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does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

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does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Never thirsty! » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:04 pm

like the books or cards or music you find in a secular store I hate it because Christianity isn't a "religion" it's a relationship with the Creator that we get by His son's death and resurrection it's a gift whereas in religion you have to work for your your relationship with Him and........ uhhh.........last time I checked you can't religion tries to make you "good person" none exists because all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God" and God understands that so He is not going to let us just perish in vain He loves us too much
//(this means comment for anyone who isn't an aspiring programmer like me or pro programmer that sounds so weird)

// anyway sorry if this sounds like a first time hearing the good news lecture but it's truthful.

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so that's why I hate that what are your thoughts?
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Xeno » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:12 pm

Christianity is a religion. It is a set of doctrines and dogmas based around the concept of a deity. The doctrine of that religion may define itself however, but it is a religion. Judaism is a religion, Christianity birthed from it. You can't have a religion create an offshoot based around the same core deity (but with more stuff tacked on) and say it isn't a religion.

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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Nate » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:16 pm

re·li·gion [ri-lij-uhn]


1. a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.

2. a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.

3.the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.

Seems like Christianity fits the definition of the word "religion" to me.

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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby mechana2015 » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:49 pm

No, because expecting a non christian or areligious organization such as a company to understand or acknowledge the internal christian perspective (or make it it's own special section of a store) is unnecessary and ridiculous. They place all religious groups on the same category regardless of their internal categorization, because it would be impractical to do otherwise.

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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Yuki-Anne » Tue Aug 06, 2013 6:53 pm

1 Timothy 5:4
But if a widow has children or grandchildren, these should learn first of all to put their religion into practice by caring for their own family and so repaying their parents and grandparents, for this is pleasing to God.

James 1:26
Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight rein on their tongues deceive themselves, and their religion is worthless.

James 1:27
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

Umm... yeah, let's call it a religion, because that's what the Bible calls it.

Also, if we're going to complain about the religious section at Wal-Mart, why don't we talk about how most "Christian" products are just bland commercialism devoid of any true worship? I'd rather draw parallels between the religious section at Wal-Mart and how Jesus threw money-changers out of the temple. We've turned "worship" into a market, and that's what bothers me more than the semantics of "religion" and "relationship."

// I will be using "//" instead of parentheses for a while so bear with me

No. Okay? No. I'm not trying to insult you or anything, but you have no idea how stupid that post looks. Nobody communicates with programming "grammar" or whatever you call it. My dad's been a career programmer for decades and he still writes messages and letters for people with regular, accepted English grammar. I mean, you wouldn't apply for a job as a programmer and write your cover letter like this, would you? If you're smart, you would not. So please write like an educated human being.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Mullet Death » Tue Aug 06, 2013 8:09 pm

Well I personally don't think following a "religion" is such a bad thing. Sure, we're saved by grace and all that, but that doesn't make what we do and believe any less a religion. The problem may be that a cultural one I guess. "Religion" has become a bad word, both because of secularism and the movement to be "spiritual but not religious." I think I get what you're trying to say but I've never really agreed with that kind of thinking and in the end it's just semantics.

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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby K. Ayato » Tue Aug 06, 2013 9:49 pm

Some bookstores (like Barnes & Noble) will have shelves for books under the category "Christian Living" or "Christian Fiction". I know the local library here just categorizes Christian novels as "Religious", but it's interesting that the symbol on the books' spine that they use for classification is a cross. Just saying.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Nate » Tue Aug 06, 2013 10:04 pm

Mullet Death wrote:Well I personally don't think following a "religion" is such a bad thing. Sure, we're saved by grace and all that, but that doesn't make what we do and believe any less a religion. The problem may be that a cultural one I guess. "Religion" has become a bad word, both because of secularism and the movement to be "spiritual but not religious." I think I get what you're trying to say but I've never really agreed with that kind of thinking and in the end it's just semantics.

