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Just wanted to let you all know...

Postby Mr_Ross » Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:50 pm

Before I say what I'm going to say, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm sorry for being gone for so long, and for only really posting on here when I have a problem that I need help with.

Now that I've said that, let me get on to my main point. I not been to school for three days. This is because last week they suspended me. What was I suspended for, you ask? Well, since I finally got sick of all of the homophobic teachers there, so I came right out and said that I thought there was nothing wrong with being gay and bi. And yes, I got _suspended_ for three days for saying this.

You know, I wanted to come here because I felt like this would be a place where people would accept me for who I really am.

While there have been some people here who have been kind and understanding to me, I have found that others, who acted like they thought there was nothing wrong with me, in certain other posts say they are horrified by the very idea of homosexuality, and don't want anyone to be even remotely understanding of homosexuals. Also, others have told me that my being bisexual is something "that can be fixed", and that this is "just a phase I'm going through". While they are not like the people on here, some people at my school have even said gays just choose to be gay because they want to "stand out". Well, let me tell all of you something, if I could, I would stop being bisexual right now. Do you all think I want to be beaten up and made fun of and rejected by everyone, including my own family? Do you think I chose to fall in love with a 17-year-old guy named Stephen, only to have my heart broken? Do you really think I can help that?

Also, after watching something on CNN last night, about evangelical Christians, I have lost all hope. Save for T.D. Jakes and a minster, whose name escapes me, from Cedar Ridge, Maryland, the guests on the show were completely judgemental of gays, and just wanted to "free them" from their horrible "disease". The main one was Tim LaHaye who wrote the "great" Left Behind series. Frankly, I can no longer be a part of the Christian community. I am fully convinced that there is no good in my being a Christian, and I have chosen to, for now, leave the religion. I am not sure if I will stay on this site or not, and if you wish to ban me for saying this, that's fine, too.

Sorry for making such a long post, and sorry for burdening you guys with this, but I am done being a Christian. I'm sorry.
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Postby Rogie » Wed Feb 02, 2005 9:32 pm

I'll try not to say too much, but I do know that gays are, indeed, people. However, the act of being gay is a sin. It doesn't make you less of a person. Lying doesn't make someone less of a person; judging others doesn't make someone less of a person, etc. Those acts are sinful, and we all sin.

Ross, you are a person, and as a human, you are a sinner. I am a person, and as a human, I am a sinner. Each member of the CAA is a person, and as a human, each person is a sinner. The only thing that can ever set us apart is God's salvation. God doesn't hate gay people. He doesn't hate liars. He doesn't hate judgmental people (if so, He would hate me, an often judgmental person). But God does forgive us, as long as we are willing to ask Him for forgiveness, believe in His power and love and will to do so, believe in His death and resurrection, and are willing to take a step forward and obey Him.

It may not seem that being gay is wrong to you, much like when I'm talking about or complaining about someone, it doesn't always seem wrong to me. But those are sins, and as you can see by the way I'm talking, all sins are equal in God's eyes. In our eyes, being gay may be worse than telling a lie, telling a lie may be worse than being gay, and murdering someone may be considered worse than any other sin out there. In God's eyes, they are the same, and we as humans cannot even begin to comprehend that.

I ask that you consider what I've said here. A true Christian will not condemn you for a sinful act, because a true Christian realizes that doing so seals their own judgment. If I condemned you, I would be condemning myself at the same time because we all sin in different ways. We all need forgiveness, and God is always willing to forgive.

He loves you, Ross. He really does.

I will pray for you, and if you want to, please PM me. I'm willing to talk and to listen.
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Postby shooraijin » Thu Feb 03, 2005 2:37 pm

I couldn't have said it better.
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Postby agasfas » Fri Feb 04, 2005 2:56 pm

What to say? well I've already stated my advice in your past 2 threads so I don't think I need to state them. Just a quick remark and question...

Save for T.D. Jakes and a minster, whose name escapes me, from Cedar Ridge, Maryland, the guests on the show were completely judgemental of gays, and just wanted to "free them" from their horrible "disease". The main one was Tim LaHaye who wrote the "great" Left Behind series. Frankly, I can no longer be a part of the Christian community. I am fully convinced that there is no good in my being a Christian, and I have chosen to, for now, leave the religion.

