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[Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Thu Jun 18, 2015 9:19 pm

Houkago no Pleiades ep. 10 - That was surprising. Almost a Deus Ex Machina, but unlike previous episodes, they set this one up so it seemed obvious once it happened. So, this is an interesting turn of events. I wonder what will happen for the last two episodes. I'm feeling a little bit of mood whiplash, but Subaru's decision was really spot on. I hope she's okay.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:23 pm

Plastic Memories ep. 12 - ... ... T.T So sadly sweet... *snif* It's no Gunslinger Girl, but this show has been pretty good. One more episode. I hope it's a good one.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Jun 22, 2015 12:32 pm

skreyola wrote:...This show continues to be tedious and full of the unpleasant type of drama.

Oh dear... :sweat: I didn't want to do this right after finally agreeing with you :sweat: , LOL, but I do just have to note that, personally, I don't find it tedious in the least; and I've actually found the drama to be (mostly) pretty natural/realistic, all things considered... :sweat:

Also, regarding our previous conversation, I wanted to mention (because I just remembered this) that at least two of the reasons the kids were surprised at Taki's methods were, #1, because most of them (at least the senpai) were a bunch of lazy, apathetic bums who didn't want to change (at first), and #2, their previous ranking for doing things (as restated in the current ep., in fact) was based on what year of school they were (the senpai got priority over the kouhai) regardless of skill, and they felt very entitled to have this. So when Taki came along and started to make things right in those areas, of course they'd be (unpleasantly) surprised, LOL. :grin: (...I will still agree that might not be all of it, though. :) )


Sound! Euphonium episode 11:

Man, do I love the detail in the fact that every time you hear the band playing together, they do indeed sound better than each previous time-- as well as the same amount of detail put into audibly showcasing the skill levels of Reina and Kaori. (Kaori was indeed very good... but Reina was just on another level entirely. And they showed that beautifully. <3 ) Also: Holy crap, after stoking the fires of those rumors/that discontent, no one even truly 'voted' except the one person for each side that was always a given + one other person each? ...Cowards. :shady: (Not that I'm surprised...) I was proud of Kaori, though, for her honesty and decency, and giving up the solo without any malice. <3 (And for finally setting a good example for once to the rest of the band, and one that they {also finally} cannot dispute, besides. {Kudos to Taki for seeing that and making the decision take that course, too, BTW. :thumb: }) Really looking forward to the last few ep.'s! <3

And Blood Blockade Battlefront, a.k.a. Kekkai Sensen, special ep.:

Just a recap this week, which was of course completely unnecessary (this series is already short enough as it is...). However, I do have to admit that I did get a laugh out of SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the DJ just keeping on repeating "It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. It's okay." every time Leo was freaking out/hyperventilating, as well as the even-*more*-rude-than-the-first-time 'intro' text for Zapp. :grin: Looking forward to getting back to business next week, though! :)
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Tue Jun 23, 2015 8:58 pm

Arslan Senki ep. 10 - When will he catch a break? I was disappointed not to see more of Arslan's swordplay.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:35 pm

MangaRocks! wrote:
skreyola wrote:...This show continues to be tedious and full of the unpleasant type of drama.

Oh dear... :sweat: I didn't want to do this right after finally agreeing with you :sweat: , LOL, but I do just have to note that, personally, I don't find it tedious in the least; and I've actually found the drama to be (mostly) pretty natural/realistic, all things considered... :sweat:

There is absolutely no reason for you to feel bad about having a difference of opinion.
The reason I'm finding this show tedious is that it is spending so much time on the personality conflicts. Nearly everyone in the band hates her because she's so good at a young age, and they feel entitled to be in the concert because they have seniority. I get that that's pretty common in Japan, but this kind of bickering is not producing a good story, in my opinion.
Maybe people who were in a band are getting something out of the realism of this kind of conflict, but I'm just not feeling it. I think this show would be a lot better if they'd focus on the music, on the difficulties people are having with their parts of the music, and not on the petty sniping at each other that arises out of not wanting to put forth the effort to hold the places they want.
My problem isn't that I don't think this kind of conflict happens but an that it's not fun for me to watch that kind of drama. I avoid people who do that kind of thing.
And am I supposed to like any of these characters? SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "Oh, it isn't fair that you're talented and put in enough practice time to not only be good but to be polished and powerful. You should throw the competition so my friend can be in the competition. It's not like she'll ever get any auditions once she graduates unless she's in the competition, never mind what that will do to the school's chances of winning; what's important is that she plays the solo."
MangaRocks! wrote:Also, regarding our previous conversation, I wanted to mention (because I just remembered this) that at least two of the reasons the kids were surprised at Taki's methods ... their previous ranking for doing things (as restated in the current ep., in fact) was based on what year of school they were (the senpai got priority over the kouhai)