I've also seen it used as a dig against Catholics, because Catholicism has a lot of ritual and stuff in it, and therefore Catholics aren't "real" Christians because they have to follow a bunch of rules and stuff. It goes well with people like Jack Chick who love to claim that Catholicism is actually a false church run by Satan.

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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Never thirsty! » Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:36 am

//(not a comment) is normal language...... in JavaScript but I guess it does seem weird srry
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Yuki-Anne » Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:01 am

I'm not saying it's not a language. I am saying it is not an acceptable language for normal communication that is not related to programming, which is exactly what this thread is. It makes you look like you're trying to show off something which isn't that impressive in the first place, and it doesn't work in a non-programming setting. Give it a rest, buddy. I have no idea what you're trying to accomplish but it's just distracting. It works about as well as if you insisted on starting every sentence you vocalized with "Glipzadorf."
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Furen » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:29 am

It seems to bother me, but I really don't see why, I guess it's because people use it as a curse word now, that's likely why I don't like it... But over all, not really.

It's like that spoken word video on YouTube about "Why I Hate Religion, But Love Jesus" I think that was a huge focal point on people brush off "religion", it doesn't mean we don't have a relationship with Christ though, so I don't see the big deal, just have your relationship as the forefront of your religion in Christ (or however you choose to say your beliefs).
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby ClaecElric4God » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:51 am

I'm gonna have to agree with people here, specifically Xeno and mech. I understand what you're saying, and to some extent I agree with you. But my pet peeve is when Christians discussing their relationship with Christ amongst themselves use the word "religion". Because yes, my walk with God is so much more than just the rules and laws that comprise my religion.
But that's what it is. It's something deeper than my religion, that is within my religion. I still have a religion. It's when Christians consider themselves religious because they follow a set of rules, but put no emphasis on a walk with God; that's what bothers me.
But like Xeno said, "Christianity" is still a religion. And as mech said, altough there are different branches of "Christianity" that have different beliefs and ideas, the world doesn't recognize that, and it's not really their job to. They get a book referring to a deity or a set of laws based on one or another holy book, or even just literature focusing on moral standards; and they put it on a shelf marked "religion", because they don't really care what's inside it.
Like you said, it's a "secular" store. I'd be more irritated if a Christian bookstore failed to categorize books more specifically.
This isn't exactly the best comaprison, but it's kind of like a Border Collie owner throwing a fit because the bookstore just has a section marked "Dogs", and doesn't have a section specifically marked "Border Collies". It's not the bookstore's job to study into Christianity and realize that there's so much more to our beliefs than just "religion".
So, initially I wanted to agree with you and say "Yeah, that's really annoying that they lump us in with all the other religions.". But the truth is, we do have a religion (that we shouldn't neglect on the premise of "I don't have to follow rules, the grace of God covers me!"), and so yes, our books are going to fit into that category, and it's not something to get mad at a secular bookstore over.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby K. Ayato » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:57 am

Or maybe you're upset 'cause you actually have to comb through "religious" books on a shelf at a "secular" bookstore before you find one that fits your particular approach to Christianity. If that's the case, get over it and get used to sorting through books and/or various shelves to find the book you're looking for.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Okami » Wed Aug 07, 2013 9:58 am

Never thirsty! wrote:like the books or cards or music you find in a secular store I hate it because Christianity isn't a "religion" it's a relationship with the Creator that we get by His son's death and resurrection it's a gift....<snip>

so that's why I hate that what are your thoughts?

Better than Christian books being put in the "relationships" section of a secular bookstore? *shudders*
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Atria35 » Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:26 pm

ClaecElric4God wrote:Like you said, it's a "secular" store. I'd be more irritated if a Christian bookstore failed to categorize books more specifically.
This isn't exactly the best comaprison, but it's kind of like a Border Collie owner throwing a fit because the bookstore just has a section marked "Dogs", and doesn't have a section specifically marked "Border Collies". It's not the bookstore's job to study into Christianity and realize that there's so much more to our beliefs than just "religion".
So, initially I wanted to agree with you and say "Yeah, that's really annoying that they lump us in with all the other religions.". But the truth is, we do have a religion (that we shouldn't neglect on the premise of "I don't have to follow rules, the grace of God covers me!"), and so yes, our books are going to fit into that category, and it's not something to get mad at a secular bookstore over.

