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Let's Watch: Durarara!!

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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby silvershock95 » Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:21 pm

Just watched the first episode and I have to say it was pretty amazing! So glad they kept the style for the opening and endings because it rocks~

Also it looks like there's some new characters on the block-- I wonder how the plot will unfold now that they're going to be a part of the story? I'm very intrigued!

Man, do I feel bad for Celty though...
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby mechana2015 » Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:46 pm

Well, I know what I'm doing next saturday.

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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MomentOfInertia » Sat Jan 17, 2015 1:52 pm

It's good to be back.

Fyi CR eps posted/freed at noon eastern time on Saturdays.
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby ForeverInspired » Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:02 pm

First episode was trying to get comfortable again with the cast. My favorite part of the beginning of the first season was Izaya, and he definitely does not have the same impact (so far). However, I have a feeling that he has gotten his hands on some new "fun" which should prove to be interesting. Izaya needs to stop being a couch potato - it's so not him.
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sun Jan 18, 2015 11:35 am

...x2 Shou episode 2:

AHHH THIS EPISODE WAS SO GOOD-- and it's only the second one! :) Already there are a number of plot/character threads building up, and all of the new characters haven't even been introduced yet.

Random thoughts:

Oh man, I've missed that chatroom, LOL. :grin: And I have to say, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Aoba is really suspicious-- I'm a little bit worried about Mikado, LOL :sweat: -- but really interesting (and his interactions with the Orihara twins even more so). Speaking of the twins, Izaya's aversion to/explanation about them and their introductions/interactions with the bullies at school were completely insane/amusing/awesome, LOL. And then there was that little bit of Shizuo... <3 :grin: (And LOL, the beat-up guy wants to get some Russian sushi before he dies? :grin: And what was up with the zombie {or am I to assume that was 'Hollywood'}? :grin: ). And finally, that cliffhanger with Shinra... I'm not sure whether to be concerned or just laugh. :grin:

I am loving this. <3
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Mon Jan 19, 2015 11:14 am

Got to see episode 1 last week and even though I watched s1 back in June, I have to say, I really missed these characters! Love the same OP and ED style and these new characters seem interesting. And Shizuo's brother will now have greater focus too. And on a side note, I loved when Walker and Erika were using otaku talk again and me recognizing practically every story they mentioned. lol.
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Jan 24, 2015 7:05 pm

...x2 Shou episode 3:

Okay, so SPOILER: Highlight text to read: zombie indeed being "Hollywood" and beat-up-guy wanting to go to the sushi place explained. :thumb:

But whoa-- I was *not* expecting SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the reveal of the true identity of "Hollywood" so early! :pikka: And yep, she's not sane (though, I mean, it's not like that's a surprise or anything, considering that a huge majority of the characters Narita-sensei writes {at least in all of the series I've seen and read from him so far} are messed up on at least some level, LOL {although I mean that in a good way. ...Er, wait, that didn't sound right, did it? :sweat: ...Um, well, you know what I mean, LOL-- they're messed up, but in a really entertaining way. That's it} :grin: ). Now that it *has* been revealed, though: So, she has an aristocratic background, (apparently) kills with her bare hands, heals quicker than normal, and has 'interesting' blood from her ancestors, does she? Do I detect a Vamp! reference there? :thumb: (At least, I'm assuming that's what Shingen meant-- that is, {Narita-sensei's *very* unique kind of} vampires... :) ) Also, it's interesting that she said she probably couldn't kill anyone aside from "them"-- it'll be interesting to find out what group she's referring to. And that was a surprisingly deep conversation Yuuhei had with her about why he became an actor and such, too-- I mean, I had already liked what little I'd seen of his character so far, but just those few lines alone made him so much more fascinating. <3 And speaking of Yuuhei: HA, that idea of his was literally the *perfect* cover/'insurance'-- not only did it give a very plausible reason indeed as to why she was there, but the people following her couldn't do a thing with that much media swarming around! :thumb: :grin: (That deadpan "How did you find out," though, LOL. 'Anonymous tip,' indeed... :grin: ) Oh man, I can already see how those two are going to be a perfect couple-- in terms of Narita-sensei's own special brand of couple, I mean. :grin:

