Graduation and Finals

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Graduation and Finals

Postby DevotedFriend » Sat Jun 04, 2005 1:25 pm

Hey all,

I have two finals this week. One of them not being much of a big deal because it is just an analysis of the class, but the other one is going to be a problem for me and that is my psychology/sociology final on Tuesday.

Basically, if I fail that final, I'm most likely going to fail the course and I need the course to graduate on Friday of next week. I have a high C in that class right now, and the final counts as either 10 or 20% of my final grade, I can't remember how much exactly.

I'm very scared that I might bomb it. I ended up failing the first three tests in that class because the tests were so hard, and I studied too. If you guys could just pray for me that I do my best on this final I'd really appreciate it.

Also, as you might have guessed already I am graduating high school on Friday of next week and I along with all my friends are extremely nervous and scared for not just graduation in general but the future.

If you guys could pray for us about that as well that would be great. Thank you. :)
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Postby the_lizardqueen » Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:26 pm

Wow, definitely sounds like crazy times! I'll be praying for you, just remember to take one thing at a time and try to keep your cool (I know it can be tough). A little bit of stress can actually be helpful, it can make you more productive, so long as it doesn't overwhelm ya. Whenever I'm freaking out about exams, work, portfolios or growing up in general, I try to look at things in the grand scheme of eternity and it kinda helps because the stressful things in this world seem alot smaller in that context. Take care ^_^
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Postby twinklebrite271 » Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:41 pm

I'd be happy to pray for you ^_^...Good luck with your finals and your graduation!
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Postby Protocol_Nova » Sat Jun 04, 2005 7:44 pm

Eek. I am definately in the same boat you are, DF. You wouldn't believe how stressed I am about a particular class for graduation, while keeping up with five others next week! Finals are brutal, but I always say to look forward to when the stress is all gone after making the grade when it's over. Just gotta sacrifice a few things here and there until you get to that point, but it's definately motivation when you think about everything being done. :)

I will pray for you as well.
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