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Postby Archan » Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:30 am

More art, first one is of a yearbook cover I did for the school I teach at, can you guess our mascott? ;)

Other two are early stage concepts I did for costumes for a Chrsitmas play, however it never made it through pre-production and was scrapped, the art was still nice to look at however so I kept it.

And thats it for me for the moment, being it's 2:30 in the morn and all.....

God Bless,
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Postby ZiP » Wed Dec 29, 2004 5:28 am

That first one reminds me of my sig image...
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Postby Jaltus-bot » Wed Dec 29, 2004 10:52 am

Very nicely done. I love the year book cover.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

It's cosplay, get used to it.

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Postby Archan » Thu Dec 30, 2004 12:41 am


I'm very glad your pleased, and also that you like my yearbook cover! :thumb:


Whats up! Yeah, it does kid of look like your sig huh? Funny, the yearbook designer came to me with specific instroctions, "A warrior on top of the world of something Josh, ya got me?" Yes mam! It's all but a fond memory now......>.>

Alright, I got the green light from our ever generous Ashley, so here starts the pics from the Virtual Hell project.

But first some history, this was my first year working on virtual Hell, AEM (The company that runs Virtual Hell) has been doing it for 9-10 years straight! The pupose of it is to give an alternative to Halloween partys and such as well as evangelise to souls, the show is held for one week straight, usually from Monday through Halloween day itself. Every year the story and set of Virtual Hell changes, so its always a new experience from year to year, this year the story was about a Girl whom dreamt her way into hell, but didn't wake up, and lost souls would be tortured by a dream chair that played off their worst fears....later however she is freed through the power of Jesus Christ and is saved.

So on to the pics!

One of the first assignments I got was design Hell, in which it was specified we'd have a chair, a place to see the video segemnts to be played, and their had to be stairs and cells to hold the lost souls. This is where the first four pics come in, I thought it would be nice to flex my artistic muscles and really over-do hell being I've never worked with these people before, and I had to show them exacty how much I was capable of doing, so I went wild. As a result, they didn't know if they could build the set, and instead went a safer more simplistic route, but kept the underlying architecture. so all wasn't a total loss :sweat:

First pic is off hell itself, the eye in the middle is where the video clips would be projected.

Second pic is of the torture chair, which was originally suppose to be a rack, but time constrains forced us to go with a chair.

third is of the individual head piece that would go over the lost sould on the chair, I wanted seomthing that looke very very very uncomfortable.

Last pic is of the cell, which I gave more of a Timm Burtonesqe flare too. Eat your heart out Beetlejuice :lol:

End art post 1
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Postby Archan » Thu Dec 30, 2004 12:55 am

Virtual Hell continued:

So, soon after I designed the sets and they looked at the drawings and told themselves, "Wow that looks good, how are we gonna build this again?"

They pretty much got the hint that I could draw, so soon after they set me on characters, my first priority in that area was the Devil. so I designed him of a more fallen angel with old rustic armor chipped and weathered from when he fell from heaven...and I gave the concept that he still had traces of where his wings where, and that they extended to his forearms. I finally gave him a mask with the more iconic devil face that he would remove later on during the show. The makeup test I did was done from photos of a face I found online and altered in Photoshop, I gave him alot of greens to compliment all the red his armor and suit already had, the makeup design proved to extensive however to do seven nights a week, so we reverted to pale white and darkening the eyes with more purple tones.

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Postby Archan » Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:04 am

Vitual Hell Continued:

Another character I was assigned was Gahenna, whom would do the torturing to the lost souls as well as be the right hand of the devil, so to speak. I made him more of a crazy gester, because after reading the script thats what he struck me as, an evil mad hatter. I liked the hair though, it was just something different. I just really went wild on him, but as irrony would have it more of the Gehenna design (Mainly the facial makeup) went to the devil and Gehenna was left looking like a flamboyant victorian era brit....which I didn't think suited him, but alas I was the newb, thankfully however the actor's superb performance more then made up for it. Here are his original costume designs, hair designs, and makeup test.