And speaking of funny things: That bit with Shinra, Yuuhei, and the cat-- "Scary." "I am smiling."-- ROTFL! :lol: (...And now I really want to name a cat "Self-Righteous," too, bwaha! :grin: ) Also, Shinra, Shingen, Russian-sushi-guy, and the otaku duo were as amusing as always (actually, perhaps even more so); and the despair of the... *ahem*... fans of Yuuhei and Ruri was pretty amusing, too. :grin:

So, all of that said: Judging by the reveals in this episode and the dialogue in the next-ep. preview, the "Hollywood" thing was actually never meant to be the big mystery of the season (which, as I mentioned above, was a bit of a surprise to me).
Whatever's going on, though, I'm *really* enjoying it (in fact, the rest of the season could go just like these three ep.'s and I'd still love it!), and I cannot wait for next week! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: (In which, apparently, Aoba's looking a little evil... :sweat: :) )
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sun Jan 25, 2015 11:28 am

MangaRocks! wrote:But whoa-- I was *not* expecting

Sounds like Durarara!! is staying true to itself.
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Jan 31, 2015 4:56 pm

ClaecElric4God wrote:Sounds like Durarara!! is staying true to itself.

Indeed. :)

...x2 Shou episode 4:

This season is fantastic. :grin: (And is it just me, or has this been even funnier + been told in an even more interweaving way than S1? {Both of which I am loving, BTW! :thumb: })

Random thoughts: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Oh man, Celty just can't help herself when it comes to money... or Shinra... :grin: And ROTFL at the twins basically making Egor their slave!! :lol: :lol: (Also, LOL at Mikado and Anri's reactions to Celty and Shinra's adorable little romantic moment at dinner. :grin: ) As for the somewhat-more-serious stuff: Ah, so there is indeed a bit more there yet with Ruri's backstory; although, whether or not we'll actually get to hear it in detail is apparently up in the air, going by that conversation (although, at least part of what happened seemed to be pretty obviously implied... :pikka: ). Speaking of which, that whole scene with her and Yuuhei was quite nice. <3 Also: Oh dear, so I was right about Aoba, then. :pikka: But seriously, Aoba, trying to get rid of Izaya...? :eyebrow: Dude, all I can say there is good luck, LOL, because you're *really* going to need it...! :grin:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Feb 07, 2015 11:28 am

...x2 Shou episode 5:

More great new characters~! :thumb: And, as always, Shizuo is just the best. <3 :grin: Speaking of which: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: OF COURSE a taser won't work on him, bwahaha! :lol: Oh man, that whole scene... I've no idea why that little girl wants Shizuo to die, but despite being slightly disturbing (y'know, because "that kind of innocence"), it was also hilarious and adorable, all at the same time. WHAT EVEN ARE THESE FEELINGS. :grin: And it also got a bit more serious with that warning given to Mikado + the 'other' biker attacking Celty + Chikage's unhinged (and incredibly large :pikka: ) biker gang about to throw down some SRS BSNS... :pikka: THIS EPISODE SERIOUSLY FELT LIKE ONLY 10 MINS. LONG, OH MY GOSH I NEED MORE OF THIS GOODNESS

...Anyone have a time machine I can borrow for a quick peek of next week? ;)
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:01 pm

...x2 Shou episode 6:

Interesting. On one level, this was the least-eventful episode thus far; yet, on another, there was still a fair amount of things connected/revealed here, all the same. :thumb: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: There was all that stuff with the little girl, Akane, for example (although we still don't know why she wanted Shizuo dead, yet :) ); 'know-it-all'-Vorona + trivia-OCD-dude :grin: ; and the old record company (or talent agency? Whatever) guy (whom I thought had been implied to have been killed by "Hollywood" in that one conversation? Or was that a different guy who had done something to her? Or did she just not kill him? Or...? :sweat: ); etc. Oh, and as for whoever was breaking into Anri's house there at the cliffhanger at the end: Man, did they pick the wrong girl to target, LOL-- they're totally about to be Saika'd into submission...! :grin: (Also: Oh my gosh, Shinra, are you prodding poor Shizuo on purpose? LOL! :lol: )
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Feb 21, 2015 7:12 pm

...x2 Shou episode 7:

Oh my word, this is just too good. :jump:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ROTFL at the "can't get hands out" stuff and the other dude's deadpan reaction(s). :lol: :lol: :lol: And yep, Vorona had a suitably messed-up past/mindset (as was fully expected, of course ;) ). As for the result of last week's cliffhanger: Vorona did indeed get epically Saika'd-- although, it looks like she actually didn't get cut/made a 'daughter,' as I had also kinda expected; but, then again, I suppose it really shouldn't be surprising, given her abilities. Anri and Celty are in a league of their own, though. :thumb: (Speaking of which: The bit with the helmet was hilarious. <3 :lol: ) And then that continuation of that conversation with Izaya-- with Izaya's quite interesting analysis of both the Dollars and Mikado... And yep, there obviously is something a bit off about Mikado, too-- I mean, there's hardly ever a truly 'normal' character in Narita-sensei's works, for one thing; and for another, there have already been hints of what he's apparently keeping buried underneath his timid exterior-- what with the whole thing in S1 surrounding him founding the Dollars in the first place (and the briefly-seen 'serious' side of his there), and being a bit of an excitement-seeker, etc.; so it should be interesting to see that get explored further (as I've no doubt it will). AHAHAHAHAHA, though, oh man-- if Mikado thinks Izaya (or Aoba, for that matter) is a nice guy, he's got another thing coming...! :forehead: :grin: That said, though, between those things in the first season and the hints in this one, I'm getting the feeling that Mikado will be able to take care of himself just fine. :thumb:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby blkmage » Wed Feb 25, 2015 11:02 am

my goodness someone forgot to grab some in-betweens when they were at the frame store this week
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Wed Feb 25, 2015 12:45 pm

blkmage wrote:my goodness someone forgot to grab some in-betweens when they were at the frame store this week

LOL-- yeah, as much as I loved the episode character-/story-wise, that's certainly true. :grin:

Also: Special episode (4.5) alert! :thumb:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Feb 28, 2015 4:34 pm

...x2 Shou episode 8:



SPOILER: Highlight text to read: LOL at the poor painting gallery owner dude. :grin: And ah, so Akane was told to kill Shizuo by Izaya. That makes sense. :grin: Oh my gosh, though-- Shizuo's priceless, purposefully-OOC response to her (and Shinra's terrified expression at it), Tom saying he should've won an award for that, and finally Shizuo's reactions when he got to Izaya's place-- ROTFL!! :lol: :lol: :lol: *Ahem*-- on a serious note, though, whoa-- I was *not* expecting Aoba to reveal all that stuff to Mikado this soon, nor was I expecting his offer afterwards. :wow!: I honestly have no idea why Aoba would want Mikado to take over being the Blue Squares' leader, or why he and his crew would be willing to submit to whatever Mikado would tell them to do (even to the point of giving themselves up to the biker gang to be beat up, as he said they would do if that's what Mikado ordered); however, whatever the reason(s), I think Aoba just awoke the monster, LOL :pikka: -- because as much as he tried, by the end of it Mikado couldn't keep that timid/proper facade up any longer... :pikka: (*shivers with excitement* :jump: ) And then, of course, there was the whole biker-gang-finally-initiating-their-revenge... :pikka: And finally: Oh crap, I should've known that Izaya was setting Shizuo up (offing those few guys must've been what Slon was off doing a few minutes before)... :pikka: Oh man, this episode felt like it was only a few mins. long again... I NEED MORE MORE MORE!!
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Mar 07, 2015 12:10 pm