I was actually referring to their expressions of surprise in the sessions before the auditioning was announced. Their reactions to the audition were understandable.
MangaRocks! wrote:
audibly showcasing the skill levels of Reina and Kaori. (Kaori was indeed very good... but Reina was just on another level entirely. And they showed that beautifully.

That they did. I wish more of this show was about the music. Maybe it was partly an expectations thing for me, but I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more if it were like Shirobako, Nozaki-kun, and Glass Mask... I'm not at all feeling like I'm getting immersed in the world of concert band. And I think I ought to be, given how much of the OP is them playing their instruments, how much visual emphasis they put on the instruments, the eyecatches in the middle of each episode highlighting an individual instrument or section, etc. This show promises a peek into the inner workings of music, and instead, it delivers teenage angst and drama that doesn't feel like it has anything to do with concert band. This could just as easily be a soccer team or a colorguard corps, for all the time the show spends on music technique.
MangaRocks! wrote:no one even truly 'voted'

I think SPOILER: Highlight text to read: they expected Kaori to be better, and then they couldn't bring themselves to vote against her... but couldn't honestly vote for her... they recognize the importance of having the best player be the soloist, even if they are cowards... but they probably think they're being loyal to their classmate...
Again, where are the characters I'm supposed to like in this show? The only one half-way likeable is the MC, and she never does anything proactive. She's just an observer. She didn't even tell bunny-bow girl that Reina's been a top trumpet player for a while. I don't feel like her character is getting any development.
That's why I say I find this show tedious. Everyone's just floating along, doing nothing likeable, hoping the teacher will bail them out. I don't care if this band wins or loses at the competition, because I have no reason to care about their hopes and dreams. The show wants to tug at my heart strings, but it hasn't given me anything but "These characters feel strongly about their wants." Nobody wants their wants for anything important, they just want them with fervor. I haven't seen anyone mention where they hope to go with their playing after graduation, and there's no indication that any of this really matters in the long run for any of these characters, except Reina's infatuation with the teacher, and I'm not comfortable rooting for that.

There's nothing wrong with it if you love this show. I just don't feel like it's scratching the itches I want a story to scratch for me. I'm only continuing to watch this because I'm so close to the end.

So, editing to add:
Ore Monogatari ep. 11 - This show continues to be really cute, though it's a little repetitive, and the bashfulness is occasionally ...meh... but it's so sweet that I can easily overlook that most of the time. While the bashfulness is a little overdone, they also manage to do it in a way that makes me smile most of the time. :)
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Thu Jun 25, 2015 6:31 pm

Houkago no Pleiades ep. 11 - Pretty good. I'm a little confused about Subaru's outfit, and what that means... but I'm hopeful for a happy ending all around. :)
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:51 pm

Dungeon... ep. 12 - That doesn't look good. It probably has something to do with Hestia, and Bad Things are about to happen. The story's almost over, and I think they're going to focus on new backstory. Personally, I'd like to see more of the mechanics of this world, how Bell will continue to grow and develop. One more episode.