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Postby Archan » Thu Dec 30, 2004 1:12 am

Virtual Hell continued:

One of the last characters I was assigned to work on was actually a host of characters, the demons. I designed one mask and costume for the director, and he liked it, he liked it so much he wanted three others with different designs on the face....O.o So off to work I went. For the time being I'm showing the concept art of the Demon costume till I get ahold of the pictures of the masks themselves. The costume pretty much stood right on model, only thing that didn't make it was the feathers, small sacrifce though, and everyone told me they were the best demons to grace virtual Hell yet....kind of a mix compliment no? :sweat:

End Art Post 4

Thats it for tonight, I'll have moe when I come back, I promise.... :lol:
God Bless,
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Postby Mave » Thu Dec 30, 2004 9:51 am

@__@;;; Oh my....I have no words to describe how I feel seeing all these excellent pieces

*hugs Archan instead* It's great to have you back! XD XD Impressive my friend, I really don't know what else to say. I love how your creative mind works!
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Postby Ashley » Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:04 am

Wow....I...I....just wow. I knew you were an incredibly talented artist before, but it's amazing to see you got even BETTER! (which I didn't even know was possible O.o) Fantastic work, Archan...I just wish I had better compliments to give!
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Postby Archan » Thu Dec 30, 2004 10:30 am


You kidding, you telling me its fantastic is more then a big enough compliment ^_^ I'm just glad you were kind enough to let me post up all this art, thanks again lass :sweat: The biggest compliment however is you telling me I've gotten better, thats what every artist continues to strive to be, better, thank you so much :hug:


Wonderin' where you've been! How's alll the manga coming? Groovey I hope, and thanks for the compliments as well. You luv how my creative mind works eh? Well....while I was working on this project alot of people where scared as to how I was coming up with all this, myself included :grin: Afterwards I just really wnated to work on something nice and colorful, hence the Christmas play art that I posted eariler, I would have luved to have done it, alas, it was not meant to be :shake: Wait, how did I end up on this tangin? Yay Hugs! *Hugs Back :hug:

God bless,

P.S. There is still more to come with Virutal Hell, I just have to re-size it all :grin:
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Postby Esoteric » Thu Dec 30, 2004 4:59 pm

Ooooh, creepy! hehe. Awesome work as always. Cool to have you back posting stuff again. I'll be checking the art corner more often now...
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Postby Archan » Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:05 pm


Yay, your here! Hows my other fav traditional artist doing? Thank you for the compliements though, and it really feels good to be back posting art, I've really missed it. *Laughs* Well, be prepared from a visit by me as well in your album, I'm dyin' ta see what you've been up to while I was away....I have so many artist to catch up with, so little time :lol:

Virtual Hell Art continued:

Alright, here's more art. Like I mentioned the director wanted different designs for each Demon mask, so here is a page of just random designs I played with before I went on to make the mask's themselves.

Next pic is a more cleaner rendition of the virtual hell set, this is so if the set was green lit for construction, the set builders would have a cleaner design or blueprint to follow. This set design was scrapped however for being "too complex", which I kind of took as a compliment :sweat:

Third pic is of the Hell Rack/Chair as it was originally designed, but once again time constraints and money came into play and this initial ideal was scrapped as well, still it was a nice enough drawing so I kept it :lol:

Final drawing is the raw pen-sharpie drawing of the Devil costume that was posted earlier i my album, I just thought you guys would like to see the original drawing.... :sweat:

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Postby Jaltus-bot » Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:15 pm

Esoteric wrote:Ooooh, creepy! hehe. Awesome work as always. Cool to have you back posting stuff again. I'll be checking the art corner more often now...

Eh, pretty much what she said.
When I feel blue, I start breathing again.

Asdvadz hedut ullah! (W. Armenian, "May God bless you!")

It's cosplay, get used to it.

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Postby Esoteric » Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:30 am

sheherazade wrote:Eh, pretty much what she said.


Archan wrote:Yay, your here! Hows my other fav traditional artist doing? Thank you for the compliements though, and it really feels good to be back posting art, I've really missed it. *Laughs* Well, be prepared from a visit by me as well in your album, I'm dyin' ta see what you've been up to while I was away....

Er um, well.... :sweat: I've done a few things in photoshop lately, I just haven't posted anything in a while. But since you've flattered me so, I'll be sure and post a selection soon.

I'm still amazed by artists like you who can churn out so much quality work in so little time!
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Postby mechana2015 » Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:00 pm

I like the mechanical + biological combination on those. Dark and creepy... kinda reminds me of the strangeness from a H.P. Lovecraft story.

