented, young lady! I await the next installment!
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Postby Mimichan » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:36 pm

Sangoku wrote:Nice. I like dialogue very much, you're doing great. :thumb:

Thank you. But I have to admit, after reading it again, that I don't think I should have posted it. Well, perhaps it will take a few trys to get my Muse up and running again, so to speaK. I wonder if real writers have these problems? :stressed:

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby Mimichan » Tue Nov 25, 2003 10:54 pm

oldphilosopher wrote:Woohoo! I'm guessing it is no where near as bad as you think it is. You are VERY talented, young lady! I await the next installment!

Thank you very much. I appreciate positive feedback--especially since I tend to be overly critical of myself ;) I am my own worst enemy. :shake: Sad.

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby EireWolf » Tue Nov 25, 2003 11:09 pm

This is awesome! I'm soooooo glad you're writing again, Iesu! I'm on the edge of my seat... :dance: :jump: :hug:
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Postby EireWolf » Tue Nov 25, 2003 11:11 pm

Iesu_no_Senshi wrote:I wonder if real writers have these problems? :stressed:

You seem to be implying you're not a real writer... :eyebrow: I beg to differ, m'dear. And I think the answer is yes, they do. But I don't know why you don't like it; I think it's great. :thumb:
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Postby Mimichan » Wed Nov 26, 2003 12:03 am

[quote="EireWolf"]You seem to be implying you're not a real writer... :eyebrow: I beg to differ, m'dear. And I think the answer is yes, they do. But I don't know why you don't like it]

*hugs* Thank you.

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby Lochaber Axe » Wed Nov 26, 2003 7:57 am

Yes, the worst enemy of a writer is themself. I see there is no big problems in your story except maybe you feel that you are rusty. I am really more worried about my own story. I am not a dialogue writer, tis a weakness for me, and the next parts are character based not action oriented. I also hope I am not rusty myself; anyways I am rambling.

Your story is coming along nicely and I see only a few specks of Iron Oxide. Now to start on Part 3... *walks away*
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Here Be Dragons (cont)

Postby Mimichan » Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:47 am

Sounds of battle were everywhere. The Guardian examined her Thaiyli mask and tried to block out the sounds of death and chaos. A few yards ahead of her, two warrior dragons from the Faiel'g Rhhywn converged upon a lone scout, knocking her to the ground below. The Guardian clenched her teeth and dug her hind legs into the soft earth beneath her. She knew she couldn't get there in time to save her fellow clan had happened too quickly and she had been too far away. "Leave it to a Faiel'g Dog to attack from behind. Cowards!" she muttered. She had had just about enough of this war. Blowing a puff of smoke through her nostrils, Mithaya turned to the weavers in frustration. " How much longer will it take?" she snapped impatiently.
The elder of the two lifted his head. " It will be finished shortly. Please, Guardian, have patience." The elder dragon spoke to her in soothing tones. " A Thaiyli mask is a delicate thing to make...we must be careful." He was right. Losing her temper would help no one. Mithaya smiled. "Forgive me. I am eager to get this over with.", she admitted. The weaver acknowledge her confession with a small smile and continued his work

At first Tegaeya had been reluctant to let her fight, but Thaiyli Masters were hard to come by and, in the end, she could only find two other dragons who had been trained in that particular combat style. When it was over, she planned on having a conversation with the Battle Mistress. Four Thaiyli Masters in the entire clan was far too few and that was including herself. Had they found some new method of training? Was the art of Thaiyli fighting obsolete for some reason? Mithaya began to feel old. She shook the thought away and concentrated on the attack plan.

Raising her head once more, she scanned the battlefield. Because the attack had been sudden and unnanounced, more or less, they had had little choice but to plant barricades haphazardly around the Lair. They had repeated the effort until the Clan of Aiken'yar was surrounded by four rings that began in a tightly knit semi-circle and then expanded outward like a ripple in water. Barricades would not stop the dragons. Barricades were not effective if your enemy could fly over them. However, Rockbiters did not fly and even though it certainly couldn't withstand the power of such an enormous creature: the barricade seemed to slow it down at least a little.The majority of the battle was in the air, and the Guardian was all too cognizant of the shrieks, grunts, and battlecries above her. That was another purpose for the barricades. It was a way of forcing the enemy to fight in a particular place and preventing them from advancing further. Most of the mid-air battles were taking place above or extremely near a barricade, where the warriors of Aiken'yar flew up to greet any attackers with talons sharpened and flames ready.

