Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:All sins are equally bad in God's eyes Ryupower. I don't know where you got that idea. God forgives, but they have to accept His forgiveness and I don't know what your saying about a curse of the baby it sounds a bit condescending.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:I never heard the part about needing to repent for your countries sins.
Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:Ryupower, I believe that was in the Old Testament. Now, since Jesus came in human form and died and rose to save us from Hell He is our sacrifice. We don't have to sacrifice animals.
Yeah, I know what you mean Talame.
Ryupower wrote:The thing's that many of the people aren'tt Christians, and they sinned. That's the reason we need to repant for them, ask the Lord to forgive them for they don't know what they're doing. It breaks off generational curses and helps them to get saved.
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