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Flash 5 and Jpegs

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Flash 5 and Jpegs

Postby tsukasamon » Thu Nov 04, 2004 2:07 am

Hey, i'm using flash 5 and i am trying to make a dressup. I have not much experience with flash, and the dress up i am trying to make is in raw jpeg form. You see, i made a person on Adobe Photoshop in different layers. one for her body, and another for her shirt, another of her pants and so on for a variety of clothes. now i want to import it into flash to make it so that you can drag the clothes onto the body.
Now i already know how to do that. my only problem is that when i copy the layer of one of her clothes, say, her shirt, it is accompanied by a white background and gets in the way of the body when i drag it on. So, my ultimate question is:
How (or is there any way) do i get rid of the white bit behind the piece of clothing? I have figured out that i can cut out the white background with the lasso, but that would just take way way too long, because i would have to cut around right outside the ouline of the piece of clothing.
If anyone can help... PLEASE DO!!
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Postby Zar » Mon Nov 15, 2004 9:30 am

hmm, I'm not sure exactly but instead of using the lasso have you tried the magic wand tool or maybe the extract tool. They are a little easier than the lasso, I think anyway
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Postby inkhana » Mon Nov 15, 2004 10:17 am

I've done the same thing...I believe I exported the pieces through the GIF exporter in PS and used that instead. Since you did it in layers, GIF's native transparency should translate into flash pretty well...^^ I dunno if that's an option though.

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Postby Jasdero » Mon Nov 15, 2004 11:29 am

If there isn't a background layer (which you can delete if there is), then what Zar is suggesting should work fine. Good luck!! ^^
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