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Postby Yami » Sat Nov 02, 2013 8:24 pm

I'm not trying to say that it's not all well and good that you cleared the game in one day. I mean, if that's what you're into then more power to you. Using only pokeballs certainly adds a degree of difficulty to an already easy game, and while I can't say I'd use time to do things that way, I once again say that if that's what you're into, then more power to you. Regarding your difficulties with Mewtwo, they have a TM for that called False Swipe. False Swipe can't lower a pokemon to less than 1 HP, making it ideal to help catch pokemon.

I'm currently trying to catch mewtwo as well. Not to hard but if you want to make things a little easier bring along a pokemon with heal block to help deal with his recover.
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Postby everdred12a » Sat Nov 02, 2013 10:56 pm

Yami wrote:I'm currently trying to catch mewtwo as well. Not to hard but if you want to make things a little easier bring along a pokemon with heal block to help deal with his recover.

Lol, I had Mewtwo kill himself twice with struggle due to really horribly bad RNG with catching him. I was really upset that they made Mewtwo so difficult to catch after Yveltal was so ridiculously easy.
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Postby Nate » Sun Nov 03, 2013 4:45 am

drill wrote:Just caught the legendary pokemon in Y, and I have to say that this is the easiest legendary to catch ever. I got its hp down to yellow in two moves (would have been one if it wasnt for oblivion wing), and through one normal pokeball and caught it. To be honest, I was looking for more of a challenge than that.

It's probably the same as other legendaries that were story important in previous gens (Dialga, Palkia, Reshiram, Zekrom) and has a catch rate of 45 as opposed to the catch rate of 3 that legendaries usually have.
everdred12a wrote:GF changed that in g2 (and maybe even in Yellow, I can't remember) and put a cap on EVs, though you still had to max them pre-100 or you wouldn't get the most of them and this method carried over into every subsequent generation until the current one.

Only partially true. In Gen II and Ruby/Sapphire, bonuses from EVs were only applied when a Pokemon leveled up. This had the problem of if you had a Pokemon that was already level 100 before it gained its EVs, it wouldn't gain the bonuses...except for Deoxys, whose stats were recalculated after every battle regardless of its level, meaning a level 100 Deoxys could still gain EV bonuses. In Emerald, eating one of the EV reducing berries or using vitamins would recalculate stats as well. So you could still get EVs for a Pokemon, take a hit to the last handful of EVs and still get the bonuses.

Starting in Gen V though, EVs are applied at the end of every battle, so even level 100 Pokemon can still get the boosts.
Using only pokeballs certainly adds a degree of difficulty to an already easy game

Using Pokeballs just reduces the chances that the RNG will roll in your favor though, that isn't difficulty, any more than pulling the arm on a slot machine is difficult just because the chances are low that it'll pay out. I know people just like using regular Pokeballs and that's cool, I can understand that, but calling it "difficulty" or "challenge" is really inaccurate.
Yami wrote:I'm currently trying to catch mewtwo as well. Not to hard but if you want to make things a little easier bring along a pokemon with heal block to help deal with his recover.

Meh, Venusaur with Sleep Powder and Dusk Balls did the trick for me. Or was it Timer Balls, can't remember. I caught Mewtwo pretty quickly actually. Now Zygarde, that took me my entire stock of Dusk Balls and almost all of my Timer Balls despite it being in the red and asleep most of the time. Sometimes you just don't luck out with the RNG.

Though I hear that using Capture Power Lv. 3 and tossing a Quick Ball at the start of battle is almost guaranteed to be a capture even on a legendary. Haven't tried it though, since my Capture Power is only level 2. I could use it on Moltres but roaming legendaries just frustrate me. It's even worse this time since they literally do not give you a chance to do anything before it flees the first time you encounter it.

So is it just me or am I the only one who's really disappointed with the clothing choices playing as the guy trainer? It's like, all you get is a shirt, a jacket, or a different kind of shirt. And your pants choices are pants, or shorts...not even proper shorts either. It's all really same-y aside from color. The women's clothing options look WAY better in comparison and I'm bummed that as the guy trainer I can't buy them. I mean okay even putting aside the whole skirt thing, what's wrong with the guy trainer being able to wear stuff like that vest that Okami's character is wearing? It's annoying. I'm also not particularly fond of any of the hats. I kinda like the knit caps but that's about it.

Also my insane quest to breed the best Yanma I can ended in success today, as I now have a Compound Eyes Yanma with perfect IVs in everything but attack (attack being worthless for Yanmega so not important). I gotta say even with all the great stuff they added to make breeding for perfect stats easier (Destiny Knot wooooo) it was still really time consuming, took me about 30 or so eggs to get what I wanted. It seems like Destiny Knot will allow IVs to be "overwritten" so to speak as both the parents had perfect IVs in four stats apiece, and I would still get offspring with only two perfect IVs. Which must mean that the Destiny Knot can pick the same stat from both parents, which sucks. Still, it's definitely easier than in previous generations, no question. And of course I'm one of the lucky ducks who has a friend safari with Dittos.

