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[Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby drill » Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:27 pm

Now that three episodes are in for all the anime I'm watching this season...

Ones that Im definitely going to keep:
Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - episode four was nothing amazing, but its kept me entertained thus far
Isshuukan Friends - I don't know how I could drop such a heartwarming anime. This is probably my favorite anime for this season.
Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? - I was actually worried when this first aired, as the characters seemed ripped off of other similar anime, but the characters seem to have a unique personality now.
Black Bullet - Besides Enju, all the other characters are kinda boring, but she more than makes up for them.

Ones that I will probably keep:
Mekakucity Actors - they brought everything together :D I feel like that episode two and three could have been combined into one episode.
Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - Ritsu started off as alright, but now she just annoys me.
Atelier Escha & Logy - Too many characters to keep track of, but episode 3 was at least interesting

Ones that I plan to drop:
Gokukoku no Brynhildr - episode 4 was... terrifying
Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara - too many boring characters

Kamigami no Asobi - Haven't decided what to do with this one yet.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby ForeverInspired » Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:29 am

Well, I haven't posted here yet... it's about time. I've watched at least 2 episodes of each - but I have watched three episodes for most of them:

Things I just can't get enough of:
1) Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii - This one has blown my mind. Even though there are so many series airing on Saturdays, this is the one I first frantically search for. It has the right pacing and loveliness - it's "The Pilot's Love Song" 1,000,000,000 times better. I'm hoping that this becomes a long series.
2) Mekakucity Actors - Yes, yes, yes, this series is doing quite fine. I'm a little worried that the ending might be slightly disappointing since this is only 12 episodes, and we've just figured out what's going on after episode 3. I like mysterious starts, but normally they have 20+ episodes to work with. Nonetheless, this has a long way to go before I start disliking it.
3) Black Bullet - Another short series that I wish was longer. As of episode 2, we already have some insight into the whole plot and some character development. I'm really excited where this may go.
4) Captain Earth - I already feel something for the characters both in times of tribulation and in times of sadness. That just shows how much thought is put into this series. Also, I can't wait to find out what happens to these characters.
5) Haikyuu!! - It's not a Kuroko, but man is this good. The comedy is perfect, and the animation from Production I.G. is great as always.
6) Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei - This is another one that I just have to jump on the episode when it comes out. I really like the main character, and I know that he's hiding something.
7) M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane - We haven't gotten a full grip on what is really going on, but this series has plenty of time to make that happen (24 episodes!). The beginning - while a little confusing - is still very good and intriguing.
8) Isshuukan Friends. - As everyone else has said, this is just plain adorable. While that sometimes puts me off, the MC's friend is priceless. If he is in the episode, that episode is golden.
9) Hitsugi no Chaika - This definitely has The Scrapped Princess feel, and I LOVED that series. Characters are interesting, and plot is basic but good.

Things that are okay... but not great:
1) Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou - I love the colors, and the characters can be good too. It just sometimes feels a little off though... for a romance/comedy, I mean.
2) Gokukoku no Brynhildr - I might change my mind about this one, but we'll see. I had high expectations that will definitely have to be revamped. Right now, there is just a lot of blood and weird people... and more blood.
3) Kamigami no Asobi - What can I say? It's a guilty pleasure. Yes, I did find Amnesia to be interesting (with many, many faults). However, as of this point, this one beats most harem/game series. It's better than Amnesia, Uta Pri (I might be in trouble for saying that), and some others that I just can't think of as of this moment. It already showed us what looks to be the ending... which can be either good or bad. We'll see.
4) Kiniro no Corda: Blue♪Sky - This is so mediocre to the first series. The characters aren't lovable, the plot is weak, and it just feels cliche overall. I'll probably continue with it to the end, but it really has to pick up for me to think it good.
5) No Game No Life - If it weren't for that fan service and strange sibling relationship, this might have been on par with some of the best series this season.
6) Ryuugajou Nanana no Maizoukin (TV) - Another interesting adventure series that is spoiled... because of a crazy pervert.

Things I take episode by episode:
1) Akuma no Riddle - I couldn't get enough of the PV, but I still had some reservations because of the genres listed with the series (ex: yuri). Now, I've learned that that can be slightly misleading especially for currently airing series, and I am glad to say that as of episode 3 there has been nothing to worry about. I like games of life & death - so we'll see if this can meet my expectations.
2) Kanojo ga Flag wo Oraretara - Okay, I have to say this. I hate the character designs. Those chubby faces drive me insane, and the animation in general looks so childish. Once I get over the animation, this actually is a series that holds me in suspense. At first I thought that these flag things on the top of people's heads were jokes... but who knew that some actually show if people might die? I liked the darker and more serious turn that the series has decided to provide in order to offset the fluff. Also, the series really knows how to end episodes. No matter how boring the first 15+ minutes may have been, the last 4 or so minutes always leaves me begging for more.
3) Selector Infected WIXOSS - If there is anything that I might drop, it might be this. I should have learned already that series based off of card games (besides Chihayafuru of course) are not my thing.
4) Seikoku no Dragonar - I'm waiting for this one character to show. Otherwise, I might just drop the series. It's ridiculous, and the interesting plot glimpses have yet to be of much use.

