This first poem is one I wrote a few years ago when I was feeling rather depressed. I didn't really intend to post a sad one first, but that's just the way it came out. Anyway, I hope you like it.
...My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
Psalm 22:1
Abba help me,
Are You there?
Are You up there watching over me?
I’m alone,
Father, help my soul.
Savior, comfort me,
in my agony.
Hold me safe Your embrace.
My soul overflows with lament,
my joy is drowned out with agony.
I even doubt You, Lord.
Will I ever see joy again?
Will I ever leap and rejoice?
Will I ever bask in Your love, oblivious to all else?
My thoughts are troubled,
Oh, Almighty
I despair of hope for my brothers.
My soul cries out,
Help me! Where are You?
...And remember, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20