...x2 Shou episode 9:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "So everyone and his grandmother is a Dollar?" LOL-- actually, yeah, they pretty much are... :lol: Anyway :) , Shizuo genuinely trying his hardest to control himself is just the best <3 -- first with Akane, and now with simply escaping (in Spiderman fashion! :wow!: ) rather than tearing through the yakuza. (IDC what you say, Izaya, Shizuo growing as a person is both awesome and adorable. :) And good for his health, too, where the yakuza is concerned, since that's now making them doubt the frame-up...) As for the goings-on at the warehouse: LOL at Celty's reaction to her phone going off, her trying to cover up her embarassment with the "passing urban legend" line, and the subsequent reactions. :lol: :lol: As for the whole thing with Aoba: Oh yeah, that's right, he had said that he wanted to get rid of Izaya (wow, though, he is so very much like him-- which I guess explains the hate :sweat: )... so I wonder what exactly he's seeing in Mikado that he thinks will help him with that? I mean, sure, Mikado's dark side, obviously-- but what precisely that dark side *is* hasn't been truly shown yet. Indeed, Mikado apparently isn't even aware of that side of himself, which was a little twist I wasn't expecting-- I had originally thought that he *was* aware of it, but was just keeping it carefully buried; however, if this episode is anything to go by, it seems that it's more akin to a separate personality (?), at least at the moment. :pikka: The exploration of that will indeed be very interesting (and I can't wait to see it happen!). Finally: Masaomi is clearly quite worried about Mikado (who was desperately trying to abide by his advice there, but I don't think that's going to work for much longer... :sweat: ), so I'm curious as to if (or, rather, when) that concern is finally going to push him over the edge and get his rear in gear back to Ikebukuro... ...Oh, and have I mentioned that these episodes feel way too short (in a very good way)? :thumb:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby Yuki-Anne » Sat Mar 07, 2015 3:27 pm

I am loving this season so far. Best anime of the season. :D
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Mar 14, 2015 12:24 pm

Yuki-Anne wrote:I am loving this season so far. Best anime of the season. :D

^ I am in complete agreement with this. :)

...x2 Shou episode 10:

Actually, before I get into this week's ep., I realized later + forgot to mention three things about the previous one: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: First, I realized that it was actually Izaya, not Masaomi, who had warned Mikado (the narrator dialogue during that bit had confused me for a minute, because I thought it was talking about Aoba misunderstanding, not Mikado; I only realized that it was the latter after I had already posted, LOL)-- although, it turns out that was actually specifically spelled out in this week's ep. anyway, so I guess I don't get any points for that one, LOL. :grin: Anyway, I had also forgotten to mention that the yakuza dude trying to explain to his incredulous boss what Shizuo is actually capable of was pure gold :lol: , and also that the whole massive chain of misunderstandings (intentional or not) by pretty much every character throughout the entire episode was pretty darn amusing in and of itself (especially to Izaya, I'm sure ;) :grin: ).

Now, as for this week's ep.: That was fantastic! :jump: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Oh man, Akane's backstory... poor, sweet, good-hearted kid. <3 She needs a hug. :hug: Also: LOL at the comment that the bodies were in 'too good a shape' to have been done in by Shizuo :grin: -- although, now I'm curious as to if it was really Slon (as I had inferred from a line of dialogue an ep. or two ago, but which I certainly could have been incorrect about), or indeed Ruri, as the yakuza dude thought...? And as mentioned above, yes, it was indeed confirmed here that Izaya was the one who sent that 'warning' to Mikado. Maybe that conversation Masaomi had with Izaya will finally be the spur he needed (as after that he was indeed not only worried but also angry). And then Shizuo being all adorably concerned about everyone that he thinks Izaya might target... <3 :hug: (His reaction when he saw who that e-mail was from, though, LOL... :grin: ) Oh, and Rokujou and Kadota's little discussion/beginning of a fight was both interesting and amusing. (And on a completely random note: ROTFL at the poor headless-horse's 'new face'! :lol: :lol: ) Finally: Oh man, only two episodes left. This cour is totally going to end on a cliffhanger, isn't it? :P :grin: IDEC, though, because I know I'm going to love it. Can't wait for next week!
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Mar 21, 2015 4:05 pm

...x2 Shou episode 11:


(...Whoops, unintentional rhyming, LOL... :grin: )