Series carried over:
1) Diamond no Ace - I learned that this was another Production I.G. series so I just had to give it a shot. Needless to say... THIS IS AWESOME! I can't believe that I held off of this series for so long. The main catcher steals the show while the MC is just perfect in his own way (boy, he has you laughing 3/4 of the time while being serious for the last 1/4). I'm through episode 9 now, and I wish that I just had the time right now to marathon to the current episode.
2) Fairy Tail - After skipping about 30 episodes because funimation and crunchyroll can't provide them and my library won't add it to their collection, I'm on episode 57. This is another one that I want to catch up on so I can watch the new season.
3) Nisekoi - You may love it, or you may hate it. For me, I love this series. It has the right mix of romance and comedy. Also, for some strange reason, I'm not bothered with the lack of advancement in the romance section. Let the boy trouble over lovers - it's amusing and fine by me. :)
4) One Piece - I may never ever catch up, but I love the series and characters anyway.
5) Tonari no Seki-kun - With every new episode, I'm starting to get bored of it more and more. Part of me wishes it had ended earlier when I was excited about the series. Now, it feels like it's forcing itself. We'll see if it decides to pick up.

By the way, who is currently airing/simulcasting Atelier Escha & Logy? That was a series that I really wanted to watch, but I haven't seen anyone pick it up as of yet. Crunchyroll, Funimation, Hulu, and Daiskui all don't have it as far as I know. :/

Don't expect another update... for a long time. ;)
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby GeneD » Wed Apr 30, 2014 1:15 pm

MangaRocks! wrote:Oh, and to answer GeneD: Actually, IIRC I don't think the manga has outright stated anyone's ages yet, although the translation is rather far behind the raws ATM, so I'm not sure if it's stated later on. I think the main couple is totally adorable whatever their ages, though.

Ah I see. And yes they are completely adorable.

Black Bullet ep 3-4: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Well that ended extremely quickly. And now I have no idea what to expect next so will just have to wait and see I guess. This show is like a cross between Attack on Titan and Pacific Rim plus little girls because anime.

Gokukoku no Brynhildr ep 3-4: I think I want this to be more interesting than it seems to be.

Hitsugi no Chaika ep 3-4: The plot felt like it's slowed down over these episodes although it hasn't really. Akari's forbidden love story was priceless.

M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane ep 1-2: This manages to be confusing and dull at the same time. The CGI doesn't help either. Extremely drop-able right now.

Isshuukan Friends. ep 3-4: Every week I'm struck anew at how pretty the scenery is. Shougo is the best.

Ping Pong The Animation ep 3: I am enjoying this more each episode. Even if you don't like the character design, the show just oozes style. I died laughing at the line about Africans who can't dance.

Mushishi Zoku Shou ep 4: I really appreciated the shift from SPOILER: Highlight text to read: tragic to creepy. I totally thought the older brother was going to bite the dust at the end there.

The Irregular at Magic High School ep 4: I can't even remember what happened in this episode. Dropped. I can use the time to watch better things.

Captain Earth ep 4: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It's hilarious that the enemy duo (aliens?) invade the base in an ice-cream truck, but stop to first sell some actual ice-cream!

Mekakucity Actors ep 3: Really nice tie in and explanation about what went down in the first episode. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Taking a selfie during a hostage situation = best.

Haiyuu!! ep 4: I love the OP for this. The blonde guy is fun to hate.

I've also picked up where I left off on the previous season of Jojo's, so hopefully I can catch up and watch the current season while it's still airing.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby KazeShiki » Thu May 01, 2014 5:41 am

I completely missed the fact Sidonia no Kishi is written by Nihei. That explains why the sci-fi aspect is actually legit good.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby teigeki_calesa » Sun May 04, 2014 2:17 am

I've been watching only a few series: namely, Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii, Sidonia no Kishi, Captain Earth(mecha head I am), Brynhildr and Isshukan Friends. Of the series I mentioned, Soredemo gets my Focus of the Season because of how refreshing the personalities and the relationship dynamics of the two leads are. It's a pity that it's not a "mainstream appeal" show and there's a lot of complaints about the relationship being rushed, while it doesn't(to me at least), when taken in the context of the situation.

And to GeneD and MangaRocks: The king's age is officially 11. Nike's hasn't been given yet, though.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby drill » Sun May 04, 2014 8:12 am

Atelier Escha & Logy ep 4 - Amusing episode, definitely gotten better since the last one

Black Bullet ep 4 - What a cliffhanger SPOILER: Highlight text to read: they better not kill of enju

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou ep 5 - Ritsu finally stopped getting on my nerves at least. This show really likes taking its time.

Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? ep 4 - That ending scene was the best part SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Who knew Cocoa liked Crime and Punishment :lol:

Isshuukan Friends ep 4 - Wow, I was shocked by this episode and felt bad for Hase SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Glad she got her notebook back though :jump:

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei ep 5 - A bit disappointed in this episode, as there wasn't much action which is really one of the only things keeping this anime alive

Mekakucity Actors ep 4 - WHHYYY!?!?! They did so well in the last episode too, then they completely ruined this one. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Honestly, if they are going to switch MCs every episode, this really should have been a full 26 episodes
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby MangaRocks! » Sun May 04, 2014 3:43 pm

Ping Pong The Animation episode 3:
GeneD wrote:I died laughing at the line about Africans who can't dance.

^ Oh man, that was priceless. :forehead: :lol: :lol: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Also: So, after looking like he would easily win his match with the Chinese player, Smile apparently lost on purpose again because of the whole 'staking your life on it' thing? Interesting. I'm quite looking forward to seeing where this goes! :thumb:

Mushishi S2 episode 5:

Awesome stuff (as usual! ;) ). And ROTFL at the end with SPOILER: Highlight text to read: her flirting and the ensuing reactions. :lol:

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii episode 5:

Pacing of this still feels a little fast to me in comparison to the manga, and the old dudes are getting a little annoying now, LOL :P , but otherwise this was (again) a pretty well-done ep. :thumb:

Mekakucity Actors episode 4:

......Uh, is it just me, or did this just get a whole heck of a lot weirder? :sweat: I mean, it was always weird, LOL, but before it was in a good way (IMO)-- and, anyway, I could still (pretty much) follow it. However, this episode almost completely lost me. :sweat: :?: About the only things I got out of it were: Creepy albino-ish dude is creepy (despite it being unintentional {?}, and in a pretty amusing way); Hibiya likes Hiyori (although I think the ED had made that pretty clear already, LOL, and right now I'm honestly wondering what on earth the poor kid sees in her... :sweat: ); and finally, yikes-- that was one *heck* of a SPOILER: Highlight text to read: nightmare time-loop :pikka: ... if that's really what it was. Somehow I don't think that's all there was to it, though, especially with those apparent dream-meetings people keep having with that scarf girl, and even-more-especially with that "I died two years ago" line in the teaser for next week... :pikka: Also, I'm *really* intrigued as to how the slowly-unfolding post-ED 'monster' story is going to connect up to the main plot (...I just hope that main plot gets a lot more clear later on in comparison to this ep., LOL :sweat: ).

And Isshuukan Friends. episodes 1-5:

Well, I was going to read the manga of this first (which is actually a 4-koma, apparently); however, even though I'm fine with reading 4-koma, for some reason I just wasn't really in the mood to start a 4-koma series at the moment, so I just decided to go ahead and start watching this series' anime first regardless (though of course I'll still get back around to the manga later on :thumb: ). And oh my goodness, am I glad I did, because this show is seriously adorable/heartwarming!!! <3 :hug: (And aside from just the general greatness :) , I also really like how there are no prolonged misunderstandings whatsoever, and how totally *awesome* Shougo is both as a friend and as a person in general {bluntness included! :grin: }. <3 ...Oh, and Yamagishi is actually pretty awesome, too. :grin: )
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby ForeverInspired » Sun May 04, 2014 5:41 pm

MangaRocks! wrote:Mekakucity Actors episode 4:

......Uh, is it just me, or did this just get a whole heck of a lot weirder? :sweat: I mean, it was always weird, LOL, but before it was in a good way (IMO)-- and, anyway, I could still (pretty much) follow it. However, this episode almost completely lost me. :sweat: :?: About the only things I got out of it were: Creepy albino-ish dude is creepy (despite it being unintentional {?}, and in a pretty amusing way); Hibiya likes Hiyori (although I think the ED had made that pretty clear already, LOL, and right now I'm honestly wondering what on earth the poor kid sees in her... :sweat: ); and finally, yikes-- that was one *heck* of a SPOILER: Highlight text to read: nightmare time-loop :pikka: ... if that's really what it was. Somehow I don't think that's all there was to it, though, especially with those apparent dream-meetings people keep having with that scarf girl, and even-more-especially with that "I died two years ago" line in the teaser for next week... :pikka: Also, I'm *really* intrigued as to how the slowly-unfolding post-ED 'monster' story is going to connect up to the main plot (...I just hope that main plot gets a lot more clear later on in comparison to this ep., LOL :sweat: ).