@MangaRocks: I hope I haven't offended you with anything I've said.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:13 pm

Plastic Memories ep. 13 (final) - Okay, that was very good. Hard on the heart, but (since someone else mentioned it elsewhere, I feel the need to say:) nowhere near as bad as what Clannad: After Story did to me. This was very sweet. It didn't meet my expectations going in, but I wouldn't mind watching a second season of this show, see where Tsukasa goes and if anything happens with him and the tsundere, or if he's SPOILER: Highlight text to read: somehow reunited with his lost love... It would have been even better if it had spent less time on the silly romcom subplots and more time on the psychological aspects of the premise. 9/10
Last edited by skreyola on Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Sat Jun 27, 2015 9:45 pm

So, we're almost done with the season. Barring any surprises in the final episodes, here are my rankings:

1. Arslan Senki (barely)
2. Plastic Memories (barely)
3. OreMonogatari
4. Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka?
5. Houkago no Pleiades
6. Danna ga Nani wo Itteiru ka Wakaranai Ken 2
7. Hibike! Euphonium

Can't Find
8. Eikoku Ikke, Nihon o Taberu

9. Yamadakun to Nananin no Majo
10. Urawa no Usagi-chan

Didn't Pick Up
11. Mikagura Gakuen Kumikyoku (In the end, I just wasn't interested enough to try watching a second episode)
12. Ameiro Cocoa
13. Triage X
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby Rusty Claymore » Mon Jun 29, 2015 8:02 am

Yeah, I can see why someone'd drop Yamada-kun. Need to get around to finishing the anime, probably watching it for the manga and opening theme. (Somehow irresistibly catchy to me...)

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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Jun 29, 2015 2:43 pm

skreyola wrote:@MangaRocks: I hope I haven't offended you with anything I've said.

Oh gosh, no, you haven't offended me at all!! (If anything, it should be me saying that to you, LOL! :sweat: ) I just didn't reply until now because I usually only post on here once a week. :)

skreyola wrote:I wish more of this show was about the music. Maybe it was partly an expectations thing for me, but I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more if it were like Shirobako, Nozaki-kun, and Glass Mask... I'm not at all feeling like I'm getting immersed in the world of concert band. And I think I ought to be, given how much of the OP is them playing their instruments, how much visual emphasis they put on the instruments, the eyecatches in the middle of each episode highlighting an individual instrument or section, etc. This show promises a peek into the inner workings of music, and instead, it delivers teenage angst and drama that doesn't feel like it has anything to do with concert band. This could just as easily be a soccer team or a colorguard corps, for all the time the show spends on music technique.

Ahhh, I see now. That makes sense. For my part, I went into the series expecting a (music-focused) drama, which is of course exactly what I got, and which is also why I actually ended up being so impressed with the accuracy of the musical elements that the series does have. I can totally see why different expectations might have led to different enjoyment levels in that respect. :)

skreyola wrote:Maybe people who were in a band are getting something out of the realism of this kind of conflict, but I'm just not feeling it.

I think this observation is probably spot on :) -- one thing I've noticed about the people on the 'net who have been raving with praise for this show (including myself, of course, LOL! ;) :grin: ) is that almost all of them (/us ;) ) are musicians, and in addition, almost all of the said musicians have had some sort of band/orchestra/etc. experience them(/our)selves.

skreyola wrote:I think this show would be a lot better if they'd focus on the music, on the difficulties people are having with their parts of the music, and not on the petty sniping at each other that arises out of not wanting to put forth the effort to hold the places they want. My problem isn't that I don't think this kind of conflict happens but an that it's not fun for me to watch that kind of drama. I avoid people who do that kind of thing.

Well, I can certainly see how that might be a little *too* realistic for comfort, LOL. :) That said, the conflict there was merely one mini-arc of a larger story, and it's not going to come up again. :) As for the focus of the show, it is indeed more about the struggles, thoughts, feelings, and the whole experience in general of the musicians than about the music itself (although it is surprisingly accurate on that latter count); but I think that's why I and many others love this show so much-- because so many of those struggles, thoughts, feelings, and experiences are so relatable and so real. It's what we struggled through, thought, felt, and experienced (and indeed still do). (...Which, come to think of it, probably explains why I've ended up writing massive essays on this series, LOL... :sweat: )

skreyola wrote:And am I supposed to like any of these characters? SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "Oh, it isn't fair that you're talented and put in enough practice time to not only be good but to be polished and powerful. You should throw the competition so my friend can be in the competition. It's not like she'll ever get any auditions once she graduates unless she's in the competition, never mind what that will do to the school's chances of winning; what's important is that she plays the solo."

