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Postby soul alive » Fri Oct 29, 2004 7:40 pm

sigh, i probably should be in bed right now... i got no sleep last night, since i was trying to get an architecture project done (which i didn't :stressed: ). but oh well.

here are a couple of my architecture projects from this semester.

the white 'thing' is a 3-D model i made of a section of a painting i did - i will post a picture of that, as well as other paintings later. there are two pictures of it, one with flash and one without, since some details are blurred out by the flash. i stayed up until 4:30 in the morning to get this done (the class that it was for is at 8 am :eh: , never again) and thought i did a passable job on it, nothing special. however, it turns out, i must have done something special, my guess is the inverse cone on it, because it was retained in order to be displayed in the architecture building, a pretty big honor, only one project out of 12 is retained from each different project.

the other two pictures are of the pumpkins i carved for my other architecture class. the first is of the lit smaller pumpkin, the second is of the final assembled two pumpkins. we had to 'reassemble' the pumpkin(s) in a way that helped show what the pumpkin is, or to help understand our surroundings... abstractism (aka, glorified pumpkin carving :grin: )... i did the spider web design on the front of a smaller pumpkin, and a spider on the back (which you can't see at the angle of the photo... it was attached to the long slit you can see in the back of the small pumpkin) the large pumpkin was cut into sections, which were turned over and propped up against the edge, the front section was left attached, but had to be held up by the lid from the smaller pumpkin. the back of the large pumpkin had a simple silhouette of the main office building on campus, with trees on either side. i was happily surprised to have my pumpkin be one of the finalists (there was a contest). out of between 100-200 students, mine was one of the top 15-20ish. all the finalist pumpkins are being taken to be used as decoration for the annual architecture halloween dance (which i am not going to, it costs more money than i want to pay to get in, and i'm not big on dances anyway).

all the students from that class got together at 6pm tonight, and lined up their pumpkins along the campus mall (long sidewalk through the middle of campus). there were some pretty neat pumpkins there. one was made up of four pumpkins, with a carved dragon design that flowed through all four. another pumpkin twisted together to make one pumpkin, and untwisted to make two seperate pumpkins. there were also some disco pumpkins, one on revolving strings, another on a turn table (both had disco music playing near them...).

anyway, just thought i'd share with you all what i am actually doing as an architecture major.
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Postby soul alive » Fri Nov 05, 2004 9:18 pm

here is some more coloring progress on 'Azriel'

the other pic is a group picture - no actual characters i will use further, though. it is a first for me - first multiple character drawing (original anime) and first use of chibi characters...

anyway, this is the pencil draft of a picture i am working on. it was inspired by the Newsboys' song Entertaining Angels. listening to it the other day, i got this random picture in my head, and just had to draw it, and this is what came of it. i do plan on inking and coloring it, but just when that happens is questionable.

drawing chibis is pretty different for me, but so cutely fun ^^. i am also not totally happy with the sleeping girl's pose, something is sort of off about it - i shall fix it before coloring it, and would appreciate any suggestions about how to fix her.

for those who may wonder (because i know you are out there...) the writing in the top left corner is a verse from the song - "Entertaining angels by the light of my TV screen/ 24/7, You wait for me" and the writing in the bottom right corner is Hebrews 13:2 "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares."

and :P on my lack of scanner-ness
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Postby soul alive » Sat Nov 06, 2004 10:01 pm

yeah for free-days!!! i got finished doing the coloring on 'Azriel' (now all i have to to is do a background for him, which, sadly, isn't going to happen until i go home for thanksgiving, and have access to a scanner. not only do i want to do a photo background - i like them for some reason... - i want to get rid of all the little out-of-the-lines paint bloops).

here are two more in-progress pictures, and the final pic. for some odd reason, he ended up looking sad...

and as a side note about the paint bloops:
drooling over art supplies at, i found of all things - dum dum da dum... ERASABLE WATERCOLORS!!! how cool is that? until you heat set it, they are erasable, and you can heat set one layer, paint over it with a second, erase on the second and then heat set it... :drool: .
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Postby soul alive » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:11 pm

yeah!!! my digicam works awesome for regular pictures, just not very well as a substitute for a scanner ^^...

here is a pic i took this morning when my architecture class went on a field trip to view the site that we are doing our final project for. since it was only about 9 am when i took the pic, the sun wasn't up very far. there was a neat old-time fence around part of the site, and i liked up the camera for this shot, but had no idea it would turn out like it did. i added a verse to it that i thought was fitting.