*Ahem*: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Heh, that fairly-evenly-matched fight between Kadota and Rokujou (and then them sorta becoming almost like friends afterwards!) was pretty amusing. :grin: Speaking of fights, though, oh my gosh, it was literally almost physically painful to watch poor Mikado getting beat up :?: ... Anri's save was awesome, though (and LOL at that guy getting 'shaved' twice now :lol: ). And then, of course, everything converging on that one field (as expected)... :thumb: Somehow, I think the combination of Mikado's realization of his current powerlessness, him witnessing Anri's (no-longer-all-that-)secret side, and the giant mess everyone's in at the end is finally going to cut his 'dark side' loose for real in the finale. (I certainly hope so, anyway! :thumb: ) Oh, and Saki's little talk with Masaomi was great-- providing the final push for him to finally go back now (yay)! <3 Other random notes: 'Crazy torture duo' indeed, LOL :lol: ; and that dim glimpse through Mikado's recovering vision of Shizuo arriving with a motorcycle in hand was just epic. :lol: :thumb: :jump: (Also: Thanks to this ep., I finally looked up what the heck 'Kabaddi' was, and LOL, that dude must have one heck of a lung capacity if he still hasn't inhaled yet... :lol: {And also LOL at Celty being sad she can't play it... :grin: }) COUR-FINALE INCOMING AND I CANNOT WAIT~ :jump:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby Mullet Death » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:08 pm

Watched up to the current episode of the new season the past couple days. I get completely lost in Drrr's world. What's gonna happen!? SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Loving Celty x Shinra moments and the possibility of Mikado x Anri moments. I was worried that the new season wouldn't meet my expectations, but this is just what I wanted-- more Drrr! In other words, it has the same "feel" as the previous episodes, and I'm really happy and excited about that.

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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby blkmage » Sat Mar 28, 2015 11:51 am

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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Mar 28, 2015 2:51 pm

...x2 Shou episode 12:

That. Was. Awesome! :jump:

SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Wow. Where to start?

Shizuo: I loved how he did indeed end the fight quickly (albeit in a *slightly* more restrained fashion than usual :grin: ), but then Vorona had to go and make him really angry, at which point things got as amusing and awesome as you'd expect. :lol: (Also: Car soccer + teamwork with Celty + saving Akane's life by using his own body as a shield FTW!! :thumb: And oh my gosh, the little part with him and Akane afterwards was just too darn cute!!! <3 <3 :hug: ) ...Sidenote: Hmm, so Shizuo has now 'officially' left the Dollars? That really seems a bit foreshadow-y, in terms of several things...

Vorona and Sloan: Confirmation of my original thought that Sloan was hired to off those guys + both of them getting pwned (by a surprisingly high margin, no less!) by the yakuza :pikka: + apparently the Russian dudes are going to try to 'change' Vorona a bit now? Speaking of which-- haha, oh man, that "kids are scary because they can change" line was the beyond-perfect lead-in to...

Mikado: Everything was leading up to this. First there was that excellent conversation between him and Rokujou, which finally showed Mikado what he really is... and then came that fantastic final sequence. He thought about everything, realized that he's going to need power to get what he wants, figured out what Aoba was trying to do to him (use him/be a shadow leader/whatever, although Mikado didn't really care), realized that Aoba got Anri involved in that whole mess (albeit indirectly, and he now knows that she can more than take care of herself, but still...), and then-- after fitting all of that together-- promptly tricked Aoba and put him in his place. ...By stabbing his hand right through with a retractable pen. :pikka: Oh man... the shifts in vocal tone (props to the seiyuu! :thumb: ) and facial/eye expressions there on Mikado's part did indeed finally showcase his (personality-shifting) loose screw-- in fact, I actually got a bit of a chill when, right after Aoba accepted the deal (along with the "rage" *shiver*), Mikado's voice raised back up in pitch and his mannerisms slipped back into his 'good kid' mode ("I brought bandages! :D " *shivers again*)... :pikka: :pikka:
And then that cliffhanger-- holy crap! :wow!: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I was very much expecting Mikado's dark side reveal (albeit not the exact manner of it... :pikka: *still feeling chills*), but I was not at all expecting Izaya to get a knife in the gut! :wow!:

Can't wait for the next cour in July! :jump:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Sat Jul 04, 2015 4:34 pm


It's that time again! :jump:

...x2 Ten episode 1:

LOL, oh man. Of *course* Izaya would be looking forward to SPOILER: Highlight text to read: seeing who would try to finish him off. :forehead: :grin: It was also really amusing to see him smooth-talking everyone, and trolling people just as hard as ever SPOILER: Highlight text to read: despite his condition. :grin: (Also, I laughed way too hard at SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Shinra's reaction{s} to Izaya calling and interrupting his Celty-cosplay-photo-taking. (Multiple times. Including nearly setting the police on him.) :lol: :lol: *Ahem*-- as for serious stuff :) , those little fill-in tidbits/hints about SPOILER: Highlight text to read: that broker dude were pretty interesting, and the unexpected SPOILER: Highlight text to read: identity of the person who came to kill Izaya + the delightfully, *joyfully* insane rant SPOILER: Highlight text to read: of Izaya's that it inspired were brilliant. :thumb:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Tue Jul 14, 2015 2:39 pm

