Sorry I didn't reply earlier, I couldn't get on CAA the past few days cuz of my bro's router. Anyways, I like that:
Go for it. I'm all for more understanding.
Many people will get mad at you if you don't agree with them (that doesn't mean I disagree with you, just saying), we need more people like you in this world. Anyways, the way we have it is, we're not aloud to like pray, open the Bible to a random spot, and consider whatever we read first to be the answer. But if you just start reading not expecting anything, and you happen to read what seems to be the answer, I believe that's possible. But I'm not saying someone's right, someone's wrong. BTW, I'm not exactly sure hoe you did it anyways. But the way I see it is you never know how exactly God wants to answer your prayer, what if he wants to answer a different way? I'm sure he can answer in any way he wants. Oh, and I've never really felt my prayers to be a momologue.
*gets ready for the flaming, just in case*