I decided that I wanted to know what was going on, and I think that I now have a good grasp of the structure of this plot (what will actually happen, what order they put it in, and how they will play certain things out, I can't say though). The source material is based off of a set of songs called "Kagerou Project". I recommend listening to the Kagerou Project songs with English subs on Youtube (I believe that there are 22 songs total) and reading this. Even though episode 4 was not all that I thought it would be since it is based on a certain Kagerou Project song that is one of the best songs in the series, I still enjoyed it a great deal. I also think that I was able to appreciate this as much as I did because of looking at the source material.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby MangaRocks! » Sun May 04, 2014 7:40 pm

@ForeverInspired: Thanks. :) I had heard something about it being based off of songs, and I usually like to experience adaptations' source material first myself (for multiple reasons), but since I had already started the anime I figured I'd finish that out first now before I get back around to the source this time. :) I'll definitely check them out, though, regardless of how the anime adaptation ends up. :thumb:
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby GeneD » Mon May 12, 2014 12:58 pm

One Week Friends ep 5-6: At first I was not a fan of Saki at all and blatantly considered all the other characters in the show to be better people than me for not just throwing her out a window or something, but she was okay in the latest episode, so I'm glad for that. Shougo is still the best and it was really sweet how excited Kaori's mom was to meet her friends.

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep 6: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It's spectacular to see Livius advance his relationship more in 6 episodes than a huge number of anime protagonists in their whole series. Obligatory Nike is awesome comment.

Mekakucity Actors ep 4-5: Episode 4 felt almost like two different episodes sandwiched into one and I'm glad that 5 tied things together again. That seems to be the trend, an ep of seemingly random stuff and then one which puts things into context. Rinse. Repeat. In order to avoid spoilers, I'm only listening to the source songs as the episodes come out.

Mushishi Zoku Shou ep 6: This ep actually gets creepier the more I think about it. It's possibly the weirdest episode so far.

Hitsugi no Chaika ep 5: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I really didn't look forward to having the loli-dragon tag along but her just dropping on those random mooks was priceless. Also, multi-Chaikas, this is getting interesting.

Since I last posted, I dropped Gokukoku no Brynhildr and M3: Sono Kuroki Hagane, although I'm still a little curious to know what's going on in the former.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon May 12, 2014 5:15 pm

Ping Pong The Animation episode 4:

This was a fantastic episode. Much of it didn't really go like I expected, but that's definitely a good thing. Looking forward to next week!

Mushishi S2 episode 6:

Oh man, the sakura tree one... :pikka: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Chills every time. *shiver* ...Man, though, I love how fantastic these stories are, even when they delve into mild horror.

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii episode 6:
GeneD wrote: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It's spectacular to see Livius advance his relationship more in 6 episodes than a huge number of anime protagonists in their whole series. Obligatory Nike is awesome comment.

^ Indeed! :thumb:

Mekakucity Actors episode 5:

Alright, I'm starting to get the hang of what they're doing with this now-- the entire series is turning out to be way more non-linear than I was expecting it to be. I guess for some reason I just wasn't really expecting the format the first three episodes took (with stuff happening in the 'present' and then one or more flashback episodes afterwards which lead back up to said stuff and {at least mostly ;) } explain it) to continue so strongly; but I actually really like non-linear storytelling if it's done right, so consider my future expectations corrected, and the previous episode forgiven, as well! :thumb: (Well, even if the whole first half or so of this ep. was really silly, LOL. :grin: :forehead: ) Silliness aside, though, I loved the end portion-- not only do I actually like Konoha quite a lot now, LOL, his apparent powers were awesome, and (as mentioned) it tied right back into the previous episode SPOILER: Highlight text to read: with the truck, which I'm pretty darn certain was the trigger for that nightmarish time loop thingy there. I have a strong feeling that a rewatch of this series will be quite well-rewarded (and even more so once I listen to the source songs! :thumb: ).

And One Week Friends episode 6:

Kaori's mom is awesome, LOL SPOILER: Highlight text to read: ("So, have you held hands yet?" :grin: ), and I couldn't stop laughing when they were trying to get Kaori and Shougo to talk to each other :grin: (and then it turned so sweet, too... :) ). And then the very end... oh man, this show is just so darn heartwarming. <3 :hug: (And yes, Shougo is definitely the best! :grin: )
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby KazeShiki » Tue May 13, 2014 6:09 am

So Hanamonogatari has been delayed to August 16th, when they'll air all 5 episodes at once, supposedly. But we all remember how long it took for Kizu to be released, oh wait. Japanese source
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby goldenspines » Tue May 13, 2014 1:58 pm

KazeShiki wrote:So Hanamonogatari has been delayed to August 16th, when they'll air all 5 episodes at once, supposedly. But we all remember how long it took for Kizu to be released, oh wait. Japanese source
Awww, but yay, on my birthday! \(*w*)/

Maybe if we stop wishing for Kizu so much they'll just finally release it. ;.;
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby teigeki_calesa » Sat May 17, 2014 4:30 am

GeneD wrote:Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep 6: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: It's spectacular to see Livius advance his relationship more in 6 episodes than a huge number of anime protagonists in their whole series. Obligatory Nike is awesome comment.

But you've got people saying their relationship is "forced" and it breaks their(awfully fragile) suspension of disbelief because it's simply too fast compared to what they would call a "believable" pace.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby GeneD » Sat May 17, 2014 10:03 am

teigeki_calesa wrote:But you've got people saying their relationship is "forced" and it breaks their(awfully fragile) suspension of disbelief because it's simply too fast compared to what they would call a "believable" pace.