...x2 Ten episode 2:

Oh my gosh this episode was so messed up (character-wise, I mean). :wow!: :grin: :thumb: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ...Holy crap. :pikka: Even as crazy as I knew Mika already was, I was not expecting the 'eating the head' thing... :wow!: *shiver* (Also, bugging everything and everyone... but the head thing, whoa.) And Namie was, of course, equally nuts. (Although LOL, even Seiji knows that-- "Not only is she tough, but she's evil, too!" :grin: ) Speaking of Seiji, as screw-loose as he himself is, it was kinda neat to see him actually have some concern for/feeling of debt towards Mikado...
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Jul 24, 2015 9:59 pm

...x2 Ten episode 3:

Holy crap, Akabayashi... :pikka: So, it turns out that he's actually a pretty interesting character! (Not that I'm really surprised, though; I mean, he is a *Narita* character, after all. :thumb: ) SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Yeah, wow, that was quite a backstory. And his connections with Anri's family were unexpected-- as was that gang's unfortunate involvement in helping Anri's father off the deep end for real... :pikka: Finally: ROTFL, Akane wants to know 'how to get the upper hand in a fight to the death'? :grin: I wonder why... ;) ;)
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Jul 31, 2015 4:20 pm

...x2 Ten episode 4:
HEEEEE THIS EP. <3 :lol: :hug: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Yep, totally shipping Shizuo x Vorona now, since given the way Narita-sensei writes I'm fully expecting that they really will end up being a couple at some point. :grin: :thumb: :grin: And aw, Akane's confusion and distrust mixed with gratitude and even affection, and saying that Shizuo's a good person, etc... <3 (That talk was so adorable. <3 ) And ROTFLLLLL, so basically pretty much *everyone* interrupted poor Shinra's date at one point or another ("...close to tears," indeed!). :lol: :lol: :lol: Also LOL at the looks on Shizuo and Tom's faces when Vorona took all those guys out without even breaking a sweat, and when she started reciting trivia... :grin: And Shizuo saying that Vorona was way more awesome than he is... <3 <3 :) Oh, and I really did LOL when those unwitting guys said that they were going to kidnap that *particular* group of girls... hooooo boy, did they choose the wrong targets! :lol: :lol: :lol: Also: Bwahaha, so Akane and Vorona are now fighting over who gets to be the one to 'deal with him,' and are even getting jealous/pleased when one or the other gets attention... :grin: (And even Tom noticed it-- 'chick-magnet looks'... ;) :lol: :thumb: ) And oh man, Shizuo was so adorable when he was saying that this was the first time he's had a junior and stuff... gahhhhh~ <3 OH MY GOSH THE LAUGHS AND FANGIRLING :grin:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby EventualDay » Tue Aug 04, 2015 9:07 am

So I just recently started season 1 of Durarara. Only at episode 14 or 15 right now, but maybe I'll catch up before the current season is over, haha.

I think the show is fascinatingly complex! At the moment I'm in doubt as to whether it can really wrap up decently at all in only 24 episodes... though I guess that's why there are two or three sequel seasons...

On the one hand I feel like the plot is a little bit messy, or maybe that's not the right word. There's just so much going on though that it feels a little hard to keep track of. But I love how many plot twists there are because I usually can't see them coming. And of course the characters are absolutely fascinating.

