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*The Lilly*

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*The Lilly*

Postby LillyAngel » Sun Aug 24, 2003 10:40 pm

*The Lilly*

As I stepped out of my car I looked nervously around the cemetery, searching for any one that was there. ‘Good’ I thought I had wished to be alone. I slowly trudged over to Denise’s grave, and just stared at the sky. In my mind a question was repeating itself over and over. For some strange and almost eerie reason, my eyes were not flooding with tears, my mind was still very clear, and I could still speak without my voice cracking. I bent down to remove the necklace I had placed on the stone just a few days ago, but I was distracted. I had noticed a little pot of miniature lilies on the stones right side. I picked them up, wondering who had put them there. I scanned the pot for a sign of a card or a price tag, but there was none to speak of. I took them back to my car, and left them on the front seat.
I turned to walk back to the grave site, but as I looked back, there was a little girl, about the age of five, sitting next to the tombstone. I did not know who she was or where she had come from. I walked over to her, and slowly gathered the strength to put my hand on her shoulder. As I did, her little voice seamed to float up to my ears, and she asked “Why did Daddy take Denise, Miss?â€
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Postby LillyAngel » Tue Aug 26, 2003 10:25 pm

Ok... I'll work on it, but I probably wont finish it. (A Camicazzi B-3 does not exist, its my dads idea of a cool little car)

I had finished dropping off all of the girls, and I remembered that I still had to drop Jessie off at his house. I pulled up into the driveway, and looked at the door. Standing there were Jessie and Darielle, waiting for me. I walked up and asked, "Jessie, would you mind if I brought you home?". He just stood there, looking at me as if he did not understand what I had just said. Then Darielle stepped down from the steps, and whispered in my ear, "Jessie doesn't want to go home. At home, his twin brother James always threatens him, his parents are rarely ever home, and he has no choice but to stay on the streets until three A.M. when his brother falls asleep. Please, Lillian, Don't make him go back there...". Then she turned and ran up to her room. I looked at Jessie and he looked so sad. Finally I piped up, "I guess that means you're staying then! I'll get your room ready and you can see if Darielle is alright. Ok?" I smiled, and walked up to the guest room. He was on my heels, and then he tapped my shoulder, and thanked me. He said I was the kindest person he had ever known. I smiled and said that Darielle's room was the second door on the right.
After I had fixed up Jessie's room, I asked the two teens if they wanted to go shopping. They both pirked up, and jumped to their feet. I told Darielle that she wouldn't be getting much, and I would be buying Jessie a lot of clothes and that kind of stuff. She said she understood, and that she was very happy I had done this for her and for Jessie.
At the mall, I saw a group of boys, that looked about Jessie and Darielle's age. They walked up to us, not noticing that I was with them, and one grabbed Jessie by the collar of his shirt. The boy snapped, and Darielle was immediatly surrounded by the boys. She was whimpering, but she didn't sound too scared. I was looking around, and all I saw was knocked out security guards. I looked around more, but I couldn't see where the closest exit was.
I grabbed my cell phone out of my purse and dialed 911. There was no wireless signal in the building, I couldn't leave Darielle and Jessie in a situation like that. I decided to take on all of the boys that had taken Jessie and Darielle.
I could hear Darielle yelling " Lillian! Daddy, Help me! I *cough* can't get out of here by *cough* myself! Daddy, give me the strength to *cough* survive!" Her voice died and I could tell that she had been druged. I stormed up to the group of boys. I tapped the boy who was holding Jessie and he spun around on his heels. I looked him in the eye, and he put Jessie down. "Run, Jessie! RUN!" I shouted at him "I can't go with out Darielle!" he yelled back. I could see the group look at me, and then just backed away from Darielle. I turned to look at her, but Darielle had taken her original form... an Angel. She was beutiful, and she was iluminated with a silvery light. I looked at her and almost fell over. She was filled with love, mercy, and compasion. I could hear her voice in my head telling my not to fight and leave that to Michael. I asked myself who Michael was, and at that momment, it was as if all of Heaven had come to Earth. The ground trembled, I quaked with fear, the earth shook, and I could see another angel decending from Heaven. It was Michael. The Arch Angel. (I'll write more tomorrow)
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Postby LillyAngel » Wed Aug 27, 2003 5:57 am

(Work on it... no promises to finish it)

Michael stood at my side, and set a mighty hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him, and I could see that he was going to protect Darielle and I. The leader of the group looked at both of us, then he took one step twards me. Michael reached behind his back and took out his sword. The blade was engulfed in flames, the hilt was embeded with jewels, and Michael knew exactaly how to weild this great power.
The leader looked horrified, and yet continued to advance twards me. I prepared myself to fight, and then something happened.
The sky grew dark, and I could see the leader of the group towering high above me. I looked up, and could not find Michael any where. I searched around me franticly, but I didn't see the slightest trace of Michael.
I looked to Darielle, and she was trembling with fear. "Darielle, I'll find Michael. I promise." I mouthed to her. She nodded, and a tear trickled down her face. I too, started to cry. Not because of Michael, but because I had seen that Jessie didn't escape. He had been cought under a falling rafter, and had stopped trying to get out from underneath it.
Michael was above me, battleing the leader who was now a demon. By the way the fight looked, Michael was losing badly. (I'll write more when I am allowed t ouse the computer this afternoon)
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Postby LillyAngel » Thu Sep 04, 2003 11:15 pm

(gonna work on it... no promises.)

Michael looked down at Darielle, then glanced at the sky, closed his eyes and started to chant something. The room darkened, and the only two lights were from Darielle and Michael, who was now as tall as the floor-celling height in the atrium. The room was filed with an un-natural glow, and the darkness in the corners were illuminated with the Heavenly- glow of Michael.
The demon-turned leader was now as small as a fly, and was as firece-looking as a kitten. He looked Michael in the eyes, and spoke. "This is the work of the Lord God, but who summoned the Angels, and the protection. Surly not this little girl! And it could not have been her friend! Nor her mother!" cried the leader as he pointed at Darielle, Jessie, and then me. He was laughing at each of us, mocking us in his own way.
"It was indeed the little girl. She was summoned by the mini lillies left on the grave of Denise Perry. Lillian picked them up, and has cared for them ever since. Darielle's real Angel name is Gabriella.Darielle has been in Lillian's care as long as the lillies have. I have given Gabriella one chance to summon me, and this was it. She has chosen me to defeat you for her. Now, BE GONE, DEMON SENT BY SATAN! BE GONE!" And with thoes words, the leader disintagrated. Michael hovered in the air for a while, and finaly shrunk to about my height of 5' 6".

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Postby LillyAngel » Tue Sep 16, 2003 7:27 pm

Ok fine... thats the end. I can't scrape any more ideas out of my brain... I'm basicly dead, between Homework and friends and keeping up with this site. my brain's fried. so... if the ending seemed like it wasn't enough, PM me and I'll try to write the end and post it, but if it was fine, you can still PM me if you really truly want to, but I really don't mind if you don't.

Translation:Aikou Princess (or Goddess, but I really don't like using that meaning) of love.
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