anime4christ wrote:Frauds? Do u have any idea how many ppl got saved thru his ministry? God doesn't use frauds to do his work! (at least mine doesn't)
Hovind wrote: If you are traveling down the highway at sixty miles an hour, and turn your headlights on, how fast is the light going from your headlights? Compared to you, it is going at the speed of light. Compared to someone on the sidewalk it is going at the speed of light plus sixty miles an hour.
Hovind wrote:f you are traveling down the highway at sixty miles an hour, and turn your headlights on, how fast is the light going from your headlights? Compared to you, it is going at the speed of light. Compared to someone on the sidewalk it is going at the speed of light plus sixty miles an hour.
And evolution is a stupid religion designed to remove God.
Plus, doing it literally the way Genesis says would make my God more powerful.
If you believe in theistic evolution, let's not argue about it because I believe in a completely different God.
Mine did it six literal days
2 Peter 3:8 (KJV)
But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.
Zane wrote:OKay!!!!!!
Lets all just take a breath and chill for a second here!!!
I can see that everyones getting slightly fustrated, and shots have been fired which have nothing to do with the topic, (such as the fallacies of "poisioning the well", "hasty generalization", and "dicto simplicitor").
I would like to reiturate my point that Genesis' focus is on WHY God created the earth and not HOW he created the earth.... in the end isn't the purpose more important than the means?
Technomancer is not alone in his believe that God may have used evolution as part of his plan, as is evident in Kamm, while Anime4Christ believes in a literal 6 day creation, as does Tintin (aka Warrior 4 Jesus). I know that both sides are Christians saved by the blood of Jesus and love the LORD and want to see him glorified, as do I.
To sum up though, because I would HATE this thread to get locked because of quibbeling over, in the scheme of things, a rather insignificant point, about HOW God created the world. Both sides have some querky issues, although they don't like to admit it, about their notions on the means of God handiwork.
Evolution], but please do not do it here and pm me your answer if you have one, I want to end this unkind and unhealthy debate so that we can move on and agree that there is more to both sides of the debate than just blind ignorance or extreme libralisim, please help me in this ok?)
On the other yes Anime4christ you have a valied point, about evolution being a 'religion' and being used by atheist to try and disprove God. But the only reason it has been snapped up so fast since the 1860's is because it is the only option available to athiest to try and explain our existance without God and not have to face up to their sinfullness. Sinners will use anything to try and hide away from confronting their sins and God just condemnation. But God is bigger than our understanding, our comprehension. If he choice to use some form of evolution... so be it, if he did it all in 6 days... so be it. It doesn't make God smaller or bigger if he did or didn't.
I know many christians who believe in 6 day and/or evolution, as is evident here in this thread. Speciation and sexual selction and natural selection DO happen in nature. If theres a huge meltdown and theres a deadly gas encirceling the globe which kills anyone taller than 1.5 metres, then only dwarfs and kids would be alive and only their genes would be passed on, the genes of short people. If there are only two women left on the planet and you had marry one of them and continue the human race, you would choose one (personality/looks whatever) and not have kids with the second lady, thats sexual selection. These things happen in real life.
However to go back in time to the creation of the world and say that there was a soup and it had amino acids in it and they made one protein and they all came together to make a cell... thats is not as plausiable and I personally disagree with that myself. (Tech & Kamm, I know alot more about evolution then those simplistic facts, its an illustration, I do Uni level Biology, but as mentioned earlier I want to end this peacefully).
OKay... in the end, evolution has more credit then you give it Anime4christ, yes it is used intentunally by athiests, the devil and any other force that want to draw people way from believing in God, but overall it is a scietific theory and in itself does not deny Gods awesome power, his sovrentiy, Jesus' sacrifice, God creative imagination and abilities, or the Bibles authority, (people twist it to do so). I have also seen God use evolution itself and its flaws to draw people to him. Darwin did not go out to disprove God, but to study nature and see what happens there, how the ecosystem works itself out. I hope I have somewhat cleared to air, so that both parties will see the fears of the other sides, the bible losing it authority/librealism and irrationality towards science/fundamentalism. Please leave it there guys and lets thank God instead that we have been saved by Christs blood and elected to be his children, one family under God. Amen.
Azier the Swordsman wrote:I don't know a whole lot about Hovind... allthough that quote was funny as heck.... but I will say a few things about Chick. I don't care whether his intentions are good or not (IE: leading people to the Lord) but I do not like many aspects of his ministry: He frequently uses his tracts as a means of imposing his beliefs, bashing other religions, forcing his sense of legalism on others, and blatantly mangling (falsifying) history into conspiracy to suit his own needs. Almost ever unsaved person I've ever shown his tracts too have thought they were hilarious... not life changing.... you can't blame them, as he tends to often go way over the top.
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