So, speaking of which. What do people have in their friend safaris? My 3DS friends list is getting pretty full so I guess I'm being kinda picky about who I add, I just don't want to add like a sixth water safari with Frogadier/Wooper/Corphish. I'll give out my friend code later (and pick out a few when I check the thread again), but if anyone is interested in a safari with Mawile/Skarmory/Bronzong I'm your man.

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Yami » Sun Nov 03, 2013 9:36 am

everdred12a wrote:
Yami wrote:I'm currently trying to catch mewtwo as well. Not to hard but if you want to make things a little easier bring along a pokemon with heal block to help deal with his recover.

Lol, I had Mewtwo kill himself twice with struggle due to really horribly bad RNG with catching him. I was really upset that they made Mewtwo so difficult to catch after Yveltal was so ridiculously easy.

I haven't had to much trouble but I'm just looking for a speed nature so I'm on attempt #9 - 10 ish (successfully catches.... several accidental KO's in addition to that tho.)
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Postby Xeno » Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:17 am

I've apparently streetpassed with someone with Pokemon X or Y, but my game isn't acknowledging that it happened. No holocaster message or anything, but I got a notification on the 3DS stating I had 1/99 streetpasses and there is now a permanent green dot on the game card icon on the system menu.
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Postby everdred12a » Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:38 pm

Nate wrote:And of course I'm one of the lucky ducks who has a friend safari with Dittos.

I haven't used this site in like two or three years, so I don't know how the mods feel about Reddit. However, the FriendSafari subreddit is a pretty good community that is usually more than willing to add you even if you don't have something they need. I've managed to get pretty much every pokemon that I've used for breeding this way, including several dittos with 3 or 4 IVs that are at 31. The only real luck you'll need to get a Ditto safari there is luck enough that your post won't get buried in a mound of a hundred others all begging for dittos.

That said, mine is for Druddigon, Gabite, and Shelgon.
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Postby Okami » Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:35 pm

I'm officially Champion of Kalos, and have learned my Friend Safari is Dark type and I have Nuzleaf and Crawdaunt. My third is currently unknown.
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Postby Nate » Sun Nov 10, 2013 11:27 pm

Okami wrote:I'm officially Champion of Kalos, and have learned my Friend Safari is Dark type and I have Nuzleaf and Crawdaunt. My third is currently unknown.

I'll add you real quick and find out, if you're still around. My FC is 2836-1372-5361

EDIT: Guess you're not, but I added you anyway, whenever we're online at the same time I'll pop into your safari so I can see your third. Glad to hear you have Crawdaunt! I have one in another safari but dude is never online so I have no chance to get an Adaptability one from him.

Ezekiel 23:20
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Postby Okami » Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:06 am

Nate wrote:
Okami wrote:I'm officially Champion of Kalos, and have learned my Friend Safari is Dark type and I have Nuzleaf and Crawdaunt. My third is currently unknown.

I'll add you real quick and find out, if you're still around. My FC is 2836-1372-5361

EDIT: Guess you're not, but I added you anyway, whenever we're online at the same time I'll pop into your safari so I can see your third. Glad to hear you have Crawdaunt! I have one in another safari but dude is never online so I have no chance to get an Adaptability one from him.

Added you too. Hopefully we'll catch each other online at some point.

Went through and finally added everyone on this thread, too. See you all in Kalos! :thumb:
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Postby Nate » Mon Nov 11, 2013 12:36 pm

Oh yeah if anyone else wants to add me then post and say so, I'll add you back if you do.

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Postby Xeno » Tue Nov 12, 2013 12:34 am

Nate wrote:Oh yeah if anyone else wants to add me then post and say so, I'll add you back if you do.

Added you.
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Postby Nate » Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:46 pm

Okami wrote:Added you too. Hopefully we'll catch each other online at some point.

Went through and finally added everyone on this thread, too. See you all in Kalos! :thumb:

Well you need to actually get online at some point in time for that to happen. :p

Man I'm still missing like five Vivillon patterns and they're all the really rare ones, ugh.

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Postby Okami » Fri Nov 15, 2013 4:11 pm

Nate wrote:
Okami wrote:Added you too. Hopefully we'll catch each other online at some point.

Went through and finally added everyone on this thread, too. See you all in Kalos! :thumb:

Well you need to actually get online at some point in time for that to happen. :p

Man I'm still missing like five Vivillon patterns and they're all the really rare ones, ugh.

Sorry. I've been really busy lately... NaNoWriMo and all that jazz. :sweat:
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Postby raider~joseph » Sun Dec 01, 2013 10:39 am

Ladies and gents. Just when Ralts couldn't get any cooler. FAIRY TYPE!

Also my code is: 506948866813
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Postby Yami » Mon Dec 30, 2013 12:53 pm

Anyone wana battle?
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Postby drill » Mon Dec 30, 2013 1:44 pm

Yami wrote:Anyone wana battle?

Perhaps a level 50 all battle. I haven't played in a while so, my levels aren't that high (around mid 50s). I have to go to work in a few minutes, but if you are available at 10:30 PM EST tonight, I can fight you. Otherwise, sometime tomorrow morning would work.

I'm also up for fighting anyone else that wants to fight.
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