I can totally understand that and it's a valid point. To me it somehow feels like we're just seeing slices of the story and there's actually lots of "time" that we don't see, if that makes sense. As one example, in the most recent episode where SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Livius "calls" Nike home with a cannon shot. It's clearly not the first time it's happened and not the first time she "sneaks" out of the castle, so it's easy to assume more time has passed than what we've seen. But since the show doesn't literally state it it's up for interpretation by the individual viewer I guess.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby teigeki_calesa » Sat May 17, 2014 11:10 pm

Actually, I have more or less the same interpretation as you. It's as if the story just skipped over a lot of time arcs and chose to go over the "juicy" parts. It may be beneficial to people like me who prefer to go over the whole story in a short time, but not for those who have the idea that a "good" development for a love story has to be slow. But again, it might be a question of not having much episodes to work with.

On another note, SoreSekai was pre-empted due to a soccer match telecast or something, so no new ep this week :(
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby KazeShiki » Sun May 18, 2014 3:46 am

The idea of skipping time regularly and only including parts of the story isn't very uncommon. It's more concrete in stories when they note how it's a new month every like 5 chapters despite each chapter covering 1-2 days at most, but it's pretty obvious that sort of technique is employed in Soredemo as well. For GeneD's example, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: iirc the manga explicitly stated how she's gained the citizens' love by regularly bringing them rain, despite it being the first time they showed such a scene. In terms of speed of relationship, it's pretty darn believable considering Nike is still being tsundere and Livi's straightforward personality. Frankly, I question most people's interpretation of what makes a good romance, especially when the vast majority either drag forever until people lose interest, the manga gets cancelled, and suddenly ending, or it's just a constant circle of misunderstandings that somehow people call good drama. The age difference is a way more legitimate complaint, but it still works because his mental age more than makes up for it. In fact, the dichotomy of his strong personality but weak/childish heart is a major point of their relationship. But I digress since no one on this forum is actually posing the arguments heh.

Meanwhile, I can't tell what the focus of Sidonia is. Just give us the Blame remake you teased.

And I keep expecting 1 Week Friends to pull the same twist as ef.

Nanana - apparently they cut out like 4 volumes of infodumping so that explains why the story makes almost zero sense. Tensai is carrying the show pretty hard while the rest is just me hoping Nanana gets more screentime.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby PLCDreamcatcher14 » Sun May 18, 2014 8:49 am

Ok so I have FINALLY watched some of Spring shows and here's my verdict...

One Week Friends Eps 1-5-This is sooooooooooo adorable! I'm pretty curious as to what kind of torture we'll all have to go through later. You can just feel something real sad will happen. Also, ya gotta love Shougo and his honesty!

Haikyuu! Eps 1-5-Man, this is really fun and it helps that I already know at least something about volleyball (I'm not much of a sports girl lol). The first episode didn't really grab me but I loved it by the second! I think this is gonna be a fun ride.

Soul Eater NOT! Eps 1-5-It's strange seeing moe characters (and moe versions of certain characters) in a moe Soul Eater world but it's still pretty enjoyable. I LOVE the cameos though and I can't wait for episode 6 to be available for free! Also, Tsugumi, Meme, and Anya are so cute...Akane and Clay are too...but in a different way. ;)
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby GeneD » Sun May 18, 2014 11:23 am

@ KazeShiki and teigeki_calesa: Yeah, although it's not uncommon, I have to praise SoreSekai for making the passage of time not seem "jerky" or forced, at least not to me. And for the reasons Kaze mentioned and the fact that it's a bit of a medieval setting, the age gap doesn't really bother me.
But alas, none of that show this week, nor any Mushishi which is tragic.

I did really like the Mekakucity Actors ep (6), there were some interesting revelations right up to the last sequence and things feel like they're slotting into place.

Ping Pong the animation ep 6: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Yay Peco is back. Even though I didn't like him much at first I'm glad. Also I freaked the heck out at Enoshima's light festival because I've totally been there and seen it irl and it was beautiful.

Captain Earth ep 7: This show has too many organisation/team/mech/weapon/special-force/energy names that I can't keep up with what's what anymore.

Dropped Black Bullet because if I don't care about anyone in it after 6 episodes I'm just wasting my own time. Also they started piling on the loli's.

Chaika ep 6: Also sort of piling on the loli's, but at least it's in an interesting way.

Haikyuu!! ep 7: Almost forgot about this one because there isn't really ever much to say about it, even if it's probably my favourite show of the bunch (after Mushishi) because it's just so darn fun to watch.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby drill » Sun May 18, 2014 4:51 pm

Atelier Escha & Logy ep 6 - SPOILER: Highlight text to read: That eating contest made Ep 6 all worth while XD

Black Bulet ep 6 - Wow, that ended on a suspenseful tone. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Really hope Enju is alright, as she is the only character I even care about

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou ep 7 - Everyone except Usa really annoys me, and this last episode really wasn't anything special either. I might put this on hold for a while.

Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? ep 6 - SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Lize trying to hide her identity was quite cute and funny :D The other parts were good, just not as good as that

Isshuukan Friends ep 7 - I really don't see how anyone could hate this anime. I kinda laughed at Hase for worrying too much :D

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei ep 7 - Honestly, from seeing everyone's posts, I think I might be the last one watching this that posts on this thread regularly. Anyway, this weeks episode was quite interesting SPOILER: Highlight text to read: after all, who doesn't want to see them raid a secret organization?, and the atmosphere for possible incest is pretty much gone now. (I never really felt it was there before, I felt like they were just making fun of it really)

Mekakucity Actors ep 6 - SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Seeing a full episode devoted to my favorite character was really cool to watch! Too bad she lost in that match though
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby MangaRocks! » Sun May 18, 2014 8:46 pm

No comments on Mushishi S2 and Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii because unfortunately they were both on break this week. :( However, I *can* comment on:

Ping Pong The Animation episode 5:

So much interesting goodness in this, from the Chinese player, to the guy who's so desperate to get Smile on his team that he's now alienating his other players, to Peco totally letting himself go, to the match between Smile and Sakuma (which was brutal, BTW-- guess Smile decided to stop losing on purpose now; and, while true, out-and-out telling Sakuma that he had no talent to his face was just... OUCH :pikka: ). Looking forward to next week! :thumb:

Mekakucity Actors episode 6:

Gotta say, I wholeheartedly LOVED this ep.! :jump: Finally, we're getting the backstory on SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Ene and Konoha, and oh my gosh is it good so far!! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Plus, it was really interesting to see the characters' interactions with each other back then. And then the whole end section-- it was so heartwarming and sweet at first... but I knew it was going to break my heart by the end. And it did. :sniffle: Quite looking forward to more!

And One Week Friends episode 7:

...Also, Shougo is still the best. :thumb: :grin:
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby GeneD » Mon May 19, 2014 5:35 am

MangaRocks! wrote:Ping Pong The Animation episode 5: the match between Smile and Sakuma (which was brutal, BTW-- guess Smile decided to stop losing on purpose now; and, while true, out-and-out telling Sakuma that he had no talent to his face was just... OUCH :pikka: ). Looking forward to next week! :thumb:

Mekakucity Actors episode 6:

Gotta say, I wholeheartedly LOVED this ep.! :jump: Finally, we're getting the backstory on SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Ene and Konoha, and oh my gosh is it good so far!! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Plus, it was really interesting to see the characters' interactions with each other back then. And then the whole end section-- it was so heartwarming and sweet at first... but I knew it was going to break my heart by the end. And it did. :sniffle: Quite looking forward to more!

About Ping Pong: Smile's attitude did almost a complete turnaround and I was a little confused because it seemed really sudden. Maybe I'm just forgetting something that happened that changed his mind/outlook.

About Mekakucity Actors: I totally didn't realise SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Haruka was Konoha until right at the end when they showed that drawing of him (Konoha). And I like "original" Ene a lot more than her digital self.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby KazeShiki » Mon May 19, 2014 6:15 am

drill wrote:Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei ep 7 - Honestly, from seeing everyone's posts, I think I might be the last one watching this that posts on this thread regularly. Anyway, this weeks episode was quite interesting SPOILER: Highlight text to read: after all, who doesn't want to see them raid a secret organization?, and the atmosphere for possible incest is pretty much gone now. (I never really felt it was there before, I felt like they were just making fun of it really)

Pretend incest never goes away and it's definitely not there as a joke as it's a major selling point of the series. But if it didn't bother you already, it won't bother you later.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby skreyola » Tue May 20, 2014 10:31 pm

Isshuukan Friends ep. 6: Loving this show. Interesting revelations. Especially that SPOILER: Highlight text to read: there's nothing wrong with her brain. Kaori's mom likes Hase-kun, or at least likes that he makes her daughter happy. She doesn't want him to be just a friend, I guess. Shougo is so funny, the way he's not putting any effort into anything but often has the wise-old-man lines. The title of the next episode is a little confusing. I wonder what it'll be about.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon May 26, 2014 11:22 am

Ping Pong The Animation episode 6:
GeneD wrote:Smile's attitude did almost a complete turnaround and I was a little confused because it seemed really sudden. Maybe I'm just forgetting something that happened that changed his mind/outlook.

^ As far as I can tell, it seems that Smile's 'robotic' nature... well... *is* his nature :sweat: , or at the *very* least has been ever since that bullying incident as a young kid (he was already being called a 'robot' when he was little); it's just that he'd kept it under fairly tight suppression until now.

As for the rest of this ep., just... wow. I am continually impressed by this series. The amount of character development in this one episode alone was excellent. As were the contrasts between the characters-- for instance, the really quite sad scene with Smile sitting alone, as well as the bit with Yurie and Kazama, contrasted with Kong reaching out and basically finding a new home, complete with lots of new friends, besides. (Speaking of which, I found pretty much every scene with Kong oddly adorable, LOL-- especially the wonton-making with his mother where everyone ended up helping out... <3 :grin: ) And that entire sequence with Sakuma and Peco was really something. (Though, as serious {and great!} as most of that was, I do have to admit that I totally cracked up at SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the big red arrow following Peco as Sakuma was chasing after him... :lol: ) Gimme next week!

