ClaecElric4God wrote:Ooooooooooh! Durarara! We should totally discuss Durarara! And you should bug me into watching Hamatora, because I watched one episode and loved it but for some reason I can never find time to continue it.
But yes, Durarara. Who's your favorite character? Who's your least favorite character? Who's a character you don't remember at all? What are your thoughts on the mechanics of Celty's motorcycle? Do you intend to start a color gang?
Well, first of all,
GO WATCH HAMATORA! AND RE:HAMATORA! (season two). That show gets totally cray later on and I highly recommend it. I can't seem to find a single soul to discuss that show with.
Now, Durarara. (Have you heard that season two is coming out?) My favorite character is Shizuo because A: he's a
beast, B: He looks awesome in his bartender outfit C: He also has a really interesting back story and personality, D: He reminds me of Sanji except with anger issues and not perverted.
I had a hard time liking Anri, because, well, she does nothing for most of the show. She was frustratingly meek, especially considering all the power at her disposal. I did feel terrible for all the stuff that happened to her, but seriously, it was just agonizing watching her
being so passive towards everything. Those are my thoughts, at least. Izaya was pretty despicable, but at least he kept you fascinated and wondering what he was going to do next.
Celty's bike is a hybrid of a fuel-injected 2 stroke outboard and a TV running a continuous loop of the scene of the smoke monster from LOST (the bike's cousin). BAM. Science.
(Fun fact, a while back I had an idea for a Durarara Abridged series called Dublahblahblah in which Celty is a brony and constantly has problems with autocorrect and siri on her phone. And Someone always trolls the chatroom scenes by rickrolling everyone and sending gifs of cats.)
Color gang? HA! Those are more trouble than they're worth, and I like having my legs intact.