Although it was too far away to tell, the Guardian was certain the first barricade would be overcome shortly. And though a Rockbiter was not violent by nature, it would not hesitate to trample over anything that got in the way of its frenzied destination. Too bad, she thought, that the destination is my home. She remembered seeing a Rockbiter herd pass through the land once, long ago, during a time that the elders called their "Great Migration". For the most part the creatures had been passive and unassuming. If it hadn't been for their colossal size and enormous girth, Mithaya and her companions would have lost interest almost immediately.
But what had really impressed her was their choice of diet. She recalled vividly a Rockbiter calf that had paused to take a bite out of boulder twice her size. It was the first time she had ever seen anything actually eat a rock! The name Rockbiter had made so much more sense after that.

"There now," said the eldest weaver as he set down the final mask and rose from his seated position, "the last one is complete."
The younger of the two spoke up. " Please take care, Guardian, to tell the others not to take too many liberties. Thaiyli fibres are very strong and can withstand quite alot, but they are not indestructable and once the mask has even the slightest tear it is then ineffective and worthless."
"Enough lad," the old dragon admonished. " The Guardian knows her business. See that you mind yours."
The Guardian smiled at the two weavers. "Thank you both. Your help is appreciated" She picked up the rest of the masks, ready now to return to where the other fighters would be waiting. "Time to do battle for the Clan. In the name of the Queen Mother--may her flame burn forever!"
"May her flame burn forever!" the two acknowledged as she quickly made her way back to Tegaeya.

Captain Commander of the Queen's Elite Guard, Tegaeya, had gone over the plan with the other two Thaiyli Masters at least three more times and had even had time to check on the Pela diggers twice before she caught scent of her old friend. It was hard to be patient, even when she knew it was necessary sometimes. The Guardian caught her expression and nodded. She understood her sense of urgency all too well. "This is yours." she said and handed a Thaiyli mask to her.

Tegaeya looked it over carefully for any signs of flaws or imperfections. "They did a fine job" she acknowledged and waited for the other two to receive theirs. The Guardian recognized one of the dragons as Laike, who had been a hatchmate of theirs long ago. She acknowledged her with a slight nod. The other one seemed less familiar, though Tegaeya assured her she was a superb fighter and quite skilled. Her name evaded the Guardian and being too stubborn to ask a second time, Mithaya simply smiled at her. Names were not important anyway--the dance was about to begin.

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Here Be Dragons (cont)

Postby Mimichan » Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:57 am

*warning: there is some icky moments (violent) in this one. I don't go into mega-gory detail, but I thought I would warn everyone just in case.

The temple appeared to be empty. That was most convenient. The spy carefully made her way through the halls, ready to attack anyone who would hinder her purpose. She spotted an acolyte to her left. The young priestess-to-be was in half upright, half prostrate position. The spy curled her lip in disgust. This was probably the one who was supposed to be guarding the temple against people like her. While it was very accomodating of the girl to fall asleep, it struck a nerve. As an acolyte herself, it was unthinkable to do something so disrespectful. No matter how much work the Priests and Sorcerers gave her or how much she endured, never would she have allowed herself to fall asleep in the Temple of Dagoth. She met every task with "It is my wish to serve" and did so. She didn't complain when a task well done went unnoticed and thanked them fervently when they saw fit to inflict punishment for no reason.
The priestesses of Aiken'yar were pathetic if this was what they allowed. She doubted the god or gods they served were worth much either.

With a last contemptous glance at the sleeping dragon, the spy quietly ascended the altar. There it was, just what she had been instructed to find, a ceremonial dagger cut and formed from a stone that was blacker than obsidian. At the hilt, strange markings had been burned on either side. She assumed it was High Dragon, but had never learned that ancient tongue; and gave it no more than a cursory glance before lifting the dagger from its resting place. It was such a beautiful dagger. It glistened and burned and almost begged for blood. Blood...of course. The dagger probably had not been fed in a while. She wondered if it had ever tasted the blood of it's masters. With a smile that reeked of malice, the spy moved from the altar and quietly knelt in front of her slumbering companion. With one claw she gripped the young dragon's face and gently coaxed her into awakening. The young acolyte's eyes opened wide.