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Postby ally-san » Sat Jan 01, 2005 5:33 pm

oh Archan! you've really out done yourself with these ones. they're marvelous.
i especially like the hell/rack chair and the staircase. your composition on them are awesome. i like the ones that are black and white those are always my favorite. it makes them look creepier too. for some reason i always like the way my drawings look in black in white rather than in color.
but anyways, i really like this project of yours, it really shows off your talent as an artist. i also like the one of the close up face of the devil, superb :thumb:
you're really good at making landscapes and machinery. me on the otherhand can only do people, maybe i should work more on doing the other though :sweat: :lol: ok theres my critic i hope u dont mind!
well anyways your work is great as always and i cant wait to see more!
glad your back to show off your amazing talents and inspire other artists like me :)
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Postby Archan » Sat Jan 08, 2005 5:03 pm


Sorry for the slight dissappearence, I've been busy working on my demo reel (An art students version of a senior thesis) and being this is my senior year, I have to start cranking it out now instead of when my classes start. But anyways, a quick visit before I go off to work yet again,


*Laughs* You way with words never ceases to amaze me ^___-

Yes, please post art soon, in fact when I've completed a suitable amount of work today I might sacrfice sleep and go through all your guys albums and see what I've been missing since I've been away....*Laughs* don't be too amazed at my work, ya figure, 16 years of drawing experience mixed with 3 to 4 years of intensive training and no social life, yeah, I kind of expect it from myself now, I've been turned into an art work-horse :grin: :waah!:


Thankx! I know what you mean by Lovecraft, when I spoke to the art director at VH (Virtual Hell) he said he wanted it sort of industrial and organic, but not like Giger, strangely he wanted me to reffrence disneys Atlantis O.o I more or less drove my insparation from disneys Hercules through ^____^ Go figure huh, using Disney to construct hell XD Good eye as always mechana, darn good eye :thumb:


Hey! Nice of you to drop on in ^_____^ Oh my, I never mind a grood critique, in fact I more or less expect it when I show my work to other artist and people, so kuddos to ya :thumb: I know what you mean by the B.W. pics, I think it's because of the grittiness of the pics it makes them look more classical and old or aged, as if it were taken from the Necronomicon (For those of you Evil Dead buffs out there XD ) or some other ancient book of torture. I inspire you? Really, I flattered :sweat:


Course I'm alive!!!!! *Hugs back* :hug:

I'm not sure if Virtual Hell is anywhere near you, I'm located in Calif., Virtual hell itself is located in Bellflower, On Alondra street. Roughly, if your coming from L.A., take the 10 till you hit the Pomona freeway (60), and then get off the 605 heading south till you hit Alondra. It happens once a year, let me know if it is anywhere near you, that way I can give you more in-depth instructions....or anyone else thats interested for that reason ^__-

*Laughs* Like I told Esoteric, don't be too amazed, 16 years of drawing+3 to 4 year of intensive training = art work-horse :lol: :grin: :waah!:

Now, off to more art. I'm posting a color light study of the hell sketch I posted up, I did this for a 3D lgithing and texture class I had, I'm also posting a JPG of the 3d environment I did, still need work though, I'm guessing its roughly 60% complete, I still have things to model and textures to fix and add as well as teaking the lgihts.... But this is what I have to far, I still need to find the [photos of all the costumes and such that where made, when I get ahold of them whammo! More pics to be posted.... ^_^ Till then, this is it as far as art for Virtual Hell.....

God Bless,
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Postby mechana2015 » Sat Jan 08, 2005 7:23 pm

Very cool. I may consider coming to that next year at halloween... I live at the intersection of the 10 and 57 in pomona so thats pretty close. It'd be cool to see what you did all finished up. Need any help? I wouldn't mind contributing if I was considered capeable enough to help, even in a small way. Interesting color scheme on that by the way... its interesting to see hell in another color than red.

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Postby Mave » Sat Jan 08, 2005 8:37 pm

*jaw drops* oh my goodness, that is awesome!!! I've never done 3D before but i think that's just ...WOW! XD XD You rock, Archan!
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Postby true_noir_chloe » Sat Jan 08, 2005 11:21 pm

I'm finally checking this out. O_O Wow, you always impress me, my friend. ^___^ You do evil so well. ~_^ XD

I've enjoyed everything. I always do when I come to your thread. *HUGS* I hope to see more of you --- or at least by way of correspondence --- hear from you. ^^

[size=84][color=seagreen]YOU SEE

You see into the deepest part of me ---

beyond the fog I hide behind.

You cast your light upon the shadows

that stretch like cobwebs in my mind.

You ease the pain when I am hurting,

and morbid visions from my past

pierce into the realm of Reason

as though I danced on blades of glass.

You grant me strength when I have fallen

and, once again, I've lost my way.

You take my hand in Yours and lead me

into the promise of a brand new day.

You bring order to all my chaos,

yet set my well-laid plans awry.

You place me on a firm foundation ---

then give me wings so I can fly.

You sand away my roughened edges

and polish all the dullest parts

until I stand before Your presence...

a newly-sculpted work of art.

