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[Winter 2016] Season of Snow

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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Mon Feb 15, 2016 7:42 pm

Rakugo ep. 5 - I'm not sure how this will help him in his rakugo, but I'm glad he had a triumph, and at least it didn't go the way I'd feared... so far. 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Tue Feb 16, 2016 7:07 pm

Ooyasan wa Shishunki ep. 5 - Meh. At least there was no serious creepiness in this episode, but there was no adorable stuff in it, either. 3/5

Dimension W ep. 5 - In spite of the ghosties and the pseudo-nudity, that was a pretty good episode, even if it was a bit splintered at the moment where the motorcycle guy `reached the dam. I completely lost track of what was really going on, at that point. Anyway, I hope the show moves beyond this arc and goes back to being more sensible around the rabbit hole of the coils. 4/5 (barely)
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:15 pm

Girls/Wasteland ep. 6 - This episode did NOT feel like a send-up of tropes. It felt like a pandering to those tropes. Too many bouncy shots, too much gratuitous skin. It really overshadowed what was a charming and rich subplot and drowned it out. So, in spite of a couple of places where I laughed out loud, I'm rating this episode 2/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Thu Feb 18, 2016 7:09 pm

Ojisan to Marshmallow ep. 6 - The rest of it was hilarious, but that kiss! Ugh, totally unnecessary! -1 for that, so only 4/5

Stride: Alt ep. 6 - This was a great episode. They managed to make the connection message without getting all after-school-special on us. And since I shouted out loud at a couple of point in this episode: 5/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Fri Feb 19, 2016 9:42 pm

Erased ep. 6 - That was excellent. It kept me on the edge of my seat. Poor Airi. Silly manager. Poor Airi. "Wait! I know that guy!" But who is it? 5/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Feb 20, 2016 6:36 pm

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, a.k.a. Snow White With The Red Hair, S2 episode 5:


Boku Dake ga Inai Machi, a.k.a. ERASED, episode 7:

Ahh, good, I was right-- that important conversation between SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Satoru and Kenya does happen now. Although, they *did* cut out the explanation about SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Kenya's lawyer father and that whole backstory from it, which (in the source) serves to explain a bit about SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Kenya's observation skills, among other things, as well as tangentially connect him to the killer, so it's kinda annoying that was left out. Also, they changed how Satoru was going to SPOILER: Highlight text to read: try to get Kayo's mother out of the picture-- he was just going to push her down the stairs with his bare hands here, but in the manga he even cobbled together a weapon of sorts to try and make sure... :pikka: And, again, certain things would've made more sense had they just adapted the first episode properly (that being the conditions for the MC's 'revivals,' SPOILER: Highlight text to read: which wouldn't occur with him in prison-- hence him saying that this is his last chance). And I don't really approve of how obvious they're making... something, either (won't spoil it just in case it's not as obvious to anime-only watchers :P ). ...Now that I come to think of it, I really hope that they properly show how SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Satoru saves Hiromi and the other two kids next, too, however given some of the cuts they've already made, I'm unfortunately not very optimistic about that. :shady: In fact, I have a really annoying feeling that they're going to end up watering down the full, goosebump-inducing level of messed-up-ness of the killer's mind, too, as I'm pretty sure that they already left out a pretty important flashback involving said killer-- plus, at least one of the most amazing reveals of the true extent of the killer's twistedness can really only be done via the print format. (Gah, this adaptation... why, just why... :shady: :?: )

Koyomimonogatari ONA episode 6:

Welp, this was the first episode of this mini-series that was neither interesting nor amusing, and considering that it featured Karen (whose arc was easily the worst in the main anime {IMO}), that's no surprise. :sweat: Oh well... on to the next. :P

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuku episode 7:

Oh dear-- you'd think she'd finally take the hint after that bit about 8 mins. in, but Miyokichi really just does not want to give up, does she? (The jealousy was real.) :sweat: (I did feel for her a bit when SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Kiku brushed her off later on, though; unrequited love really does hurt, even if it's obvious from the start that it won't go anywhere. :( ) And oh man, Kiku finally getting that honor/validation from his master was great. <3