Her face only inches away, the spy whispered softly. " I deem thee unworthy." and plunged the dagger into her throat. She gave the dark blade another good twist before slowly withdrawing it. "Well, at least I know it sharp now" she thought aloud. She paused a moment to admire the spectacle the other dragon was making...the gurgling and gasping noises blended quite beautifuly. She closed her eyes a moment and enjoyed the music of death.

"What are you doing here? How dare you enter into the sacred temple?" The voice brought her out of her silent reverie. She turned to face it's owner.

"Maisige", she said, "You really should choose your potentials more carefully. I came in and caught this one napping." She pointed to the acolyte who was now clawing frantically amid a pool of blood.

The High Priestess of Aiken'yar glared at the intruder. "What mischief is this? You dare commit murder upon a holy child and then boast of your will answer for this." Maisige lifted a claw and began to chant, the sing-song rhythm filled the temple and began to echo. She felt power fill her. It felt like nothing she could describe. It was death and life. It was hate and love. It was power. And she was about to unleash it upon this female--whoever she was. Then she heard it: laughter. It was faint at first, but it soon grew in volume until it rivaled her spell casting and bounced off the walls that surrounded them.

"Oh be silent" said the intruder with great mirth. She waved a claw in Maisige's direction in a motion of contempt. " You have no power"

Maisige gasped in outrage. She rushed forward, ready to incinerate the upstart fledgling before her with the strongest flame she could muster, and found herself flying backwards. "You dare?!"
she began..

"Be SILENT Old Witch!" the intruder thundered. Maisige watched in horror as the dragon produced a smooth stone from seemingly nowhere. "Do you recognize this?"

Maisige looked at the engraving etched upon it. The symbol of Dagoth. She said nothing.

The intruder continued. " I have been sent her under orders from Dagoth himself, with the Council's approval." she said. "Now then, I have an assignment to do and you are wasting my time. Will you continue to pester me with childish spells or will you let me pass?"

The High Priestess spoke. "But you are not even a full Sorcerer yet. I do not follow the path of Dagoth, but even I know a novice when I see one! How can you stand against me?" she demanded.

The intruder shrugged. "I am protected from all magical attack. What? You didn't think they would send a mere novice in without additional aid do you? Even now, my teachers are keeping close watch on me." She tapped the side of her head for emphasis. " You might be surprised at how much room one's mind has." She cocked her head to the side." Or perhaps you aren't as important as you thought. You certainly didn't know a thing about me,did you?" She smiled at the High Priestess sarcastically.

Maisige thought a moment and then stepped out of the way. " If you have been sent by the Council, then I will not stand in your way. Do whatever it is you must do." she said. If it was true and she had lost favor with Aidomar and the rest of the Council, arguing with this follower of Dagoth would certainly not improve matters. She had known that Aidomar was displeased, but did his anger really go this far? There was apparently some major event about to take place and as High Priestess to her people she should have been informed. Why had none of the Council seen fit to at least warn her? Maisige glanced at the figure lying on the ground. An icy chill gripped her heart. It suddenly dawned on her. The sacred dagger had just been taken by an acolyte of Dagoth. A dagger that was only used by the High Priestess. For the first time in a long time, Maisige felt fear.

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Here Be Dragons (cont)

Postby Mimichan » Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:01 am

The Guardian watched Tegaeya and Laike adjust their masks. She looked at the one she couldn't remember and instructed her to gather the Pela throwers together. They needed to be positioned at least as close to the Rockbiter as possible, and they had all agreed that the best place would be somewhere between the second and third barricade.She waited for the fighter to leave and quickly donned her mask.

Fighting in this manner took a great deal of skill and practice as it cut off almost all of the primary senses. A Thaiyli Master had to fight using little more than intuition. While the four of them were masked, they would be flying blind for all intents and purposes.Under normal circumstances it would not have been necessary to wear them. One could simply blast the enemy with flames or shoot a fireball (an advantage Clan Aiken'yar had over the Dai'og Theyhl was distance: the Dai'og Theyhl's toxic gas cloud could only travel a very short distance before it lost its effectiveness and disappated completely. It was only due to the necessity of close contact with the Priest that forced them to use the Thaiyli masks as a precaution.

