Support Domain: CSFRPG/RPG Ministry

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Support Domain: CSFRPG/RPG Ministry

Postby HwaRang777 » Sun Feb 20, 2005 3:58 pm

hey guys,

as some of you may know, I'm making a CRPG with my friends. But what you may not have known was that with the game (and LOTR), and it had gone well, until recently. See, our church was faithful enough too lend us rooms to play in (I've never heard of a church allow kids to play RPGs or games in general at church) and we did get some people, at most we had 15 people total, 4/5 gm's. but you we need more notice from the youth ministry, which has a "reputation" to uphold; All it boils down to is that we can't continue it because we haven't got more people, which isn't really our fault because the youth ministry never made an announcement for it. My friends and I are going to try to talk to our youth pastor (yes, I actually do mean to use words rather than break his kneecaps with baseball bats) to convince him to have my church actually look at it as a ministry rather than just a recreation site. So if you guys will pray for us I'd really appreciate it. and if you want to help support it with money or something, just PM for my mailing Address
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Postby HwaRang777 » Tue Feb 22, 2005 12:05 pm

hey guys,

I have great news, My parents have offered to fundraise and donate to the ministry, and my Amer. Lit. Teacher offered to donate as well (once she sees some papers and stuff). And so far, one pastor of our youth group really does seem to be excited about the idea of this gaming ministry that we're doing, so for those that have prayed (or will, or just anyone in general)


And if you still would like to donate, just PM me for my mailing address (P.O Box not

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Postby sonichiro » Tue Feb 22, 2005 5:11 pm

im praying for your ministry. this sounds really creative and inventive! i pray that God will bless you and the ministry!! ^__^
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