:EDIT: duh, sara, talk about the picture, you've also got to attach it :hits_self hehehe
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:22 pm

very nice! I like how the composition works with the words.

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Postby soul alive » Tue Nov 16, 2004 10:01 am

thanks mechana. it took me quite a while to find a verse that fit it. i have a bit of an obsession with matching artwork/pictures with Bible verses, but it's a fun obsession that only helps me get closer to God.
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Postby soul alive » Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:08 pm

hmm. found some pics of some paintings i did last year on my artwork disk.

the first and last are the seperate panels and the second is them both together.

the first is a still-life in water color of a geisha doll, origami swan, and cherry box.

the third is a still-life in ink (actually red and black gel pens ^^) of a samuri (actually a shogun) doll, and two horse dolls.

the second panels shows them together on the same page.

*sorry for the curve of the paper, this was before they were matted*
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:19 pm

very nice! I like the still lives, and have been doing a lot of them recently myself. The wasy they contrast with each other is really cool.

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Postby soul alive » Mon Nov 29, 2004 4:49 pm

thanks. i really enjoy doing still-lifes. the geisha painting is my first ever still-life with water colors.

the contrast between the soft, pastel water colors and the hard, dark inks is intended to speak something of the contrast between the geisha and shogun.

*the pics are pretty grainy, seeing as how they were taken with my old, cheap-o digicam, i plan on updating them with better pics, or just posting better pics when i am home during christmas break.*
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Postby mechana2015 » Mon Nov 29, 2004 9:36 pm

very cool... cant wait to see better pictures

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Postby Mave » Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:02 pm

Wow! I think they're really cool-looking. Don't worry, the graininess makes it look somewhat abstract, which I like heh. Anyway, I can't paint like that to save my life, so it's nice to admire someone's else ability to do so. :thumb:
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Postby Danyasaur » Tue Nov 30, 2004 3:27 pm

I think this is the first time I've seen your artwork! ^_^ I LOVE the geisha and shogun doll pics! X3 *so kawaii!* and I love how you used the angel's clothing for the wings ^_^ verry nice
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Postby soul alive » Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:40 pm

thanks mave! i actually love doing realistic artwork, so abstract stuff is beyond hard for me to do, as well as anime style drawing of my own, but *sigh,* i'm getting it figured out (practice helps a lot, lol).

thanks arch_angel - it took me a while to figure out what you meant about the clothes for the wings... (and i am still wondering exactally what, actually, lol) i take it you mean 'azriel's' blue wings? they are actual wings, and not clothes... i was just being too artistically lazy to go into actual detail ^^;; .. and they do look like pleated cloth... sorry for the confusion ^^.
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Postby soul alive » Tue Nov 30, 2004 6:41 pm


arg!!! double post :P

to make this space actually something useful, i will mutter about what i am planning on adding during christmas break, lol.

several large scale life drawings that i will be photographing and posting (by large i mean at least 2 feet by 1 foot).

an even larger colored pencil still-life (nearly 2 by 3 feet).

a couple projects based on life drawings (also large scale, lol, my high school art teacher encouraged us to do everything 'big').

actual scans of drawings that i have previously posted only photos of, or good photos of things that were posted with crummy photos.

pics of more architecture projects.

the attached pic is the entertaining angels drawing, inked.
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Postby soul alive » Thu Dec 02, 2004 6:15 pm

i am (and should be right now instead of being here) working on my final architecture project. we visited a site, and have to design an outdoors visiters' center with some special specifics to go on the site. for the project we had to do a black and white 'parti' (pronounced 'par-tee') of what we personally got out of the site and of what we were thinking about for the structure. we then have to build a model based upon the parti, which i don't have done yet. i've attached a pic of the parti.

and yes, it is abstract. *twitches* my obsessive compulsive realistic-artist-ness doesn't really like the abstract style, but i'm slowly getting used to it. this is a painting on paper with black gouache.
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Postby c-girl » Sun Dec 05, 2004 4:13 pm

Wow!! >O.O< I'm amazed!
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Postby soul alive » Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:31 pm

thanks christiangirl.

here are some pics of one of my favorite projects for an architecture class this year. we had to design a useable chair based on an animal. i chose a japanese crane.

the first is the front view.

the second is the side view.

the third is the entire set of design concept drawings.

the fourth is a rough draft of my Christmas card.