Well, in this case, actually no-- I very much doubt that the viewers were meant to like the majority of the band (particularly that one little brat). :grin: However, I'm pretty sure that the viewers *are* meant to like all the MC's + bass section ( + Taki-sensei, too, although that is of course just my own opinion :) ). Whether or not one actually does so, of course, is a personal thing. :)

skreyola wrote:The only one half-way likeable is the MC, and she never does anything proactive. She's just an observer. She didn't even tell bunny-bow girl that Reina's been a top trumpet player for a while. I don't feel like her character is getting any development.

As for telling the little brat about Reina... uh, I'm pretty sure she already knew, LOL. :sweat: (And anyway, that wasn't the point, and wouldn't have dissuaded her regardless. *shrug* :) ) As for Kumiko doing things proactively, well, I think this week's episode should handle any objections with that, LOL. :) That said, though, she has definitely changed and gotten development-- it was just shown in a more subtle and gradual way than anime often does. She went from being apathetic/I'll-just-go-with-wherever-the-flow-takes-me in the beginning of the series to now discovering her love for her own instrument, truly wanting to do better and better, and, in fact, be special, just like Reina-- so much so that not only were her feelings intense (instead of detached, as they were in the beginning), but she even (unintentionally) pushed her body too far in trying so hard. That's quite a big difference indeed, if you contrast the beginning and ending points of her character arc (Hazuki even comments on that right in this week's episode); it was just so gradual while it was occurring that it might not have been as noticeable unless you compared both ends. :)

skreyola wrote:Everyone's just floating along, doing nothing likeable, hoping the teacher will bail them out. I don't care if this band wins or loses at the competition, because I have no reason to care about their hopes and dreams. The show wants to tug at my heart strings, but it hasn't given me anything but "These characters feel strongly about their wants." Nobody wants their wants for anything important, they just want them with fervor.

Ah, but that's the thing-- they *aren't* floating along anymore, and Taki isn't bailing them out. He's pushing them-- *hard* (so hard, in fact, that he's apparently been getting chewed out by his superiors for it, although IMHO his level of 'push' is just right)-- and they've actually gotten inspired to want to do as well as they possibly can. That's quite a shift from their attitudes in the beginning (and even somewhat recently). The point is that they *didn't* want this in the beginning-- they didn't have any hopes or dreams when it came to their band (generally speaking)-- but now they do, and are pushing for them nearly as hard as Taki is now. That's quite an improvement. (Also, the 'wants'/hopes/dreams of 'getting better'/'being special'/'going to the Nationals'/etc. are perfectly valid goals in and of themselves, you know... :) )

skreyola wrote:I haven't seen anyone mention where they hope to go with their playing after graduation ...

Indeed, most of them will not continue after high school. It takes quite a commitment to do so no matter what country you live in, but I'm guessing it's especially so in Japan. Basically, unless they're intending to (try to) pursue music as a career (which, of course, only a small percentage will attempt-- like Reina, for instance-- and which means specifically going to a music school, not general college), even if they like it, it simply won't be as important to them as other things (as was also pointed out several times in this week's ep.), so they won't continue (and that even goes for Kaori, most likely, despite how good she is-- hence all the previous fuss about that being her last chance and such :P ).

skreyola wrote:... and there's no indication that any of this really matters in the long run for any of these characters ...

As for the question of why any of that would then matter for their future, despite the fact that most of them won't continue... oh dear, please do not get me started on the many benefits of the training they are receiving, LOL. :grin: Just a *few* of the things I could mention about all of this impacting their lives for the better (whether they continue or not) are: Improving their minds (playing an instrument is good for the brain!); improving their characters (i.e., personal growth); learning discipline; and possibly even igniting a true love for their instrument/music in general that they never had before. And that's all quite significant indeed. :thumb:

...And now I'd better get on to my usual episode comments before I take up the whole page with the size of this post, ROTFL! :sweat:

Sound! Euphonium episode 12:

I already mentioned some of my comments on this episode above :) , so here I'll just note a few more specific things: Again, the emotions and experiences here were just perfectly done. Kumiko knowing in her mind what she wants that new section to sound like, and what she has to physically do to make those sounds, but it not working like she wants it to, and thus her getting really frustrated... the looks of intense concentration on everyones' faces when practicing... and all of the emotions in the entire end section, from Kumiko SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (apparently) getting cut from the part despite her efforts (including the "I want to improve!"/"I want to improve more!" 'argument,' which while hilariously awesome also went a lot deeper than comic relief) to that soaring feeling at the end when SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Taki kindly reminded her that she said she'd be good enough by the performance, and he still trusted her to do so <3, and everything in between. This show is brilliant. <3

And Blood Blockade Battlefront, a.k.a. Kekkai Sensen, episode 11:

Wow. :wow!: This episode was amazing. (I mean, the whole series has been awesome, of course, but this episode, just... :wow!: ) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: That flashback section... oh man. I laughed, I teared up (twice)... it was adorable and beautiful and heartbreaking. And then holy crap, when it went back to the present... that was more intense than I was expecting. And then to find out that the siblings' lives are (or, at the very least, White's life is) connected to the barrier... :pikka: I'm just going to leave this link here because it's a brilliant review/analysis and says everything I want to say and just... wow.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby blkmage » Mon Jun 29, 2015 5:42 pm

I don't get it, the inner workings of music in any band or orchestra is entirely band politics. Everything else is literal rote repetition until you've trained your muscle memory properly. I mean, sorry that bands, especially high school bands, aren't as interesting as you might've thought they were.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby Cadence » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:06 pm

I feel like I am awkwardly stepping into a conversation where I really don't belong, so I'll try not to comment too much on Hibike! Euphonium...except to say that I am still really enjoying the show. The audition story of the past few episodes reminded me of my own experiences auditioning for a solos as an underclassman and the repercussions when things didn't quite turn out how everyone thought they should. I thought the characters in the show reacted realistically - they are just high schoolers, and they act like high schoolers. I think that the silly drama is an inevitable part of high school ensembles, and that it has been handled very well. My only complaint with the show right now is that it needs more oboes (in fact, the woodwinds in general are severely underrepresented).

I'm still watching Arslan Senki as well, and though I like some of the characters the horrible animation is starting to kill my enjoyment of it. I haven't done any research, but I am assuming it is related to budget issues? Or maybe they are falling behind production schedule? Ah well. Arslan is still cute.

Ore Monogatari is still my favorite this season. Suna is a gift.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:13 pm

MangaRocks! wrote:
skreyola wrote:@MangaRocks: I hope I haven't offended you with anything I've said.

Oh gosh, no, you haven't offended me at all!! (If anything, it should be me saying that to you, LOL! :sweat: ) I just didn't reply until now because I usually only post on here once a week. :)

No worries. I don't believe uniformity of opinion is necessary for unity.
I'll try to make a more detailed reply next week, when I see the next episode, because it looked like some of your comments might refer to it.

Arslan Senki ep. 11 - Not much to say about this episode, except that things continue to move forward in an interesting way. And, yeah,the animation quality is starting to suffer, though they're at least putting some motion into the scenes, which is better than some shows I've watched, where there's a lot of time spent on stills. The story is good enough that I almost forgot about the animation quality.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Tue Jun 30, 2015 9:48 pm

MangaRocks! wrote:
skreyola wrote:The only one half-way likeable is the MC, and she never does anything proactive. She's just an observer. She didn't even tell bunny-bow girl that Reina's been a top trumpet player for a while. I don't feel like her character is getting any development.

As for telling the little brat about Reina... uh, I'm pretty sure she already knew, LOL. :sweat: (And anyway, that wasn't the point, and wouldn't have dissuaded her regardless. *shrug* :) )

I wasn't expecting her to change the girl's mind, but I thought she ought to have said it. My point was, that she didn't do it indicated a lack of impulse.
MangaRocks! wrote:As for Kumiko doing things proactively, well, I think this week's episode should handle any objections with that, LOL. :)

True enough. She's started on her way.
MangaRocks! wrote: Ah, but that's the thing-- they *aren't* floating along anymore, and Taki isn't bailing them out. He's pushing them-- *hard* (so hard, in fact, that he's apparently been getting chewed out by his superiors for it, although IMHO his level of 'push' is just right)

This is true. This episode showed a little more of Kumiko's inner thoughts. If the whole series had been like this episode, I probably would have liked it a lot more... not in terms of the beats the show hit, but in how it showed people's inner feelings. The show up to this point has felt detached and vague.
MangaRocks! wrote:
skreyola wrote:I haven't seen anyone mention where they hope to go with their playing after graduation ...

skreyola wrote:... and there's no indication that any of this really matters in the long run for any of these characters ...