So main point here, I'm jumping on the DRRRRRRRRRRR train ;)
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:31 pm

Welcome, EventualDay! Glad to hear you're enjoying DRRR!! :thumb: (BTW, once you're done with that, if you haven't already seen Ryohgo Narita's other anime, Baccano!, or read any of his novels {including the aforementioned Baccano!, which goes into much more detail/much farther in depth into the plot and characters than the still-fantastic-and-recommended anime simply due to the series' length}, I'd highly recommend them, too! {I'm not a Narita fangirl for nothing... ;) })

...x2 Ten episode 5:

...And all of that for a SPOILER: Highlight text to read: pet snake, ROTFL!! :lol: :lol: :lol: (And, of course, Celty had no problem with that, but the bike-policeman scared the heck out of her... :grin: ) Anyway, whoa, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Mikado's disconnected psyche is really starting to get a tad terrifying... :pikka: (Although I mean that in a good way, entertainment-wise. :thumb: ) Also: Oh man, if you thought Shizuo couldn't get even more adorable, now we have an image of him with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: a miniature cat on his head. I just even can't. <3 <3 :hug: :grin: (Seriously, though, oh dear... I do not have a good feeling about SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the super-creepy stalker knowing about Shinra's place... :pikka:

I NEED MORE :jump:
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Wed Aug 12, 2015 11:40 pm

...x2 Ten episode 6:

NOOOOO SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I KNEW THAT SOMETHING BAD WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO SHINRA ONCE THE STALKER GOT THE ADDRESS-- CRAP!! :?: ...Although, on the bright side, by doing that the creep has just guaranteed himself a world of pain from *multiple* different parties, so I greatly look forward to the fulfillment of that. :P :thumb: Also: Ah, more of the backstory on Ruri-- and yeah, that was pretty much as unpleasant as I was expecting. :pikka: She and Kasuka really do make a good couple, though. <3 :) Also, on a lighter note: ROTFL, Celty-- SPOILER: Highlight text to read: "Since it's a stalker, we thought of you," BWAHAHA! :lol: Also ROTFL at Shizuo's SPOILER: Highlight text to read: superpowered flick. :grin:

Seriously, though, that cliffhanger...
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Re: Let's Watch: Durarara!!

Postby MangaRocks! » Wed Aug 19, 2015 3:51 pm

...x2 Ten episode 7:

IT HAPPENED :pikka: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ...That is, the 'reunion.' And ohhhh man, was it not even close to what poor Masaomi imagined. :pikka: Before I get to that, though, I want to comment on a few other things: First, that little twist about the stalker creep having some 'friends' actually makes a lot of sense. And oh my gosh, that scene with Celty finding Shinra was so well-done-- the emotion I felt at the dead silence when she was trying to wake him up and could neither call out to him nor even call someone for help because she cannot speak was just... :sniffle: As for Mikado: He did pretty good in response to what he found on the server (well, I mean, aside from literally setting the creep on fire :pikka: ... although honestly he kinda did deserve that :sweat: , but still, that's something that should definitely not be done :pikka: ). As for the rest of that particular sequence: This is not the first time that Mikado has gotten badly beaten, but whereas before it was really painful to watch, this time it was less painful and more just plain surreal because of his attitude/mental state during it-- he wasn't even fazed at all, despite some really serious-looking facial injuries. :pikka: Indeed, he's gone so full psycho now that he couldn't even hide it around Masaomi... :pikka: Speaking of which: OHHH MAN that (aforementioned) 'reunion' scene... that was both frightening and heartbreaking all at the same time. Masaomi was so utterly shocked and hurt that you could just feel it. :pikka: :( :?: Wow. ...On another note: LOL at Shingen trying (and failing) to learn how to get some revenge for Shizuo's injuries. :lol: Also, it's nice to finally see who some of the new chatters are. Finally: Izaya chatting with himself was hilarious :lol: :lol: , and oh dear, that crew he just gathered around him... CHAOS IMMINENT! :pikka: :thumb: (Oh, and speaking of that bit with Izaya, HAHA at the 'hotpot' thing {it's his revenge for not getting invited to the other one! :lol: }... though, after what Mika said about what she'd do if she ever got her hands on the head, the image that gave off when he said that while holding it was just all kinds of wrong, ROTFL. :pikka: :lol: ) BTW: THE HEAD'S EYES ARE OPEN A LITTLE! :pikka: (Did I mention "CHAOS IMMINENT"? :thumb: ) Oh, and this is just a rather random comment, and probably one that's really late to the party besides, LOL, but I've finally come to realize that Izaya isn't 'crazy evil'-- he's just plain crazy, full stop. The *truly* evil one here is Jinnai Yodogiri (who is utterly loathsome :bootout: ). Can't wait for the next ep.! :jump:
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