Why is it that you are choosing/decided to "leave" christianity? Is it the people and their opinions? Everyone has their own personal opinions, christians and non-christians. Christians aren't the only people to disapprove of homosexulaity; from what I've gathered is that non-christians tend to be more judgemental and biased against homosexuals. Usually because some of them don't know how to limit or deal with their anger or hate. Non-christians are just as guilty as christians in this subject.

I don't think you should let how people think, say or act dictate your life. Not all TV Evangelists represent what the majority of the christian population and their beliefs. Actually, to be quite honest I dispise most of them. Many preach a false doctrine and seem to do things just for the money. I never really see them preach what is most important- Jesus's love and His death on the cross.

Just need a bit of clearity... Are you wanting to leave the christian community/fellowship in general or Christ as well? So my main question would be do you believe that Jesus died on the cross? If so, then why reject God based on the actions of people; is it because there are a few who speak words of hate or dissaproval? Because like I've said, I don't think you should let the actions of some dictate your decidison of leaving Christ. I can understand leaving the community, but a belief in Christ shouldn't have to go away along with the dissproval of a community. I've been a part of many churches, some I liked and some I didn't. If I didn't like the community or it's teachings I never returned to that church or their community. If I allowed the words or actions of others to run my life, then I wouldn't have faith or trust in anyone and life would be pointless... Although I'm not in your exact situation I can empathize.

Also, in my opinion there is a difference between religion and a belief in Christ. ANd the belief in CHrist is what is important, not the "community name" group, or denomination.

And please forgive if this comes out wrong or if I'm assuming, but if you really didn't care about our opinions or wanting help, then why feel the need to inform us about you leaving? Deep down, perhaps you may still believe in Jesus or haven't lost "all" hope/faith in Christ and/or his followers. Or maybe indirectly seeking help, advice or grasp understanding. Perhaps something in your gut is giving you the need to. If that's the case, always remember the members here at CAA are always willing to help as much as they can or give you a shoulder to lean on. Also, I've learned to trust in your gut instinct (or heart) over your brain. People try to logically figure things out when not everything is evident or logical in a sense; love is the perfect example. Again, forgive me more assuming the situation, but I'm only trying to understand where you are coming from.

I would really take rogie_san words to heart. Human nature is sinful and hypocritical- both christians and non-christians. But I don't think you should let the worldly things affect your trust in Christ, He is above that.

Anyways, as always I'll contiue to pray for you.
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Postby Heart of Sword » Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:14 am

We all have our problems. While I do not see homo/bisexuality as something good, I do not condemn people like that either as it doesn't do anybody any good and only chases people away from Christianity.

One thing needs to be addressed above everything else.

Christianity is not something you can just leave if you were truly a part of it. It's not a club that you can quit when you get sick of it. It's not a game where you leave if it's not fun anymore. It's a way of life and the only key to heaven and true joy on Earth.

You can't fix the fact that you're bisexual. Jesus can, and Jesus will if you ask Him for help and are truly a child of God. That doesn't mean you've "said the prayer". That means you've accepted Christ into your heart and asked God to change your life. Are you a child of God? I don't believe so, considering you're "leaving" Christianity. Is your bisexuality going to change? Not without Christ.

We won't condemn you. Christians shouldn't act like that as everyone has problems. Come back, and I'll see to it that you're treated in the way we should treat others.
Heart of Sword's Rhapsody

Money, get away
Get a good job with good pay and you're okay
And all and all you're just another brick in the wall
Shoutin’ in the street gonna take on the world some day
But Bismallah will not let me go
Because I'll see you on the dark side of the moon

Tommy used to work on the docks
Union's been on strike
Bright eyes burning like fire
And exposing every weakness
However carefully hidden by the kids

Who will love a little Sparrow
Who's traveled far and cries for rest
Spare him his life from this monstrosity

I've seen a million faces and I've rocked them all
And if the band youre in starts playing different tunes
We will we will rock you
We will we will rock you!

[Pink Floyd fan listening to Queen and hugging trees which is also known as taking care of God's creation with a pair of headphones on listening to Nightwish as loud as possible while writing a novel on a computer in the middle of a field filled with Wolves.]

[Bassist...finally learning Money]
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