Everything would ready soon. She had instructed the fourth Thaiyli Master to join them once she'd gotten the Pela Throwers ready. Scraping a talon along the side of a boulder, the Guardian signaled it was time to leave.
The acolyte of Dagoth waited silently. She had watched the warrior give instructions to a group of dragons who seemed to be forging crude slings of some sort, examine some odd looking roots, and then turn around and come back towards the place she had chosen to hide. The acolyte counted to three and stepped into the warrior's path. She changed her tone to that of an awestruck apprentice. "Honored warrior?" she asked excitedly.

The warrior looked up. "What is it apprentice? I have an important task before me."

"As do I." said the acolyte of Dagoth and plunged the dagger into the Thaiyli Master's chest.
"I suppose you won't need this anymore," she said, taking the mask from her victim's claw. She turned quickly and walked away. The mask looked like a perfect fit. Excellent. Somewhere behind her, the Thaiyli Master breathed her last and nobody noticed her passing.

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Here Be Dragons (cont)

Postby Mimichan » Tue Dec 02, 2003 2:04 am

Mithaya sensed the fourth Thaiyli Master approach. She took for granted that the Pela Throwers would be in position. Everybody knew the plan. Everybody knew their place. Mithaya spread her wings and took to the air.

The Thaiyli Masters flew in the direction of the wayward Rockbiter and its rider. Even through the masks, they could hear the muted thud of footsteps and sense the tremors it created. The four positioned themselves: one before, one behind, and one to either side until the Priest of Dagoth was completely surrounded. The four warriors remained near enough to attack at a moment's notice, but high enough to be out of danger. They floated like shades in the ever-lightening sky.

The Guardian briefly wondered what the Priest was thinking. Reactions weren't apparent with the Thaiyli mask on. Actually, nothing was very apparent with it on. She felt a tingling sensation surge through her and a slight breeze whoosh past her right shoulder. The Pela Throwers had begun the attack.

A Pela root was relatively small and the plant it produced was more akin to a weed than anything else. The interesting thing about the Pela was that it didn't produce anything until it was well and dead and beginning to rot. The other interesting thing about the Pela was that never decayed on the outside. Pela roots...even the most rotten...were perfectly shaped and perfectly whole. To make use of a rotten Pela root, one had to throw it. Of course, it wasn't the flight that was important--it was the target. As a young dragon, Mithaya had played a few pranks with them and had been punished more times than she cared to admit. Now, she held her position, keeping pace with the Rockbiter and balancing with the currents. She knew the throwers were well-able to avoid hitting her and the other fighters.

Below her, several Pela roots slammed against the shield the Priest had conjured with a loud thunk, and shattered, emitting a thick cloud of smoke and one of the most horrible odors imaginable. The Guardian had smelled it before, from a distance, and had yet to come up with a description. It was like a rotting carcass in the high heat of a desert sun. It was like a thousand rotten fish lying about in a lair filled with refuse and waste. She was glad for the Thaiyli mask and knew the Priest was about to wish he had one. The idea was relatively simple. They needed to stop the Rockbiter and they needed to get the staff. As long as there was a shield protecting him, they would never be able to do that. This shield protected him from any magic or physical matter; it did not, however, protect him from unseemly odors.

There was suddenly an awful roar of what sounded like pain. The Guardian could hear it even through the mask and knew that the Rockbiter was being affected. She hadn't considered it before, but perhaps this was the thing to 'wake' it up. No doubt, the priest had taken control of one of its senses and convinced it of its present course of action. Perhaps the way to break the spell was to overpower one of its other senses into taking over. In this instance, the poor Rockbiter lost all sense of its former purpose and quickly found a new goal, which was basically to flee from the indescribable horror of what it smelled. It roared and shook itself...heedless to the blows from the staff or the frantic curses emanating from its rider.

With the task of regaining control of the colossal beast and trying to handle the odors now permeating the air, the priest's shield gave way and disappeared. His focus now upon this unexpected crisis, he could no longer maintain the protection spell.