As for the question of why any of that would then matter for their future, despite the fact that most of them won't continue... oh dear, please do not get me started on the many benefits of the training they are receiving, LOL. :grin: Just

This shouldn't be separate. I wasn't questioning the value of arts education/music/being in the band.
I was saying that nobody's reason for wanting to have the solo was "I'm going on to music school, so I need this for my transcript." It was, "I just want it so badly that you should give it to me." Nobody's reason for sniping at each other has anything to do with its helping them advance in something beyond this year. They just want to be able to tell their college friends that they stood on the stage at nationals/regionals/big competition. That's what I meant when I said that none of this matters to the people who are scrabbling for a place they haven't earned.
MangaRocks! wrote:Sound! Euphonium episode 12:

the emotions and experiences here were just perfectly done. Kumiko knowing in her mind what she wants that new section to sound like, and what she has to physically do to make those sounds, but it not working like she wants it to, and thus her getting really frustrated... the looks of intense concentration on everyones' faces when practicing... and all of the emotions in the entire end section

I agree with this, though it's the first time I've felt that kind of thing about any of these episodes. It's truly saddening that it took so long for this show to get to such a good handling of its subject matter. The rough start really hurt the show, and I think there is way too much hinting that the show will focus on the music. I think the the OP and the eyecatches should have been done differently, showing more of the characters and less of the instruments and playing, because that's where the show actually spends all its time.
This could have been an entirely different, and much better, experience.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:55 pm

Ore Monogatari! ep. 12 - This was a good episode. My favorite part was when SPOILER: Highlight text to read: she snuck a cuddle. Too bad it was interrupted.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Thu Jul 02, 2015 8:48 pm

Houkago no Pleiades ep. 12 (final) - Not much to say. This show was fairly pleasant to watch, but overall, quite innocuous. I doubt I'll watch it again or recommend it to anyone, but I'm not sorry for watching it. I do wish they'd shown what happened SPOILER: Highlight text to read: with Minato-kun and Subaru. 6/10
Last edited by skreyola on Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Fri Jul 03, 2015 6:58 pm

Dungeon... ep. 13 (final) - Well, that was epic (NPI). Made me feel like there was more that could have happened in the series, but I guess it didn't exactly feel unfinished. There could easily be a second season, but I'm not sure I want to watch more. The show was fun, but I felt like they focused on the less interesting aspects of things. I'd like to have seen more about the mechanics that govern this world and character class advancement. 7/10
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Jul 03, 2015 7:46 pm

blkmage wrote:I don't get it, the inner workings of music in any band or orchestra is entirely band politics. Everything else is literal rote repetition until you've trained your muscle memory properly. I mean, sorry that bands, especially high school bands, aren't as interesting as you might've thought they were.

^ Quoting for truth. :)

Cadence wrote:I feel like I am awkwardly stepping into a conversation where I really don't belong, so I'll try not to comment too much on Hibike! Euphonium...except to say that I am still really enjoying the show. The audition story of the past few episodes reminded me of my own experiences auditioning for a solos as an underclassman and the repercussions when things didn't quite turn out how everyone thought they should. I thought the characters in the show reacted realistically - they are just high schoolers, and they act like high schoolers. I think that the silly drama is an inevitable part of high school ensembles, and that it has been handled very well. My only complaint with the show right now is that it needs more oboes (in fact, the woodwinds in general are severely underrepresented).

Please don't feel that way! I certainly welcome (and thank you) for your input! :)

skreyola wrote:...My point was, that she didn't do it indicated a lack of impulse.

skreyola wrote:The show up to this point has felt detached and vague.

