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I need some romanji translations

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I need some romanji translations

Postby Esoteric » Sat Mar 12, 2005 11:16 am

Hehe, well I'm trying to make a little Naruto spoof as a gift for a friend, and to do it, I need some phrases translated into Japanese (just romanji for prounciation) I could maybe find some of these myself in a dictionary, but since I know nothing of Japanese'd be alot easier if someone who knows Japanese could help me.
The other issue is that some of the words, for instance, 'biscuit' may not exist in Japanese, and they may write it in kana something like 'bisuketo'. If someone could help me find a word that means almost the same thing but sounds more Japanese, it will work better than me writting 'bisuketo' in romanji. Does that make sense? Err, um, anyway, these are the words/phrases I would like translated. Thank you, thank you, thank you, to anyone who can help!

Ginger bread
Flour fog
Razor Leaf
Icy milk
Super hot tea
Rising dough (or yeast)
Ultimate tea stirring
Brick Kiln (or stone oven)
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Postby dreamhacker » Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:34 pm

I really don't know the language, but I suggest using a dictionary for the words:
For Biscuit, you have "bisuketto" and not sure if you may use "kanpan".
Think for Gingerbread, you may say "jinjapan".

Here is a guess on Icy milk: nyuujuu tsumetai. Is it right?
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Postby Mithrandir » Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:36 pm

nyuujuu and not Gyuunyuu?
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Postby dreamhacker » Sat Mar 12, 2005 2:55 pm

You're right, it seems like...But other than that it was right? :p
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Postby Esoteric » Sat Mar 12, 2005 8:26 pm

Hmm, yes, kanpan and jinjapan could work (though I'd be surprised if the Japanese don't have their own word for ginger, seeing as it's used in a lot of Asian cooking)

'gyuunyuu tsumetai' for 'icy milk' sounds great. Thanks guys, every little bit helps!
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Postby AlBhedNikki » Sun Mar 13, 2005 11:02 am

I hope this helps with what your looking for ^_^

Biscuit= bisuketto
Ginger bread= Shouga pan (I don’t know if that’s the true sense , but it basically means ‘ginger bread’ >_<)
Flour fog= Kona unmu (Yet again, very literal)
Razor Leaf= Kamisori ha (Very literal; sharp leaf)
Icy milk= Kori na gyuunyuu (Very literal)
Super hot tea= Ocha (Basicly just hot tea)
Rising dough (or yeast)= Kouji
Millstone= Usu
Ultimate tea stirring= (I couldn’t even find anything close to what you were looking for)
Brick Kiln (or stone oven)= Kama (That’s just a plain kiln.)

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Postby Esoteric » Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:26 pm

Awesome, awesome, AlBhedNikki!! Thanks so much, I mean, domo arigatou gosaimashita!! Those translations are a really big help, and will be perfect.
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Postby AlBhedNikki » Sun Mar 13, 2005 3:36 pm

Esoteric wrote:Awesome, awesome, AlBhedNikki!! Thanks so much, I mean, domo arigatou gosaimashita!! Those translations are a really big help, and will be perfect.

Douitashimashite Esoteric-Chan! Studying 4 years of japanese pays off in the end XDD

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Postby dreamhacker » Mon Mar 14, 2005 7:04 am

I wanna study it too, but no schools have it :(
I see now that the sentences may be wrong/weird if I don't know the language :p
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Postby Knuckles » Mon Mar 14, 2005 1:21 pm

biscuit - bisuketto
ginger bread -jinjabureedo or shouga no pan
flour fog - (I've never heard of that word, so I assume it's in katakana) furaoua fo-gu
icy milk - tsumetai gyuunyuu
super hot tea - atsui ocha
rising dough - ~ neriko (There are a lot of words that mean "to rise" I'm not sure which one would be used in this context)
millstone - (again, I'm not familiar with this word) mirusutoun
ultimate tea stirring - ocha no daikakuhan
brick kiln - renga kama (or just kama would work)

EDIT: oops, I didn't realize someone already translated. Gomen ^^;
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Postby Arnobius » Mon Mar 14, 2005 2:17 pm

dreamhacker wrote:I wanna study it too, but no schools have it :(
I see now that the sentences may be wrong/weird if I don't know the language :p

Yes, grammar in Japanese is logical, but different from western languages. You have to abandon thinking about how English works...
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Postby Esoteric » Mon Mar 14, 2005 4:32 pm

oops, I didn't realize someone already translated. Gomen ^^;

Hey, thanks anyway Knuckles! You did actually help by giving me a translation for ultimate tea stirring... so yes, thank you. I don't mind multiple translations.
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