Mushishi S2 episode 7:

I don't know how many more ways I can praise this series, LOL. Suffice it to say that this was as fantastic as always! :thumb:

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii episode 7:

Somehow I actually wasn't expecting this little arc with Bardouin to be a two-parter in the anime, but I think that works well for this section. Actually, I also found Bardouin a bit more amusing here than I did in the manga, probably due to his excellent seiyuu (in fact, my top-favorite-- Takahiro Sakurai! :jump: ) + the visual effects. :grin:

Mekakucity Actors episode 7:

Oh man... this episode made me tear up. Several times. :( SPOILER: Highlight text to read: No need to explain why; the beginning and end of the ep. speak for themselves. Although, I do have to mention that one of the lines in particular-- "Because even if you want to tell him and want to be with him, sometimes that's not enough"-- hit me fairly hard for personal reasons, too... :(

As sad as this ep. was, though, it was excellent. A few more specific comments: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Although yes, Takane was a lot more likeable before, her personality 'change' makes perfect sense now that we know she's doing it on purpose because of what Ayano said. And whoa-- looks like Kano has a surprisingly nasty streak in him. :pikka: Also: Calling it now, Kenjiro-sensei is either the husband/lover/whatever or a descendant of the 'monster' (who we have now finally caught a glimpse of in the main part of the show, not just the after-credits stories!), or the snake itself; although I'm betting on the former, since the husband was always shown in white (as opposed to the snake and 'monster' in black), and not only does Kenjiro like wearing that white coat, he also seemed to be working with the 'monster'/snake to get Takane and Haruka some new bodies (even if the latter unfortunately went really wrong due to Haruka's mistaken qualifier on his wish :( ). Or I could be totally wrong, of course, and he's just crazy, LOL. :sweat: Guess we'll see...

And One Week Friends episode 8:

LOL at that montage in the beginning. :grin: Also, I love the fact that this series' "beach" episode had absolutely zero fanservice whatsoever (which is, of course, perfectly fitting, considering just how sincerely cute and sweet and adorable this is). :grin: Oh, and I know I just keep saying how much I love Shougo, but... I really love Shougo! :lol: Finally: Whoa, that night sky was so gorgeous... :pikka: Now, all that said, if my suspicions are correct about the new character, it looks like SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the drama bomb is finally going to drop next week. :sweat: Here's hoping that it'll all turn out well by the finale, though! :)
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby drill » Mon May 26, 2014 12:33 pm

Atelier Escha & Logy ep 7- Wow... this episode really went downhill, but honestly, I wasn't all that surprised as most anime adaptions of games don't go so well.

Black Bullet ep 7 - This episode had good and bad points. The first half was kinda dull, and the second half was just action. The highlight of the episode was really at the end SPOILER: Highlight text to read: where Tina just shows up and says that she will be working with him for now on XD

Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou ep 8 - This anime is getting old really fast. It feels like if you have watched one episode, you've watched them all. If this is confirmed as a two cour anime, then I'll probably put it on hold for a long time.

Gochuumon wa Usagi Desu ka? ep 7 - This was a cute episode like usual. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Especially with Sharo begging the rabbit to move off of her stuff :lol:

Isshuukan Friends ep 8 - Wow, this episode was amazing as usual. Also, having Shougo being the only non-ignorant one is pretty funny :D SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Really hope that the new person doesn't create unnecessary drama.

Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei ep 8 - This episode was alright I guess. There wasn't really anything major, just a whole bunch of setting up for future episodes. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: If that flying spell has nothing to do with this arc, I'll be really upset as they spent 5-10 minutes in explanation of it

Mekakucity Actors ep 7 - This episode was everything I was expecting from this anime since the beginning of it. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I was really surprised at the events leading up to Takane becoming Ene though. Even though the teacher is most likely to blame, I'm not really sure what to think of him yet.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby GeneD » Tue May 27, 2014 11:59 am

Hitsugi no Chaika ep 7: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Chaika being mad at the end was so funny. I love how different all the heroes "endings" are, I somehow expected them all to be selfish and cruel like the first guy, but nope, one got sick and died without anyone knowing and another is completely disillusioned with the world and just gives up his magic source. It was funny when he was acting a little tsundere towards a dismembered arm though.

Mushishi Zoku Shou ep 7: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I worry about that woman when her rain predictions become more and more inaccurate and people depend on them like in this episode.

Mekakucity Actors ep 7: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: No teacher guy why are you evil? I wanted to like you! I mean I still do but anyway. Going from what MangaRocks! said, I always thought Kano was suspicious because of some of his scenes in the OP and I also think teacher guy is the Monster's lover. Now that I think about it, there are also scenes in the OP that maybe show some sort of connection between Mary and the Monster too.