I kind-of agree with the former and don't really agree with the latter; however, if you felt that way, there is an argument that could be made for that (partially) being the point. I mean, Kumiko is the main MC, and she herself was emotionally detached from all of this until recently, so...

skreyola wrote:I wasn't questioning the value of arts education/music/being in the band. I was saying that nobody's reason for wanting to have the solo was "I'm going on to music school, so I need this for my transcript." It was, "I just want it so badly that you should give it to me." Nobody's reason for sniping at each other has anything to do with its helping them advance in something beyond this year. They just want to be able to tell their college friends that they stood on the stage at nationals/regionals/big competition. That's what I meant when I said that none of this matters to the people who are scrabbling for a place they haven't earned.

Um... :sweat: First of all, there were only two people going for the solo. Of those two, Reina clearly *is* going to pursue a future in music, so this is indeed significant for her; and the reason she pushed herself even harder to secure the solo beyond that was not only because of her personal drive to be the best but also because of the extreme frustration she felt knowing that she was the better musician yet realizing that she still might not get the spot (and believe me, I've felt that same thing, so that was quite realistic). As for Kaori, she didn't even originally want to try to win back the solo, since she knew the fighting might do harm to the band overall; however, once she was actually, openly *offered* the chance at a re-audition by Taki-sensei himself, why on earth wouldn't she take it? If you're good and you know it (as she was and did), and you get a rare second-chance opportunity like that (especially when it would probably be the last one you got), *of course* you're going to take it. (I'd take the *heck* out of it!) And then as for the rest of the band, see blkmage and Cadence's posts (which I quoted above) + the fact that... well, I'd rather not repeat myself here, since I already mentioned this in that big essay of a post I made last time, LOL, but once again, *regardless* of their musical futures (if any), doing the best they possibly can/going to the Nationals/etc. are all perfectly valid goals in and of themselves, with no qualifiers or 'bigger picture' aims or any sort of justification needed whatsoever. (Plus, the experience will be good for them personally, again regardless of any musical futures.)

skreyola wrote:It's truly saddening that it took so long for this show to get to such a good handling of its subject matter. The rough start really hurt the show, and I think there is way too much hinting that the show will focus on the music. I think the the OP and the eyecatches should have been done differently, showing more of the characters and less of the instruments and playing, because that's where the show actually spends all its time. This could have been an entirely different, and much better, experience.

Obviously, I don't agree with this at all :sweat: -- I think the show's handling of its subject matter was and is superb, from the start all the way through (and it focused on the music quite a bit, actually). But as I said in my big post, probably the main reason for this is because of its accuracy in presenting the characters' situations/experiences/feelings/etc., which of course is a personal thing, and which I have had, so this show is thus relatable to me in a very personal way. :)
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Sat Jul 04, 2015 8:50 pm

I meant to encompass the whole band, not just the two soloist contenders. There was more than just the solo, by which I mean the slots for the competition, and I meant not just Kaori but her pushy friend. Again, the argument for having Reina step aside was not your benefits, either. She didn't want it to happen because it would be a character-building experience for Kaori but because it was what she considered fair, ignoring how unfair it is to push aside a better musician for the sake of giving someone less talented and less polished an undeserved honor.
I recognize that I'm coming to this as an outsider, not having been in band, but that's kind of my point. blkmage's evaluation of the interest level of concert band for those who didn't experience it themselves kind of makes my question: why make an anime about it, if the main connection it will make with people is a knowing glance between people who've been there, done that? *shrug*
I just wish it had been more accessible to an outsider like me.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Jul 04, 2015 11:13 pm

skreyola wrote:I meant to encompass the whole band, not just the two soloist contenders. There was more than just the solo, by which I mean the slots for the competition, and I meant not just Kaori but her pushy friend. Again, the argument for having Reina step aside was not your benefits, either. She didn't want it to happen because it would be a character-building experience for Kaori but because it was what she considered fair, ignoring how unfair it is to push aside a better musician for the sake of giving someone less talented and less polished an undeserved honor.

