drill wrote:ClaecElric4God wrote:Wait, this is the first time you've seen it?
I grew up with Jurassic Park, watching it at much too young of an age, in my opinion.
Yes, this is the first time I have ever seen it. My parents were very cautious of what I watched, even now, I watched it with clearplay as I don't take bloody scenes too well. I don't know how you could have watched this at 'too young of an age' as it is quite a disturbing film.
MomentOfInertia wrote:On closer inspection some of the writing is a bit cheesier than I originally thought, and the "analog" bit still drives me up the wall for technical reasons
Ante Bellum wrote:MomentOfInertia wrote:On closer inspection some of the writing is a bit cheesier than I originally thought, and the "analog" bit still drives me up the wall for technical reasons
I swear you've already seen Giant Robo.
MomentOfInertia wrote:Ante Bellum wrote:MomentOfInertia wrote:On closer inspection some of the writing is a bit cheesier than I originally thought, and the "analog" bit still drives me up the wall for technical reasons
I swear you've already seen Giant Robo.
I have seen it. (Ought to watch it again come to think of it...)
And I know the parallel being drawn; my problem is the way the reference is made, I know the point line was supposed to make, and it makes sense that things would work that way within that world*. I take issue with the way the line was phrased, it needed to be buried under at least one more level of technobable.
I think the real issue might be that my popcorn-sci-fi started using terms I know and is using them wrong.
*Headcannon justification:
SPOILER: Highlight text to read: Gypsy used a nuclear Fission reactor for power whereas the others were powered by nuclear Fusion systems. When the EMP went off, every electronic system within range crashed. On board Gypsy this was a nuisance, no more, the fusion reactor(fission being a reaction that continues whether or not anyone is watching it) continued to provide power as the computers came back up. On the others though, when the systems controlling the fusion reaction cut out the reaction itself decayed very quickly (fusion being a reaction that is very delicate and contrived at any scale smaller than a star), and there was nothing to restart the computers, or the reaction with.
Mark VI Jaeger's will fix this weakness by a) going back to fission power, b) shielding their power cores, c) fitting a secondary power system with enough energy to cold-start the entire Jeager, or d) some combination thereof.
Either that or the wave shattered all the dilithium crystals in the city, whatever floats your boat. (or should that be 'powers your robot/mecha/Jeager' in this case)
the_wolfs_howl wrote:Most recently, I rewatched Court Jester, which is just as fun as ever"The pellet with the poison is in the vessel with the pestle...."
Mullet Death wrote:Watched The Croods with my parents and grandparents, which was an enjoyable family film. Nick Cage plays a good mid-life-crisis caveman. Perhaps it was typecasting?
DecooPunk wrote:I watched the newest Wolverine movie. I can't remember what it was actually called. I just remember that I completely hated it.
ClaecElric4God wrote:Yeah, I wouldn't watch it again. The only reason I watched it in the first place was because it was set in Japan, which I thought was awesome. I had fun seeing places and people and being like "that's totally Japanese looking, awesome!" and listening to the Japanese voices and loving it. But overall, I kind of hated it too.
SierraLea wrote:Just finished Ender's Game. For the limited amount of time they had, they covered all the important points, still portrayed some of Ender's agony, and cut all the other characters short. Oh well, can't have everything. I thought it was pretty good!
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