Captain Earth ep 8: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I hope there's an explanation why Pitz has the power to sense the Kilt-gang or whatever they're called.

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep 7: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Ooh drama drama. It was interesting reading through the Crunchyroll comments on who thinks that Nike or Livi are at fault/over-reacting. Good episode, even if next week's preview kinda ruins the cliffhanger.

Haikyuu!! ep 8: Hinata gives the best speeches and the new characters are fantastic, can't wait to see more of what they can do.

Isshuukan Friends. ep 8: What a beautiful episode. Also yay Enoshima. I'm on Enoshima watch this season. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: New character = drama though amiright.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby GeneD » Sun Jun 01, 2014 10:33 am

Pardon the double post.

Hitsugi no Chaika ep 8: This episode felt a bit filler-esque, but it seems it will be back to business next week.

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders ep 2: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: The bit with the nurse and the pen was disturbing and the way the ladies have been portrayed so far makes me frown. I want Lisa Lisa back!

Ping Pong ep 8: Kong just has so much style, SPOILER: Highlight text to read: too bad Peco beat him this time around. Kazama is losing my interest fast because of his boatloads of angst and moping around when he has almost the least reason to angst out of any of the characters.

Captain Earth ep 9: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Don't mess with a magical girl. I hope Daichi gets over being called Captain because that joke is getting old.

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii ep 8: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I was sure Bard was gonna leave in the end again and was pleasantly surprised that Nike got him to patch things up with Livi, even though it might be just an excuse to have a running gag of him hitting on Nike and infuriating Livi. I must say, some of the instances where they abruptly hijack a touching scene with something randomly comedic doesn't really do it for me, although it wasn't so bad in this episode.

Mekakucity Actors ep 8: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Another great episode. Mary definitely goes on the Suspicious list.

Haikyuu!! ep 9: SPOILER: Highlight text to read: I bet the coach did not expect to walk into the Gym of Feels this episode, but it was hilarious that he's just going about giving orders and not really worried about all the drama undercurrents. I also like how it emphasises that yes, even though the 3rd years seem mature they're still just high school kids with issues not unlike those of their younger teammates.
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby MangaRocks! » Mon Jun 02, 2014 5:03 pm

Ping Pong The Animation episode 7:

LOL, that was one dramatic commercial. :grin: Also LOL at Peco's training, all of the 'love'/'couple' metaphors, all that Engrish, and Peco's family. :lol: And nice character development again, too! SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Though, that knee thing with Peco + Peco and Smile's seemingly-inevitable match looks like it's pretty obviously going to be a parallel to Smile's coach's story...

No Mushishi S2 this week again...? What is going on... :(

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii episode 8:

Loved this episode's adaptation. :) Next up: The start of the visit-to-Nike's-country arc! (And that one I *know* is going to take multiple episodes. :) )

Mekakucity Actors episode 8:

Explanation! :thumb: And it made a lot of sense, too. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Random comments: I have to say, I really liked the stained-glass images behind the characters during the explanation of their deaths (or almost-deaths, whatever :P ). Also: "How much crazier is this day gonna get?" = famous last words, LOL. :sweat: :grin: It made for a superb ED, though! And speaking of that ED: Oh man... I figured something had to be up with Marry. :pikka: Also, for some reason, now I'm thinking that there's not only multiple worlds/dimensions (as this ep.'s portion of the 'monster'-story described) but also timelines involved? And back to Marry: Whether my speculation about Kenjirou being the lover of the 'monster' is correct or not (I'm not so sure now, but it's still a possibility), I'm almost *positive* that *Marry*, at least, is the/a *descendant* of the 'monster' (well, either that or the body of the 'monster' got split like Haruka's)-- I mean, from what I could tell, she not only seemed to have something to do with the world/timeline/whatever + Shintaro's-eye-power stuff, she even apparently has some weird retractable (bone?) wing-like things, and IIRC didn't the 'monster' in the story have wings sometimes, too? Man, I am really looking forward to rewatching this, especially after experiencing the source songs, so I can catch everything for sure!

And One Week Friends episode 9:

...Yep, I knew it. SPOILER: Highlight text to read: That jerk (to put it mildly!) of a new kid (or, rather, old kid...) ruined her progress! Aargh! :( :mutter: :bootout: (And man, even knowing that was most likely going to happen, it was still frustrating. :shady: ) ...That aside, though :sweat: , I *did* love the rest of the ep. :) All of the Yuuki x Kaori stuff (until the end, I mean :P ) was super sweet (plus that "It's a miracle," LOL!), Kaori's mom was (still) hilariously awesome :grin: , Shougo was Shougo (i.e. = best! :thumb: ), oh, and speaking of-- Shougo x Saki FTW! <3 <3 :grin:
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Re: [Spring 2014] Season of Sakura

Postby blkmage » Mon Jun 02, 2014 7:13 pm

Mushishi's production is essentially in trouble because the staff set their standards too high for the time and resources that they've been given.
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