Zar wrote:Praise God for all things awesome. Life ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Talame wrote:Is it true that you enrol in tutes only after the first lectures? If so, things are going to be rather hectic after that first lecture... everyone running to a computer 0_o
Anyway, I am going to the ANU, Australian National University. Apparently its one of the most well known of Aussie uni's... I'm doing a Bachelor of Commerce.
They do have a Christian group, called FOCUS, Fellowship of Christian Uni Students. There might be more, but I will know for sure in a few hours cause today is Market Day!!! HUZZAH! I have been looking forwardto this day for ages
So I shall leave you know cause I have to leave in...*looks at watch*
Zane wrote:ANU!!! Thats awesome. It was where the national training event by AFES was held, I spend a week there on campus just 2 months ago, in December.
You can enrole in tutes before and after the 1st lecture, it depends wether or not everything is online or theres alittle piece of paper on a pin-up board outside the unit co-ordinators office where you scribble down your name.
Just do it asap, but don't worry about it, lots of ppl forget and do it later in the week.
Join FOCUS, I've meet a couple of its members and i know one of the head letcures at ANU called Bob... can't remember his last name though... we stayed at his house while we where over there.
Some christian groups are affiliated with churchs and arn't true student groups as such, you might come arose ones called passion, joshualife, and various others, but im not entirley sure what they're all about or if their doctrine is sound.
But do join FOCUS, it will encourage and build you up throughout your uni life.
Hope that helps, and enjoy your first week.
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