Ladies and Gentleman, welcome to Let's Play Magi Nation (for Realz this time).
What is Magi Nation?
I'm glad you asked. The success of Pokemon in the late 90s early 2000s brought about the creation of many video games, TV series and card games all trying to cash in on the same demographic. Things like Digimon, Yugi-Oh and to a lesser extent Monster Rancher were able to carve out a nice little niche from themselves and define what became known as the "Mon" genre. Seeing all of this, a company by the name of interactive imagination (henceforth abbreviated as i2) decided to jump in on this new market with their card game called Magi Nation Duel. To help advertise this card game they released this video game on the Gameboy Color on March 15, 2001 and actually started advertising a sequel called Magi Nation: Keeper's Quest for the same console. And this is when everything started to go down hill. The video game sold very poorly partly because of bad marketing and partly because it was released on the Gameboy Color about a month before the Gameboy Advance's release. The sequel was moved to PDAs and Cell phones but it too sold poorly mostly because it was a puzzle game and not a true RPG sequel. Nevertheless, i2 pushed forward boldly by porting the GBC game to the Gameboy Advance and releasing it in Japan. It too, however, sold poorly and so i2 turned to a different tactic namely trying to release a TV series in the semi-popular cell shaded CGI style of that time. But, with poor sales all around, the tv series never got off the ground and things fell quiet for a while. That is, until, Cookie Jar entertainment Daewon Media decided to pick up the show and release it in 2007 with a few tweaks...er I mean a lot of tweaks...ok they changed pretty much everything. I'm not going to lie the TV show is pretty awful guys. The show was on Netflix but has since been taken down so if you''re morbidly curious as to what they actually did to the story and world of Magi Nation you'll have to do some looking but just so you know...its not pretty. And apparently it wasn't a hit with the Saturday morning Cartoon crowd either as it only managed to last 2 seasons before being cancelled. It did spawn an HTML MMO that was shut down a couple of years ago though so that's something.
So what's so good about Magi Nation?
Simply put. Its the best Gameboy RPG you never played. I'm completely serious about this. The game has a very good story, good dialouge, a unique well thought out concept, tons of secrets, 5 (yes 5) endings, and a New game plus mode. Did I mention this is a game for the Gameboy color? Yeah, these guys put a lot of work into something that was simply meant to sell a card game.
Didn't you LP this before?
Pfffff No. I have no clue what you are talking about. hehe. I didn't...ok I did. Kind of. A while back I started an LP of this game and never finished it because I got bored and didn't want to finish collecting the screenshots.
So why should we trust that you will actually finish it this time?
Because I already have about 75% of the screenshots I want to collect collected and even if I don't collect the other 25% I can still show off the entire game without them. Also, I'm hoping that by doing this [url=http://www.christiananime.net/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=64153]I can motivate a certain someone to finish his own LP.[/ur]
Can we play along?
Absolutely! In fact I encourage it. You can find the game pretty cheap (surprsingly) on Amazon so buy a copy and play.
Anything else we should know
Yes, I managed to hunt down a partial script for the game so I will actually be able to post all of the relevant dialogue up to a certain point. After that point I will be paraphrasing the rest of the dialogue because there is a lot of it and it is all displayed in tiny two line sentences (you'll see what I mean once we get started). My own comments will be italicized for easier reading Anyway, lets not delay further! Onward to the LP!!!!
Part 1: The Introduction
Here we see our menu screen. The left door allows us to start a new game, the right one allows us to continue from where we left off. The middle door is closed right now but once opened allows us to start New Game+. There is also a secret in this room but I am going to save showing it off for later.
For now let's just get a new game going.
Like all good stories this one starts at 5:32 on a Tuesday in some made up town. I hope they got the club up already, there's not much time left on this Tuesday.
Our game starts with 2 adolescent boys thinking about doing something really stupid. Surely nothing bad can come of this!
Josh: Dude, this place is not safe!
Sly: It's fine! What's so bad about it?
Josh: If it's so safe, why don't you go in there?
Sly: Hey! Don't change the subject! You're the one who's s'posed to go
Josh: No way!
That is what little brothers are for after all.
Josh: Yeah, he'll do anything!
Unfortunately Benny is too smart for that.
Sly: HAHAHAHA, you got told by your little brother!
Josh: Shut up!
Older brother of the year ladies and gentlemen! Now if only there was some new kid that Josh could bully to rebuild his shattered self-esteem.
Right on time!
Sly: Who the heck are you?
Tony: My name's Tony. Tony Jones. I moved here a few days ago. Who
are you?
Josh: Haw! Didja hear that, Sly?
Sly: Yeah! What a stoopid name!
Josh: Foney Bones is more like it!
Apparently Josh is really bad at this being a bully sort of thing.