And Durarara!!x2 Ketsu episode 7:

Thoughts on this in the dedicated thread, as usual! :)
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Mon Feb 22, 2016 8:34 pm

Ooyasan wa Shishunki ep. 6 - Yay! That was hilarious. And no creepy moments! 5/5

Rakugo ep. 6 - Solid episode. Great show. And it does look like things are going to come to a head, soon. 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Tue Feb 23, 2016 9:52 pm

Dimension W ep. 6 - And a new arc starts. Solid episode. 4/5

So, the rankings so far this season:
1. ERASED (27) +2
2. (tie) Prince of Stride:Alt (26) +2
(tie) Rakugo (26) +/-0
(tie) Dimension W (26) -1
5. Ojisan to Marshmallow (25) -1
6. Ooyasan wa Shishunki (22) +1
7. Girls/Wasteland (21) -1
8. Tabimachi Late Show (completed) +/-0

How are your shows shaping up?
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:44 pm

Girls/Wasteland ep. 7 - All the different ideas everyone had were interesting, as were the skits. The date was a bit hard to watch. Why can't she just say what she means? 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Thu Feb 25, 2016 6:09 pm

Ojisan to Marshmallow ep. 7 - I never expected this to turn into a harem anime. Toasted marshmallows. Yum. 4/5

Stride:Alt ep. 7 - This episode was kind of meh. It was solid, but it wasn't all that interesting. 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Sun Feb 28, 2016 8:19 pm

Ooyasan wa Shishunki ep. 7 - I can't help but think this show has finally come into its own. There were some good laughs in this episode, and again no creepiness. 4/5

ERASED ep. 7 - Crud! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I knew all along it wouldn't work, but I was hoping. What happens next? Ugh. I still think it's possible SPOILER: Highlight text to read: he's only supposed to save the airplane guy Yuuki? I can't figure this out. 5/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Feb 29, 2016 6:09 pm

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, a.k.a. Snow White With The Red Hair, S2 episode 6:


Boku Dake ga Inai Machi, a.k.a. ERASED, episode 8:

Aargh, why is this adaptation playing with my feelings?! This episode was once again really good :jump: ... and yet I know that they're literally going to have to do more than an entire volume per episode starting next week if they're going to fit it all in, which of course means the return of those brutal cuts to the storyline/characterization... :shady: The stuff with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Airi towards the end is clearly (and unjustly) going to have little to no impact at all because of all the characterization of/interactions with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: her that they cut from the beginning, and they're probably going to greatly condense the saving of SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the other kids, and I just know that the killer's characterization is going to suffer as well; not to mention all the stuff with the MC in SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the hospital... :(

Koyomimonogatari ONA episode 7:

And just as expected, it's back to being cute again. :thumb:

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuku episode 8:

...Welp, let's just get the discussion on that (honestly quite shocking) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "I love her" line out of the way: If that is taken at face value, then either the vast majority of the characters' personalities, expressions, body language, interactions, and the direction of the show itself (even within the scenes directly surrounding it!) has been a lie of epic proportions, or Kiku has the oddest definition of SPOILER: Highlight text to read: being in love that I've ever seen. :P On the other hand, this show has in fact always used body language and direction to show what's *really* going on, and there has been a bit of a theme to this show of 'playing expected roles' (in life in general, not only in rakugo)-- and, indeed, particularly so in this ep. itself, with all three MC's-- and Kiku has always been shown to do so anyway, so I know what I think is more likely. :P (That said, that does not at all mean that I approve of that... preference, obviously; and, as such, am perfectly happy that it was, is, and always will go unrequited. Just so we're clear. :P :) ) Anyway, moving on: It is absolutely lovely to see Kiku so happy and fulfilled in his work now (and his performances really do pull you in now, too). :thumb: And it was good to see both Sukeroku and Miyokichi open up a bit, too-- although, when Miyokichi finally did so, you could really tell how bitter she has become (and, for some reason, the tone of voice and expression she said that pointed "That's something only a woman can do" line with actually sent a chill down my spine... :pikka: ).