You see into the heart within me,

right through my motives and selfish will.

And yet, in spite of all You see

You say You love me even still.

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Postby Esoteric » Mon Jan 10, 2005 9:35 am

....*Laughs* don't be too amazed at my work, ya figure, 16 years of drawing experience mixed with 3 to 4 years of intensive training and no social life, yeah, I kind of expect it from myself now, I've been turned into an art work-horse

Okay, so that explains it. :lol: You go to Art Center, don't you? That would be my guess. I had an art teacher who went there. She described it in pretty much the same terms. I posted a few things last week, but for some reason, my art doesn't garner many comments...probably because I don't go to Art Center.... :shake: :grin:
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Postby ally-san » Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:10 pm

:wow!: wow it loox so much different in color. i can really feel the tone of the project now. it loox really great but i dont think u need me to tell u that :lol:
*sits in anticipation* more! more! :jump: :jump:
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Postby soul alive » Wed Jan 12, 2005 6:03 pm

hey, wow. great to see your newest stuff, and to see you back. the Virtual Hell project looks like one of those projects that was an absolute blast to do, insanely masochistic (o_O i spelled that right on the first try...) but fun.
*also sits and waits for more pictures* ^^


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Postby Archan » Fri May 13, 2005 3:31 am

*Pops head out of CAA Loch*

Ha! Just droping by, figured it was about time I came back and said hi, and bring some art as well. I'll make a more formal hello later, but for now enjoy the art. It's one mech and some special fan art for you Space Ghost buffs out there....Hope you all have been good :lol:

God Bless,
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Postby mechana2015 » Fri May 13, 2005 1:23 pm

awesome... the head of the mech seems Eva like and the body is a lot of gundam. Pretty cool! I liek the shots of the bug guy whose name I cant remember...*dang* he's kinda freaky when he looks more realistic and 3d.

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Postby Shinja » Fri May 13, 2005 6:05 pm

heh, finly a zorak i can fear

good to see you back!
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Postby Archan » Tue May 17, 2005 12:22 am


*Laughs* Ya laways make me smile, keep it up :lol: And the mech (Named him Darkmatter, which explains the latter half of my e-mail :sweat: ) leans a little to the left on turns so be weary of that.... :sweat:


HEY! Nice to see ya too! Feels groovey to be back, I've been up to soooo much, you wouldn't believe. I'm debating though if should post the usual "Archan Back" thread, but being away for so long half the new memebers wouldn't even know who I am, so I'm deciding against it.

YES! You now who he is! Thats so cool, tons of peope at my college were, (Dude, I can't picture Zorak's voice coming out of that Zorak, but, but it's Zorak!) It was funny...I might color him in Photo Shop later....but I like him better as a BW pic. Thanks for your compliments.

Mechana 2015:

Whats up! Groovey to see you as well, and I'm glad you liked Darkmatter's (The Mech's name) design as well. This is probably the 3rd time I've re-designed him....this might be the final design though, however I still might take another crack at the legs, but anyways.....

*Laughs* I'm glad Zorak was able to strike fear into you as well, means I did a good job :sweat: I was pressed to do a Zorak after being disappointed with the way Zorak was done by DC recently...just didn't feel Zorak-ish....this felt way more familular. Thanks....

Anyways here's some more art......

Pic1: And older Commission I've almost completed, it's the cat-elf person. I still have to tweak a few things with color and lighting, but for the most part she came out pretty well.

Pic2: Well, all I have to say is "Who ya gonna call?"

Pic3: A waaaayyyyy old concept I found laying around, it's a retro alien-space suit, but I liked the way it came out so up it goes :lol:

Alright, more art coming soon :thumb:
God bless,
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Postby Archan » Tue May 17, 2005 12:28 am

Like I said, More art..... :thumb:

Pic1: I just had to post something scary....I feel obligated to now :lol: Here ya go Anonymous, *Hands Anonymous blindfold* so you wont be scared away...^^;;;

Pic2: I really dint know who this is, I know he's from a game, but just not which one. Anyways someone had me draw him and I did, I liked how the drawing came here it is :sweat:

God Bless,
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Postby mechana2015 » Tue May 17, 2005 10:56 am

how do you get your scans to look like that? are they because the drawings are in ballpoint or somthing or is that pencil (they always look so prettyyy...)

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Postby ally-san » Tue May 17, 2005 11:07 am

Archan your back!!! :hug:
im so happy to see your awesome artwork up again!! :thumb:
i see your progressing. is this what you've been working on all this time??
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