Jman wrote:I Just found out everyone at my school wants me to leave, I mean this is my first year in a school (I've always been homeschooled) and everyone wants me to leave and I have no clue why, but they won't tell me face to face, they've all been putting on a show pretending to be my friend and all, I mean I just don't feel like living anymore, is it really worth it?
Zar wrote:Praise God for all things awesome. Life ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jman wrote:I mean I just don't feel like living anymore, is it really worth it?
they've all been putting on a show pretending to be my friend and all, I mean I just don't feel like living anymore, is it really worth it?
agasfas wrote:Hey man, no one said public schooling was going to be easy. When you're at home you really have no worries and one remains sheltered from the real world in a sense. Public schooling is a small taste of the real world. There will be others with different beliefs, likes and dislikes. There will be people how like you and others who hate you for no reason. It's sad, but it's the real world. But, you will learn some lessons that you can't learn at home. People, kids to be certain can be so cruel. I would know, I was teased growing up all my life because my hair would fell out for in random patches. It looked so horrible and goofy. Kids talked behind my back, teased me... even infront of me. I got in a few fights because of it. But you know what, people grow up.
Let me assure you, no matter how bad it seems there will always be people who do care for you. Even if you don't think so. How long have you been in public school? My advise is to just give it some time. Sometimes it takes a while for the people to get used to the new kid. Continue to put yourself out there and keep picking yourself up. It's all about how you carry yourself.
Jesus faced such adversity in his life. He was cursed at, beaten, spit on and put to death. His whole life Jesus had to fight for what's right. He was tempted by Satan himself and never gave in. Was his life worth it? I can assure you that Jesus thinks his whole life on earth was worth it.
Don't be afraid to put yourself out there. If you don't then you will never get the respect of your peers. Show people youre character. So is it all worth it? Well that's all how you see it. Life is a struggle... I don't think anyone can deny that fact. What you put in is what you get out. If you run, then you gain nothing. If you fight, life will be more fulfilling... Hardly anything is given to us on a silver platter--even friendship.
So people only act like they are trying to be friendly. I would concider you lucky really. Some aren't even given that much. Some are tormented: beat up, teased etc... My guess is that perhaps your reading more into it then you need to. Perhaps you're assuming they don't like you, and in reality some do. People are hard to read sometimes.
What happens next is solely up to you. You can either fight- putting yourself out there, or you can run. Like I've said before, life is a struggle. I don't think you should let this one thing get you down for the long run. Give it some time and I know you'll meet some more people who generally care for you. It may not be tomorrow, but it will happen. Trust me.
I don't think it's fair for you or others to make such rash decisions about whether your life is worth it or not. You can't always think that way whenever something bad happens. This is only middle school, you still have your whole life in head of you. My question is how will you react to more difficult situations in life? LIfe is full of hurt but you need to remain strong. Homeschooling is not a subsitute for learning life lessons. Don't be afraid of failure, that's the only way one can learn. We learn and grow from every experience. Don't measure yourself to others or stop yourself short in life. You will never get anywhere doing so. Sometimes we perceive things worse then they are...
My example would be:
I remember giving a speech in class. The teacher was videotaping everyone. It seemed everyone did better then me... I really thought mine ws horrible. Then after everyone finished we watched the tape next class period. After watching others from another view point, mine wasn't as bad as I thought. I even got a higher grade then someone I thought had a better presentation. Sometimes we preceive things differently then they are.
I'm not saying people do or don't like you, but sometimes things aren't what they appear.
What really matters is how you carry yourself. Continue pick yourself up and smile, it'll do some good. I'll be praying for ya, take care man.
Edit: Anytime you feel down try talking to Jesus. He cares greatly for you and wishes for you to be happy. It may seem be hard to face, but with Jesus, anything is possible. He only wants what is best for you.
Jman wrote:Your wrong man, this isn't a public school, thats the bad part....its a christian school
Your wrong man, this isn't a public school, thats the bad part....its a christian school
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"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
"I like swords."
"Welcome to Corneria!"
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