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Please pray!

Postby SorasOathkeeper » Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:25 pm

Ok, there is this girl at my church; she is only a couple months younger then me. Well today I found out that she is pregnant and getting married. We have never been on very good terms. It's not like we fight or anything, we are just totally different people and agree on different things and stuff. Anyhow, her Boyfriend or future husband is 19 when she is 15. And if the state or whoever find out about this he could be arrested for rape since he is an adult. I found out that both she and her boyfriend are going through counseling with my pastor which is great. But from what I’ve seen and the way they talk and act I don't believe that they are right with the Lord. I'm not judging them by any means, but if they really want there relationship to work they need to have there relationship through God and with God. So could you pray that they will get things right with God and come to Him, and that they will see this all clearly.

Now, another girl from church, one of my bro's friends is thinking suicide. She is only 13. Her parents are going through a divorce so I don't know if that’s what causing this. So please pray for her and that these thoughts will leave her and that she will take comfort in the Lord.

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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:36 am

although apparently the sex was consensual, yes that still is statutory rape...

i shall be praying for them, and the girl who is suicidal, they will be in my prayers
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Postby holysoldier5000 » Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:02 am

Now, another girl from church, one of my bro's friends is thinking suicide. She is only 13. Her parents are going through a divorce so I don't know if that’s what causing this. So please pray for her and that these thoughts will leave her and that she will take comfort in the Lord.

Many times when a person is threatening to commit suicide it is nothing more then an act to get attention. This person more then likely is not being turthful and just wants people around her to care about her. Now you should show love and care to the girl, but more importantly truth. If a person is allowed to gain attention with threats then they will more then likely take advantage of these ideal threats, continue using them, and not get better. This is why you must also make sure they know what is right... & what is right? In John 17:15 Jesus said these words, “My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one.â€
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