The Thaiyli Masters flew in from each direction, careful not to get in the way of the Rockbiter. Mithaya slammed a hindclaw into the priest's chest, knocking the breath from him even as the two to either side attacked from that end. With the daunting task of controlling the Rockbiter now coupled with fending off these new attackers, the priest lost his balance and toppled from his perch. His staff had flown out of his claws during his sudden change of seating and began to whirl, end over end, in a downward direction. Mithaya let it go. As long as it was out of the priest's hands it was no threat, and she knew one of the scouts or warriors would retrieve it anyway. Besides, the Rockbiter was no longer under his control so the ultimate purpose for the attack had already been achieved.

The priest was not trained to fight. The only defense he had was the poisonous gas clouds he tried to spew upon his attackers, but that soon proved ineffective. He couldn't cast a spell if he couldn't concentrate and the warriors made certain he had little time to concentrate on anything more profound than his name. He danced about with them for a bit, however it wasn't long before he accepted defeat and gave up. The priest knew he could not win. He decided the best course of action was to flee back to his home and plan for an attack some other day. He turned to make his escape and found that one of the fighters had removed her masks. She floated calmly before him.

"You?" he gasped. She nodded.

"Your performance has been found lacking." she stated simply. "You have failed." The look on his face when she plunged the dagger in sent chills of pleasure through her. She had never imagined how marvelous it would feel to have such power--the power to end a life. The other three still wore masks. There was no way for them to have heard any of the conversation. Yet, all three appeared to sense that something had happened. They were sure to remove their masks soon and she didn't want that to happen before she had the chance to complete her assignment. Her target was directly ahead. Quickly, she removed the amulet of Dagoth that she'd kept hidden and tied it to the dagger. She wanted everyone in the wretched clan to know that a follower of Dagoth had done it...a follower of Dagoth that wielded the sacred dagger of their own High Priestess.

Something wasn't right. The Guardian couldn't explain what, but something was amiss. She had had the feeling that the priest was about to surrender. His energy had been waning and it was obvious he wasn't a fighter. And then suddenly...something happened. There was a great rush of a life force had suddenly erupted. Then there was nothing. She knew the others must be sensing it as well.

The Guardian decided to remove the mask and barely lifted a talon before something hit her with great force from behind. She felt something sharp impale her between the shoulder blades, the impact hurling her forward a few paces before darkness began to cloud her vision. The blade was cold and merciless in her back. She felt the throbbing, pulsations of the wound and the warm trickle of blood as it ran briefly down her spine before falling like rain to the ground below.

There was shouting.... Tegaeya was yelling something....she couldn't hear. The roaring...roaring... in her ears was too loud. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she plummeted to the ground below. As the body of the Guardian hit the earth with a thud, the sun began its early morning climb into the sky. A new day had come upon the land.

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby Razgriz » Tue Dec 02, 2003 9:03 am

Amazing, kinda of a cliffhanger ending on what happened to the Guardian, though I think I know who did it...but I'm not going to say anything yet. Very creative on the Pela Roots and the Thaiyli Masters as well. I love it, awesome update. ^_^
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Postby Icarus » Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:17 pm

*bows low* Accept this chocolate as a token of our appreciation. *bows again.*
The Forsworn War of 34

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Postby Mimichan » Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:16 pm

*grabs the chocolate* mmmmm....Thank you ^_~

"Why do people not notice until they lose it?
What it is that's truly important...
Although I can't afford to forgive even myself,
Because you were there,
I was able to be myself (Natural).
I want to be honest...I want to be kind...
I want to be the adult I once (in my childhood) longed to be.
I go on fighting against the heart to run away...
I go on fighting against that invisible something!"

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Postby true_noir_chloe » Tue Dec 02, 2003 9:53 pm

Whoo-hoo, you wrote like five pages while my computer was broke! It's fantastic, Iesu. :jump: :rock: :thumb:

I'm so glad you're back writing. Icky stuff? :lol: I loved your handling of the "icky." You wrote it perfectly. ;)

And, I've never seen you as anything other than a real writer. You're back on track and it didn't take you more than a sentence to do it.

Hope to read more of your story before my computer checks out again. :hug:

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

~by D.M.~

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