the final is a picture i took while in process of making my final project for another architecture class. i had to cut a whole long piece of museum board into decking, and the pieces you see are an 1/8 of an inch wide. part of the project was a circular area, i laid the pieces of decking out on tape to keep them in order before they were attached to an actual support system. when i was done laying them out, i noticed they looked rather like wings, and couldn't resist taking a picture with "George" my artist's figure model. ^^
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Postby WhiteKnight23 » Mon Dec 06, 2004 9:51 pm

COOOOLLLLL, I like. Escecially the crane chair, very inventive. It took me a second or two to see it but ya, it is very cool. I like the picture... the Christmas Card... with the woman and child. Very cool... you have captured a lot of emotion in the pict I feel. Peace love security and so much more. Keep up the AWESOME work.
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Postby soul alive » Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:52 pm

got some painting done on my Christmas card... by suggestion from EireWolf, since i haven't painted Mary yet, i am resizing her to make Jesus look more like a newborn than He does right now. i am also planning on smoothing out His baby fat wrinkles... they are a bit too sharp edged right now...

the painting is done in watercolors.

and thanks WhiteKnight - glad to see you back in the forums.
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Postby soul alive » Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:37 am

here are some pics of my final architecture project model, quite a story behind it...

we were required to have a 20" by 30" model with 7 little boxes, 4 panels for murals, a presentation area, and an observation deck. anything else was up to us. i went for a simple solution (although when i was cutting all the little 1/8th inch strips, it didn't seem simple...). it was due last sunday at 6pm, and at 5pm it was looking like i would have to take a late grade, but thanks to a dorm girl construction crew consisting of several girls from my floor, i got it done in time. and best of all... i got a 'B' on it! (which is actually fairly good for architecture, and caused me to do a little happy dance). the black and white abstract pic that i posted earlier in this thread is also part of the project, and my model had to be inspired by it... :P silly rules.
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Postby soul alive » Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:39 am

and here is a close up of the presentation area, surrounded by the four panels, as walls of sorts.
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Postby soul alive » Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:14 pm

the Christmas card image finished.

now for a background...

:edit: final image done, and scanned and posted
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Postby soul alive » Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:10 pm

and here are the front and inside of my card:
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Postby soul alive » Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:28 pm

there is a juried art exhibit for graduate and undergraduate students in any art related major that the entries are due by the 20th. since i now have free-time before my single final exam, and heading home, i have been debating entering the exhibit competition. and if i do, whether or not i will put what i enter up for sale.

here is something i did last night and today - opinions about it, about entering it, and about selling it if i enter it would be much appreciated.
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Postby Kat Walker » Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:11 pm

Nice stuff, very sweet and emotional.
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Postby soul alive » Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:15 pm

thanks Kat
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Postby Jasdero » Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:21 pm

woo~ Very cool.. X3
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Postby soul alive » Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:23 pm

and thanks Sunako
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Postby Golden_Griff » Tue Dec 14, 2004 9:58 pm

Hey, you do a little bit of everything don't cha? :)

The mother and child card is wonderful. As for the entry, hmm....what medium did you use for that? Anyway, sorry for not reading every entire post (not exactly in a reading mood lol) but I think it's a good idea if you submitted it.

The way I see it, it's a wooden maniquin (sp?) with a paper crane. But the movement of the two figures gives life. Um...(don't really know how to say things)...and the three panel format is neat too. It's almost like a transitional thing.

Very nice work. I think I like your use of color. The architecture projects are neat too :thumb:
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Postby soul alive » Wed Dec 15, 2004 6:54 pm

thanks Golden_Griff. yeah, i do tend to dabble in different art styles a lot (sometimes, the dabbling is forced upon me by class assignments... lol). i also do origami, but have yet to post anything i've folded, or designed myself.

the crane and wooden model are in three mediums: panel 1 - watercolor, panel 2 - ink (technically gel pen ^^) which i painted a wash of water over, to bleed it, and panel 3 - graphite.

and to keep myself occupied, and take my mind off of my upcoming physics final exam that was earlier today, i did another quick watercolor painting that i will also be entering in the exhibit. i seem to have a crane theme going, since this one also has cranes in it. the cranes are an ornament i purchased at the Japan store in World Showcase at Epcot in Florida. for sake of time and effort, after i sketched in an outline of the ornament, i painted over it with rubber cement, creating a mask, which i could paint over and not worry about when i did the background. after the background was done, i rubbed off the rubber cement, and painted in the ornament.

i get so attached to my artwork... i tend to hoard it, to the amusement and frustration of my family. and it's going to be pretty darn hard for me to sell these two pieces, but i'm going to do it. (that is, if they are chosen to be in the exhibit at all... ^^).
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