I have to repost this because I completely agree with the dog example. Whatever you might personally feel, the definition of the word religion inherently means that Christianity is a religion.

On a relate note, since the nexus of your anger is about how a Christians' relationship with god supposedly differentiates it from other religions, I'm also going to say you (and a bunch of other posters in this thread) have a bit of a mixture of ignorance and arrogance about other religions, saying that other religions don't have a deep and personal relationship with their god (or gods, as the case may be). This is not true. My friends who are pagan speak and pray and relate to their god (gods in most cases) in the exact same ways that I see most Christians on here do. It's not true of all religions, to have that, but there are plenty practitioners of various ones that do, and to say or assume that they don't simply because they are a different religion shows a good deal of ignorance about other religions. So even by the standards of personal relationships by god, there couldn't be a separation in the store.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Yuki-Anne » Wed Aug 07, 2013 4:38 pm

Atria35 wrote:On a relate note, since the nexus of your anger is about how a Christians' relationship with god supposedly differentiates it from other religions, I'm also going to say you (and a bunch of other posters in this thread) have a bit of a mixture of ignorance and arrogance about other religions, saying that other religions don't have a deep and personal relationship with their god (or gods, as the case may be). This is not true. My friends who are pagan speak and pray and relate to their god (gods in most cases) in the exact same ways that I see most Christians on here do. It's not true of all religions, to have that, but there are plenty practitioners of various ones that do, and to say or assume that they don't simply because they are a different religion shows a good deal of ignorance about other religions. So even by the standards of personal relationships by god, there couldn't be a separation in the store.

Well said.

I think separating the two words is a futile exercise that demonstrates a lack of understanding of either word. In a way I think that religion is the word we use to describe our relationship to God. They're not diametrically opposed. I mean, think about it. How do religions form? Because a person or a group of people believe that there is a god or gods, and they create (or believe that God creates) a system of beliefs and behaviors that describe and define how they relate to that deity. "Religion" is how we cultivate and nurture our relationship with God. Saying that they're two different things is like saying, "I don't have a marriage, I have a relationship with my spouse."
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Ally-Ann » Thu Aug 08, 2013 1:13 pm

I'm just going to echo what everyone else has said: Christianity is a religion. Sure, we Christians believe that we have a relationship with God, but that doesn't make Christianity not a religion.

So, no. I don't hate that Christian items in a store are labeled "religious" sometimes. Is Christianity supposed to get special treatment from all the other religions (or lack of) simply because you don't want to believe that it's a religion itself?
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Nate » Fri Aug 09, 2013 2:52 pm

Atria35 wrote:On a relate note, since the nexus of your anger is about how a Christians' relationship with god supposedly differentiates it from other religions, I'm also going to say you (and a bunch of other posters in this thread) have a bit of a mixture of ignorance and arrogance about other religions, saying that other religions don't have a deep and personal relationship with their god (or gods, as the case may be).

Second. I have a good friend who is Muslim, and if you tried telling her that Christianity was different from religion because it was a "relationship" her response would be that she has a very strong relationship with Allah, does that make Islam suddenly not a religion now?

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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Sat Aug 10, 2013 11:44 pm

Nate wrote:
Atria35 wrote:On a relate note, since the nexus of your anger is about how a Christians' relationship with god supposedly differentiates it from other religions, I'm also going to say you (and a bunch of other posters in this thread) have a bit of a mixture of ignorance and arrogance about other religions, saying that other religions don't have a deep and personal relationship with their god (or gods, as the case may be).

Second. I have a good friend who is Muslim, and if you tried telling her that Christianity was different from religion because it was a "relationship" her response would be that she has a very strong relationship with Allah, does that make Islam suddenly not a religion now?