And Durarara!!x2 Ketsu episode 8:

Thoughts on this in the dedicated thread! :)
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Mon Feb 29, 2016 8:26 pm

Dimension W ep. 7 - That was great. A lot of interesting stuff happened in this episode. Got some backstory on Kyouma. I hope Mira will be okay! For the next part of the Hunter Exam... ;) 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby KazeShiki » Thu Mar 03, 2016 12:15 pm

MangaRocks! wrote:Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuku episode 8:

...Welp, let's just get the discussion on that (honestly quite shocking) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "I love her" line out of the way: If that is taken at face value, then either the vast majority of the characters' personalities, expressions, body language, interactions, and the direction of the show itself (even within the scenes directly surrounding it!) has been a lie of epic proportions, or Kiku has the oddest definition of SPOILER: Highlight text to read: being in love that I've ever seen.

I was pretty miffed at that translation. He did not say that at all. He really said SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "I like her," as in, "yeah I'm interested in being with her but my feelings aren't really that strong." Some of the lines later in the episode should make more sense in that context.
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Thu Mar 03, 2016 5:21 pm

Stupid DNS failure kept me from getting on yesterday (I wish I knew the IP address of this site), so I don't have a report on what I watched, but tonight:

Ojisan to Marshmallow ep. 8 - That was so much fun. They telegraphed a lot of the story beats, but I still enjoyed every one of them when it came around. Outouto-kun stinks! But it's probably best we don't know what she was planning to do to Hige-san before giving him those marshmallows. 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby Rusty Claymore » Thu Mar 03, 2016 10:48 pm

ERASED Ep. 9 - This show is doing a very good job at obscuring possibly important details. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Like what color is the teacher's car? I'm going to be re-watching the previous episodes just so my theories don't drive me insane. Overall Erased is my top show this season, and I can't believe (lies, my pessimistic outlook on humanity totally believes this) shows like this one and Sakurako's Investigation get largely ignored or "Meh"ed.

And that ending. She could be singing about McDonalds, but the sound and visuals leave me feeling Satoru's struggles, especially when things end on an unhappy note.
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Sat Mar 05, 2016 7:14 pm

Rakugo ep. 7 - This was a great episode. It wouldn't have taken much for this to be a 5-star episode. I'm glad that things did not go the way I'd feared. As bad as I feel for SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Miyokichi, she doesn't have any reason to expect more from him; he hasn't led her on. Next time, a journey. Yay! 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Mon Mar 07, 2016 5:20 pm

Dimension W ep. 8 - Backstory for the prince. Interesting stuff for Mabuchi. Glad it's looking like SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the orb is his wife; I was afraid they were going to end up saying Mira was her... and that would just make Mabuchi completely hate Mira. And that would be sad. But I wonder who she is, because the other Grendel pointed out her unique nature again. 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Tue Mar 08, 2016 9:30 pm

Ooya-san wa Shishunki ep. 8 - Oh, look, they found all the creepiness they left out of the previous two episodes and threw it into one big bathtub. 1/5

Rakugo ep. 8 - The artist's eternal question. Adaptation or tradition. Solid episode, like most of this show, with little to get too excited about beyond the richness of the story (no whiz-bang moments, but the show is very deep). I think Kiku SPOILER: Highlight text to read: likes her as a person and just isn't that into her. I don't think anything more than that is going on, there. I don't think there's anything unrequited between him and Sukeroku; their interactions just don't hint at that, to me. 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby Mullet Death » Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:00 pm

skreyola wrote:Stupid DNS failure kept me from getting on yesterday (I wish I knew the IP address of this site)

The ping I just tried says the web server's public address is

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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Tue Mar 08, 2016 10:10 pm

Mullet Death wrote:
skreyola wrote:Stupid DNS failure kept me from getting on yesterday (I wish I knew the IP address of this site)

The ping I just tried says the web server's public address is

Thank you. I've bookmarked the site with IP for next time (this happens every several weeks).