Tony: ...no... it's Tony Jones.
Josh: You don't like your new name? Deal!
Sly pulls Josh aside for a little devious conversation and they come up with the following idea (I think it was Sly's idea seeing as how Josh seems a bit...incompetent with this whole bullying thing).
Josh: Okay, Foney! If you don't like your new name, you'll have to earn back your old one.
Tony is not impressed by this scene in the least bit. This screenshot though sums up a major part of the reason I love this game so much. Tony Jones is a pretty great character. He isn't your typical stupid, energetic, adolescent boy on an adventure. He's a deadpan snarker who takes a lot to impress and rattle. His commentary on various objects throughout this game is where most of the humor comes in. He's pretty much what every American teenage boy strives to be making him the perfect main character for a game meant to advertise to that demographic and younger.
Sly: Go in this cave and get us a crystal. Of course, if you're too
Tony: Fine. I'll be back shortly.
Yep. Nothing bad can come of this.
Not sure I would be talking right now if I were you Josh. After all, Tony isn't the one getting bossed around by his younger brother.
This area is very straight forward. The crystal we need is at the end of this cave so if you follow the path you will get there pretty quickly.
There it is.
Tony: Got it!
*Cave begins to collapse*
Tony: Oh no! I've gotta get out of here!
Of course, its actually a load bearing crystal so picking it up begins a cave in. There is no way to get out of the cave however the closer you get to the entrance of the cave the stronger your first Dream Creature will be so its worthwhile to try and get as far as possible.
Eventually this happens and Tony plummets into a chasm. Meanwhile, outside the cave...
Benny: What's going on?
Josh: Uhhhhhh......
Great work guys! You killed the new kid! I hope you are all proud of yourselves.
Tony lands in a strange forest area and...
Zet: muuurgle murk murk murk?
Zet: woink.
The big guy is Korg the skinny guy is Zet. They are our recurring, comic relief villains for this game. They are kind of like Pinky and the Brain if Pinky bossed Brain around. I'll let you guys figure out which is which. It shouldn't take you long.
Korg: BLORG!!!
Zet: marf whokka moo.
Ah, its cool Tony. This is why I'm here. You've just encountered the natives of a new world so you need to begin negotiations with them quickly. Start by saying you come in peace or something.
Korg: MARF?
Zet: munga mung...
Tony: Where the heck is this?
Korg: GAGAKKK!!!!
Zet: weeeeeg!!
I guess that concludes negotiations...
Tony stumbles into the crystal he picked up in the cave and summons...
...A bear with antlers on its head. This is a Furok. Its Tony's starting "Pokemon" in this game. We'll talk about it more later on. After Furok horribly mauls whatever Korg summoned, Korg and Zet run away and a human being spots us from afar.
I love this line. I know its silly but the image of sock puppets exploding like fireworks just makes me chuckle inside. Anyway, this is Eidon. He's an interesting character if you can't already tell.
Tony: What? I don't understand you!
Eidon: Taxi apple sponge!
Tony: What language are you speaking!?
Eidon: Skunks playing poker, basketball cheesesteak!
Tony: I think he's crazy.
* Eidon looks around and begins to wave his arms at Tony as if trying to get him to guess something*
Tony: Two words... three syllables... sounds like... bird? No wait... plane?
Eidon: Dirigible fork!
*Eidon hands Tony a bracelet. He quickly backs off to show the young boy he means no harm*
Tony: Put it on?
Eidon: Did it work?
Tony: Hey, I can understand you now!
Eidon: Whew, finally. That was getting silly.
It was.
Eidon: My name is Eidon.
Tony: I'm Tony.
Eidon: Tony, I saw how you handled yourself against those fiends back there. May I see the ring you used to call that creature?
Tony: ...ring?
Eidon: You don't have a ring? What's that on the ground?
*Tony walks over and grabs the crystal*
Tony: This crystal?
Eidon: You used THAT to summon the creature?
Tony: I don't know! I have no idea what is happening here!
Eidon: I've never seen anything like this... you're not from around here, are you?
Tony: I'm from Tavel Gorge. Do you know how I can get back?
Eidon: Tavel Gorge? Never heard of it. The world is truly vast! Well, if you don't know your own way back, I'm sure Orwin could tell you. He's the elder of Vash Naroom. Come, I'll take you there.
Tony: Okay.
Don't let the term elder fool you. While the game doesn't show it, the lore in the card game establishes that if you are an elder in the world of Magi Nation then you are a bad, bad man (or woman).
With the conversation with Eidon over, we move out to the region map of Naroom. This is how we move from area to area in Magi Nation and it is also one of two places where we can save our game. We want to head north to the little cave looking thing next to the building but I figure we will save that for the next update when we will actually get a dream creature. Huzzah!