Personally I think Sufism is far closer to the truth than Evangelical Christianity is.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Peanut » Sun Aug 11, 2013 7:35 pm

I personally have a major problem with Christian items in stores being called religious. They should be called "Inspirational" instead.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby USSRGirl » Sun Aug 11, 2013 9:34 pm

I get sad when I see buddhas in the dollar bin at Walmart and no one will give them a home. Poor chubby lil guys.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby PandaPop » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:25 pm

I saw a figurine last year around Christmas of Santa holding baby Jesus lol, wasn't quite sure what to think about it but it gave me a good laugh.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Ally-Ann » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:38 pm

PandaPop wrote:I saw a figurine last year around Christmas of Santa holding baby Jesus lol, wasn't quite sure what to think about it but it gave me a good laugh.

... Are you sure it was specifically baby Jesus? Babies are also symbols of the new year.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Yuki-Anne » Sun Aug 11, 2013 10:41 pm

PandaPop wrote:I saw a figurine last year around Christmas of Santa holding baby Jesus lol, wasn't quite sure what to think about it but it gave me a good laugh.

Some kid got a REAL surprise at Christmas.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby PandaPop » Mon Aug 12, 2013 1:35 am

Ally-Ann wrote:
... Are you sure it was specifically baby Jesus? Babies are also symbols of the new year.

Yeah there was no mistaking it was baby Jesus, you especially knew because there was also a painting of the same version santa looking at an entire manger with the same version of baby Jesus lol.

Yuki-Anne wrote:
Some kid got a REAL surprise at Christmas.

Omgosh I didn't even think of it like that! You just made it even more funny :D
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Xeno » Mon Aug 12, 2013 12:17 pm

PandaPop wrote:
Ally-Ann wrote:
... Are you sure it was specifically baby Jesus? Babies are also symbols of the new year.

Yeah there was no mistaking it was baby Jesus, you especially knew because there was also a painting of the same version santa looking at an entire manger with the same version of baby Jesus lol.

I was hoping that maybe you could tell because baby Jesus had a beard. I like to believe that Jesus always had a totally rad beard.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby PandaPop » Mon Aug 12, 2013 3:01 pm

Xeno wrote:I was hoping that maybe you could tell because baby Jesus had a beard. I like to believe that Jesus always had a totally rad beard.

Its possible there was a beard :lol:
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby seaglass27 » Thu Aug 22, 2013 11:29 am

I for one believe that all Christian merchandise should be labelled as "Relationship With the Creator That We Get By His Son's Death and Resurrection" items.

Seriously though, the whole religion/relationship controversy is just fundie semantics.
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby PandaPop » Thu Aug 22, 2013 10:14 pm

Otaku Jordan wrote:I for one believe that all Christian merchandise should be labelled as "Relationship With the Creator That We Get By His Son's Death and Resurrection" items.

Seriously though, the whole religion/relationship controversy is just fundie semantics.

Haha I would totally be okay with it being labeled that way! I actually just read something that said, true Christianity is the opposite of Religion, Religion is finite man trying to reach an infinite God, while Christianity is and infinite God reaching down to earth to touch man. I thought that was really neat and really true :)
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Re: does anyone else hate it that Christian items you find in the store arevalways called "religious"?

Postby Nate » Fri Aug 23, 2013 2:51 pm

PandaPop wrote:I actually just read something that said, true Christianity is the opposite of Religion, Religion is finite man trying to reach an infinite God, while Christianity is and infinite God reaching down to earth to touch man. I thought that was really neat and really true :)

But that isn't true at all. Or at the very least it's only true of certain religions. I know Greek/Roman paganism for example definitely had a bunch of deities who were total jerks and people tried to gain their favor and who knows if the gods would listen or not. But there are other religions such as Islam or Bahá'í that are certainly just as much God reaching down with love to man just as Christianity is.

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