[ETA: I'll just reuse this OT post for Wednesday's watching]

ERASED ep. 8 - That was great. I still don't know what's going on, but Satoru's mom is awesome. Poor Kayo. The feels in this episode are a big part of why I gave it the rating I did. I hope he can change the future/past with this one. 5/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:02 pm

Girls/Wasteland ep. 9 - Yuuka learns sore ga seiyuu. ;) This episode was pretty good. I wish they didn't keep hitting the same beat with this show: Whose episode is it? They get upset and try to quit, but the MC brings them back. And it looks like next episode will be the weather episode. Plus, stormy stuff with Kuroda. 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Fri Mar 11, 2016 6:53 pm

Ojisan to Marshmallow ep. 9 - The pace is picking up. But I don't think Mioko has a chance against the cleverness of Wakabayashi. 3/5

Rakugo ep. 9 - Feels like we might be nearing the end of the flashback, I hope there's a little bit more story about the ex-con from the frame story. 4/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Mar 12, 2016 4:13 pm

Whoa-- I thought the site was down for like two weeks! :pikka: Turns out that it's just the main page (?) and the forum's okay, so whoops :sweat: -- here are my thoughts for both this week's and last week's ep.'s, then! :)

Akagami no Shirayuki-hime, a.k.a. Snow White With The Red Hair, S2 episodes 7-8:

Ep. 7: Loved Raji's continued growth, as well as how everyone worked together at the end there. :thumb: (Also loved how great the whirlpools looked!) And ep. 8: Ahhh yes this bit~ <3 :hug: The art is still prettier in the manga but IDEC at this point, because otherwise it's a great adaptation. :jump: I mean, that said, I knew they weren't going to have enough time in this season to get to my favorite (long-term) arc, but I don't even mind because I love all of this (and hey, they're doing the Obi stuff next, so~ :thumb: ). <3

Boku Dake ga Inai Machi, a.k.a. ERASED, episodes 9-10:

Ep. 9: Well, okay, this was mostly decent (although they did merge a few scenes together which I rather wish they hadn't; IMO they were better left separate :shady: ), but given where they ended the episode...... Yep-- as if there was any confirmation necessary (their handling of the first episode + the sheer number of chapters left to adapt at this point said it all), the next three episodes are going to be *seriously* rushed. And already the killer has less depth (due to the cutting of certain things, etc.), just as also predicted, and I can only imagine that suffering even more from now on (among other things already mentioned in my previous post :P ) due to the amount of chapters left to cover by the end. *Sigh*... come on, people-- is it really *that* hard to adapt something properly (particularly when characterization/dialogue/detail/etc. is so important in the source)? :shady: (...And to answer my own rather rhetorical question, there are a number of downright *outstanding* adaptations {see my MAL list for details-- I've got adaptation-awesomeness-level badges on there} that definitively say that *no,* it is not that hard-- if you actually try, that is... :shady: ) And ep. 10: Welp, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: THE REVEAL wasn't quite as goosebump-inducing here as it was in the manga (for multiple reasons :shady: ), but whatever. Unfortunately, I don't have very high hopes for the last two episodes, either, because as I've said, there's a heck of a lot of characterization yet to give to the killer (including some that they already skipped, so it's unlikely they'll add that back in :shady: ) + the entire awesomely emotional mini-arc when the MC SPOILER: Highlight text to read: is in the hospital and he has to regain his memories and all that (which I'm sure will also be cut down) + him SPOILER: Highlight text to read: letting Airi go (which will now have next to no impact at all due to all the stuff they cut with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: her from the beginning)-- and then to top it all off, all of that has to somehow get crammed into one episode, because the last episode will have to cover SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the final confrontation with the killer once and for all. :shady: *commence sighing again* ...WHY...? :shady: :?:

Koyomimonogatari ONA episodes 8-9:

Ep. 8: Ohhhhh man, this was probably the best episode of this miniseries yet-- it just tied a whole bunch of little details together from both Second Season and Owari S1... :pikka: :jump: And ep. 9: "Analyze The Donut" ROTFL! :lol: ...So, yeah, the latter episode was (quite amusingly) almost entirely about donuts :grin: , but it did turn unexpectedly sweet (pun not {really} intended ;) ) there at the end. <3 :)

Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuku episodes 9-10:

If I've said it once, I've said it a thousand times: This show is *amazing.* :wow!: :jump: Ep. 9: And this is where it all truly began to break apart for the three MC's... :( That bit about 'playing expected roles' I mentioned in my previous post-- they went into that even more here, showing how all three of them were doing so even in their personal lives (not just in their jobs). And it was so heartbreaking how neither Kiku nor Sukeroku understood that they each envied the other, as well as how Kiku still didn't (fully) trust his own talent, at least as compared to Sukeroku (who he fully believed deserved the Yakumo title instead of himself). And oh man, that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: dead/despairing look in Sukeroku's eyes... :pikka: :( And the extra-theatrical directing in this episode was perfection. (EDIT: I found some awesome comments on that very thing in this post!) And ep. 10: Gah, this episode genuinely made me tear up. :sniffle: (And oh man, that confirmation that even SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Yakumo 7 knew that Sukeroku deserved the title... :sniffle: ) And Kiku's first performance after the SPOILER: Highlight text to read: funeral... holy CRAP. :pikka: It wasn't funny at all-- indeed, it was almost sadistic, really :pikka: -- but I couldn't take my eyes off the screen (in fact, I barely even blinked!), it was so enthralling. :wow!: Finally: OH MY GOSH, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: mini rakugo-performing Konatsu was SUPER CUTE!!! :grin: :hug: ...Have I mentioned I adore this show? :hug:

And Durarara!!x2 Ketsu episodes 9-10:

Thoughts on this in the dedicated thread, as always! :)
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Sat Mar 12, 2016 9:11 pm

Stride:Alt ep. 9 - What to say about this episode. It was what it was. The conflict was set up great. Everyone has their own issues, going forward. The main problem there was that there are so many with similar issues, which all tie in together in a nice, neat, little mess. Good job showing the captains identifying the problem. But once they head for the water park, it just got a little boring. I would have enjoyed it if the crazy teamwork ideas kind of worked (a la Big Windup's exercises), but here-- it just got too silly, after a while. And then the thing that did work was so over the top (why did it matter if they finished?), and the victory cheer came too early, but the show was running out of time after spending so much of the episode on the silly ideas. The episode overall wasn't bad, but it wasn't good, either. 3/5

I guess I'm the only one still watching this?
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Sun Mar 13, 2016 10:16 pm

Ooya-san wa Shishunki ep. 9 - But why? Meh. 3/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Mon Mar 14, 2016 7:24 pm

Dimension W ep. 9 - Wow. That was intense. A lot of information here. 5/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Tue Mar 15, 2016 9:55 pm

ERASED ep. 9 - Some great moments, some Wat? moments. Overall, a good episode. That last scene didn't give me closure. I wonder how things will shift. The killer SPOILER: Highlight text to read: likely won't skip finding a different set of victims. 4/5

So far, here are my rankings for this season:
1. ERASED (41)
2. Dimension W (39)
3. Rakugo (38)
4. Stride:Alt (37)
5. Ojisan to Marshmallow (36)
6. Girls/Wasteland (32)
7. Ooya-san wa Shishunki (30)

How is the season shaping up, for you?
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Wed Mar 16, 2016 7:52 pm

Girls/Wasteland ep. 10 - Wow. Oops! What a way to let the cat out of the bag. And I think she was about to reveal it, too. This episode was average until right near the end, but that twist! Masterful! 5/5
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Re: [Winter 2016] Season of Snow

Postby skreyola » Thu Mar 17, 2016 9:10 pm

Ojisan to Marshmallow ep. 10 - What a roller coaster. I'm betting SPOILER: Highlight text to read: he's not related to that child, or she's a cousin or something. 4/5
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