Ah, I see. Well, I've already called pushy-bunny-ears-ribbon-girl a selfish little brat more than once, so I don't think we actually have any disagreements there, LOL. :grin:

skreyola wrote:I recognize that I'm coming to this as an outsider, not having been in band, but that's kind of my point. blkmage's evaluation of the interest level of concert band for those who didn't experience it themselves kind of makes my question: why make an anime about it, if the main connection it will make with people is a knowing glance between people who've been there, done that? *shrug*
I just wish it had been more accessible to an outsider like me.

Well, making a story that is about something which only certain groups of people have experienced is just as valid as not, you know. :) (And I, for one, am most glad indeed that they did, LOL <3 :) , since because of that this ended up being one of the most personally relatable and rewarding anime I've watched to date {...hence my rather passionate replies, LOL}! :) ) That said, however, your point about wishing for it to be more accessible to people who have not had these experiences is a fair one (especially since you are actually coming from that perspective; I will admit that trying to mentally apply/see from that same perspective in this case is honestly rather difficult for me, since I've been a musician {and had orchestra experience} from an extremely young age), and I am genuinely sorry that it was not more so for the sake of your own enjoyment (and anyone else's who might have felt the same).

Sound! Euphonium episode 13 (end):

Oh man... everything about this was just perfect. *Perfect.* <3 <3 The 'feel' of that morning... the mixed emotions... the pressure/tension/nerves/etc. mounting in staggered waves (and which of course became the most acute starting from the point where the doors to the stage were opened {in first-person view, just to make it feel even more real!} all the way through the performance {which was just excellent all-around <3 , and perfectly topped by Reina's *awesome* solo})... the special quietness of that small moment when it's all over (and then that one big intake of air followed by some heavy breathing afterwards due to all the mental, emotional, and physical concentration)... and SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the pure, unbridled, yet almost-disbelieving joy at the fact that they did indeed make the cut ( + Kumiko and Reina's reactions in particular, given their contrast with what occurred in the past)... it was all physically palpable. I cannot give this any higher praise. <3 :hug: :jump: (A few other tidbits to note: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It was so cute when Taki-sensei was enthusiastically joining in the cheer and then the other teacher told everyone to calm down and then he looked all sheepish, bwaha. <3 :grin: Also, the 'failed fistbump-on-the-sly' bit with Kumiko and Shuuichi was adorable. <3 :) {In fact, that entire scene with Kumiko and Shuuichi was pretty amazing in how much it conveyed with body language/facial expressions alone. :pikka: }) This show was fantastic, and I'm so glad I watched it. <3 (Now I'm going to see if I can find the novels, too! :thumb: )

And Blood Blockade Battlefront, a.k.a. Kekkai Sensen:

GAH, IT'S DELAYED! WITH NO SET AIRDATE EVEN! :( ...On the bright side, I suppose, it's actually going to be a longer episode (more than the usual runtime). And I am glad that they're doing it this way rather than putting out an extended edition later or something (*ahem*). :) Still, I wish they would at least give out some sort of timeframe on the airdate, so I know how long I have to wait... :sweat:
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:21 pm

Thank you for your consideration of my point of view. More detailed reply on Tuesday. :)
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:52 pm

Euphonium ep. 13 (final) - A very good, solid episode. This episode felt like what the show promised to be: more about the music than the characters, a peek into the world of band competitions, and hard work yielding results.
The show had a pretty rough start, I thought. I would have scored it higher, if the whole show had been like the last two episodes. As it was, though, I didn't enjoy it enough to rate it higher than 5/10.
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby skreyola » Tue Jul 28, 2015 8:25 pm

Arslan Senki ep. 14 - Ha! Seems Farangis has a SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Cup of Neutralize Poison. ;)
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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:28 am

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Re: [Spring 2015] Season of Nostalgia

Postby MangaRocks! » Thu Oct 08, 2015 4:13 pm

...And they finally (!!!) aired the double-length Blood Blockade Battlefront (a.k.a. Kekkai Sensen) episode 12 finale:

While I obviously wish that they had managed to get this out (a *lot*) sooner :P :) , this was absolutely every bit as fantastic as I'd been hoping for, and I couldn't be happier! <3 :jump: BBB anime FTW! :jump: :jump: :jump:

(EDIT: Here's an excellent, in-depth review of all the different layers and things going on in this ep. by someone else. Suffice it to say, I agree completely. :thumb: )
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