SharkBiteDynamite wrote:what if we combined pancakes and waffles? Would they be called Panaffles? or Wafflcakes?
IPv4 wrote:waffles are better, unless you make a pancake cake.
SharkBiteDynamite wrote:Do you like waffles?
MomentOfInertia wrote:SharkBiteDynamite wrote:Do you like waffles?
That takes me back.... not sure where but it's sure back there somewhere.
That also takes me further back to a place further back to a place further back to a place further back in the good ol' days of another place further back to this other place *WAAAAY* further back up in the hills *WWWAAAAYYY* further back to my house.
And they lived happily ever after
Will wrote:Forget waffles and Pancakes folks the real winner of that contest belongs to wait for it.... FRENCH TOAST!!!!!
Yes something about having bread dipped in butter and topped with syrup sounds better than pancakes or waffles.
I lost the game!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLCDreamcatcher14 wrote:Four words...Chocolate Covered French Toast.
PLCDreamcatcher14 wrote:Four words...Chocolate Covered French Toast.
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